═══ 1. Extended help for Seahaven Towers ═══ Seahaven Towers Overview: Seahaven Towers is a solitaire type card game designed to be played by one person. Much of this game was modeled after a game by the same name written for the Apple Macitosh by Art Cabral and the Longwood Associates. Related information: o Object of the Game o Board Setup o Rules of the Game o Options o Keyboard Short Cuts o Unregistered Version Differences o About SeaHaven Towers for OS/2 o Future Possibilities ═══ 2. Object of the Game ═══ The object of SeaHaven Towers is to pile all of the cards in suit and in increasing order starting with the aces. This is done by moving cards about the ten columns and four towers. The game ends when either all four stacks are complete (ace through king) or when the player gives up. ═══ 3. Board Setup ═══ The board has three distinct areas of play. The first area is the set of ten columns located in the lower section of the playing window. The second is the set of four Towers located in the top center section. To either side of the towers are the ace stacks. ═══ 4. Rules of the Game ═══ The rules of the game are fairly simple: 1. Cards can only be dragged onto cards of like suit. (hearts onto hearts, spades onto spades, etc...) 2. Cards dragged onto an ace stack must be the successor to the one already there except for the ace which starts the ace stack. (example: a three of hearts can be placed onto the two of hearts) 3. Cards dragged about the columns must be the predessessor of the card it's being dragged onto. (example: the two of hearts can only be placed on the three of hearts) The exception to this is Kings which can only be placed in empty columns. 4. The four towers can each hold one card. That card can be any card, but it must be removed before another card is added. 5. Only one card can be dragged at a time. You can use the towers to temporarily store cards to drag more than one card. ═══ 5. Options ═══ Seahaven Towers contains several options that can be controlled by the Options submenu. These options include: o Quick Cards o Sound o Show Scores The other item under the Options menu is Undo . ═══ 5.1. Quick Cards ═══ This option allows the player to toggle whether or not the computer automatically pulls eligible cards up to the ace stacks. This is a big time saver type option. ═══ 5.2. Sound ═══ This option toggles a beep that occurs whenever the computer does something automatically such as during an undo or quick card process. This is highly useful so you know exactly when a card is being moved. ═══ 5.3. Show Scores ═══ This option toggles whether the scores are displayed at the end of each game. The shareware version only keepes track of of the current winning or loseing streak. The registered version also keeps track of the longest winning and losing streak and total number of games won and lost. ═══ 5.4. Undo ═══ There are two types of undo in Seahaven Towers. One is accessed by pressing CTRL-U. This type of undo only undoes the last move made by the player along with all of the automatic moves made by the computer caused by that player move. (If Quick Cards is enabled.) The other type of undo is accessed through the Undo option in the Option Sub- menu. This selections brings up a dialog box with a slider in it. This slider can be used to undo/redo actions all the way up to the start of the game. ═══ 6. Keyboard Short Cuts ═══ In general, SeaHaven Towers must be played with a mouse. But there are a few keyboard commands to help make things a little easier. They are : CTRL-N New Game CTRL-R Repeat Game CTRL-U Undo one move ALT-F4 Quit SeaHaven Towers ═══ 7. Unregistered Version Differences ═══ The only difference between the registered and unregistered versions is that the scores are not kept in the unregistered version. This does not hamper the playing of the game in any way so you can still play the game for the complete trial period of 30 days. See also Registration Information. ═══ 7.1. Registration Information ═══ SeaHaven Towers is not freeware. All though you are highly encouraged to distribute the program to anybody, if you continue to use the program after a trial period of 30 days, you are required to send in a registration fee of $15 (US). Advantages af registration: 1. All scores are kept track of when a game is lost or won. 2. Free updates and bug fixes. 3. I'm encouraged to write more and better programs which in turn benefits you because you get more and better programs. 4. Your conscience is relieved from the burdens of using unregistered software. Now you should be asking "How do I register?" Well, the answer to that is simple. Send $15 (US), check or money order preferred, to: J. Daniel Kulp 2257 Fillmore Avenue Deltona, Florida 32725 United States of America Also include your name and address so that I can send you a a registration number which can be used to register all future versions of SeaHaven Towers for OS/2. If you send me an internet e-mail address, I can send you the number via e-mail letting you get it quicker and saving myself the postage. ═══ 8. About Seahaven Towers ═══ SeaHaven Towers for OS/2 Written by J. Daniel Kulp E-Mail: dkulp@ccs.neu.edu Copyright 1994 Please send any bug reports or suggestions to the above e-mail address or include it with your registration fee. ═══ 9. Future Possibilities ═══ If the interest is good (AKA- I get a lot of registrations) I hope to incorporate a few of the following into SeaHaven Towers: o Better and more sound such as MMPM support. Might be difficult because I don't have a sound card. (Maybe I can borrow a roomates computer. ;-) o Better appearance on SVGA screens. This might be difficult because my computer only supports 640x480x16. (Roomates?) o Advanced Mode - The origional Macintosh game mentions an advanced game with only 8 columns. The board is dealt 8x6 with all four towers full to start off with. o Better help file. I'm a Chemical Engineering Major with little creative imagination. If anyone has suggestions on improving the help file, let me know. o Bug Fixes - I tried to make this as bug free as possible, but this was my first OS/2 PM program as well as my first real program done in C so there probably will be bugs. o User suggestions. Heres you chance to help make SeaHaven a better game. Let me know what you think could be done to improve it.