═══ 1. Extended help for "Image Toolkit Format Librarian" ═══ The "Image Toolkit Format Librarian" allows you to install, remove, or query the contents of an Image Toolkit format library. Displayed on this window is a list of the libraries that are currently installed. Below the list is a set of actions that can be performed. You can either enter a library name or select one from the list. After doing so, you can select from any of the following actions to be performed: o Install o Uninstall o Formats... Additionally, selecting "Cancel" will return you to the OS/2 desktop, while selecting "Help" will display this window. ═══ 2. Extended help for "Formats" ═══ Shown is a list of the formats supported by the library whose name appears in the upper part of this window. Below the list is a set of actions that can be performed. Select a format in the list and then an action: o Info Additionally, selecting "Cancel" will return you to the main window, while selecting "Help" will display this window. ═══ 3. Extended help for "Format information" ═══ Shown is a description of the format selected on the previous panel. The fields and a brief explanation of each is below: Name the name of the format Description a brief description of the format Author the author of the format handler Extension the default file extension for the format Version the version of the format handler Attributes a list of characteristics of the format and the format handler ═══ 4. Field help ═══ Shown is a list of the format libraries that are currently installed. You may select one from the list and then an action from the bottom of the window. ═══ 5. Field help ═══ Enter the name of the Image Toolkit format library to be acted upon in this entryfield. Afterwards, select "Install" to install the library or "Formats..." to view the library's contents. ═══ 6. Field help ═══ Installing a format library involves entering the name of the library to install and selecting this button. Once selected, the librarian will inform both the Image Toolkit and the library of your selection so that they may perform any necessary housekeeping. A message is displayed after the installation attempt indicating its success or failure. Any Image Toolkit enabled applications that are started after installing the format library will receive the formats supported by the installed library. However, applications currently running must be stopped and restarted to take advantage of the added function. ═══ 7. Field help ═══ Uninstalling a format library involves selecting the library from the displayed list of libraries currently installed and selecting this button. Once selected, the librarian will inform both the Image Toolkit and the library of your selection so that they may perform any necessary housekeeping. A message is displayed after the installation attempt indicating its success or failure. Any Image Toolkit enabled applications that are started after uninstalling the format library will not receive the formats supported by the installed library. However, applications currently running will support those formats in the uninstalled library and must be stopped and restarted to remove the superfluous functionality. ═══ 8. Field help ═══ Selecting this causes the librarian to display a list of the formats supported by the format library either entered in the entryfield or selected from the list of installed format libraries. ═══ 9. Field help ═══ Shown is a list of the formats supported by the format library shown immediately above this list. You may select one from the list and then an action from the bottom of the window. ═══ 10. Field help ═══ Selecting this causes a detailed description of the selected format to be displayed. ═══ 11. Field help ═══ This is the name of the format whose details are displayed in this window. ═══ 12. Field help ═══ This is the description of the format whose details are displayed in this window. ═══ 13. Field help ═══ This is the author of the format whose details are displayed in this window. ═══ 14. Field help ═══ This is the default file extension of the format whose details are displayed in this window. ═══ 15. Field help ═══ This is the version of the format whose details are displayed in this window. ═══ 16. Field help ═══ This is a list of the characteristics of the format whose details are displayed in this window. ═══ 17. Field help ═══ Selecting this returns you to the previous panel (or the desktop, if this is the main window) without taking any action. ═══ 18. Field help ═══ Selecting this displays general help for the currently displayed window.