Directory to Process This is the DOS directory holding the files that you would like to process. Only the files that are in this directory will be described, or moved as you request. Export to File Listing This is the text file that you would like to place your found descriptions in, if no re-direction key words are found (and therefore files are moved to other directories), or if you have the "Smart" file re-direction turned off. Text File(s) to Search This is the text file or mask for the text files that will be searched for descriptions. To specify a single file, include the complete path and filename. To specify a number of files, include the complete path and a mask for example, C:\TEXT\*.TXT will search all files in the \TEXT directory with the extension .TXT. If the program does not seem to be checking files, check the path and filename for accuracy. If you do not wish to search file lists (I.E.: You want either the FILE_ID.DIZ or nothing at all), it is still advisable to specify a filename here, and create an empty file. Smart Key Word Re-direction One of the major functions of this program is to sort files into different directories by detecting certain user-specified "key words" in the descriptions (from FILE_ID.DIZs or text listings). However, you can switch off this feature, and merely place all the descriptions in the default directory, without moving any files. !ReCheck Files Normally, once a file description has been placed in the main listing (used for files that have no redirection key words, and haven't been moved), it isn't desirable to search a second time through the archive and file listings for a description. If it is desired, this switch can be set to ON or YES, and they will be. Note: the existing entry will *not* be removed from the listing. Filter Characters All characters with an ASCII value less than 31 or greater than 128 will be removed. In order for other filtering to occur (I.E. User Specified), this switch must be ON. Retain Beta Character The Beta ( ) character is a common graphic character that you may wish to retain, while removing all others. Setting this switch to ON accomplishes that. Filter Phrases Occasionally, there may be other repetitive phrases that you may want to remove, besides the graphics characters. Enter them here each phrases should be separated with the ~ character. For example, ~THE~END~ would remove all occurances of the word THE and the word END. ~Uploaded By:~ would remove all occurances of the phrase UPLOADED BY: while not removing the word UPLOADED by itself. BETA DIRECTOR EXPORT FILESPECE FILTER GONE RECHECK SMART ~