Geometric Sketch Conic Sketch Trigonometric Sketch Conic Sketch Geometric Sketch Advanced Sketch *Press to see another sketch . . . = K \ b n { Uh-oh ! That function is NOT present. Try another selection...U Correct ! Now try to solve another!U OooPS ! Variable B = division by 0 Value corrected to +1.0 OooPS ! Variable R = illogical length. Value corrected to (+) R OooPS ! Variable B = division by 0 Value corrected to +1.0 R q w !&!D!J!O![!j! "0";"H"Z"h" #"#E#Y#f# $&$4$C$X$b$q$ %=%Q%t% &)&9&W&}& (9([(i(n( )2)?)V)d)s) * *%* +1+E+z+ ,=,c,u, -a.k.z. /'/4/C/r/ 0*030B0]0j0y0 1)171D1\1q1{1 1+2?2b2v2 3O3n3t3 4#4A4G4L4X4g4 Enter Filename: Enter 1-8 characters XYSEE Overwrite Duplicate File? 3 U 3 SORRY!&Not enough MEMORY for so large a file. -VALIDATING your changes, one moment please... CANCEL ACCEPT OFF-KEY ON-KEY SPACE RIGHT MESSAGE POINT CIRCLE PARABOLA TANGENT PARAMETRIC COMPOSITEU P EDITOR Help! Want more help on file COMMANDS? Want more help on file SYNTAX?'Press "ACCEPT" to return to the editor. SORRY!"Please select a "FROM" line first.U SORRY! No Line has been DELETED yet.U SORRY! Your printer is NOT Ready!%Printing XYSee Version 4.0 Listing... XYSee 4.0 Editor listing of &Preregistration - Evaluation Use Only!&______________________________________ Date: End of listing... _________________U $Press "ACCEPT" to print a listing... o M X j o t ( - 2 7 B T Y ^ m r z !!!+!=!F!\!a!i!{! "B"]"k" #%#-#2#7#C#P#V#c#q# $$$Q$W$q$y$~$ &=&j&w&}& '('6'a'w' (8(E(K(X(f( )5)T)b) *&*I* +e+s+ ,(,6,Y,x, ---V-c-i-v- 020@0q0 0b1q1~1 2C2P2^2}2 4*4=4M4Z4`4]5k5p5 6+666;6E6W6\6n6s6}6 7/777<7k7}7 7B8X8j8 9 9/9:9":+:4:=:B: ;-;C;Q;~; ;!=T=f=s= ?&?@?S?_@v@ A+ALAeAoAtA~A B(B7B&S&]&i& 'B's' '$(O(\(e( (8)E)_)n) ***D*Y*f*s* *A+f+ , ,F,l,~, ,:-L-c-~- .2.U.b.q. /$/F/X/d/ 0#00050J0T0`0x0 111>1C1X1b1n1 1%252;2N2T2_2h2n2w2 343>3J3b3p3}3 414b4|4 6/6>6M6R6i6 898N8l8 8!9g9y9 :.:_: ;;;J;l;~; < <. >K>[>a>t>z> ? ?-?E?Z?d?p? @I@c@ A+AVAcAlA A#d# $D$V$e$ $"%V%e%t% &3&L&l&y&~& '"'_'p' (0(G(X(h(y( )'):)H)V)e)z) *8*E*J*X*u* + +&+3+D+O+`+f+ ,3,D,Q,V,d,~, .*.D.U.w. /./M/_/l/ 101E1c1 1-2<2K2\2e2 273T3y3 4)4.4<4O4h4 5"5c5 6(6J6[6~6 7(727B7V7p7v7 8 8-828@8]8j8o8 989L9Y9^9s9 :$:*:<:I:R: ;];j; <:8>e>v> ?*?9?e? ?*@9@H@Y@b@ A A@AMARA`AlA A3BDBiBoB C,CSSSYSfSwS T(T-TBTfTwT U1V>VXVgV W-WLWkW OooPS ! Variable A = division by 0 Value corrected to +1.0 B -4A < 0 is imaginary. Values will be adjusted. B -4AC < 0 is imaginary. Greater root = Lesser root = Root separation = Quadratic: AX + BX = 0 Quadratic: AX + BX + C = 0 OooPS ! Variable R = illogical length. Value corrected to (+) R Radius = Diameter = Circumference = Area = Offset [horiz] = Offset [vert] = 27RSP Circle: X Circle: (X-H) Circle: (X-H) + (Y-K) OooPS ! Variable A = illogical length. Value corrected to (+) A Variable A = division by 0 Value corrected to +1.0 Variable B = illogical length. Value corrected to (+) B Variable B = division by 0 Major axis = Minor axis = Aspect ratio = Offset [horiz] = Offset [vert] = Foci separation = b:RSP Ellipse: X Ellipse: (X-H) = 1"Ellipse: (X-H) + (Y-K) Directrix = Focus = Vertex = &Update "X" to adjust the +/- viewport. Parabola: Y = X Parabola: Y = AX Parabola: Y = A(X-H) Parabola: (Y-K) = A(X-H) OooPS ! Variable Y = division by 0 Value corrected to +1.0 Variable A = illogical length. Value corrected to (+) A Variable A = division by 0 Variable B = illogical length. Value corrected to (+) B Variable B = division by 0 Center = Foci = Excentricity = BRSP &Update "Y" to adjust the +/- viewport. Hyperbola: X = 1 Hyperbola: (X-H) = 1$Hyperbola: (X-H) - (Y-K) 5 % T !(!7!H!Q! #:#W#z# $0$8$=$d$ %)%P%v%{% &5&K& &''8'>'Z'~' (-(:(?(M(j(w(|( )2)<)X)e)j)x) )(*5*:*B*W*_*e* +'+-+@+T+t+ -3-B-T-t- .3.H.X.h.x. .G/m/ 0-0S0y0 181R1r1 1H2c2 2!313T3x3}3 4:4U4l4 5A5S5}5 646A6F6T6c6z6 7!7'7C7P7U7c7{7 8,8B8S8`8e8z8 9 9&92989F9R9d9q9z9%:b:o: ;?;T;o; < >%>H>]>{> ?E?T?c?t?}? @@@q@ A#A4A=AlA B+BTB}B C$C2CSC E2E7E?EKEtE F1FXF F5GxG HGH`H H I$I)I0I5IeIuI{I J!J)J:J]JjJoJ}J K"K'K r w ~ !'!N![!`!u! ">"P"b"t"z" #%#L#Y#^#l# $$$*$9$K$X$a$ $1%>%X%g% &-&L&^&k& %Press to Print Report Form.. #SORRY!...Your Printer is NOT Ready!)Printing XYSee Version 4.0 Report Form...; Preregistration - Evaluation Use Only!; ______________________________________9 Date: 8 XYSee Version 4.0 PUZZLE REPORT8 ===============================7 Number of available solutions: 7 Number of attempted solutions: 7 Number of successful solutions:1 Elapsed time (Hrs./Min.): // Puzzle difficulty: %/ Solution score: 8 Help with values WAS requested.8 Help with values NOT requested.U XYSee PUZZLE REPORT Number of available solutions: Number of attempted solutions: Number of successful solutions: Elapsed time (Hrs./Min.): Puzzle difficulty: Solution score: Help with values WAS requested. Help with values NOT requested.%Press to Print Report Form.. XYSAVED.PZL Please Confirm! A puzzle is currently saved. Overwrite the old puzzle? % / H M a f v { U POINT CIRCLE PARABOLA TANGENT PARAMETRIC COMPOSITEU Uh-oh ! Bad puzzle TOLERANCE value. Value corrected to 0. Puzzle VALUE contaminated. Value corrected to 0.10 POINT CIRCLE PARABOLA ELLIPSE TANGENT PARAMETRIC COMPOSITE Bad puzzle FUNCTION entry. Bypassing the invalid entry. This puzzle file is EMPTY. Select another puzzle file.U ( 7 N r !0!I!b!{! " "("m"{" #.#:#W#o# CURSOR CONTROLS Left/Right on line .F2 Cursor up .........Up-arrow Right 10 spaces ...Tab Cursor down .....Down-arrow Top of screen ....Home Cursor left .....Left-arrow Bottom of screen ..End Cursor right ...Right-arrow Previous screen ..PgUp Insert character .......Ins Next screen ......PgDn Delete character .......Del Top of file ........F3 Backspace/Delete .Backspace Bottom of file .....F4 LINE FUNCTIONS Copy line from .F5 Insert line ...F7 Copy line to ...F6 Delete line ...F8 Append line ...Ent Restore line .Esc SPECIAL FUNCTIONS Print edit file .......F9 Help ..................F1 Quit/Check Syntax ....F10U H FILE SYNTAX: Macro:0(Line 1) {Comment}2(Line 1) <"Message">{Comment} (Line 2) Puzzle:((Line 1) {Comment}-(Line 2) {Comment}-(Line n) {Comment}CNotation convention: , {Optional}, "Literal", (Note only)U H AUTOMATIC COMMANDS!ACCEPT ......Enter key substitute!BEEP ..............Attention bell!CANCEL .....Escape key substitute!DOWN ...Down arrow key substitute!LEFT ...Left arrow key substitute!MESSAGE .....Message text follows!NULL ..........Non-executing line!OFF-KEY ........Lock the keyboard!ON-KEY .......Unlock the keyboard!RIGHT .Right arrow key substitute!STOP .............Terminate Macro!UP .......Up arrow key substitute!WAIT .........Pause till "ACCEPT" MANUAL COMMANDS "ACCEPT" ...Pause till "ACCEPT" "CANCEL" ...........Abort Macro PUZZLE FUNCTIONS Circle Composite Line Parabola Parametric Point Sine TangentU [STARTING XYSee 4.0] How to use XYSee... XYSee is a powerful resource for!investigating functions and forms!within the X-Y coordinate system. 1. Select a family of functions.!2. Select an individual function. 3. Enter your parameter values. 4. Evaluate the plot display. 5. Practice changing the values. 6. Print a copy of your plot.U [NAVIGATING XYSee] How to access a feature...!XYSee uses an intuitive tree menu structure to access features and to move between menus. 1. Use your mouse or arrow-key to select an icon or button. 2. Within a menu, will" return to the first selection. 3. To return to a previous menu, press again.U [PLOTTING with XYSee] "UPDATE" How to plot new values... Upon entering a function module,"XYSee automatically plots a set of initial default values."1. Select to shift menus."2. Press to enter a cell. 3. Within a cell, press" to reset the previous contents. 4. Press to update your plot after changes are made.U [PUZZLES and XYSee] How to solve a puzzle... Solve puzzle pieces by selecting parameter values to match their form, position, and orientation.!1. Select a puzzle from the list.!2. Identify its functions/pieces. 3. Enter preliminary values.!4. Refine the values as required.!5. Repeat steps 2-4 until solved.!6. View/print performance report.U [XYSee DISPLAYS]!The plot of the selected function!will be displayed in Vis- Yellow.!ability aids will be displayed in Puzzle pieces will be in Green. White,# while solution attempts will"plot in When a scale change Yellow. occurs, the affected scale will turn until returned to Red White at the next replot. When active, the Cursor is Cyan.U [PRINTING with XYSee] EPSON(tm)/IBM(tm) HP(tm) o "PRINT" Note: dot matrix and laser printer graphics modes are supported by XYSee. Select To obtain a! plot on your graphics printer.! A graphics capability is not required to print puzzle perfor- mance reports and macro/puzzle editor file listings.U [EDITING with XYSee] F1 F9 F10 How to use the Editor...!Create and Change Macros/Puzzles. 1. Select an existing file or enter a new filename. 2. Press to review the editor key assignments. 3. Enter your text commands. 4. Press to print a listing. 5. Press to obtain a syntax check or to exit the editor.U [About XYSee 4.0] You are currently evaluating a Preregistration copy of XYSee. LIMITED LICENSE A is granted for!evaluation and distribution only!!When you determine that XYSee can!assist in your educational goals,"you must register the program with ** Insight Advantage ** XYSee 4.0 (C) 1993, Insight Advantage All Rights ReservedU PROGRAM HELP 1 6 ; F X ] b m !!0!;!K!]!o! "!"3"E"W"i" $%$7$I$X$c$u$ %"%4% '#'5'D'O'a's'{' (-(c(p(z( ),)8)>)N) *&*3*<*I*X*^*p*~* ** XYSee Graphics Error ** Error: % XYSee Graphics Driver was not found.! XYSee Font Driver was not found.* Graphics Driver could not be initialized.( VGA graphics required to run XYSee 4.0.3Error: XYSee.OVR overlay file missing or defective..You may obtain a new copy of XYSee as follows:"Registered copy of XYSee : $30.00"Disk ONLY copy of XYSee : 20.00"Evaluation copy of XYSee : 7.003Please indicate disk format and enclose payment to: Insight Advantage 4509 Yellowleaf Drive Fort Worth, TX 76133,Press key to continue ...

rint order form Small Triplex SOUND ON ICON+TITLE FILES IN X: XYSee.INI SOUND ON SOUND OFF FILES IN A: FILES IN B: FILES IN C: FILES IN X: ICON ONLY ICON+TITLEU p&R&i&}& ')'/';'A'W'k' (4(K(Q(b(w( ($)<)L)k)q)y) *>*\*p* +(+;+N+b+h+t+ ,!,',9,I,Y,i,~, -&-9-L-_-e-x- .-.@.S.f.l. /"/+/1/:/C/H/U/h/p/ /60?0E0N0W0 1'1<1g1t1z1 3> Date: 5 XYSee Version 4.0 ORDER FORM5 ============================) Thank you for ordering XYSee...H Please enclose check, money order, or certified purchase order/ for the CORRECT AMOUNT in U.S. funds.G Insight Advantage will pay shipping and handling costs within' the United States and Canada.< (foreign residents: please include $3.00 postage.)J Insight Advantage Ship to: _________________________________J 4509 Yellowleaf Dr. _________________________________J Fort Worth, TX 76133 _________________________________J _________________________________A ( ) Copies of XYSee @ $30.00 each: $ ________A ( ) Disk ONLY copies @ $20.00 each: $ ________A ( ) Evaluation copies @ $7.00 each: $ ________A Subtotal: $ ________A TX residents add 8.00% sales tax: $ ________A Foreign residents add $3.00 postage: $ ________A TOTAL: $ ________B The disk format I want is: 5.25" ____ (DSDD___ HD___)2 3.50" ____ This order is for a:F Business ___ School ___ Individual ____ Other ______________G (please specify)5 I received my present copy of XYSee from a:F Bulletin Board ___ Shareware Vendor ___ Other ______________ PLEASE NOTE:A We attempt to ship all orders within two business days.J XYSee has been approved by the New York City Board of Education.J ISBN 0-9627172-2-3 ASP-993. + 0 : D V [ m r