====================================================================== Microsoft(R) Product Support Services Application Note (Text File) XE0800: MOST FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS ====================================================================== Revision Date: 7/93 16 Pages, No Disk The following information applies to Microsoft Excel, version 4.0. --------------------------------------------------------------------- | INFORMATION PROVIDED IN THIS DOCUMENT AND ANY SOFTWARE THAT MAY | | ACCOMPANY THIS DOCUMENT (collectively referred to as an Application | | Note) IS PROVIDED "AS IS" WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER | | EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE IMPLIED | | WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND/OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR | | PURPOSE. The user assumes the entire risk as to the accuracy and | | the use of this Application Note. This Application Note may be | | copied and distributed subject to the following conditions: 1) All | | text must be copied without modification and all pages must be | | included; 2) If software is included, all files on the disk(s) must | | be copied without modification (the MS-DOS(R) utility diskcopy is | | appropriate for this purpose); 3) All components of this | | Application Note must be distributed together; and 4) This | | Application Note may not be distributed for profit. | | Copyright (C) 1993 Microsoft Corporation. All Rights Reserved | | . | | Microsoft, Microsoft Press, and MS-DOS are registered trademarks | | and| Windows is a trademark of Microsoft Corporation. | | Apple, Macintosh, and TrueType are registered trademarks and Geneva | | is a trademark of Apple Computer, Inc. | | dBASE is a registered trademark of Borland International, Inc. | | DEC is a registered trademark of Digital Equipment Corporation. | | OS/2 is a registered trademark of International Business Machines | | Corporation. | | Helvetica and Times are registered trademarks of Lynotype AG and | | its subsidiaries. | | 1-2-3 and Lotus are registered trademarks of Lotus Development | | Corporation. | | Arial and Times New Roman are registered trademarks of The Monotype | | Corporation PLC. | | ORACLE is a registered trademark of Oracle Corporation. | | Q+E is a registered trademark of Pioneer Software Systems | | Corporation. | -------------------------------------------------------------------- OVERVIEW ======== This Application Note provides detailed responses to some of the most frequently asked questions about Microsoft Excel version 4.0. The questions, which were derived from polling members of the Microsoft Excel technical support staff, are broken into eight functional categories. These categories include, tips and tricks, printing, working with text files, formulas and functions, macros, workbooks, and working with other applications. Page number references are accurate ONLY in the printed application note; use them in this Knowledge Base article strictly as comparative reference points. Tips and Tricks 2 Editing Templates and Add-in Macros 2 Displaying Leading Zeros 2 Omitting the Last Three Digits in a Large Value 2 Cell Protection 3 Working with and Resolving Circular References 3 Finding a Circular Reference with the Worksheet Auditor 3 Entering Non-Keyboard Characters 4 Microsoft Excel for Windows 4 Microsoft Excel for the Macintosh 5 Creating a Custom Number Format with an Extended Character 5 Using the Keyboard to Move Around and Select Cells 6 Printing 7 Different Output/Different Printer 7 Microsoft Excel for Windows 7 Microsoft Excel for the Macintosh 7 Disappearing Page Breaks 8 Working with Text Files 8 Importing Text Files 8 Exporting Text Files 9 Tab- and Comma-Delimited Files 9 Space-Delimited Files (Flat Files) 10 Printing to a File 10 Formulas and Functions 10 Exact Match in a Lookup Table 10 Combining Cell Contents 11 LINEST() Function 11 Correlation Coefficient 12 Macros 12 Debugging Macros 12 Using the Step and Evaluate Commands 12 Using Key Commands to Evaluate Portions of a Macro Statement 12 Using Key Commands to View Values Returned by Macro Statements12 Running a Portion of the Macro 12 Learning More About Macros 13 Workbooks 13 Displaying Workbook Files 13 Copying Workbook Files 13 Charting 13 Adding New Series Information 13 Changing the Plotting Order 14 Adding a Second Y-Axis 14 Using Microsoft Excel with Other Applications 15 Microsoft Word 15 Microsoft Word Version 2.0 for Windows 15 Microsoft Word Versions 4.0, 5.0, and 5.1 for the Macintosh 15 Database Applications 16 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- TIPS AND TRICKS ================ EDITING TEMPLATES AND ADD-IN MACROS =================================== How can I open a template file or an add-in macro sheet so that I can edit it? To open a template file or an add-in macro sheet so that you can edit it, press SHIFT when you open the document: 1. From the File menu, choose Open. 2. In the Open dialog box, select the file you want to open and then press and hold down the SHIFT key and choose OK. DISPLAYING LEADING ZEROS ======================== How can I display leading zeros in a value such as a ZIP Code? By default, Microsoft Excel drops leading zeros. To display leading zeros in a value, create a custom number format using zeros as the format symbols. When you use a zero as a digit placeholder, Microsoft Excel displays the extra zero even when the number of significant digits is fewer than the number of placeholders in the number format. For example, to display leading zeros in a five-digit number: 1. Select the range of cells you want to format. 2. From the Format menu, choose Number. 3. In the Code box, type "00000" (without the quotation marks). 4. Choose OK. This custom number format will force all entries in the selected range to have five digits. For example, 1204 will be displayed as 01204, and 1 will be displayed as 00001. OMITTING THE LAST THREE DIGITS IN A LARGE VALUE ================================================ How can I display a value without its last three, six, or nine digits? In Microsoft Excel, you can display numbers with the last three, six, or nine digits omitted by creating a custom number format. The number will retain its value--it will just be displayed differently. Displaying a number this way is useful when you have a worksheet containing numbers that are very large and would therefore be more readable if they were expressed in some number of units, such as millions of dollars or thousands of dollars. To display values so that a limited number of digits appear: 1. From the Format menu, choose Number. 2. In the Code box, type 0,, where each comma represents three zeros. 3. Choose OK. With this number format applied, if you enter 60,893,232 in a cell formatted with this custom number format, it will be displayed as 61 (the millions are rounded up). However, calculations referencing that cell will use 60,893,232 as the value. If you enter a format of 0 in the Code box, 60,893,232 is displayed as 60893. If you want 60893 to be displayed with a comma, you can use the custom format #,###, (note the comma on the end). In this case, the number 60,893,232 will be displayed as 60,893. CELL PROTECTION =============== How can I lock or protect a specific area of cells on my worksheet? To format a cell with a cell protection status of locked or hidden or both, use the Cell Protection command on the Format menu. To enable the cell protection status, choose Protect Document from the Options menu. The default cell protection status for Microsoft Excel worksheets and macro sheets is Locked. This means that when you choose Protect Document from the Options menu, all the cells on your worksheet are locked and cannot be modified or formatted. To lock a specific range of cells but leave other cells unlocked, you must first select your entire worksheet and disable the locked protection status. To format a specific range to be locked: 1. Select the entire worksheet by choosing the Select All button to the left of the column headings. 2. From the Format menu, choose Cell Protection. 3. Clear the Locked check box and choose OK. 4. Select the range of cells you want to protect. 5. From the Format menu, choose Cell Protection. 6. Turn on the Locked option. Choose OK. 7. To enable document protection, choose Protect Document from the Options menu. Select the appropriate settings and choose OK. You cannot enter data in the locked cells until you choose the Unprotect Document command from the Options menu. NOTE: While you can enter data in the cells that are not locked, you will not be able to use any formatting options once document protection is enabled. To turn off document protection, choose Unprotect Document from the Options menu. WORKING WITH AND RESOLVING CIRCULAR REFERENCES ============================================== The status bar is displaying the message "Circular:," (where is an actual cell reference such as A1). What does this mean and how can I correct it? In Microsoft Excel, you can intentionally create formulas that depend on each other for their results. For example, if cell A1 contains the formula =B1 and cell B1 contains the formula =A1, a circular reference has been created because both formulas depend on each other for their answer. To calculate a circular reference, use the Iteration options in the Calculation Options dialog box (from the Options menu, choose Calculation). More commonly, circular references are not intentional and result from incorrect cell references in formulas or defined names. Microsoft Excel displays the message, "Circular:Cell Reference" in the status bar when an unresolved circular reference is on the active worksheet. If the message displays the word "Circular" by itself, an unresolved circular reference is on a worksheet that is currently open in Microsoft Excel. In this case, activate each open worksheet until the message displays a specific cell reference. Finding a Circular Reference with the Worksheet Auditor ------------------------------------------------------- When the worksheet that contains the circular reference is active, you can use the Worksheet Auditor add-in macro to isolate the cause: 1. From the File menu, choose Open. To load the Worksheet Auditor add- in macro in Microsoft Excel for Windows, change to the LIBRARY subdirectory (this directory should be located in the same directory where you installed Microsoft Excel); in Microsoft Excel for the Macintosh(R), change to the Macro Library folder (this folder should be located in the same folder where you installed Microsoft Excel). 2. In Microsoft Excel for Windows, select AUDIT.XLA. In Microsoft Excel for the Macintosh, select Worksheet Auditor. Choose OK. 3. From the Formula menu, choose Worksheet Auditor. 4. In the Worksheet Auditor dialog box, select Generate Audit Report and choose OK. 5. In the Audit Report dialog box, clear all the check boxes except Circular References. Choose OK. The time it takes to generate your Audit Report may vary depending on the number and complexity of the formulas in your worksheet. Once the Audit Report is complete, you'll have a complete list of all the flagged cells on your worksheet that are involved in the circular reference. You can use this list to sequentially check all the formulas and defined name references to locate the circular reference. ENTERING NON-KEYBOARD CHARACTERS ================================ How do I enter special characters, such as a trademark or degree symbol, in a cell? Many characters not available on your keyboard (extended characters) can be used in a Microsoft Excel worksheet. For example, you may be able to add a degree or trademark symbol or an exponent or other mathematical expression to your sheet. The characters that are available depend on the font you use to format a cell(s).You add extended characters to your sheet using key combinations. NOTE: If you are using Microsoft Windows 3.1, you can also copy extended characters from Character Map; if you are using Microsoft Excel for the Macintosh, you can copy them from the Key Caps desk accessory. Microsoft Excel does not support individual character formatting such as multiple fonts within the same cell. Your cell must be formatted with the same font that contains the extended character you want to use. For example, if your cell is formatted with the Arial(R) font (if you are using the Windows operating system) or with the Geneva(TM) font (if you are using a Macintosh computer), the extended characters you can enter in the cell must be part of the Arial or Geneva character set, respectively. To add special characters to your worksheet, follow the appropriate procedure below. Microsoft Excel for Windows --------------------------- If you are using Microsoft Windows version 3.1, you can determine what characters are contained within a font character set by opening Character Map, which is located in the Accessories group in Windows Program Manager, and selecting the appropriate font from the Font list. When you select a character, its code is displayed in the lower- right corner of the Character Map dialog box. This code will consist of the ALT key plus a 4-digit number beginning with zero (0). To enter a character in a worksheet, use one of the following two methods: - Use the character code in the lower-right corner of the Character Map dialog box. For example, if you are using the Arial font, the code for the degree symbol is ALT+0176. To enter the degree symbol in a cell on your worksheet, hold down the ALT key and type 0176 on the numeric keypad. If you are combining an extended character with other text or numbers, for example 10 degrees Celsius, type the number 10 and then hold down the ALT key and type 0176 on the numeric keypad, (if you have only a 3-digit code, you need to include the zero [0] at the beginning of the number.) Release the ALT key and type the letter C. IMPORTANT: For these procedures to work correctly, you must use the numbers on the numeric keypad. -or- - Copy the character from Character Map and paste it into a cell in your worksheet. To copy the character, select it in Character Map and then choose the Select button. This will place the character in the Characters To Copy box. Choose the Copy button. Next, activate your Microsoft Excel worksheet and select the cell into which you want to paste the character and choose Paste from the Edit menu or press CTRL+V. If you're combining the character with other text or numbers, type your text, press CTRL+V and then complete your text and press ENTER. NOTE: Character Map is not available in Microsoft Windows version 3.0. You can, however, use character codes in this version of Microsoft Windows. For a complete list of available characters and their codes, see page 568 of the "Microsoft Windows User's Guide" version 3.0. Microsoft Excel for the Macintosh --------------------------------- On the Macintosh, to determine what characters are contained within a particular font set, open the Key Caps desk accessory (located on the Apple(R) menu). Key Caps contains an on-screen keyboard and a box that will display whatever keys you select from the keyboard. You can change the Key Caps font by choosing a new font from the Key Caps menu. Initially, the keyboard displays all your normal keys. By pressing and holding down the CONTROL, COMMAND, OPTION, and SHIFT keys individually and in combination, the on-screen keyboard will display the extended characters that are part of the particular font set. To enter an extended character in your worksheet, use one of the following two methods: - In your worksheet, use the key combination that displays the character on the Key Caps keyboard. For example, if you are using the Geneva font, a degree symbol is displayed on the 8 key when you hold down the OPTION and SHIFT keys while in Key Caps. To enter the degree symbol in your worksheet, use the following key combination in the cell where you want the symbol to appear: OPTION+SHIFT+8 If you are combining an extended character with other text or numbers, for example 10 degrees Celsius, type the number 10 and then hold down the OPTION and SHIFT keys simultaneously and press 8. Release the OPTION, SHIFT, and 8 keys and type the letter C. -or- - To copy and paste the character into a cell, do the following: 1. In Key Caps, type the key combination sequence required to display the character on the Key Caps keyboard. This will display the character on the display line. 2. From the Edit menu, choose Copy or press COMMAND+C. 3. Switch to Microsoft Excel, select the cell into which you want to paste the extended character in and choose Paste from the Edit menu or press COMMAND+V. Or, if you're combining the character with other text or numbers, type your text, press COMMAND+V and then complete your text and press RETURN. Creating a Custom Number Format with an Extended Character ---------------------------------------------------------- When you enter an extended character directly in a cell with or without other numbers or text, the entry will always be entered as text. If you want the entry to be treated as a value (for example, to add or average a series of temperatures), create a custom number format: 1. Select the range of cells you want to format. 2. From the Format menu, choose Number. 3. Follow the appropriate procedure for your version of Microsoft Excel: - If you are using Microsoft Excel for Windows, type 0 (zero) in the Code box, and then hold down the ALT key and type 0176 on the numeric keypad. Release the ALT key and type the letter C. - If you are using Microsoft Excel for the Macintosh, type 0 (zero) in the Code box, and then hold down the OPTION and SHIFT keys while typing 8. Release the OPTION and SHIFT keys and type the letter C. When you enter a value in one of the selected cells, it will be followed by a degree symbol and the letter c. Note that if you are using a custom number format for an exponent such as 2 squared, the exponent portion is treated as text and thereby ignored in any calculation. For example, 2 squared plus 2 squared will calculate to 4 squared. Only the 2's are added and the cell containing the sum takes its number format from the cells being added, resulting in the exponent of 2 being appended to the sum. USING THE KEYBOARD TO MOVE AROUND AND SELECT CELLS =================================================== What are some keyboard shortcuts for moving and selecting areas on my worksheet? The following table lists some common keyboard shortcuts for moving and selecting areas on a worksheet. Keys that must be pressed sequentially are separated by a comma; keys that must be pressed at the same time are separated by a plus sign. In a few cases, there are two key combinations that perform the same action. NOTE: If the Alternate Navigation Keys option is turned on, some of these keyboard shortcuts will behave differently. To turn off Alternate Navigation Keys, choose Workspace from the Options menu and clear the Alternate Navigation Keys check box. To do this In Windows press On the Macintosh press ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Move to the beginning of CTRL+HOME COMMAND0+HOME the sheet Move to the last cell in CTRL+END COMMAND+END the sheet Move to the edge of the CTRL+arrow key COMMAND+arrow key data block in the END, arrow key END, arrow key direction of the arrow key Select the entire row SHIFT+SPACEBAR SHIFT+SPACEBAR Select the entire column CTRL+SPACEBAR CTRL+SPACEBAR Select the entire CTRL+SHIFT+SPACEBAR COMMAND+SHIFT+SPACEBAR worksheet if a cell is COMMAND+A selected; if an object is selected, select the whole object Extend the selection to CTRL+SHIFT+arrow key COMMAND+SHIFT+arrow key the edge of the data END, SHIFT+arrow key END, SHIFT+arrow key block in the direction of the arrow key Extend the selection up SHIFT+PAGE UP SHIFT+PAGE UP one window Extend the selection SHIFT+PAGE DOWN SHIFT+PAGE DOWN down one window Extend the selection CTRL+SHIFT+PAGE UP COMMAND+SHIFT+PAGE UP left one window Extend the selection CTRL+SHIFT+PAGE DOWN COMMAND+SHIFT+PAGE DOWN right one window Select the current data CTRL+SHIFT+8 COMMAND+* (on numeric block keypad) Switch to the next open CTRL+F6 COMMAND+M document COMMAND+F6 (extended keyboard) Switch to the previous CTRL+SHIFT+F6 COMMAND+SHIFT+M open document COMMAND+SHIFT+F6 (extended keyboard) Switch to the next ALT+PAGE DOWN COMMAND+PAGE DOWN workbook document Switch to the previous ALT+PAGE UP COMMAND+PAGE UP workbook document Go to a specific cell F5 COMMAND+G or F5 or range (extended keyboard) Turn Extend mode on or F8 F8 (extended keyboard) off (used for extending a selection) Turn Add mode on/off SHIFT+F8 SHIFT+F8 (extended) (used to add a nonadjacent selection) To extend a selection SHIFT+click the SHIFT+click the last from the active cell last cell in the cell in the selection (like Extend mode) selection To add a nonadjacent CTRL+click CTRL+click selection (like Add mode) PRINTING ======== DIFFERENT OUTPUT/DIFFERENT PRINTER ================================== I changed printers and now my worksheet is not fitting on one page. What has happened and how can I correct this? The most likely cause is that your screen fonts are mapping to a different set of printer fonts on the new printer. For more specific information about this problem and how to correct it, see the appropriate section below. Microsoft Excel for Windows --------------------------- When you change printers, in most cases you are using a different printer driver. This new driver may support a different set of fonts than the printer driver you were using. As a result, different printer fonts may be substituted, causing your printer output to appear different or to no longer fit on one page. The row heights and column widths on your worksheet are sized according to your Normal style font, the default font in Microsoft Excel. If the Normal style font is a screen font such as MS Sans Serif (the default), when you print, this font is matched, or mapped, to the closest matching font available on your printer. If the matching printer font is slightly larger or if it is a monospace font (such as Courier) rather than a proportional space font, your column widths, row heights, and text size may change in such a way that the text is truncated or fewer or more columns or rows fit onto a page. How to Correct the Problem If your data is not fitting as it once did but the text otherwise looks the same, you can use Microsoft Excel's scaling features to fit your document to the original number of pages. To do this, choose Page Setup from the File menu. Under Scaling, set the number of pages wide and tall you want your document to fit on. If your fonts look different, use a TrueType(R) font (Microsoft Windows 3.1) or a printer font (Microsoft Windows 3.0) for your Normal style font as well as when you apply font styles and sizes to individual cells. If you reformat your worksheet with a TrueType font such as Arial or Times New Roman(R), you'll be able to switch printers without any perceptible change (as long as TrueType fonts are supported by your new printer driver). TrueType fonts function as both screen and printer fonts and are supported by nearly all printer drivers available in the Windows 3.1 operating environment. If you are using Windows 3.0, you'll get the best results if you format your sheet using a printer font and, when you change printers, you reformat your sheet with a font that is available on the new printer. NOTE: To distinguish among TrueType, screen, and printer fonts, from the Format menu, choose Font. In the Font list box, you'll see a list of available fonts. TrueType fonts will be preceded by a double T, printer fonts will be preceded by a printer symbol, and screen fonts will not be preceded any symbol. To change the Normal style font and the font applied to individual cells: 1. From the Format menu, choose Style. 2. Verify that Normal is selected in the Style Name box and choose Define. 3. Under Style Includes, clear all the check boxes except Font. 4. Under Change, choose the Font button. 5. Select a font from the Font list. NOTE: If you are using Windows 3.1, select a TrueType font and if you are using Windows 3.0, select a printer font. 6. Make other changes as needed in the Font dialog box and choose OK twice to return to your sheet. 7. If you have formatted individual cells with a font size or style other than the Normal style font, select those cells and choose Font from the Format menu. If the font is not already a printer or a TrueType font, select one that is or select the same font you chose for your Normal style font. Clear the Font Style and the Size boxes; by doing this, you only change the font, not the style or size you previously selected. Choose OK. Microsoft Excel for the Macintosh --------------------------------- While some printers use the fonts that are displayed on your screen, other printers have built-in fonts that may be substituted. In this case, when you change printers, a different printer font may be substituted--this font substitution may cause your output to appear different or to no longer fit on one page. The row heights and column widths on your worksheet are sized according to your Normal style font, the default font in Microsoft Excel. If your Normal style font is a screen font such as Geneva (the default), when you print, this font is either substituted with the closest matching font available on your printer or your screen font is used. To determine if printer fonts are being substituted or not, from the File menu, choose Page Setup. If the option for Font Substitution is selected, printer fonts are being substituted for your screen fonts. In this case, since the Normal style font is a screen font and since this font determines your column widths and row heights, if the substituted printer font is slightly larger or if it is a monospace rather than a proportional space font, your column widths and row heights may change in such a way that text is truncated or fewer or more columns or rows fit onto a page. How to Correct the Problem When your data is not fitting as it once did but the text otherwise looks the same, you can use Microsoft Excel's scaling features to fit your document to the original number of pages: from the File menu, choose Page Setup, and under Scaling, set the number of pages wide and tall that you want your document to fit on. If your fonts look different, do one of the following: - To quickly correct the problem, turn off the Font Substitution option in the Page Setup dialog box. The quality of your printed output, may be decreased. -or- - To get the best results, format your sheet using a printer font for your Normal style font (follow the steps above in this article) and leave the Font Substitution option enabled. Then, if you change printers, the previous printer font will be substituted with the closest matching font on the new printer. For a list of printer fonts, consult your printer documentation. The most common printer fonts are Times(R), Helvetica(R), and Courier. DISAPPEARING PAGE BREAKS ======================== My manual page breaks are not displayed on my screen and they don't seem to be working when I print my worksheet. Why? This is most likely occurring because, in the Page Setup dialog box, you enabled the Fit To X Pages Wide By X Pages Tall option under Scaling to specify a certain scale. When you use this scaling option, manual page breaks do not appear on the worksheet and are ignored in print preview and the printed output. To emulate scaling a document to fit a certain number pages and have page breaks at specific rows and/or columns, use the Reduce/Enlarge Scaling option. To determine the reduction percentage required to fit a document to a certain number of pages, follow these steps: 1. From the File menu, choose Page Setup. 2. In the scaling section, select the Fit To option and indicate the desired number of pages wide and tall. Choose OK. 3. From the File menu, choose Print Preview to force the document to be scaled according to the Fit To setting. Choose Close. 4. Choose Page Setup from the File menu again. This time, select the Reduce/Enlarge option in the Scaling section. The percentage the document was scaled to while in print preview appears when this option is selected. Choose OK. If you now set manual page breaks, they are displayed correctly, your document breaks where specified, and it appears in the appropriate scale. WORKING WITH TEXT FILES ======================= IMPORTING TEXT FILES ==================== How can I import text files to Microsoft Excel from a third-party application? For example, I have some text files that I have downloaded from my company's mainframe system and I would like to bring these into Microsoft Excel 4.0. How can I do this? When you open a text file in Microsoft Excel, the way the text is broken into columns depends on the character you choose to delimit your fields or columns of text. You can also choose no delimiter and parse your text after the file is opened. The most common column delimiters are commas, tabs, and spaces. When you open a text file, Microsoft Excel checks the document for the column delimiter you selected in the Text File Options dialog box (from the File menu, choose Open and then choose the Text button). In this dialog box, the default Column Delimiter option is Tab; you can also select the Comma, Space, Semicolon, None, or Custom option (when you select Custom, you can specify any keyboard character). Once you choose a column delimiter, Microsoft Excel places the text following each instance of the specified delimiter in a separate cell. For example, if your text is delimited by spaces and if you select the Space delimiter, Microsoft Excel places the text following each space in a separate cell. This process is called parsing and occurs automatically when you specify a delimiter for your text file. If you do not select the Space delimiter before you open a space- delimited file, or if you select the None (no delimiter) option, the text in your file will not be parsed; that is, each line of text will appear in a separate row in column A only. In this case, after you open the file in Microsoft Excel, you can break the text into separate columns using one of the parsing commands. NOTE: If you open a text file with no delimiter specified, you are limited to 255 characters per row. All characters beyond 255 will not be imported for any given row. The parsing commands, located on the Data menu, are: - Parse - This command parses text based on a fixed length or number of characters per column, rather than parsing your text based on a specified character. For more information on opening and using the Parse command, see pages 150-151 in "User's Guide 2" or the "Parsing" topic in Microsoft Excel Help. - Smart Parse - This command is added to the Data menu when you load the Flat File add-in macro. Smart Parse gives you the option of parsing your data based on a specified delimiter: This is similar to specifying a delimiter in the Text File Options dialog box, with the exception that the parsing is done after you've opened the text file and that there is not an option to parse based on a tab delimiter. For more information on opening and using the Flat File add-in macro, see pages 151-152 in "User's Guide 2" or the "Flat File Macro" topic in Microsoft Excel Help. NOTE (Windows only): When you open a file with a .CSV extension, Microsoft Excel for Windows will always assume that this file is a comma-separated values (CSV) file regardless of the selected column delimiter. As a result, it will be automatically parsed using a comma delimiter; if there are no commas in the file, the text will not be parsed. For files with any other filename extension, .TXT for example, Microsoft Excel will use the delimiter you specify in the Text File Options dialog box. When your text is parsed and placed into separate columns in Microsoft Excel, you may find that some of the text entries in your file do not appear as expected. These unexpected results may occur because of the way Microsoft Excel automatically applies formatting to numbers and alphanumeric characters. If you have a text file in which this formatting is altering the values of your entries, there is an Application Note available, "Opening and Saving Text Files" (WE0801 for Microsoft Excel for the Macintosh or ME0802 for Microsoft Excel for Windows), which includes a Text Reader add-in macro. When you use this macro to import text files, your text is parsed according to a delimiter you select and each entry is formatted as text--this text formatting prevents Microsoft Excel from applying automatic number formatting. If you have a modem, you can obtain this Application Note and the associated add-in macro by connecting to the Microsoft Download Service (MSDL) at (206) 936-MSDL. If you do not have a modem, you can obtain this Application Note directly from Microsoft Excel Technical Support. Call (206) 635-7070 if you are using Microsoft Excel for Windows or call (206) 635-7080 if you are using Microsoft Excel for the Macintosh. EXPORTING TEXT FILES ==================== I created a worksheet in Microsoft Excel 4.0 and now need to export this file from Microsoft Excel to my mainframe. How can I do this? Just as you can import text files to Microsoft Excel, you can also save and export worksheet files in text format. Tab- and Comma-Delimited Files ------------------------------ To save your file in either a tab-delimited (Text) or comma-delimited (CSV) file, follow the appropriate procedure below. If you are using Microsoft Excel for the Macintosh: 1. From the File menu, choose Save As and choose the Options button. 2. From the File Format list, select either Text format for a tab- delimited file or CSV for a comma-delimited file. Choose OK. 3. If you want to rename your file, type a new name in the Save Worksheet As box and choose OK. If you are using Microsoft Excel for Windows: 1. From the File menu, choose Save As. 2. Under Save File As Type, select Text or CSV. Note that if you select Text, the filename extension changes to .TXT; similarly, when you select CSV, the filename extension automatically changes to .CSV. 3. Choose OK. Space-Delimited Files (Flat Files) ---------------------------------- If you want to save the file as a flat file (a file that uses spaces between the columns to delimit the file), you can use the Flat File add-in macro. When you load this macro, the Export command is added to your Data menu. To export your data: 1. Select the area of the worksheet that you want to save to a flat file format. 2. From the Data menu, choose Export (this command will be available only if the Flat File add-in macro is open). The add-in macro will prompt you for a filename. Type in a path and filename and choose Export. This file can now be opened in any application that requires an ASCII flat file. For more information on saving files from Microsoft Excel, see pages 147-150 of "User's Guide 2." For more information on opening and using the Flat File add-in macro, see pages 151-152 in "User's Guide 2" or the "Flat File Macro" topic in Microsoft Excel Help. PRINTING TO A FILE ================== In Lotus(R) 1-2-3(R), I have the option to print to a file rather than the printer. This creates a text file with a .PRN filename extension. How can I do this in Microsoft Excel? When you print to a file in Lotus 1-2-3, a space-delimited text file is created. In Microsoft Excel, you can create a space-delimited text file by using the Export command that is available with the Flat File add-in macro. For detailed information about using this command, see the "Space-Delimited Files (Flat Files)" section above. FORMULAS AND FUNCTIONS ======================= EXACT MATCH IN A LOOKUP TABLE ============================= I want to create a lookup formula so that it will only find an exact match. If it doesn't, I want it to return the #N/A error value. In addition, I don't want to have to sort my table so that the first column is in ascending order. How can I do this? In Microsoft Excel, the lookup functions LOOKUP(),VLOOKUP(), and HLOOKUP() will find an exact match in a lookup table only when one exists. If there is not an exact match, the function will return the largest value that is less than or equal to the value you've specified for the argument. In addition, the first column in your lookup table must be sorted in ascending order. To ensure that a match is exact for a given and/or to find it in an unsorted table, use a combination of the INDEX() and MATCH() functions as follows =INDEX(,MATCH(, ,),) where is the entire lookup table, is the value used to find the value wanted in the table, is the range of cells containing possible lookup values, is a number (-1, 0, or 1) specifying how you want your to be matched, and is the column number in the for which the matching value should be returned. NOTE: If the argument is 0, MATCH() finds the first value that is exactly equal to the and the does not need to be sorted. If none of the cells in the argument match those in the argument, this formula will return the #N/A error value. For example, in the following table | A | B | C -|--------|--------|------- 1|Name | Dept | Age -|--------|--------|------- 2|Henry | 501 | 28 -|--------|--------|------- 3|Stan | 201 | 19 -|--------|--------|------- 4|Mary | 101 | 22 -|--------|--------|------- 5|Larry | 301 | 29 since the "Name" range is not sorted, using VLOOKUP() to find the age of Mary returns 28, the age of Henry. To find the age of Mary, use the formula: =INDEX(A2:C5,MATCH("mary",A2:A5,0),3) This formula will return 22. COMBINING CELL CONTENTS ======================== How can I combine the contents of two cells into one cell? I have a series of last names in one column and first names in a second column and I'd like to combine them into one cell. In Microsoft Excel, to join the contents of two or more cells into a single cell, use the ampersand to connect, or concatenate, the values of the cells. For example, you can join first and last names or you can combine a formula with text. The following table shows some common uses of the concatenation operator (&): | A | B | C | Formula Used in Column C ---|-------|--------|---------------|------------------------------ 1 |John |Doe |John Doe | =A1&" "&B1 ---|-------|--------|---------------|------------------------------ 2 |John |Doe |Doe, John | =B1&", "&A1 ---|-------|--------|---------------|------------------------------ 3 |John |Doe |JohnDoe | =A1&B1 ---|-------|--------|---------------|------------------------------ 4 | | | | ---|-------|--------|---------------|------------------------------ 5 |10 |5 |The cost is | | | |15 dollars | ="The Cost is "&SUM(A5:A6)&" | | | | dollars" Use quotation marks to add any text to the concatenated string and the ampersand (&) to add cell references or formulas. In the name examples, quotation marks are used to add a space between the first name and the last name (cell C1) and a comma and space between the last and the first name (cell C2). Cell C5 contains an example of how to add a formula in the middle of a text string. This can be useful when you have a statement that uses the result of a formula. NOTE: If a referenced cell contains a formula, the returned value is displayed as a text value in the combined string. LINEST() FUNCTION ================== How can I return the additional regression statistics that are built into the LINEST() function? To retrieve the statistics that can be returned by the LINEST() function, you must first select an appropriately sized array on your worksheet. The array should be five rows high and two columns wide. If your original data includes more than one x variable, your array should include one extra column for each additional x variable. For example, if you have three x variables, your array will be five rows by four columns. The syntax of the LINEST() function is: =LINEST(,,,) By setting the argument to TRUE, you instruct Microsoft Excel to return the additional statistics. If is set to FALSE, the LINEST() function will return only the slope and the y intercept. (See pages 254-258 of the "Function Reference" for a complete discussion of the , ,and arguments.) To create a LINEST() formula for the following table: | A | B | C ---|------------|--------|-------- 1 | Known Y's | XVar1 | XVar2 2 | 200 | 15 | 76 3 | 210 | 20 | 65 4 | 195 | 23 | 66 5 | 235 | 28 | 72 6 | 250 | 36 | 80 1. Because the data includes two x variables, select an array that is five rows by three columns. For example, you could select cells E2:G6. 2. In the formula bar, type: =LINEST(A2:A6,B2:C6,,TRUE) NOTE: For this example, you can omit the third argument of the function. After typing the formula, you must press CTRL+SHIFT+ENTER in Microsoft Excel for Windows or COMMAND+RETURN in Microsoft Excel for the Macintosh to enter the formula as an array formula--you will see braces ({}) placed around the formula in the formula bar. 3. Cells E3:F6 contain the additional regression statistics: | E | F | G ----|-----------|-----------|---------- 2 | 1.017709 | 2.22756 | 90.57607 ----|-----------|-----------|---------- 3 | 1.167926 | 0.934885 | 76.37852 ----|-----------|-----------|---------- 4 | 0.840776 | 13.3242 | #N/A ----|-----------|-----------|---------- 5 | 5.280472 | 2 | #N/A ----|-----------|-----------|---------- 6 | 1874.931 | 355.0688 | #N/A The additional statistics are returned in the last three rows and first two columns of your array. If your array has more than the required number of columns (three in this example), #N/A errors will be returned in the extra columns. To determine what each returned value represents, refer to page 255 in the "Function Reference." You can also use the Regression tools to perform regression analysis, return the additional statistics, and automatically create best-fit- line plots. The Analysis ToolPak includes an add-in macro that provides statistical analysis tools. When you load this add-in macro, the Analysis Tools command is added to the Options menu. Selecting the Analysis Tools command will display a list of statistical tools. CORRELATION COEFFICIENT ======================= How can I retrieve the correlation coefficient? In earlier versions of Microsoft Excel, it was necessary to use the LINEST() function to calculate the additional regression statistics including the correlation coefficient. In Microsoft Excel 4.0, the RSQ() function uses the and arguments to perform this calculation automatically. It returns a single value representing your correlation coefficient (that is, the value of R squared). For additional information on using the RSQ() function, see pages 366- 367 of the "Function Reference." MACROS ====== DEBUGGING MACROS ================ I need to debug a macro that I've written. What is the best way to do this? Most command-equivalent macro functions return the value FALSE before they are run, TRUE if they are run successfully, and FALSE or an error value if they don't run successfully. If your macro functions are returning an incorrect or unexpected result or if one or more macro commands cause your macro to halt in error, you can use any combination of the following methods to isolate and resolve the problem. Using the Step and Evaluate Commands ------------------------------------ The step feature allows you to step through and evaluate your macro commands line by line. To use the step feature, run your macro by choosing Run from the Macro menu. After you select your macro from the list, choose the Step button. You can then either step through or evaluate the individual lines of your macro code. Step takes you to the next macro command. Evaluate calculates each nested function within a line of macro code, one argument at a time--this is a useful way to isolate a problem within a specific line of a macro. While you are in step mode, you cannot edit your macro. To exit step mode to edit your macro, choose the Halt button. Using Key Commands to Evaluate Portions of a Macro Statement ------------------------------------------------------------- To evaluate a portion of a statement or an entire line of code in your macro in the formula bar, select the area you want to evaluate and press F9 or, if you are using Microsoft Excel for the Macintosh, press and hold down the COMMAND key and then press the EQUAL SIGN (=). This will immediately calculate the selected portion of your function and display the value in the formula bar. CAUTION: Be sure to press the ESC key after you view the value; otherwise the original formula will be replaced with the displayed value. Using Key Commands to View Values Returned by Macro Statements --------------------------------------------------------------- To view the values returned by all statements on a macro sheet, press and hold down the CTRL key, or the COMMAND key if you are using Microsoft Excel for the Macintosh, and then press the ACCENT GRAVE (`) key. CTRL+ACCENT GRAVE (Windows) and COMMAND+ACCENT GRAVE (Macintosh) toggle between the view values mode and the view formulas mode. Press CTRL+ACCENT GRAVE or COMMAND+ACCENT GRAVE to return the macro sheet to view formulas mode. An alternative way to toggle between view values and view formulas is to choose Display from the Options menu and select or clear the Formula check box (when a macro sheet is active, the default view is view formulas). Running a Portion of the Macro ------------------------------ If your macro is long, you may want to test small portions of it to isolate problems. To divide your macro into more manageable sections, do the following: 1. Activate your macro sheet. At the end of the range of macro code that you want to test, insert a row and type "=HALT()" (without the quotation marks). This will stop execution at this point in the macro. 2. Activate the document from which you are running your macro and choose Run from the Macro menu. 3. With the dialog box active, choose the macro sheet name from the Window menu and select the cell containing the first line of macro code that you want to test. This will place the macro cell reference in the Run Macro dialog box. 4. Choose OK or Step. The macro will stop where it encounters the HALT() function. LEARNING MORE ABOUT MACROS ========================== How can I learn more about writing macros? In addition to reviewing Chapters 6-7 in "User's Guide 2," you can use the Recorder command (located on the Macro menu) as a learning tool. You can use the macro recorder to learn command structure, syntax, and which macro commands perform which actions. When you record key combinations, menu command selections, and mouse actions, they are automatically placed in a macro sheet. You can then review this sheet to gain a better understanding of the macro functions that perform the actions you recorded. If you need to use non-command-equivalent functions, such as information, reference, or customizing functions, you must manually add these to your macro. For additional information on what functions fall into these categories, see pages xv-xliii in the "Function Reference." For more information about recording a command macro, see pages 216- 219 of "User's Guide 2." For more information about writing macros, see the "Complete Guide to Microsoft Excel Macros" by Charles Kyd and Chris Kinata, or "Microsoft Excel Macros Step by Step" by Steve Wexler and Julianne Sharer. To order these books, call Microsoft Press(R) at (800)888-3303. WORKBOOKS ========= DISPLAYING WORKBOOK FILES ========================= How can I see all the files I have in my workbook? To arrange your workbook documents so you can see more than one document on your screen at a time, open each document in a window separate from the Workbook Contents screen: 1. Switch to the Workbook Contents window by clicking the Workbook Contents icon in the lower-right corner of the document. 2. To open a document in a separate window, hold down the CTRL key if you are using Microsoft Excel for Windows or the COMMAND key if you are using Microsoft Excel for the Macintosh, and double-click the document in the Workbook Contents window. Repeat this step for each document you want to view. 3. From the Window menu, choose Arrange. Enable the Windows Of Active Workbook option and choose OK. Each of the documents you selected will be arranged on your screen so that you can view them all at once. COPYING WORKBOOK FILES ====================== How can I make a copy of a file in my workbook? You can copy or move a workbook document from one workbook to another using the drag and drop method or the Copy and Paste commands. To copy a workbook document into a sheet that is not part of a workbook: 1. From the Workbook Contents window, double-click the document name to activate the document you want to copy. 2. Choose the Select All button to the left of the column headings. 3. From the Edit menu, choose Copy. 4. From the File menu, choose New. Select Worksheet and choose OK. 5. From the Edit menu, choose Paste. You will now have a separate copy of the workbook document, which you can save. For information on moving and copying documents between workbooks, see pages 75-76 of "User's Guide 1." CHARTING ======== ADDING NEW SERIES INFORMATION ============================= When I add additional data to my spreadsheet, can I update my chart without re-creating it? To update a chart when you add additional data to an existing series or when you want to add a new series, use the ChartWizard. For example, if you present the following data in a chart, | A | B | C ----|-------------|-----------|--------- 1 | | 1990 | 1991 ----|-------------|-----------|--------- 2 | Productx | $100 | $350 ----|-------------|-----------|--------- 3 | Producty | $200 | $500 ----|-------------|-----------|--------- 4 | Productz | $300 | $700 the sales data for 1990 and 1991 are displayed as the series and the products are displayed as the categories. If you add a new product to the table with sales data for 1990 and 1991, you are adding data to existing series. If, instead, you add sales figures for 1992 for each of the three products, you would create a new series. In either case, the easiest way to add information to a chart is to use the ChartWizard: 1. If your chart is a chart object, select the chart by clicking it once. If your chart is a separate chart window, activate it. 2. Choose the ChartWizard button on the Chart toolbar. 3. In the ChartWizard Step 1 Of 2 dialog box, change the Range to include the data you added. Using the sample data, if you add data to the existing series (1990 and 1991), you would enlarge the range from $A$1:$C$4 to $A$1:$C$5 to include the new row. If you add a new series, enlarge the range from $A$1:$C$4 to $A$1:$D$4, so that it includes the new column. NOTE: When your new data is entered in cells that are not adjacent to the range of cells your chart is linked to, separate the data ranges with a comma when you update the chart. For example, if you want to add a new series to your chart and you've entered the data in cells E1:E4, in the Range box in the ChartWizard dialog box, change your reference to $A$1:$C$4,$E$1:$E$4. For more information on adding information to charts, see pages 437- 438 in "User's Guide 1." TIP: You can use defined names in place of actual cell ranges. This option enables you to update the chart by redefining the named range to include the new data. For more information on naming a cell or range of cells on a worksheet, see pages 263-268 of the "User's Guide 1." CHANGING THE PLOTTING ORDER =========================== Microsoft Excel plotted my chart backwards. The information in the y- axis should be in the x-axis and vice versa. How can I change this? Microsoft Excel uses the shape of the worksheet selection to determine whether rows or columns form the data series. Microsoft Excel assumes you want fewer series than categories. So, if the worksheet selection has more rows than columns, Microsoft Excel plots each column as a separate data series and plots each row as a separate category. Similarly, if the worksheet selection has more columns than rows, Microsoft Excel plots each row as a separate data series and each column as a separate category. To reverse Microsoft Excel's default plotting assumptions, use the ChartWizard to create the chart, or, if you have already created the chart, use the ChartWizard to change the defaults: 1. If you have not yet created your chart, select the data on the worksheet that you want your chart to be based on. -or- If your chart is already created and your chart is a chart object, select the chart by clicking it once. If your chart is a separate chart window, activate it. 2. Select the ChartWizard tool. 3. When you reach step 4 of 5 (new chart) or step 2 of 2 (edited chart), select either columns or rows. On the left, a sample of what your chart will look like is displayed. If you want the axes reversed, select the alternate option under Data Series In. For example, if Microsoft Excel has defaulted to rows, select columns. Verify that your chart is displayed correctly and choose the OK button. For more information on controlling how Microsoft Excel plots your chart data series, see pages 423-427 in "User's Guide 1." ADDING A SECOND Y-AXIS ====================== The information my data series is based on refers to two different kinds of numbers. As a result, my columns are large for one data series and very small for the other data series. Is it possible to have a second y-axis with a different scale? In Microsoft Excel, you can use an overlay chart to plot different types of data on the same chart. An overlay chart is a second chart plotted on top of the main chart in the same chart window. The overlay can be a different chart type or have a different scale or both. For example, if you have one data series that consists of numbers of units sold and a second data series that consists of revenues, the values representing units sold and those representing revenues are different types of information. When you plot these two types of data on the same chart, if you use only one y-axis, the data markers may be skewed if the revenues are in a significantly higher range of values than the units sold. Instead, to meaningfully represent the different types of information, add an overlay chart with a second y-axis. To add an overlay chart, do one of the following: - If you've just created a new chart and haven't yet customized it, use the Combination command on the Gallery menu. Select one of the combined chart options and choose OK. -or- - If you've already customized the chart and want to preserve the formatting, use the Add Overlay command on the Chart menu. Using either method, Microsoft Excel automatically divides your chart data series between the main chart and the overlay chart. If you have multiple data series and you want to plot specific data series in the overlay chart that were omitted when you added the overlay, use the Overlay command on the Format menu. Under Series Distribution, select the First Overlay In Series option and specify the plot number of the first chart data series you want plotted in the overlay chart. All data series with a greater plot number will also be plotted in the overlay chart. (To determine the plot number for each data series, choose Edit Series from the Chart menu and, with a specific series selected from the Series list, look at the value in the Plot Order box.) NOTE: If you are working with a chart object on your worksheet and you want to add or edit an overlay chart, you must open the chart in its own window by double-clicking it. For additional information on adding and deleting overlay charts, see pages 429-431 of "User's Guide 1." USING MICROSOFT EXCEL WITH OTHER APPLICATIONS ============================================== MICROSOFT WORD ============== I want to copy a chart I created in Microsoft Excel and paste it into Microsoft Word so that it will be updated when I change it in Microsoft Excel. What is the best way to do this? You can use the Paste Link feature available both in Microsoft Excel and Microsoft Word to link a Microsoft Excel object to a Microsoft Word document. To link a Microsoft Excel object to a Microsoft Word document, use the appropriate procedure below for your version of Microsoft Word. Microsoft Word Version 2.0 for Windows -------------------------------------- To paste a chart in a Microsoft Word version 2.0 for Windows document so that it will be updated when you change the original chart in Microsoft Excel: 1. In Microsoft Excel, if your chart is a chart object on your worksheet, select it by clicking it once. From the Edit menu, choose Copy. (If your chart is a separate chart document, activate it. From the Chart menu, choose Select Chart and choose Copy from the Edit menu.) 2. Start Word. 3. In the Word document, position the cursor where you want to paste the chart. 4. From the Edit menu, choose Paste Special. This will display the Paste Special dialog box. 5. Under Data Type, select Picture and choose Paste Link. If the chart you copy in Microsoft Excel is a separate chart document, you will have the option in Word of pasting the chart as a picture or as a bitmap; if your chart is a chart object on your worksheet, you will only have the option of pasting the chart as a picture. You'll get the best results, both on screen and in your printed output, if you paste the chart as a picture. When you use the Paste Link command to paste a chart as a bitmap, the text may appear distorted--particularly if you resize the image. When you use the Paste Link command to link a chart as a picture, printer and font information is pasted with it. As a result, the image will be displayed and printed as it is in Microsoft Excel. Microsoft Word Versions 4.0, 5.0, and 5.1 for the Macintosh ----------------------------------------------------------- You can copy a chart in Microsoft Excel for the Macintosh and link it to a Word for the Macintosh document. The method for copying the chart in Microsoft Excel is the same regardless of your version of Word or your version of the Macintosh system software. To copy the chart in Microsoft Excel: 1. If you want the chart to be pasted in color in Word, choose Print from the File menu and select the Print Using Color and Print Preview options and choose Print. When the Print Preview window is displayed, choose Close. 2. If you're copying a chart object on your worksheet, double-click it to open it in its own window (a chart object cannot be linked when pasted in Word). From the Chart menu, choose Select Chart. (If your chart is already a separate chart document, activate it, and choose Select Chart from the Chart menu.) 3. Hold down the SHIFT key and choose the Copy Picture command from the Edit menu. Under Appearance, select the As Shown On Screen option. Under Size, select the option you want and choose OK. 4. Switch to Word and position your insertion point where you want the chart. The way you link and update the chart will depend on your version of Word and your version of the Macintosh system software. To link the chart in Word, follow the appropriate procedure below for your version of Word: For Word version Follow this procedure --------------------------------------------------------------------- 4.0 From the Edit menu, choose Paste Link. 5.0 or 5.1 From the Edit menu, choose Paste Special. Select Picture and choose Paste Link. To update the chart in Word, follow the appropriate procedure for your version of the Macintosh system software and your version of Word: - If you are using Macintosh system software version 6.x, the link between the chart in Word and the original chart in Microsoft Excel is not dynamic; that is, it will not be updated automatically after the chart is changed in Microsoft Excel. To manually update the chart: For Word version Follow this procedure ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 4.0 From the Edit menu, choose Update Links. 5.0 or 5.1 From the Edit menu, choose Link Options and choose Update Now. - If you are using Macintosh system software version 7 or 7.0.1, the link between the chart picture in Word versions 5.0 or 5.1 and Microsoft Excel is dynamic; it will be updated automatically after the chart is changed in Microsoft Excel as long as Automatically is selected in the Link Options dialog box in Word. Dynamic linking is not supported in Word 4.0 using System 7.0 AppleEvents; to update your chart in Word 4.0, choose Update Links from the Edit menu. DATABASE APPLICATIONS ===================== I need to extract data from an external database. Can I do this with Microsoft Excel? Microsoft Excel for Windows provides a database front-end application, Q+E(R), along with supporting add-in macros, that allows you to manipulate, update, and extract information from a variety of database systems. These include dBASE(R), Microsoft SQL Server, ORACLE(R), OS/2(R) Extended Edition Database, and DEC(R) RDB files. For additional information on setting up and using Q+E, see the "Q+E for Microsoft Excel User's Guide." Microsoft Excel for the Macintosh ships with an add-in macro called the Data Access macro. This macro allows Microsoft Excel to use the Data Access Language (DAL) extension created by Apple Computer, Inc. You can use this macro to access data from external databases and transfer query results to Microsoft Excel worksheets or to separate files. To use the Data Access Macro, you need the DAL system extension and the Data Access software, both available from Apple Computer, as well as network connections from your Macintosh to the external database server.