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Syntax        IntT CTYP FldKey(KeyT hk);

Prototype in  TcxlEnt.H

Description   This function assigns a hot key to the individual data entry
              field.  The call to this function must appear immediately after
              the call to the EntFld() to which it relates.  During user
              input, when the user enters the field, the before function gets

              If you use EntBuild(), you would specify a field's hot key as
              part of the field's Fbld structure.

Arguments     hk -  Hotkey for field

Returns       ERR_NUL  -  No Error
              ERR_ARG  -  Argument Failure

              TcxlErr contains:
                  W_NOACTIVE  -  No Active Window
                  W_NOINPDEF  -  No Input Fields Defined

See Also      EntFld EntDef

Example       /* assign [Alt-D] to the Date field */

See Also: EntFld EntDef
This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson