=== DISCLAIMER === I allow you to use and distribute EA-Browser freely under the condition that I am in no way responsible for any damage or loss you may suffer. Henk Kelder, 2:280/801.339@fidonet.org NOTES ON THIS PROGRAM - VERSION 0.20 ==================================== This program - The EA-Browser - is a program under development. It is not yet finished. It will however function as the title says: It allows you to browse thru the extended attributes on your disks. Also you can change and delete existing extended attributes now. But beware: editing in the so-called 'binary mode' acts a bit strange: The key inserts a single byte (value 00h) at the current cursor location. The key removes the single byte at the cursor location. When you have changed an EA you must choose 'Attributes->Save' in order to save the changes. The program will *NOT* warn you when you are about to loose any changes. WHAT THE PROGRAM SHOWS ====================== The top-left-side list box will show all files and directories in the current directory. The top-right-side list box will show all extended attributes belonging the the file or directory that is selected in the top-left-side listbox. The bottom half of the screen will show the extended attribute itself. It will show the EA depening on a menu-option: - When 'Binary Mode' is selected no EA-type formatting will take place and the EA will be shown in hexadecimal (left) and character (right) presentation. - When 'Binary Mode' is not selected the program will try to show the EA based on the EA-type. The EA-type is normally specified by the first two bytes of the EA. Several EA's do however not follow this convention or they do not match the way the format of an EA-type as described in the 'IBM Redbooks'. Unknown EA-types are always displayed in binary mode. Some EA-types are unclear to me: ASN.1 and MVST. I've never seen them being used and do not know the format (yet). They will always be shown in binary mode. Also EA's containing Metafiles and bitmaps are shown in binary mode. See KNOWN BUGS for more information. You can change directories by double-clicking on a directory or by selecting 'Change Directory' from the menu. KNOWN BUGS ========== The program tries to show the EA's according the the EA type. EA type information is however stored in the EA itself (the first 2 bytes) but can be incorrect or even not used (the data starts at the beginning). Rexx command files don't follow conventions there. The EA-Browser can (in theory) try to show an EA based on a specified EA type and run into a protection violation if the EA has violated the format of the specified type. Should this be the case try looking at the EA after you have selected 'Binary mode' from the menu. THE FUTURE OF THIS PROGRAM ========================== The options in the menu are mostly 'Not yet implemented' and I am not even sure if they will ever be.. I am releasing this program as a BETA and so that anyone who thinks this program might be interesting can drop me a note with hints-tip-wishes. An important question is: Should this program have the ability to change extended attributes? With the risk of changing some vital piece of information so that your workplace shell never works again? If you have any ideas, please send them to me at the above Fidonet address. Henk Kelder