. APPENDIX A - LENA DATA FILE ORGANIZATION ======================================== GENERAL FORMAT All data files for LENA are essentially text files, alphanumeric information recorded in ASCII characters. In the following descriptions, the format of each data field is: Field = Number of character spaces, total, for one item or value. Record = Contiguous fields terminated by (Hex 0D 0A). Note: There are no field separators or indicators that the first record has begun. Character string: An where: A = Indicator for character text. n = Maximum Number of characters in data field. alignment: Left-justified in data field, blanks (Hex 20) padding trailing byte spaces. example: 'A48' indicates a 48-character-maximum string. Integer number: In where: I = Indicator for Integer value. n = Maximum number of characters in data field. alignment: Recorded right-justified in data field, blanks (Hex 20) padding in leading character spaces. polarity: Positive, unless leading numeral character is preceded by a negative sign (dash, Hex 2D). Real (floating-point) number: En.m where: E = Indicator for floating point ("has Exponent") value. n = Number of total characters in field. m = Number of characters in fractional part of mantissa. alignment: Recorded right-justified in data field, blanks padding in leading character spaces. sub-field organization, in order, first to last (left-to- right): a. leading padding blanks (if any) b. Mantissa sign (negative or dash character if Mantissa negative, no indicator character if Mantissa positive). c. integer part of Mantissa (LENA floating-point mantissa integers have only one digit). d. Mantissa decimal point (Hex 2E). LENA Appendix A - Page 1 of 4 . e. Mantissa fractional part. f. Letter E (Hex 45, indicates start of decimal exponent). g. Exponent sign (Hex 2B if positive, equal or greater than unity; Hex 2D if negative or less than unity). h. Exponent (LENA always formats 2 exponent digits). example: E11.4 format of value -12345 would be -1.2345E+04 ~~~~ m ~~~~~~~~~~~ n A file examination program such as Vernon Buerg's "LIST" may be used to examine Data files to see contents in detail. CIRCUIT DATA FILES ------------------ ORGANIZATION The first record of every Circuit file begins with an integer denoting the number of total branches in a Circuit. The total of all following records will equal that value. Second and subsequent records correspond to the branches in a Circuit. Fields in each Record are sequential, in order of listing. FIRST RECORD Format Description ------ ---------------------------------------------------- I6 Number of branches in circuit. I6 Hour in circuit creation/alteration time-date. I6 Minutes in circuit creation/alteration time-date. I6 Day of month in circuit creation/alteration time-date. I6 Month in circuit creation/alteration time-date (1 = January, 12 = December). I6 Year of creation/alteration time-date (4 digits). A48 Remarks string. SECOND AND SUBSEQUENT RECORDS Format Description ------ --------------------------------------------------- I6 Branch Type Number, coding: 1 = Resistor 8 = PRC 2 = Capacitor 9 = PRL 3 = Inductor 10 = SIG 4 = LQ (inductor with Q) 11 = IDC 5 = CQ (capacitor with Q) 12 = GMS 6 = SRL 13 = HFS 7 = SRC 1xxy = Transformer macromodel (4 digit) * 2xxy = Transmission Line macromodel (4 digit) * 3xxy = Bipolar Transistor macromodel (4 digit) * 4xxy = Operational Amplifier macromodel (4 digit) * * xx = 2-digit value equal to single branch type. LENA Appendix A - Page 2 of 4 * y = 1-digit value equal to macromodel branch order within macro. A8 Type Description of Branch. I4 Plus Node. I3 Minus Node. E15.7 First Value. E15.7 Second Value. I5 Switch/Dependent-Branch-Number (minus if Open). SOLUTION DATA FILES ------------------- Solution files contain voltage or impedance data at one Node. FIRST RECORD Format Description ------ ---------------------------------------------------- I4 Node of solution. I4 Number of frequencies solved for FREquency/IMPedance. I4 3(I4) Three internal values for LENA. I4 Output format: PRInt = 1; PLOt = 2 I4 Output type: FREquency = 1; IMPedance = 2; SPEctrum = 3; TIMe = 4; ENVelope = 5 [time-related solution types apply only to LINEA files, cannot be handled by LENA] A8 Solution filename (without file extension). A8 Circuit filename (without file extension), Circuit being the one analyzed-solved. A48 Remarks string attached to Circuit analyzed-solved. 5(I4) Solution time-date, same hour-minute-day-month-year arrangement as Circuit time-date. SECOND RECORD Format Description ------ ---------------------------------------------------- E17.9 Zero db Reference Voltage. E17.9 Most-negative degree scale limit for PLOt (may not apply to recorded solution). E17.9 Most-positive degree scale limit for PLOt (may not apply to recorded solution). THIRD RECORD Third record quantities are Frequency Limits. Format Description ------ ---------------------------------------------------- E17.9 Minimum frequency of solution. E17.9 Maximum frequency of solution. E17.9 Delta frequency: positive is linear increment while negative's magnitude is multiplier for log increment. LENA Appendix A - Page 3 of 4 FOURTH AND FOLLOWING RECORDS Format Description ------ ---------------------------------------------------- E17.9 Frequency of solution. E17.9 Voltage or Impedance magnitude at Frequency. E17.9 Voltage or Impedance phase-angle at Frequency. WAVEFORM DATA FILES ------------------- LENA, as a smaller sub-set of LINEA, cannot handle repetitive waveform solutions. The following information is given for reference only. Format Description ------ ---------------------------------------------------- I4 Number of coefficients, number of records containing rectangular-form complex waveform coefficients. 5(I5) Waveform creation time-date, same hour-minute-day- month-year arrangement as Circuit time-date. A48 Remarks string, primarily for WAVESPEC use, not used by LENA. SECOND RECORD Format Description ------ ---------------------------------------------------- E15.7 R.F. carrier frequency; if this is Video waveform, will be zero. E15.7 Coefficient incremental frequency, inverse of waveform repetition time. THIRD RECORD Format Description ------ ----------------------------------------------------- E15.7 Minimum coefficient frequency; if Video, this is 0. E15.7 Maximum coefficient frequency. FOURTH AND FOLLOWING RECORDS These are number pairs, the number of pairs equal to the number of coefficients. Default value is 200 complex coefficients, but it is possible to generate a waveform data file with 100, 50, 25, 12, 6, or 3 coefficients. Format Description ------ ---------------------------------------------------- E15.7 Real part of complex waveform coefficient. E15.7 Imaginary part of complex waveform coefficient. LENA Appendix A - Page 4 of 4 .1/31/94