Date: Mon, 14 Feb 1994 00:33:13 IST Reply-To: JEWISHNT%BGUVM.bitnet@VM.TAU.AC.IL Sender: Jewish Global Information Network Project From: Dov Winer Organization: Ben-Gurion University, Beer-Sheva, Israel Global Jewish Networking Handbook ********************************* Part I - Electronic Conferences of Jewish Interest The Partial Directory of Jewish Electronic Services I have been editing since October 1991 is going now through a major revision. This area of Jewish life expanded much in recent months. From an initial list of some 30 different services we have now more than 117 conferences (lists) and many other services as well. Many Israeli lists are included here so as to provide access to relevant academic and professional communities. In this sense they also have wider Jewish interest. This is the first installment of the planned Handbook. Chapters dealing with Jewish interest information services (gophers and WWW) and with Jewish libraries catalogs and databases are being prepared. The additions, corrections and initiatives of our readers concerning previous editions allowed the present expansion of this basic guide. Our readers again invited to send comments, feedback and corrections to: Dov Winer P.O.B. 151 - Doar Haela 99875 - Israel email: This material is copyrighted. Widest distribution is allowed and encouraged provided that this header and the footer are preserved in any additional copies. (C) 1994 - Dov Winer Electronic Conferences of Jewish Interest ***************************************** Several dozens electronic conferences of Jewish interest are described in the following pages. 1. To subscribe to one of these conferences, i.e. to begin receiving the messages which conference members exchange with each other, do the following: Send to the conference subscription address, in general: listserv@someplace.somewhere the address of the machine - listserv software - which runs the distribution list of the participants, a message like the one that follows: SUBscribe For example: For subscribing to send to the address the message: ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ SUBscribe Jewishnt Berl Shmerl 2. To stop receiving the conference messages send to the same subscription address (the listserv) a message like: SIGNOFF from the same email address from which you initially subscribed to the conference. 3. You can send other messages to the Listserv machine: INDEX Will retrieve the index of the archives of the list. GET Will retrieve a file from the archive. Filename Filetype appear in the INDEX file you will receive as a result of the previous command (INDEX). REVIEW Will retrieve the names of all the participants. 4. Only messages you wish all other participants to read should be sent to the list itself. In the above mentioned example to the address: 5. Almost all of these conferences have archiving facilities so past transactions may be retrieved. These archives provide search and retrieval functions so you may conduct a search for selected text of particular interest. In this sense these archive may be regarded as full-text databases. Electronic Conferences of Jewish Interest (with many Israelis included...) ************************************************************************** ajin-board ajin-announce List owner: Alan H. Stein stein@uconnvm.bitnet Compu$erve 71545,1500 GEnie ah.stein Observation: Closed list; address the owner. Purpose: ajin-board is a private, closed list used by the Board of Directors of the American Jewish Information Network to conduct its online meetings. The American Jewish Information Network sees as its goals the following principles: To promote the effective use of electronic communications networks by the American Jewish community. ............................................................ To assist Jewish organizations and individuals in connecting to the global Jewish information network, and train them in using the resources of the network. 2nd-gen Subscription address: Purpose: Discussion among children and grandchildren of the Holocaust survivors. ajopnet Subscription address: Purpose: ajopnet is the mailing list for members of the Association for Jewish Outreach Professionals. As the list is primarily intended for 'business matters' between participating members, we regret to inform the general public that the list is closed. ALEPHINT International ALEPH Users List List owner: Subscription address: listserv@TAUNIVM.Bitnet Purpose: ALEPH is both the software and the network of the Israeli Academic Libraries. The software has been employed by several multi-lingual library systems abroad. The list is a forum for ALEPH users around the globe to discuss problems and seek support. (D.W.) ALIYA Aliya in Science Newsletter List owner: CE+ Victoria Vaksman Subscription address: listserv@TAUNIVM.Bitnet Purpose: This newsletter will hopefully disseminate information relevant to Aliya to Israel among those interested in the subject. It will give news on what is going on and encourage an ongoing dialogue between commitees, volunteers and olim. Aliyah English Aliyah-f French Aliyah-s Spanish List owner: Eli Birnbaum Subscription address: write the owner Purpose: These lists, run by Mr. Eli Birnbaum and his staff at the WZO's Students Department will deal with issues dealing with student programs and Aliyah. Altern Alternative Jewish Education Discussion Observation: No information available from the AMATH-IL Subscription address: listserv@TAUNIVM.Bitnet Purpose: Applied Mathematics in Israel List Arab-Press Owner: Zvi Lando Subscription: Write to owner. Purpose: Monthly newsletter with research of the Arab Press by the Jerusalem Institute for Western Defense. ARRTECH Subscription: Purpose: ARRTECH - Technions' Architecture Faculty general list ask ask the Rabbi and get the answer ! Observation: No information available from the au-hillel Observation: No information available from the b-akiva Observation: No information available from the BALTUVA Owner: Claire Austin CZCA@MUSICA.MCGILL.CA Subscription address: Listserv@VM!.MCFILL.CA Purpose: BALTUVA is a list focusing on issues and questions of concern to observant Jews. The name of the list is derived from "Baal t'shuva" which is often used to refer to "newly religious" Jews. The list is not restricted to this group however - please feel free to post to the list whether or not you consider yourself to be a "baal t'shuva". BGU-BB Subscription address: Purpose: Ben-Gurion University Bulletin Board. Ben-Gurion University is located in Beer Sheva, Israel BGU-TALK Subscription address: Purpose: BGU-TALK is Ben-Gurion's University general discussion forum. Ben-Gurion University is located in Beer Sheva, Israel BGUCOM-L Subscription address: Purpose: BGUCOM-L is Ben-Gurion's University Computer's Information List. Ben-Gurion University is located in Beer Sheva, Israel Bridges A Journal for Jewish Feminists and Our Friends bb+ Owner: Tova and Clare Kinberg Subscription address: Purpose: The idea is to provoke and provide a place for discussions about articles, poetry, fiction, art, etc. thar are in the print version of Bridges, adn the issues that are raised from this information. We want both the print and online Bridges to be a place for critical, constructive dialogue and creative expression that explores Jewish feminist identity and that considers both Jewish and female existence and activism in relation to the movements for political, social, economic and cultural change. We will not post material that perpetuates anti-Jewish, anti-Arab, sexist, classist, racist, hmophobic, ageist, able-bodyist, or other biases which distort our perception of each other and hinder our alliances. Bytetorah Owner: Zev S. Itzkowitz CFRQC@CUNYVM.Bitnet Subscription address: Purpose: B'SD - Shalom Rav L'Ohavei Torasecha ! Weekly Torah Newsletter Camera Owner: Charles Cramer Subscription: Write to owner Purpose: Newsletter of the Committee for Accuracy in Middle East Reporting can-jso Subscription address: Purpose: Canadian Jewish Students Organizations Newsletter chabad Subscription address: Purpose: Discussion of matters pertaining to Chabad Chassidism CHEMIC-L Owner: Joseph van Zwaren Subscription address: listserv@TAUNIVM.Bitnet Purpose: The purpose of this list is to gather and distribute all relevant information on the local research activities in Chemistry, such as lectures, workshops, seminars, colloquia and funding opportunities for academic investigators. CJ-L Owner: Mark Steinberger Subscription address: Listserv@ALBNYVM1.Bitnet Listserv@UACSC2.ALBANY.EDU Purpose: Discussion of beliefs and practices of Conservative Judaism tt+ CJI Computer Jobs in Israel Owner: Jacob Richman Subscription address: Purpose: Computer Jobs in Israel (CJI) is an one way list which will automatically send you the bi-monthly updated jobs document. This list will also send you other special documents/ announcements regarding finding computer work in Israel. COC Camera on Campus Owner: Subscription: Write to owner. Purpose: CAMERA (Committee for Accuracy in Middle East Reporting in America) has been distributing for some times their special newsletter for students on campus called "Camera on Campus" and is making this available to the Internet public. cq-chaverim Owner: Bob Arbetman 72357.2672@CompuServe.COM Packet: GEnie: R.Arbetman Subscription address: Purpose: Chaverim International is an international fellowship of Jewish amateur radio (ham radio) operators. E-HUG Electronic Hebrew Users Newsletter List owner: Ari Davidow well! Subscription address: LISTSERV@DARTCMS1.BITNET LISTSERV@DARTCMS1.DARTMOUTH.EDU Purpose: As some of you know, I write a weekly column for the Northern California Jewish Bulletin on Jewish telecommunications. As of January 1st, one out of every four columns is called "A Computer Byte" and focuses on Hebrew and computers. Because the column is monthly, I will be focusing on shareware products and inexpensive utilities and/or programs that appear to offer exceptional value. EMUNIM Jewish Campus Network in Michigan List owner: Mark Finkelstein Subscription address: Listserv@MSU.EDU Purpose: EMUNIM stands for the Electronic Mail University Network In Michigan. Alias the Jewish Campus Network, we exist to serve the needs of the Jewish campus communities across the state. It is our intention to bring together university personnel, students, and Jewish community leaders. The project was initiated at the Michigan State University Hillel, is co-sponsored by the Greater Lansing Jewish Welfare Federation, and is endorsed by the Michigan Jewish Conference. ******************************************************************************** Global Jewish Networking Handbook Part I: Electronic Conferences of Jewish Interest (C) 1994 - Dov Winer - Part 2 of 4 Global Jewish Networking Handbook ********************************* Part I - Electronic Conferences of Jewish Interest ***************************************** This material is copyrighted. Widest distribution is encouraged provided that this header and the footer are preserved in any additional copies. (C) 1994 - Dov Winer ******************************************************************************** GENESIS Owner: Ken Menken (Princeton '86) Subscription address: Purpose: Genesis is the information and discussion list for Project Genesis, the Campus Movement for Jewish Renewal. We are directed by on-campus students alone, freeing us of the sort of "Jewish establishment" image that keeps many students with negative Jewish experiences away from the others. GESHERNET International Jewish Day School Network Observation: No information availabel from the Ha-Safran Electronic forum of the Association of Jewish Libraries. List owner: Yossi Galron Subscription address: Write to owner. Purpose: You should be aware of the existence of our network for Judaica librarians, called Ha-Safran. It has 75, or so members, including the Wiesenthal Center, the Jewish Theological Seminary and others. HEBLANG Hebrew Etymology and Grammar discussions List owner: Benjamin Kite Subscription address: Purpose: For anyone who is interested in a discussion of the etymology and grammar of the Hebrew Language, the HEBLANG list is here! This list is unmoderated and unrestricted, please feel free to join. HEBREW-L Jewish & Near Eastern Studies z Subscription address: LISTSERV@UMINN1.bitnet LISTSERV@VM1.SPCS.UMN.EDU Purpose: The purpose of the HEBREW-L Listserver is to further the academic fields of Jewish and Near Eastern studies. HILLEL List owner: Mark Livingston Subscription address: listserv@ksuvm.BITNET Purpose: The Hillel mailing list provides a forum for dicussion on topics relating to Hillels, being Jewish on campus, or of interest to Jewish students. This list is currently peered with hillel-l@ksuvm. All postings are distributed to anyone subscribed to either list. There is no need to be subscribed to both. HOLOCAUS Holocaust List List owner: Richard Jensen, director of H-Net u08946@uicvm Subscription address: Listserv@UICVM.BITNET> Purpose: HOLOCAUS has absorbed Ken McVay's HLIST and become part of the stable of lists at the University of Illinois, Chicago. 1. The tone and target audience will continue to be scholarly. 2. H-Net is now setting up an international board of editors to guide HOLOCAUS policy and to help stimulate contributions. 3. The coverage of the list will include the Holocaust itself, and closely related topics like anti-semitism, and Jewish history in the 1930s and 1940s, as well as closely related themes in the history of WW2, Germany, and international diplomacy. 4. We are especially interested in reaching college teachers of history who already have, or plan to teach courses on the Holocaust. 6. [...] It is an honor to be able to carry HOLOCAUS and continue the fine tradition Ken McVay began. HOTNEWS Subscription address: Purpose: HOTNEWS is the Technion News Service The Technion - Israeli Institute of Technology, Haifa, Israel. IIRS Israeli Information Retrieval Specialists List Owner: Miriam Farber Subscription address: listserv@TAUNIVM.Bitnet Purpose: This list is for the discussion of information retrieval. This includes access to databases, Internet accessible databases, CDroms, Dialog, DataStar, Lexis, etc. IL-ADS Israel Bulletin Board for Advertisements List owner: Hank Nussbacher HANK@VM.TAU.AC.IL Subscription address: listserv@TAUNIVM.BITNET Purpose: IL-ADS should be used to post want ads of a general nature that pertain to users in Israel. Advertisements should be of a private nature - commercial advertisements are not allowed. Examples of what is allowed to be posted: selling/buying a car, selling/buying/renting an apartment, selling/buying a PC, printer, fax, etc., providing piano/math/skydiving lessons, etc. All examples mentioned are to be of a private and individual basis. Examples of what is not allowed: Posting ads for stores, price lists of stores, special company sales. IL-BOARD List owner: Hank Nussbacher HANK@VM.TAU.AC.IL Subscription address: listserv@TAUNIVM.BITNET Purpose: IL-BOARD should be used as a bulletin board would be used in a public area. Questions about PC software, looking for pen-pals, questions about the Israeli Internet, looking for general information about Israel, etc. are all allowed. If you feel a need to comment or flame or rebute some comment made by someone in IL-BOARD, the discussion should be followed-up on IL-TALK. If you wish to post any private advertisement - please use the IL-ADS list and not IL-BOARD. IL-TALK List owner: Hank Nussbacher HANK@VM.TAU.AC.IL Subscription address: listserv@TAUNIVM.BITNET Purpose: IL-TALK is open to the general public for discussion of any topic that relates to Jews and Israel. This is a forum where discussion is encouraged. This forum will be very similar to the talk.politics.mideast and soc.culture.jewish forums in Usenet. Since this is a list based in Israel, we request that posters exercise restraint and respect and not post overtly anti-Semitic, racist, or rude and obscene postings. If you wish to post any private advertisement - please use the IL-ADS list and not IL-TALK. ILAN-H List owner: David Sitman A79@VM.TAU.AC.IL Subscription address: listserv@TAUNIVM.BITNET Purpose: Discussion in and about Hebrew in the network. This includes coding rules, ISO standards, international standards, national standards, etc. ILDOS-L Subscription: Purpose: Israeli Anonymous FTP update information for DOS. ILFTP-L Subscription: Purpose: Israeli Anonymous FTP update information for EVERYTHING. ILMAC-L Subscription: Purpose: Israeli Anonymous FTP update information for MAC. ILWIN-L Subscription: Purpose: Israeli Anonymous FTP update information for MS Windows. IOUDAIOS First Century Judaism Discussion Forum List owner: David Reimer dreimer@yorkvm1 Subscription address: LISTSERV@YORKVM1 Purpose: IOUDAIOS (Greek for "Jew") is an electronic seminar devoted to the exploration of first-century Judaism; its special interest is in the writings of Philo of Alexandria and Flavius Josephus. The list began as an informal discussion of two papers by Robert A. Kraft (Pennsylvania) but quickly blossomed into an international forum, with participants in North America, Europe, Australia, and the Middle East. The Philonic and Josephan corpora are extensive enough that they invite all sorts of analysis -- from literary, historical, and philosophical perspectives, to name a few. There is also considerable interest, among participants, in the social realities that lie behind these texts. Prospective members are warmly welcomed. (The discussion assumes a significant background in first-century Judaism and also the ability to read Greek.) iris Information Regarding Israeli Security Subscription address: Observation: No information available from the isracen Distribution of Israel Center Materials Subscription address: Observation: No information available from the israeline Daily News from Israel List owner: Gideon Saar saar@nysernet.ORG Subscription address: Purpose: I wish to introduce Israel Line, the daily news service of the Consulate General of Israel in New York. This service is designed to provide important and timely information that will offer you a more complete perspective on events in Israel and the Middle East. Israel Line is a newsletter containing translations of news items from the Israeli media that are unavailable in regular newspapers. Like American newspapers and electronic media, the Israeli media is a valuable and reliable source of pertinent information. israel-mideast List owner: Gideon Saar saar@nysernet.ORG Subscription address: Purpose: Media clips, editorials and information on Israel and the Middle East. IsraMed Owner: Mark H. Kirschbaum, M.D. Subscription address: Purpose: To facilitate dialogue between medical professionals worldwide and in Israel, dealing with the following and related issues: Medical diagnoses and treatment; presentation of difficult cases, therapeutics, and related questions. Care of specific ethnic groups, Jewish and non-Jewish. Genetic, epidemiological, and sociological information of interest to the community at large. Discussion of traditional medical practices among such groups. IVRITEX Hebrew TeX list List owner: DHOSEK@HMCVAX Subscription address: listserv@TAUNIVM.BITNET Purpose: The purpose of this list is to promote coordination of Hebrew TeX efforts by providing a forum in which both user and implementor problems may be discussed (much in line with the use of the TeXhax forum). The primary focus will be on the use of the TeX-XeT program for typesetting Hebrew text, but discussion of issues regarding other TeX add-ons for handling R-L text and/or issues regarding other R-L languages (e.g., Arabic, Aramaic, etc.) is encouraged. j-seminar Judaic Seminar Subscription address: Observation: No information available from the JAI Jewish Activism List owner: Mark Steinberg Subscription address: Write the owner. Purpose: Subscription not automatic. Owner will explain purpose. JECKE-L List owner: Manfredo Tichauer Subscription address: MAIL-SERVER@VALPSO.HANSE.DE Purpose: A Jewish mail-list for Jews that are interested to communicate in German because they want to discuss their special problems, they can't do it properly in English and/or they want to practice this language.Any Jewish related aspect might be discussed. JEM-MOD List owner: Avrum Goodblat goodblat@nysernet.ORG Subscription address: goodblat@nysernet.ORG Purpose: I am just about ready to start up the discussion on Jewish networking methodologies. It will be beginning next week. Rather than start a new list,l will be using the JEM-MOD list for this purpose. All moderators of lists on our system are strongly requested to join. JEM Jewish Electronic Meetings List owner: Avrum Goodblat goodblat@nysernet.ORG Subscription address: Purpose: JEM is Jewish Electronic Meetings Its purpose is to discuss what is available in Jewish cyberspace and how to enhance it. I suppose somebody (volunteers?) should post a listing on this listserve listing what else is available and how to reach it, a kind of Jewish FAQ (shelot v'tshuvot). Jewish-Music List owner: Ari Davidow Subscription address: Purpose: Jewish-Music exists to spread the word about recordings and musicians of Jewish interest, and where to find them. We've got a lot of territory to discuss--from the latest Israeli synth-pop (Fortis?) to the best of modern Klez (Klezmatics, for instance). Personally, I really dig Lebedeff. I really dig Shalom Chanoch and Yehuda Poliker and the Ethnix. And I really, really dig the Klezmatics. I can live without another operatic-style recording of Kol Nidre. I'm hoping that this will be a comfortable place to discuss what sounds good or bad; who's playing what and when; new recordings that are hot (or not) and where to get them. jewishgen Jewish Genealogy (from Fidonet) Subscription address: Observation: No information available from ******************************************************************************** 2 of 4 Global Jewish Networking Handbook Part I: Electronic Conferences of Jewish Interest (C) 1994 - Dov Winer - Part 3 of 4 Global Jewish Networking Handbook ********************************* Part I - Electronic Conferences of Jewish Interest ***************************************** This material is copyrighted. Widest distribution is encouraged provided that this header and the footer are preserved in any additional copies. (C) 1994 - Dov Winer ******************************************************************************** Jewishnt Jewishnt - The Global Jewish Information Network Project List owner: Dov Winer Subscription address: listserv@BGUVM.Bitnet Purpose: The Global Jewish Information Network Project Jewishnt at BGUVM is a discussion forum on all things concerning the establishment of the Global Jewish Information Network. Today's technology allows us to envision and implement projects that a short decade ago were no more than mere dreams. One dream that may come true is a computerized network used to connect all of the Jewish communities around the world. * Worlwide Electronic Mail facilities * Jewish Directories and Nameservers * Easy access to Jewish databases * Electronic newspapers, Bulletin Boards and conferences * Access to libraries of software on Jewish subjects * Jewish educational services * A Jewish Electronic University People with interests in these and related areas are invited to join the discussion. We expect to be able to enjoy their knowledge, accumulated experience and goodwill. JEWISHGT List Owner: Morris J. Schwartz Subscription address: KL+ Listserv@GITVM1.Bitnet Purpose: JewishGT is a listserv for members of the Georgia Tech Jewish Community, or people interested in discussing topics of interest to this community. JEWSTUDIES Jewish Studies List owner: Jacob Hyman Subscription address: Purpose: Descriptions of on-going scholarly research in the broadly defined area of Jewish Studies. Queries regarding information pertaining to on-going scholarly research in Jewish Studies Bibliographical, reference, archival or other source notes that might be of interest to other scholars in Jewish Studies Brief notes on other areas of interest to scholars of Jewish Studies. For the time being we will be open as to the time period of concentration, although material pertaining to the 18th/19th/20th Centuries are strongly encouraged. JIWD Jerusalem Institute for Western Defense List owner: Zvi Lando Subscription address: Purpose: World politics in general, Israel and the Middle-East in particular. This newsletter is published by The Jerusalem Institute for Western Defense headed by Yohanan Ramati. join Jewish Ozzies International Network List owner: Geraldine Jones Subscription address: Purpose: Newsletters and announcements relevant to life in Jewish Australia. join-help Jewish/Australian email discussion group. List owner: Geraldine Jones Subscription address: Purpose: For sharing ideas and skill and providing help about using Electronic Mail for Jewish networking. Postings should be focused on e-mail software, technology and usage. join-talk List owner: Geraldine Jones Subscription address: Purpose: Forum for discussion of Australian/Jewish issues and events. jpol Jewish Political Discussion Mailing List List owner: Rob Slater Subscription address: Purpose: Public, unmoderated discussion list on political issues that affect the Jewish community, both in Israel and the Diaspora. Also ideal for requests for action and information that do not really fit on other lists. Examples of acceptable issues include, Israeli politics, Diaspora politics, Israel-Diaspora relations, shul politics. JSML Jewish Singles Mailing List List owner: University of Maryland, Computer Science, College Park, MD 20742 Subscription address: Write to the owner. Purpose: Jewish singles events, places, phone numbers, etc. ... Non-computer Jewish singles from Hillel's houses and such. The account name should'nt have been 'zeus' for G-Dly reasons, but it's too late to change. I know. I know. Add to list: Use subject "JSML Post" JU-DA Discussion on Judaism and Databases List owner: Subscription address: Listserv@BARILVM.Bitnet Purpose: The JU-DA list has been established in order to deal with problems relating to databases in Judaica, their creation, retrieval methods etc. The Responsa Project is an appropriate place for managing such a list. JUDAICA Judaic Studies Newsletter JUDAICA - Jewish & Near Eastern Studies List owner: Tzvee Zahavy MAIC@UMINN1.BITNET Subscription address: LISTSERV@UMINN1.bitnet LISTSERV@TAUNIVM.BITNET Purpose: We are interested in information, work-in-progress, electronic applications, and, especially, new approaches, which relate to Judaic Studies. Questions are welcome, and participation of the broadest possible audience is encouraged. judaisme-l Patron: Nicolas Rebibo Addresse pour souscrire: But de cette liste: Cette liste se veut un lieu de discussion et de reflexion sur tous les aspects du judaisme. Ces objectifs pourront etre affines au fur et a mesure de son existence. Cette liste est, a ma connaissance, la premiere experience de ce type en Francais. Son succes depend de chacun d'entre nous, faites la connaitre autour de vous. JUDEA List owner: Mark Amiel Subscription address: Purpose: This will be a list for the distribution of the newsletter " Judea ". Judea is a monthly put out by Mark Amiel from Tekoa, a Jewish settlement in Judea, and will cover political, social and day - to - day news pertaining to life in Judea. The infor- mation inside will give readers a wealth of important academic resources and insights not reported on by the regular media and is strongly recommended to both academic and private readers. JUDEO-L List owner: Manfredo Tichauer Subscription address: MAIL-SERVER@VALPSO.HANSE.DE Purpose: Jewish mail-list for Spanish speaking/writing Jews which should also be used by Portuguese/Brazilian speaking/writing people, since both languages are very similar as also our problems. In Latin-America there are at least 450.000 Jews, many of them students that have the possibillity to communicate through USENET and mail-list is a way to transmit Yidishkeit. junk List owner: Eli Birnbaum Subscription address: Write to owner Purpose: Jewish University Network Information. Keshernet Lists k-halacha k-hassidus k-lchaim k-schmooze k-tanya List owner: Aaron Schmiedel Subscription address: or write the owner for BBS access. Purpose: K-Halacha An opportunity to discuss Halacha, and very shortly we hope to have a qualified Rabbi moderating the list. K-Hassidus A unique opportunity to expose oneself to the Hassidic way of life, a forum to enter, enjoy and learn. K- Schmooze A lightly moderate group devoted to the furtherment of Yiddishkeit by allowing discussions of all types relating to Judaism. K-Tanya Discussions of the Tanya and an opportunity for those inclined to share their thoughts and questions. kidlink Kid's network Subscription address: Observation: No information available from koach Subscription address: Purpose: College students outreach of Conservative Judaism. KOL-ISHA List owner: Freda Birnbaum Subscription address: Purpose: KOL-ISHA IS a moderated discussion list available through the courtesy of israel.nysernet. We deal with halachic questions and issues concerning women's roles in traditional Judaism. Kol-Isha encourages Achdut Yisrael (the unity of Israel) and we welcome women and men who are members of any group. We have only two guide-lines: First, we ask that you respect the role of halacha in the lives of Orthodox women. For women who are committed to Orthodox observance the question of whether halacha is valid is a moot point. Second, we ask that you contribute to the discussion by engaging in the asking of new halachic questions. We accept the divinity of Torah and the timelessness of halacha. We also believe that times have changed to the point where new halachic interpretations are inevitable. l-chaim Subscription address: Purpose: A weekly newsletter from Chabad. liberal-judaism Liberal Judaism Mailing List List owner: Daniel Faigin Subscription address: Purpose: The list is a place where Jews from all Jewish movements can discuss issues without fear of attacks about the legitimacy of their movements. The initial goal of the list was to provide a forum for discussions concerning issues of relevance to the more liberal movements (Reform, Reconstructionist, Conservative). Remember, it is acceptable to criticize the position taken by a given movement, as long as you word your submission in such as way as to not question the validity of that movement as a part of Judaism. m-debate On missionaries and us Owner: Israel Silverberg Subscription address: Purposes: Fundamentalist Christians are placing more effort and money into their attempts to convert Jews to Christianity as the year 2000 approaches. To block these missionary attempts requires that Jews learn how to respond to missionaries. This list provides the necessary refutation information. The list is not closed but it is not the proper forum for Hebrew-Christians to use to prompt their ideas. mail-jewish List owner: Avi Feldblum Subscription address: Purpose: Mail.Jewish is a mailing list which deals principally with questions related to Halacha (Jewish law), interpretations of Torah and other issues of concern/interest within a TRADITIONAL Judaic framework. The mailing list is compiled by Avi Feldblum at Bell Labs. The focus of the list is to provide a forum to discuss general jewish topics within a framework that accepts the validity of halacha. As there is a fair amount of discussion on halachic issues, the list is sometimes refered to as the halachic mailing list. mail.yiddish List owner: David (Donyel-Moyshe) Sherman dave@LSUC.ON.CA lsuc!dave%lsuc.uucp@GPU.UTCS.UTORONTO.CA Subscription address: Send a request to David Sherman at Post messages to: Purpose: A lively digest of articles and discussions about all things Yiddish [...] Mailing list for discussion of Yiddish language, literature and culture; a familiarity with Yiddish language is required. Some of the discussion is carried on in transliterated Yiddish. (Note: this is not a mailing list for discussion of Judaism or Jewish culture in general; those reside elsewhere.) MENDELE Yiddish Literature and Language List owner: Norman Miller NMILLER@TRINCC (Internet) Subscription address: LISTSERV@YALEVM LISTSERV@YALEVM.YCC.YALE.EDU) Purpose: The purpose of this list is to promote a friendly atmosphere for the discussion of Yiddish literature and language. Submissions are acceptable in Yiddish or English. The list is moderated. It is a joint venture of Trinity College and the Classics Department of Yale University. MICRO-EL Microelectronics in Israel List owner: Joseph van Zwaren JO%ILNCRD@VMS.HUJI.AC.IL Subscription address: LISTSERV@TAUNIVM.Bitnet Purpose: Disseminate important information for the Israeli research community involved in microelectronics. ******************************************************************************** Global Jewish Networking Handbook Part I: Electronic Conferences of Jewish Interest (C) 1994 - Dov Winer - Part 3 of 4 ******************************************************************************** Part 4 of 4 Global Jewish Networking Handbook ********************************* Part I - Electronic Conferences of Jewish Interest ***************************************** This material is copyrighted. Widest distribution is encouraged provided that this header and the footer are preserved in any additional copies. (C) 1994 - Dov Winer ******************************************************************************** Mission-Mania List owner: Steven Edell Subscription address: Purpose: Closed list for distribution of the UJA Mission Newsletter, "Mission-Mania". Moshiach Subscription address: Purpose: Discussion and sources pertaining to Moshiach and Redemption. Nekuda The Electronic Journal from Judea, Samaria, and Gaza List owner: Zvi Lando Subscription address: Purpose: "Nekuda" is the well known and respected (and widely quoted) monthly journal published by Yisrael Har-El, and has become the official publication supporting the ideological discussion inside the Jewish population of Yesha (acronym for Judea, Samaria, and Aza) and the Israeli Zionist movement in general. While "Nekuda" is is connected to the Jewish settlements in Judea, Samaria and Gaza, it is not aligned with any one idea and has as it's contributors many internationally writers from the Israeli left such as Amos Oz and A.B. Yehoshua. niews Hoe in wat in nederland Subscription address: Purpose: Netherland's Jewish list. Oxford-Judaism List owner: Rabbi Shmuley Boteach Subscription address: Purpose: The weekly essays by Rabbi Shmuel Boteach from Oxford that have been distributed through various lists, can now be accessed via a direct list by the name of Oxford-Judaism. parasha-qa Subscription address: Observation: No information available at the PERSIA-L Jewish Literature and History in the Persian Period List owner: M. Patrick Graham LIBMPG@EMUVM1.BITNET LIBMPG@EMUVM1.CC.EMORY.EDU Subscription address: Listserv@EMUVM1.BITNET Listserv@EMUVM1.CC.EMORY.EDU Purpose: AH+ PERSIA-L is an electronic discussion group devoted to interdisciplinary approaches to biblical texts and related literature of the Persian Period (6th-4th centuries BCE). Physics-L List owner: Joseph van Zwaren JO%ILNCRD@VMS.HUJI.AC.IL Subscription address: LISTSERV@TAUNIVM.Bitnet Purpose: To gather and distribute all relevant information on physics in Israel. PJAL The Progressive Jewish Activism List (moderated) List owners: Steve Carr Seth Grimes CARR@UTXVM.CC.UTEXAS.EDU JCIPP@MCIMAIL.COM CARR@UTXVM Subscription address: LISTSERV@UTXVM.BITNET LISTSERV@UTXVM.CC.UTEXAS.EDU: Purpose: The Progressive Jewish Activism List (PJAL@UTXVM.BITNET) is a forum for organizing and activism-oriented discussion by progressive Jews working for peace and social justice. PJML The Progressive Jewish Mailing List List owners: Steve Carr Seth Grimes CARR@UTXVM.CC.UTEXAS.EDU JCIPP@MCIMAIL.COM CARR@UTXVM Subscription address: LISTSERV@UTXVM.BITNET LISTSERV@UTXVM.CC.UTEXAS.EDU: Purpose: The Progressive Jewish Mailing List (PJML) is now an unmoderated discussion list. PJML is an educational forum -- a place for sharing information on a variety of Jewish concerns -- aimed at inspiring us to move forward and build a better world. PJML connects activist Jews and our allies across the globe. We come from many traditions but identify ourselves as "progressive"; if we have differences, let us discuss them openly and respectfully. Let us continue in the tradition of _tikkun olam_, the just repair of the world. PJD-L Jewish List in Philadelphia Owner: Jean-Jacques Rajter RAJTER@CCC.MEDCOLPA.EDU RAJTER@MEDCOLPA.Bitet Subscription address: Listserv@TEMPLEVM.Bitnet Purpose: For people that live in the Philadelphia area. It will be dealing with all Jewish events, activities... that are relevant to users in the immediate area. Other Jewish topics will also be welcome. pnai-or-rabbi The Pnai or Aleph Renewal Rabbinic List Subscription address: Observation: No information available from ravriskin Rabbi Riskin's Sermons Subscription address: Observation: No information available from RJP-L Reform Jewish Professionals List owner: Jeff Astrachan ASTRACHAN@UCBEH.SAN.UC.EDU Subscription address: ASTRACHAN@UCBEH.SAN.UC.EDU Purpose: The RJP-L is a restricted access list designed to meet the needs of Reform Jewish Professionals. This would include rabbis, educators and cantors. RJP-L is NOT a discussion list. Its primary purpose is for the free exchange of sermons, bulletin articles, adult ed. curricula, conversion-class information, etc. sci society.culture.israel newsgroup List owner: Warren Burstein Subscription address: Purpose: Discussion concerning Jewish culture and religion. Email redistribution list for the USENET Newsgroup soc.culture.israel for the benefit of those without access to News and Usenet. scj society.culture.jewish List owner: Warren Burstein Subscription address: Purpose: Discussion concerning Jewish culture and religion. Email redistribution list for the USENET Newsgroup soc.culture.jewish for the benefit of those without access to News and Usenet. SEFARAD The Sephardic Electronic Archive (SEA) List owner: Yitzchak Kerem Subscription address: Purpose: SEA is a means of sharing information and communicating around the world with those interested in Sephardic studies and affairs. SEA is intended to fill that gap, by promoting the exchange of information, making announcements of concerts, lectures, seminars, trips, educational programs, conferences, collecting information on Sephardic Jewry, and in general to inform interested parties about events, projects, and research conducted in other geographical areas. shabbatshalom Subscription address: Purpose: Insight into Torah, life and personal growth by Rabbi Kalm. UJA United Jewish Appeal - University Programs Mailing List List owner: Alan M. Gallatin Subscription address: Purpose: Discussion on matters generally affecting United Jewish Appeal, and particularly concerning UJA campaigns on university campuses. Shiduch List owner: Raizi Steinberg Subscription address: Purpose: This list will be for the discussion and coordination of finding a shiduch. SPACE-IL List owner: Subscription address: listserv@TAUNIVM.Bitnet Purpose: The Israeli Space and Remote Sensing Bulletin is produced for the Israeli Space Agency, Ministry of Science and Development by the Interdisciplinary Center for Technological Analysis and Forecastin at Tel Aviv University. The intent is to provid an interactive forum for the announcement of events, opportunities and new publications in areas related to the Israeli space and remote sensing community. SUP-COND List owner: Joseph van Zwaren Subscription address: listserv@TAUNIVM.Bitnet Purpose: A list for people interested in Superconductivity in Israel so that local and international information on this field (local achievements, abstracts on work from overseas, lectures, workshop, call for proposal, etc.) can be disseminated efficiently and rapidly. TECHMAT Technion Mathematics Net List owner: Subscription address: Purpose: An electronic new service for mathematicians. We circulate announcements of mathematical activities in Israel and all over the world, and transmit other notices of interest to mathematicians. Tachlis List owner: Eli Birnbaum Subscription address: Purpose: Tachlis is a list for practical Aliyah. This list, moderated by Eli Birnbaum is for questions and answers on practical matters of Aliyah, and differs from the more official tone of the list "Aliya". TIKSUVON Subscription address: Purpose: Tikshuvon - Technion Computer Center Newsletter. Torah-Talk List owner: Rabbi Yehoshua Steinberg Subscription address: Purpose: This list, run by a computer specialist _AND_ Rabbi, Yeoshua Steinberg (Jem). Rabbi Steinberg was a Rabbi in the US army and had a gathering in the States before making Aliyah last year. The list will deal with Halachic questions and answers which can run on a general level of Jewish life. tour-israel List owner: Jack Simcovitch Subscription address: Purpose: A "closed": list run by Jack Simcovitch. Jack came to Israel from Detroit, Michigan, in 1973. After his studies at the Hebrew University and service in Zahal he has worked in the Israeli Tourist Industry as tour agent and guide. The list will consist of an article each two weeks written on a different tourist area in Israel. UJS List owner: Immanuel O'Levy Subscription address: Write the owner. Purpose: The UJS is the Union of Jewish Students, an British organization aimed at Jewish students. The UJS Email connection is an email-based magazine aimed at discussing topics of interest to the Jewish students, as well as advetising forthcoming activities and other things of interest, such as job placements in Israel, and so on. worldcon Subscription address: Purpose: The World Connection Jewish Learning Project. YAVNEH-NA Yavneh North America List owner: Joseph Wetstein Subscription address: Purpose: Yavneh North America was established to support the Orthodox Jewish student on campus. Members will aim to provide communal support for observant students in their school environment. Yavneh expect not only to enrich the lives of observant folks already in college, but also to ease the transition of those about to enter school. Those who are undecided as to choice if school, and who seek a college offering a vibrant Jewish life, can obtain guidance from Yavneh. Others, may receive a hand from Yavneh in getting acclimated. Zionet List for Student Activity and Programs in Israel List owner: Eli Birnbaum Subscription address: il Purpose: This list will deal with all and any student programs, ulpanim, Kibbutzim, Yeshivot, etc. ******************************************************************************** Global Jewish Networking Handbook Part I: Electronic Conferences of Jewish Interest (C) 1994 - Dov Winer - Part 4 of 4 Dov Winer Ben Gurion University