Form1 VB FileCdr Window 111111111111 1111011 110?11?1 Form15G Grid1 Invisible_Text Invisible_Text Form_LoadA Invisible_Text_Changey List1_Click FileCdrInstallVB FileCdrUnInstallVB GetPrivateProfileString lpApplicationName3 lpKeyName lpDefault^ lpReturnedString nSizej lpFileName WritePrivateProfileString lpstring lplFileName ExitWindows dwReturnCode Reserved WM_SETTEXT EW_RESTARTWINDOWS Success% MB_YESNO. MB_ICONQUESTIONl IDYESf Form1 Invisible_Textt MB_OK MB_ICONINFORMATION Loaded Form_Resize List1 ScaleWidth ScaleHeight Form_Unload Cancel mb_IconStop List1_DblClick Grid1, ColWidth GridWid ScaleMode4 LastCol Width ClipC SelStartRow SelEndRow_ SelStartCol SelEndCol Grid1_Click FixedRows first Resize TextH column widths FileCdrUnInstall GetWindowFlags GetWinFlags WF_ENHANCED declarations for access to FileCdrL DLL FILECDRL.DLL FILECDRL.DLL declarations for Windows API functionsL Kernel Kernel Kernel constants used by Windows API functions Form_Load Because Windows is not in 386 Enhanced mode, VBLog will not be able to log file events occurring in DOS boxes VBLog Message 386Enh FileSysChange SYSTEM.INI Windows is not set up to receive notification of file activity in DOS boxes. Enable this feature and restart Windows? VBLog Message 386Enh FileSysChange SYSTEM.INI set up the first four grid column widths first row initially NOT fixed, so we can use AddItemS Event File name(s) remove empty line Unable to install VB Log. FileCDR is in use by another program - probably File Manager VB Log Message Form_Resize Form_Unload The FileCdr function could not be uninstalled. You may have to restart Windows to regain access to FileCdr VB Log Message Invisible_Text_Change It is not possible for a grid to have just ONE rowi and have that row be a fixed row. Thus we do not make it fixed until after another row has been added.