Tnet Configuration Maker Help File Wildcat! Version # {2 or 3}: Put 2 if you are running Wildcat! v2.xx and put 3 if you are running Wildcat! v3.xx. Work Directory: Path to where you want Tnet to do its work. QWK Directory: Path to where Tnet will find your QWK files. REP Directory: Path to where Tnet will find your REP files. Packer/Unpacker {1-ZIP 1.10 2-ZIP 2.x 3-ARJ 4-LZH 5-PAK}: Put 1 if you are using Pkzip v1.10, put 2 if you are using Pkzip v2.x, put 3 if you are using ARJ, put 4 if you are using LZH (LHa), put 5 if you are using PAK. Append replies to REP file if file exists? {Y/N}: Put Y if you want to Tnet to add replies to an existing REP file and put N if you don't. ATFilter? {Y/N}: Put Y if you want Tnet to filter out variables used for Wildcat! (@USER@) and PCBoard. Put N if you want Tnet to leave them in the message(s). Verbose? {Y/N}: Put Y if you want the Tnet log file to be very detailed and put N if you want the Tnet log fiel to be general. TCAN: Put a user's name here who you do not want messages from to be sent and messages to you do not want to receive. You may put as many TCANs as you want and enter when you are done. Private Name: Put a user's name here who you want messages from that are private to be sent even if PRIVATE = N in conference section, and messages from this person that are private to be received. Translate: localname, hubname - Example: Sysop, Benjamin Alexander All messages with (localname) will be exported as (hubname) and all messages with (hubname) will be import as (localname) Local Sysop: This is the name of the local sysop. It is usually yours. Hub Sysop: This is the name of the sysop of the bbs that you are using as your hub. Import TAG Letter: Letter to be placed in front of Import Tagline. This will allow you to use different taglines with each conference if you wish. Put A for this, Export TAG Letter, and TAG Letter in the conference section if you just plan on using one tagline for all the conferences. Import Tagline: This is a tagline that will be placed at the end of messages being sent from your system. An Example: U'NI-net: The Base þ Marietta, GA þ (404) 509-7813/565-0878 *NOTE* Keep the tagline less than 60 characters. Export TAG Letter: Same as for Import TAG Letter except this is for messages being sent from your system. Export Tagline: This is a tagline that will be placed at the end of messages being sent from your system. An Example: U'NI-net: The Base þ Marietta, GA þ (404) 509-7813/565-0878 *NOTE* Keep the tagline less than 60 characters. Log File: Path/filename to the Tnet log file. Attachment Limit Size: Size in bytes that will be the limit of files attached to messages. TTAG (Y or N): Works only for registered versions of TNet. N does not include the TNet x.xx in the import/export tagline and Y keeps it in the taglines. Enter alone skips this. Local Conference Number (Enter exits): The conference number to be used on your BBS for messages. Enter alone exits. Hub Conference Number: The conference number to be used on your Hub's BBS for messages. Private: Put Y if you want to allow private messages in this conference and put N if you do not. TAG Letter: Letter to use for Import Tagline. Nextmsg Number (Default 1): Put the nextmsg number for this conference if you know it or enter alone defaults to 1.