3/20/91 The two files I am sending you are the latest update of FCCSTUDY (N8FCCA AND N8FCCB are file names). The N8FCCA file provides Novice and Technician study questions, while the N8FCCB file unpacks into General, Advanced, and Extra study questions. Pool2 and Pool3a (in N8FCCA) AND Pool4B (in N8FCCB) were updated to correct minor WORDING errors from previous versions, and I wanted to get everyone the latest copy. Latest changes were made 3/21/91, so if you have received a level directly from ARCTOOLS in Boca with that date, you already have the right level. The older levels were not incorrect, but there are a few minor changes to fix typo errors, and depending on where you are in your study process on a given element, you may want to continue with what you have, and just edit the changes in the older level of "POOLx.TXT" file. Delete any previous levels on VM, receive, and do a binary download on these files. There is redundancy between the two files I sent (STUDY.*, BLDX, etc are in both), so each package can be used stand-alone by self-unpacking into complete study packages for the level you wish to study. ALSO, I separated the files into 2 parts to allow unpacking in smaller amounts of memory. I am distributing the version that does not work on OS/2, since most of us use PC-DOS anyway. As folks keep finding errors in these questions, new updates will come out. I will attempt to keep everyone updated at reasonable intervals. If you don't want to get the files, please let me know and I can put you in the "note only" category. Howard Glueck / K5ZUA COPIES SENT TO: --------------- LLO at AUSVMV KB5JKN KA5MTE at AUSVM6 KA5MTE JECKOLS at AUSVM1 N5ORB TALEN at AUSVM1 K5BCQ CRIDER at AUSVM1 N5MYC FUCHIK at AUSVMQ WA5NGP RONWILL at AUSVMQ KF5QW BONNER at AUSVMQ W4WLG ALBRECHT at AUSVMQ N5OVT DLEFEVE at AUSVM8 K5AFL GARYPOSS at AUSVMR K5WWQ RHOLTON at AUSVMR WB5PPI JOMAK at AUSVM1 W5EBJ JDHEND at AUSVM6 WB5YMX SEIPPEL at AUSVM8 (PASSED TECH LVL TEST; AWAITING CALL) MPORTER at AUSVM6 (PASSED TECH LVL TEST + 5WPM CODE; AWAITING CALL) KAMMER at AUSVM8 (PASSED TECH LVL TEST; AWAITING CALL) BEERS at AUSVMV ------ MSTYS at AUSVM1 ------ KINNARD at AUSVM1 ------ KNUDSEN at AUSVMV ------