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Syntax        IntT CTYP MnuTxtV(WndT wh, WrdT wr, WrdT wc, AtrT at);

Prototype in  TcxlMnu.H

Description   This function was designed primarily to permit the easy
              implementation of Lotus-style menus, where the text descriptions
              are displayed underneath the menu and change each time the user
              moves to a new menu item.  This function was introduced with
              TCXL 5.52 to reduce the overhead of calling ItmTxt() several
              times with identical parameters.

Arguments     wh -  Window Handle
              wr -  Window Row for descriptions
              wc -  Window Column for descriptions
              at -  Attribute for display (see Appendix A).

Returns       ERR_NUL  -  No Error
              ERR_ARG  -  Argument Failure

              TcxlErr contains:
                  W_NOMNUDEF  -  No Menu Defined


See Also: Appendix A
This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson