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Syntax        IntT CDC WprtfV(WdfP w, WrdT wr, WrdT wc, AtrT at, ChrP fs,

Prototype in  TcxlWin.H

Functions     IntT CDC Wprtf(WrdT wr, WrdT wc, AtrT at, ChrP fs, ...);
              IntT CDC WVprtf(WndT wh, WrdT wr, WrdT wc, AtrT at, ChrP fs,

              IntT CDC WputfV(WdfP w, ChrP fs, ...);
              IntT CDC Wputf(ChrP fs, ...);
              IntT CDC WVputf(WndT wh, ChrP fs, ...);

Description   Displays a formatted string to the specified window. Works
              like the standard printf() function.  The W?p?tf?() functions
              use the va_start()/vsprintf()/va_end() functions to create a
              string that is then printed by _Wputs().

              W?prtf?() displays at the specified coordinates, using the
              specified attribute (See Appendix A).

              W?putf?() displays at the current coordinates, using the
              default attribute.

Arguments     wh  -  Window Handle
              w   -  Pointer to Window Structure
              wr  -  Window Row
              wc  -  Window Column
              at  -  Attribute (See Appendix A)
              fs  -  Format String (See your compiler's documentation)
              ... -  Additional Arguments

Returns       ERR_NUL  -  No Error
              ERR_ARG  -  Argument Failure

              TcxlErr contains:
                  W_NOACTIVE  -  No Active Window
                  W_INVCOORD  -  Invalid Coordinates


See Also: Appendix A
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