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Syntax        VOID CTYP WScrBarV(WdfP w, FlgT on, FlgT si);

Prototype in  TcxlWin.H

Functions     VOID CTYP WScrBar(FlgT on, FlgT si);
              VOID CTYP WVScrBar(WndT wh, FlgT on, FlgT si);

Description   While the functions are not macros, they do directly relate to
              this function.

              WScrBar() returns (WScrBarV(WctlAct, on, si).
              WVScrBar() returns (WScrBarV(WinLoc(wh), on, si).

Arguments     wh -  Window Handle
              w  -  Pointer to Window Structure
              on -  Toggle bar on/off
                        TRUE  - Turn on Bar
                        FALSE - Turn off bar
              si -  Position of scroll bar
                        TRUE  - Scroll bar on right side of window
                        FALSE - Scroll bar on bottom of window

Returns       None.

              If it doesn't work, check TcxlErr for:
                  W_NOACTIVE  -  No Active Window


This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson