LDS_Net Information Thank you for unzipping this file and reading this information regarding the brand new LDS_Net (Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints). Some call us "Mormons". Why an LDS conference? The LDS religion (a Christian religion) is many things to a lot of people. To over 8 million people the LDS Religion is a way of life. It is the fastest growing religion in the world and has been since the 1970's (the LDS religion started in the early 1800's). Over the last 5 years the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints has built 3 new chapels every 2 days to support a membership which gains by 1.5 congregations per day (a congregation is 150 families)! To others, the LDS religion is a cult....definitely we are not. We worship the Lord Jesus Christ as does any Christian religion. But why an LDS_Net? Our church grows by leaps and bounds on a daily basis. All net mail systems don't understand this nor do they understand our need to get our news out (NOT missionary news, but just plain old member type news). Millions of people (your users) have questions about us or are members and need a place to chat with other friends and members, ask questions and get answers. There is a great need for an LDS specific net mail system and this net is finally here to fulfill that need. We are confident that this will become one of your most used nets. Our conferences are unique and don't duplicate what you already have which is duplicated by an endless variety of other nets, hoping to gain users. I'm sure you will soon discover this net to become quite active. Because the LDS_Net is brand new, we are in great need of hubs (local and regional) and nodes all over the world. We have members in almost every single country in the world. Plus, people are interested in or at least curious about us in every country of the world. Below is a list of current conferences in the LDS_Net. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Debate - this will probably be our most used conference. Many people want to debate with us and explore new avenues, but there isn't a net that really supports that. This is where anyone can discuss anything about the LDS Religion - whether they are a member or not (this net is NOT just for members, its for everyone on your system!) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Missionary - this is where those seriously wanting to have some questions answered can have them answered by knowledgeable people in our religion. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Church News - this is where news of the church is put. You may say, "How much can there be?". Actually, there is quite a bit! We have 3 magazines, one church newspaper and countless other smaller publications that keep up with changes in the church. This will be a busy conference just because of what it is. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Sunday School - this is where LDS members can talk freely concerning church doctrine, spiritual experiences, etc. Non-members are also invited. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Chatter - this is where users of the net can write to each other on anything they like. This area should be set to have private mail allowed in it. This is the ONLY conference where private mail should be allowed. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Family History - this conference supports the church's Personal Ancestral File and Family Search programs, as well as overall genealogy. The LDS are extremely active in genealogy and PAF was written to fulfill a very specific need we have with genealogy. PAF probably the most popular genealogy program today. This conference will be supported by those who really know this program well and can help your users out with finding their genealogy. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Regional Administrative - this is only for the sysops that carry the LDS_Net. This area is not allowed for any general members. This area will carry net-specific news only and discussions net news and any problems that may arise. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Single Interest - for singles (over young adult age) --------------------------------------------------------------------- Young Adults - for singles up to 21 years of age --------------------------------------------------------------------- Family - for discussion of the successes, problems and concerns of the modern day LDS family --------------------------------------------------------------------- Mutual - for the Mutual age crowd (the teenagers) -------------------------------------------------------------------- Relief Society - the LDS Relief Society is the largest women's organization in the entire world. These very special ladies deserve their own conference here also ------------------------------------------------------------------- Primary - for the many Primary Instructors, etc. ------------------------------------------------------------------- BYU- anything and everything concerning Brigham Young University ------------------------------------------------------------------- Conference numbers on BBS-Cedar City: Admin - 510 Debate - 556 Missionary - 557 ChurchNews - 558 Sunday School - 559 Chatter - 560 Family History - 561 Single Interest - 555 Young Adults - 554 Family - 553 Mutual - 552 Relief Society - 551 Primary - 550 BYU- 548 Moderators - 78 BBS-Cedar City uses Qmail. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- That's it! Some tidbits - This net supports (currently) only BBS systems that use the qwk/rep form of relaying net mail. I'm sure as the system grows, we will be able to support other forms of mail transfer as well. We hope you will join us soon and get involved in a net that is surely (just because of what it is) extremely popular very soon.