═══ 1. Introduction to Directory Manager ═══ Directory Manager is a simple OS/2 directory and file manager that provides the following features: 1. Traversal of either the OS/2 HPFS or FAT file systems that include: o file sorting o file/directory copy, move, delete, and rename operations o filter specification to view matching files o display of disk space, directory space, and marked file size information o marking and un-marking of files for further processing o view of text files o compare directories o label file system disk and diskettes o create directory(s) o multiple window support 2. OS/2 command entry o including the ability to execute commands using marked files from the file display. 3. Custom macro execution against marked files o Customize the FILE pull-down to automate selected macro command execution along with accelerator key support. 4. File find capability 5. Support for the Drag-Drop protocol for marked files o drag and drop to the Workplace Shell ( and WPS objects ) o drag and drop between windows and directory tree o WPS file association program launching o Create WPS objects o Recover DELETED Files For more information about Directory Manager's various functions select one of the following: o Traversing the file system o Selecting previous directories o Directory fastpath o Selecting Files o Selecting Files via the MARK function o Dragging and Dropping Selected Files o Find File(s) o Using Quick View o Operations on Files/Directories o Compare o Using the ICONS or TOOLBAR o Using CONTEXT Menus o Destination Dialog for Copy/Move o Executing Commands and Macros o Command Substitution Format o Variable Substitution o Changing the Filter o Cancelling a Request o MACRO Creation o Changing the Default SETTINGS o Changing the Font o Changing Colors o Changing the File View o Changing the Sort Method o Creating a new directory o Changing the label of a drive o Changing attributes of a file o Creating a Duplicate File o Creating a WPS object o FORMAT Utility o CHKDSK Utility o RECOVER o Saving Setup Options o Key Assignments o Release Information o Error Messages o Order Information o Order Form ═══ 2. Using Directory Manager ═══ ═══ 2.1. Traversing the file system. ═══ The Directory Manager window is is split into: o a main window, o a directory window with a drive window, o 1 or more file window(s) To display the contents of a drive, double-click on a drive icon located in the directory window. A directory tree will be created and displayed in the lower portion of the directory window. The titlebar for the directory window will be updated to indicate the drive that was selected. Only the contents of one drive may be displayed at one time. To display another drive repeat the above steps. The first time the directory tree is built there will be a delay as the tree is being constructed. Subsequent access will reuse the already constructed tree. The scroll bars on the right of the directory window can be used to scroll up and down the directory tree. The directory tree may also contain a "+" next to the entry, indicating that the directory has sub-directories. Click on the "+" and the tree will expand to show the sub-directories. The "+" will change to a "-" when all sub-directories are shown for that level. There may be more than 1 level so one may have to repeat this process if you wish to travel all the way down the tree. The process can be reversed to collapse the levels, this is done by clicking on the "-", when collapsed the directory tree will show a "+" again. The view of the directory tree can be sorted, and one can elect to either display the icon within the tree or have plain text. Please see Using CONTEXT Menu or Changing the Default SETTINGS for details on how to change the above. To display the contents of a directory, double click on a entry in the directory tree. A file window will be created and files in the selected directory will be displayed. Directory Manager/2 support up to 20 concurrent file windows open at one time. This value can be lowered. The file window can be closed by double-clicking on the small icon in the left upper corner of the file window. The working model version has a limit of 2 concurrent file windows open at one time. The view of the file window can be changed in many ways. See using CONTEXT Menu or Changing the Default SETTINGS for details on how to customize the view to meet your custom needs. Once the maximum number of file windows are open, the current file window (the one that has the focus) will be re-used; that is to sat that current contents will be replaced by the contents of the newly selected directory. To change the value for maximum number of open windows see Changing the Default SETTINGS At the bottom of the main window is the information status area, this area will contain the current allocation status for the selected drive. This will include the current drive letter, the label of the disk ( blank in none ), the total number of bytes on the disk, number of bytes used and number of bytes free used and free. ═══ 2.2. Directory Fastpath. ═══ Directory Manager/2 supports a directory fastpath, allowing one to directly type the name of the directory you wish to view or to store the directory name for repeated use. To use this option select FASTPATH from the main menu-bar or place the focus on the directory window and press the SPACE BAR and a dialog will appear. An entry field is provided, one may only enter a fully qualified directory name. This allows you to avoid the sometimes detailed directory traversal. The current directory path is displayed as a default selection, if any key is pressed the field is erased, except for the END key as this keeps the field and allows you to append to the field. Most frequently used directory path names can be saved, avoiding having to traverse the file system looking for them. Directory entries may also be saved for future reference, and deleted if no longer needed. Entries are placed in alphabetical order only. o To ADD a directory, enter the directory path in the directory entry field and select the ADD button at the bottom of the dialog. There is a limit of 10 directory path names that can be saved when the limit is reached the ADD button can not be selected. The working model version has a limit of 2 directory path names. o To DELETE a directory entry select the entry you wish to delete. The DELETE button at the bottom of the dialog will now be enabled, select the button and the entry will be deleted. ═══ 2.3. Selecting currently open directories. ═══ Directory Manager/2 saves a list of open windows when using more than one file window (maximum number of open windows must be greater than 1). To view the list of open windows select the WINDOW pull-down and at the bottom of the menu is a list of open windows. Select the window you wish to view. The TAB key may also be used to cycle through all the open windows. Each press of the TAB key will display the next open window. The RING icon may also be used to cycle through all the open windows. Each click of the RING icon will display the next open window. When a file window is closed the the entry is removed from the WINDOWS pull-down. ═══ 2.4. Selecting Files. ═══ One or more files may be selected (marked) so that operations may be performed upon them (i.e. copy, delete, move, rename and macros) A single directory may also be selected to perform operations against. To select a file with the mouse, click on the file name within the current or desired file window. If you wish to select more than 1 file in a row just hold down the left mouse button while dragging over the files you wish to select. If you want to select more than 1 file and these files are NOT right below one another as the above method describes, then hold down the Ctrl key when selecting more than 1 file. To de-select a hold down the Ctrl key while clicking on the already selected file entry. To select a directory with the mouse, click on the directory name within the directory window, only one directory may be selected at a time. A directory cannot be de-selected, selection just passes from one directory enter to another. To select ALL files see MARK FILE(S) and UNMARK FILE(S) For information on how to DRAG the selected files see Dragging and Dropping Selected Files ═══ 2.5. Mark File(s) ═══ All FILE entries can be selected via the Ctrl+/ key combination or via the MARK ALL entry on the file record CONTEXT MENU ═══ 2.6. Unmark File(s) ═══ All entries can be de-selected via the Ctrl+\ key combination or via the UNMARK ALL entry on the file record CONTEXT MENU ═══ 2.7. Context Menu ═══ Directory Manager/2 supports context menus for each of the following objects: o Drive o Drive Window o Directory o Directory Window o File o File Window The context menu will display all the actions that can be performed against the object, the action will differ from object to object. When the context menu for one of the above objects is displayed the defaults for all actions (options that have defaults) will be set from the SETTINGS dialog. To select the DEFAULT action for a option, simply select the option. If an action other than the default is requested select the RIGHT ARROW to the right of the option, all available actions will be displayed with a CHECK next to the DEFAULT The default action may be changed by the SETTINGS dialog. There are 2 types of CONTEXT MENUS 1. RECORD 2. WINDOW The record context menu will display actions that can be performed on the selected items in the window, whereas the window context menu will display the action that can be performed on the window. To select the record context menu for the object(s) in the 1. Drive 2. Directory 3. File or, 4. Search windows, select either the object(s) then press the right mouse button, and the context menu will be displayed where the mouse pointer is. To display the context menu for a single object, place the mouse pointer over the object and press the right mouse button. Remember that this only selects the object that mouse pointer is currently over. To select the window context menu for the 1. Drive 2. Directory 3. File or, 4. Search windows, either select the any white space within the window and press the right mouse button, and the context menu will be displayed where the mouse pointer is. If no white space can be found then place the cursor over the selected window and press the SHIFT+F10 key. ═══ 2.8. Dragging and Dropping Selected Directory or File(s) ═══ Directory Manager/2 supports the drag'n drop protocol implemented in the Workplace Shell. In order to use the drag'n drop protocol, follow the instructions below: 1. Select the entry(s) to be transferred to a target application. 2. Press and hold the secondary mouse button. 3. Move the mouse pointer, noting that the pointer image changes as it passes over windows or icons that may or may not support the drag'n drop protocol. 4. While over an application that does support drop ( the pointer changes to a file or folder image ), release the mouse button to transfer the files to that application. The above method can be used to drag a directory or file(s) to the Workplace Shell or Workplace Shell objects, including: 1. Desktop, 2. Shredder and, 3. Printer The above method may also be used to drag a directory or file(s) to selective icons on the Toolbar The entries being dragged can either have an operation of COPY or MOVE the default is to MOVE.To perform a COPY operation hold don the CTRL key while dragging, the pointer will have a shadow type effect when a COPY operation is in effect. When dragging to a Printer object the operation is always a COPY operation and when dragging to a Shredder object the operation is always MOVE. When dragging to or from a diskette drive the operation will always be COPY. File(s) can also be dragged from one file window to the other. File(s) may also be dragged within the same file window. A drag with a COPY operation will result in a file CLONE, and a MOVE operation will result in a RENAME. File(s) may also be dragged to a specific directory within the directory window, or to a specific drive within the drive window. A directory may also be dragged to a another directory entry or to a specific drive with in the drive window. ═══ 2.9. Operations on Files/Directories ═══ o File(s) or Directory(s) can be copied to another drive or directory by first selecting the file(s) or directory from which to copy. A copy can be performed by: 1. Selecting the COPY icon on the toolbar or, 2. using the CONTEXT MENU or, 3. pressing the F8 keys or, 4. the Drag'n Drop method to a WPS object, file or directory window or the toolbar copy icon. When selecting the COPY function via CONTEXT MENU , TOOLBAR or the F8 key a dialog will be displayed so that you may select a destination to which the file(s) or directory may be copied. See COPY/MOVE DIALOG for more information. o File(s) or Directory(s) can be moved to another drive or directory by first selecting the file(s) or directory from which to moveq A move can be performed by: 1. Selecting the MOVE icon on the toolbar or, 2. using the CONTEXT MENU or, 3. pressing the F8 keys or, 4. the Drag'n Drop method to a WPS object, file or directory window or the toolbar copy icon. When selecting the COPY function via CONTEXT MENU , TOOLBAR or the F8 key a dialog will be displayed so that you may select a destination to which the file(s) or directory may be moved. See COPY/MOVE DIALOG for more information. o File(s) or Directory(s) can be renamed by first selecting the file(s) or directory to rename and then: 1. Selecting the RENAME icon on the toolbar or, 2. using the CONTEXT MENU or, 3. pressing the F9 or, 4. the Drag'n Drop method to the Toolbar rename icon. key. When selecting any of the above methods, a edit field will open in the window where file/directory name exists. To change the name simply type over the existing name and press the ENTER key, if the processing is successful the new name will appear, otherwise the old name will remain. Note: Please note when renaming a file/directory the position of the new name within the window may change due to the sort method and sequence. o File(s) can be cloned by first selecting the file(s) to clone and then: 1. using the CONTEXT MENU When selecting the above method, an edit field will open in the window where file name exists. To change the name simply type over the existing name and press the ENTER key, if the processing is successful the new name will appear, otherwise the old name will remain. Note: Please note when cloning a file the position of the new name within the window may change due to the sort method and sequence. o File(s) or Directory(s) can be deleted by first selecting the file(s) or directory to delete and then: 1. Selecting the DELETE icon on the toolbar or, 2. using the CONTEXT MENU 3. or the Drag'n Drop method to the WPS Shredder object or Toolbar Trashcan icon or, 4. pressing the Delete key. A dialog will be displayed, if the Confirm on File Delete or the Confirm on Directory Delete option has been selected from the Changing the Default SETTINGS dialog. Information on the confirmation dialog see CONFIRMATION DIALOG When a directory is selected, all files and sub-directories in the directory will be deleted. o File(s) can be printed to to any device that is specified in the Changing the Default SETTINGS dialog or a default of LPT1 To print a file first select the file(s) to print and then: 1. Selecting the PRINTER icon on the toolbar or, 2. using the CONTEXT MENU 3. or the Drag'n Drop method to the WPS PRINTER object or Toolbar printer icon or, 4. pressing the F10 key. o File(s) may either be executed or be ASSOCIATED with an executable. To process a EXECUTABLE double-click on the file, and to process a file that is ASSOCIATED an executable also double-click on the file. When using Workplace Shell file association, Directory Manager/2 will only use the DEFAULT association. o To change the ATTRIBUTE of file(s) see Changing attributes. o To execute a MACRO with selected file(s) or directory see Changing attributes. ═══ 2.10. Compare ═══ When the COMPARE function is selected from the CONTEXT MENU a list of active or open windows that will be used as the target will be listed. The source window is the one from which the context menu was displayed. The source window will be compared to the target window and all FILE(s) that are not identical in: o File name and extension, o Time, o Date and, o Size will be selected. Operations on Selected File(s) can then be performed. ═══ 2.11. Cancelling a Active Request ═══ You may cancel a ACTIVE request by using the ESC key at any time in the process while the window has the focus. Note: The actions taken prior to the cancel are not un-done. ═══ 2.12. MACRO Creation ═══ A macro is a command that may contain substitution parameters, the rules are outlined in the section Command Substitution Format To CREATE a macro select the SETUP pull-down and then select MACROS. A dialog will be displayed, with a list of macros that were previously defined (or dialog will be empty if no macros had been previously defined). o To ADD a macro select the ADD button at the bottom of the dialog. See MACRO Properties for more details. o To COPY an existing macro select the macro you wish to copy and then select the ADD button at the bottom of the dialog. See MACRO Properties for more details. o To CHANGE a macro select macro you wish to change. The CHANGE button at the bottom of the dialog will now be enabled, select the button and follow the rules in MACRO Properties. o To DELETE a macro select the macro you wish to delete. The DELETE button at the bottom of the dialog will now be enabled, select the button and the macro will be deleted. o To ORDER a macro to the TOP double-click on macro you wish to order to the top. For more information on how to execute macros see Executing Commands and Macros. For best the best performance the command should also include the filetype ( i.e. .EXE ) and either be in the PATH or be a FULLY qualified file name. A sample of some MACROs are as follows: Zip marked file(s) This macro will prompt you for a ZIP name to either create or modify, then add the marked file(s) to that ZIP file. pkzip.exe &ZipName / -a UnZip marked file(s) This macro will UnZip the marked file(s) and place the files in the current directory. pkunzip.exe / Zip a entire directory This macro will prompt you for a ZIP name to either create or modify, then ZIP all the files in the current directory. pkzip.exe &ZipName /p\*.* ═══ 2.13. MACRO Properties ═══ The macro properties entry dialog will be displayed, with the following controls: Macro Description This is a 30 character filed that is used to describe the function of the macro, this will appear on the FILE pull-down and the POPUP menu. Macro This is a 50 character filed that is used to define the macro, see Command Substitution Format for the format of this entry. Full Screen Runs macro in full screen mode Minimized Runs macro in minimized mode Maximized Runs macro in a maximized window Window Runs macro in a window (default size) Auto Close Will close the application upon termination Refresh Window Upon termination will refresh the file window from where the file(s) were selected. Selecting OK will process the request and selecting CANCEL will cancel the request. ═══ 2.14. Command Substitution Format ═══ The following diagram illustrates the format for a command you enter: >--------------< command >-------------------------------------- | parms | | / | | // | | /n | | /e | | /d | | /p | The symbol represents the name of the command you specify. Commands can only be a OS/2 command or program. The following list describes the other command parameters. parms Any needed command parameters. / Substitutes the fully-qualified name for selected file(s). The specified command will be repeated for each file that is selected on the file window. // Substitutes the '/' character in the command line. /n Substitutes the file name for each selected file. The specified command will be repeated for each file that is selected on the file window. /e Substitutes the file extension (without the preceding '.') for each selected file. The specified command will be repeated for each file that is selected on the file window. /d Substitutes the drive letter (with the trailing ':') for for each selected file. The specified command will be repeated for each file that is selected on the file window. /p Substitutes the fully-qualified path name (without the trailing '\') of the current directory in the command line. The specified command will be repeated for each file that is selected on the file window. Also see Variable Substitution ═══ 2.15. Executing Commands and Macros ═══ You may execute a OS/2 or DOS command (including programs) at anytime, by selecting the FILE pull-down and selecting COMMAND or the F12 key. A command dialog will be displayed, the dialog consists of a entry field, a session type spin button, and a exit choice spin button. The entry field is also used as a retrieval of the last 10 unique commands entered. To retrieve the list of previous commands select the down-arrow to the right of the entry field. Below the entry field is a session type spin button. Use the up or down-arrows to select the type of session you desire for command execution. The choices are: 1. Windowed 2. Full Screen 3. Minimized 4. Maximized To the right of the session type is the exit choice spin button, use the up or down-arrows to select the exit method you desire. The choices are: 1. Close 2. No Close (provides a pause) ═══ 2.16. Variable Substitution ═══ Within a macro or command you may use a '&' followed by a name (i.e.'&ProgName') to indicate that you wish to be prompted for a variable substitution when the command or macro is selected. The substitution will occur only once. ═══ 2.17. Changing the Filter ═══ The FILTER determines which files are displayed in the file window. All directories are displayed, regardless of the file mask specification. The normal wildcard character(s) of * and ? may be used in the file mask. The default mask is '*'. To change the mask click on the FILTER icon, a dialog will be displayed, the dialog consists on a entry field, a list of current filters. and 2 display options. You may overtype the current value with the new value or select a value from the list of previous values, then select OK and the new FILTER will be used. The FILTER may also be SET and RESET from the WINDOW CONTEXT menu. You may also change the type of files displayed either selecting or de-selecting the 'Show System' and 'Hidden Files' options. ═══ 2.18. Settings ═══ Directory Manager/2 allows you to change the defaut settings, to change or display the default values select the SETUP pull-down and then the SETTINGS option. A dialog will be displayed with all the posible settings and combinations. o Confirmation Options. CONFIRM FILE DELETE if selected will display the CONFIRMATION DIALOG before the delete request is processed for the selected file(s). The delete request may proceed, files may be removed from the delete request, or the request may be canceled. CONFIRM DIRECTORY DELETE if selected will display the CONFIRMATION DIALOG before the delete request is processed for the selected directory(s). The delete request may proceed, files may be removed from the delete request, or the request may be canceled. CONFIRM ON REPLACE if selected will display the OVERWRITE DIALOG when the target file already exists. When the dialog is displayed the target file may be overwritten, the target name may be changed to prevent overwrite or the request may be canceled. o Miscellaneous Options. START MINIMIZED if selected will start Directory Manager/2 in minimized mode. DISPLAY TIME OF DAY if selected will display the time of day on the upper right hand corner of the system menu. The format of the TIME may be changed by clicking on the TIME within the system menu. DISPLAY DIRECTORY INFORMATION if selected will enable the DIRECTORY INFOoption on the directory record context menu. When the DIRECTORY INFO option is selected from the context menu the number of file(s) and bytes occupied by the files will be displayed. Selecting this option may impact performance. If this option is selected a REFRESH of the directory must be requested. o Default Window Views. - Drive Window. TEXT VIEW if selected will only display the drive letter, the display will be in a column format. ICON VIEW if selected will display an ICON that represents the type of drive and the drive letter also the ICON will display a IN USE status when the contents of the drive are displayed. - Directory Window. TEXT VIEW if selected will display a directory tree with the ability to EXPAND and COLLAPSE but the ICON representing the directory will NOT be displayed. ICON VIEW if selected will display a directory tree with the ability to EXPAND and COLLAPSE and the ICON representing the directory will be displayed. Also, when the contents of the directory are displayed, the ICON will display a IN USE status. - File Window. TEXT VIEW if selected will display file names ONLY in a column format. The details (date, time, size and attributes) may be obtained from the file record context menu or switching to a DETAILS view. DETAIL VIEW if selected will display the file name in a SCROLLABLE section of the window and the date, time, size and attributes in another in section of the window. o Default Sort Options - Directory Window NAME if selected will sort the directories in name order. DATE if selected will sort the directories in date and time order. ASCENDING if selected will sort the directories in ascending sequence. DESCENDING if selected will sort the directories in descending sequence. - File Window NAME if selected will sort the files in name order. DATE if selected will sort the files in date and time order. SIZE if selected will sort the files in size order. EXT if selected will sort the files in extension order. ASCENDING if selected will sort the directories in ascending sequence. DESCENDING if selected will sort the directories in descending sequence. - Case CASE SENSITIVE if selected will sort the files/directories with relevance to upper and lower case characters. o Default Options DRIVE FOR TEMPORARY FILES will instruct Directory Mananger/2 where to create any temporary files that need to be created. Temporary files are created in the ROOT directory of the specified drive and DELETED at the end of the process that created the file. DIRECTORY TO STORE DAT FILE will instruct Directory Mananger/2 where to create the data file that is used to store default and initialization values. DEFAULT PRINTER DESTINATION will instruct Directory Mananger/2 where to direct the print output. This value can be any device or file name. The default is LPT1 COMMAND PROCESSOR will instruct Directory Mananger/2 which command processor to use when executing OS/2 commands. The default is CMD.EXE MAXIMUM OPEN WINDOWS will instruct Directory Mananger/2 how many file windows can be open concurrently, once the maximum value is reached the file window with the focus (or last had the focus) will be reused. - Window Default Positions AUTO CASCADE if selected will automatically cascade newly created windows. AUTO TILE if selected will automatically tile newly created windows. NO AUTO TILE/CASCADE if selected will NOT automatically tile or cascade newly created windows. The newly created windows will be created with the same size and position of the current or last window that had the focus. SAVE WINDOW INFORMATION/LOCATION/SIZE will instruct Directory Mananger/2 upon termination to save all SETUP values and WINDOW positions and attributes. This information will then be used upon initialization to re-create all windows that were open when termination was requested. ═══ 2.19. Changing the Font ═══ You may change the font for all file and directory windows. To change the current font select the SETUP pull-down and select the FONTS option. The standard font dialog will be displayed, select the desired font and size and press OK. ═══ 2.20. Changing Colors ═══ You may change the FOREGROUND and BACKGROUND colors for the following areas: o file window o directory window o view window o information and status window To change the color foreground or background colors in one of the above areas select the SETUP pull-down. A color pallet dialog will be displayed, at the bottom of the dialog is a list of areas where the color may be changed. Select on of the areas to be changed, then select a color from the pallet, the color will changed at this time. To dismiss the dialog select the CANCEL button. ═══ 2.21. Changing the View ═══ The view of a window may be changed, the default value may be changed via the SETTINGS option or the current window view may be changed via the CONTEXT MENU support. A window may not support all views, below are the types of views and which window(s) support the view: ICON will display a icon that represents the object being displayed. This option is supported within the DRIVE and DIRECTORY windows. TEXT will display text only. In the case of a file window it will display the file name only in a column format. This option is supported within the DRIVE, DIRECTORY and FILE windows. DETAIL will display the details of the object. This option is supported within the FILE window. ═══ 2.22. Changing the Sort Method ═══ The sort sequence of a window may be changed, the default value may be changed via the SETTINGS option or the current window view may be changed via the CONTEXT MENU support. A window may not support all sort methods, below are the methods of sort and which windows support the sort: DATE will sort in a last updated date/time order This option is supported within the DIRECTORY, FILE EXT will sort in file extension order. This option is supported within the FILE window. NAME will sort in a name order. This option is supported within the DIRECTORY and FILE windows. SIZE will sort in size order. This option is supported within the FILE window. The sort sequence may also be changed below are the sort sequences and which windows support the sequences: ASCENDING will sort in a ascending sequence based upon the sort method. This option is supported within the DIRECTORY, FILE DESCENDING will sort in a ascending sequence based upon the sort method. This option is supported within the DIRECTORY, FILE ═══ 2.23. Directory Creation ═══ To create a new directory, select the directory within the directory tree with a single-click of the left mouse button, then a single-click of the right mouse button, or by placing the mouse pointer over the directory and single-click the right mouse button. The CONTEXT MENU will then be displayed. One of the options on the context menu for a directory object is Create Directory. Select the Create Directory option and a dialog will be displayed. The dialog consists of a entry field. Type the name of the new directory (only the new directory name, not the fully qualified path name). To create the directory single-click on the OK button. The new directory will be inserted into the tree in the appropriate point in the tree. ═══ 2.24. Drive Label ═══ To change or display the label of a drive, select the drive within the drive window with a single-click of the left mouse button, then a single-click of the right mouse button, or by placing the mouse pointer over the drive and single-click the right mouse button. The CONTEXT MENU will then be displayed. One of the options on the context menu for a drive object is Change Label. Select the Change Label option and a dialog will be displayed. The dialog will consist of a entry field, if the drive has a current label this will be displayed in the entry field. To change the label over type the existing value in the entry field and press the OK button. ═══ 2.25. Changing Attributes ═══ To change or display the attributes of a file/directory, select the directory within the directory window with a single-click of the left mouse button, then a single-click of the right mouse button, or by placing the mouse pointer over the directory and single-click the right mouse button. The CONTEXT MENU will then be displayed. One of the options on the context menu for a drive object is Change Attributes. Select the Change Attributes option and a dialog will be displayed. The dialog will consist of the 4 attribute options, if the file/directory has current attributes these will be pre-selected, to change the current attributes select the new attributes and press the OK button. If more than 1 file was selected for processing you may select the Change All File option on the dialog and all files will be changed to the current setting without any futher prompting. ═══ 2.26. Format Utility ═══ To format a drive, select the drive within the drive window with a single-click of the left mouse button, then a single-click of the right mouse button, or by placing the mouse pointer over the drive and single-click the right mouse button. The CONTEXT MENU will then be displayed. One of the options on the context menu for a drive object is Format. Please note that this option is only valid for removable type media (such as diskette drive). Select the Format option and a dialog will be displayed. The dialog will consist of a entry field, if the drive has a a current label the label will be displayed, press the OK button to start the format process. ═══ 2.27. CHKDSK ═══ To CHKDSK a drive, select the drive within the drive window with a single-click of the left mouse button, then a single-click of the right mouse button, or by placing the mouse pointer over the drive and single-click the right mouse button. The CONTEXT MENU will then be displayed. One of the options on the context menu for a drive object is Check Disk. Please note that this option is valid for ALL media type (such as diskette drive). Select the Check Disk option and a dialog will be displayed. The dialog will consist of a pie chart, press the OK button to start the CHKDSK process. ═══ 2.28. RECOVER ═══ The RECOVER option allows the recovery of DELETED file(s), when using the SET DELDIR statement in the CONFIG.SYS file. To list the file(s) that can be recovered, select a drive, select the drive within the drive window with a single-click of the left mouse button, then by placing the mouse pointer over the drive and single-click the right mouse button. The CONTEXT MENU will then be displayed. One of the options on the context menu for a drive object is Recover. Please note that this option is valid for only fixed media type. Select the Recover option and a dialog will be displayed. The dialog will consist of all the file(s) that may be recovered or removed. Select the file(s) that to RECOVER or REMOVE, then by placing the mouse pointer over the selected file(s) and single-click the right mouse button. The CONTEXT MENU will then be displayed. One of the options on the context menu for a recover object is Recover or Remove. RECOVER will recover the file to the original origin (where it was deleted from) and the REMOVE option will remove the file (will not be able to be recoverd again). ═══ 2.29. Duplicating File(s) ═══ A duplicate or clone of a file can be created by selecting the file(s) to be duplicated and dragging and dropping these file(s) within the same file window. When the file(s) are dropped an overwrite dialog will be displayed. You must change the name of the NEW file then select OVERWRITE to create the duplicate or CANCEL to cancel the request. ═══ 2.30. Saving Setup Options ═══ If you wish to save the current setup, you may select the SETUP pull-down and select Save Setup. A file named DM2.DAT will be created in the directory where Directory Manager was started from or from the path specified in the SETTINGS dialog. ═══ 2.31. Find ═══ To find a given file(s), display the search dialog in one of the following ways: o Selecting the FIND icon on the toolbar or, o using the CONTEXT MENU for the drive records. Prior to invoking the FIND function, one or more drive objects must be selected. When the FIND dialog is displayed the focus is on the mask entry field, this may be changed to any allowable mask. Once you have selected the proper file mask you may press the ENTER key or the OK The files that match the file mask are displayed in a new file window. See the following references for more information on the actions that you may perform on files that are found. o Selecting Files o Operations on Files/Directories o Executing Commands and Macros o and GOTO Directory. ═══ 2.32. GOTO Directory ═══ The GOTO Directory function on the CONTEXT MENU for the file objects in the FIND window will if selected display the contents of the directory where the selected file resides. ═══ 2.33. Using the ICONS or TOOLBAR ═══ The TOOLBAR is located below the system menu bar of the main window, each ICON relates to a function. The ICONS that display on the TOOLBAR may selected via the TOOLBAR context menu. To display the context menu, place the mouse pointer over the TOOLBAR and press the RIGHT-MOUSE-BUTTON, select or de-select the functions/icons and then select EXIT. Below is a list of the icons and what function they perform. o The following icon will perform the MOVE function. o The following icon will perform the COPY function o The following icon will perform the DELETE function. o The following icon will perform the RENAME function o The icon will perform the PRINT function o The following icon will perform the SEARCH function o The following icon will display the FILTER dialog o The following icon will invoke the Quick-View function. o The following icon will TILE all the open windows o The following icon will CASCADE all the open windows o The following icon will step you through all open windows ═══ 3. Workplace Shell Objects ═══ ═══ 3.1. Creating a WPS Program Object ═══ This dialog allows you to create a WPS program object very much like the Settings dialog in on the WPS. A WPS object will be created for each file selected, with the attributes that were selected on the dialog. The following options may be specified when creating the program object: o Session Type - PM - OS2 Window - OS2 Fullscreen - DOS Window - DOS Fullscreen - WINOWS Window - WINOWS Fullscreen o Minimize Behavior - Minimize to Viewer - Hide - Minimize to Desktop o Options - Open new view (when started) - Start session minimized - Start session open - Create shadow object o Other Options - Program Title - Parameters - Location (WPS Location) - Startup Directory (working directory) ═══ 3.2. Creating a WPS Folder Object ═══ This dialog allows you to create a WPS folder object very much like the Settings dialog in on the WPS. A WPS object will be created for each directory selected, with the attributes that were selected on the dialog. The following options may be specified when creating the folder object: o Open - ICON View - TREE View - DETAILS View o View Style - FLOWED - NON-FLOWED - NON-GRID o Minimize Behavior - Minimize to Viewer - Hide - Minimize to Desktop o Options - Open new view (when started) - Create shadow object o Other Options - Folder Title - Parameters - Location (WPS Location) ═══ 4. Dialog Interactions ═══ ═══ 4.1. Delete Dialog ═══ A confirmation dialog will be displayed (if you have selected the Confirm on Delete option from the SETTINGS dialog. This will allow allow the review of the file(s) or directory being deleted. When the delete dialog is displayed all entries are marked. To remove a file from being deleted de-select the name. When a directory is selected, all files and sub-directories in the directory will be deleted. When the Force Delete option is checked, this will allow the file to be deleted, bypassing the UNDELETE processing if you have it enabled, so this file(s) will not be recoverable via UNDELETE. Select OK to delete the entries, otherwise select CANCEL to cancel the request. ═══ 4.2. Overwrite Dialog ═══ A dialog will be displayed if you have selected the Confirm on Replace option from the SETTINGS dialog. This will allow each name to be reviewed before the current file/directory with the same name is overwritten. Select the OVERWRITE button to overwrite the existing file/directory or CANCEL to cancel the request. If you select to overwrite all files that were selected, this avoids the overwrite dialog for files/directories that already exist. ═══ 4.3. Destination Dialog for Copy/Move ═══ When using the COPY or MOVE icons or options on the context menu, a dialog will be displayed, this will allow the destination to be selected. To select a destination for the operation, select disk drive letter from the drive window for the drive you wish to use as the target and then select the directory you desire on the drive. This can be done by double-clicking on the directory name. The directories are displayed one-level at a time. You may traverse the directory tree by using the same method outlined in Traversing the file system As drives/directories are selected, the destination will be displayed in the destination entry box at the bottom of the dialog box, along with the amount of free space left on the target drive. Optionally, you may type the path name in the destination entry field instead of selecting the drives and directories. The destination entry field may also be used by typing a fully qualified directory name, then pressing the ENTER key. The default is to show the current directory as the target, this may be changed via one of the above methods. Choosing OK will allow the process to continue, choosing CANCEL will cancel the current process. ═══ 5. File View Facility ═══ ═══ 5.1. Using Quick View ═══ Quick View is a built-in simple and basic file viewer that allows you to view plain ASCII text file(s). To use Quick View select one or more files, then move the mouse pointer to the Quick View icon ( the Window Pane ) and press mouse button 1. If you selected more than 1 file, Quick View will place these files in a file ring for future selection. Quick View will always display the first file selected ( if you selected more that 1 ). To view the the other files selected, click on the VIEW pull-down and click one the file you wish to view now. You can also use the OPTIONS pull-down to change the FONT and COLOR. To change the FONT, select the OPTIONS pull-down and select FONTS, then the standard font dialog will be displayed. Select the desired font and size that fits your needs. You can change the BACKGROUND and FOREGROUND (text) color. To change the BACKGROUND color select the OPTIONSVIEW pull-down and then select COLOR, the BACKGROUND. The color choices are now displayed, Select the one that fits your needs. You can save your choices by selecting the FILE pull-down and selecting SAVE OPTIONS. This will save ALL of your current settings for Directory Manager. If you wish to look use Quick View to look at 2 or more files at the same time then repeat the above steps for each individual file that you wish to view and Directory Manager will start a Quick View session for each file. To EXIT Quick View, select the FILE pull-down and select EXIT or press F3 at any time. ═══ 6. Keyboard Layout ═══ ═══ 6.1. Key Assignments ═══ The following is a list of control and function key support for Directory Manager. HELP KEYS F1 Help Accelerator Keys Ctrl+B Change Attributes Ctrl+C Cascade Windows Ctrl+D Sort by date Ctrl+E Search Dialog Ctrl+F Macro Dialog Ctrl+I Tile Windows Ctrl+K Create Directory Ctrl+M Change Filter Ctrl+P Directory Fastpath Dialog Ctrl+Q Quick View a file Ctrl+R Mark Entries in current window Ctrl+S Save current setup Ctrl+T Sort by Extension Ctrl+V Label Disk Ctrl+Z Sort by Size Ctrl+/ Mark ALL entries in the current display Ctrl+\ UnMark ALL entries in the current display Ctrl+1 Execute macro 1 with marked file(s) Ctrl+2 Execute macro 2 with marked file(s) Ctrl+3 Execute macro 3 with marked file(s) Ctrl+4 Execute macro 4 with marked file(s) Ctrl+5 Execute macro 5 with marked file(s) Ctrl+6 Execute macro 6 with marked file(s) Ctrl+7 Execute macro 7 with marked file(s) Ctrl+8 Execute macro 8 with marked file(s) Ctrl+9 Execute macro 9 with marked file(s) ESC Cancel request Delete Delete marked entries in directory or file window TAB Display the next open window F2 Create Object F3 Exit the program F5 Refresh the contents of the current file window F7 MOVE dialog F8 COPY dialog F9 RENAME dialog F11 Print selected file(s) F12 Execute a command (command line) SHIFT+F10 Display CONTEXT Menu ═══ 7. Product Information ═══ ═══ 7.1. Release Information ═══ o Release 1.0 Version 00b - New release o Release 1.0 Version 00c - Maintenance Release o Release 1.0 Version 00m - New Function o FPJA001 o FPJA003 o FPJA004 o FJWG001 - Fixes o DPJA001 o DPJA002 o DPJA003 o DPJA004 o DJWG001 o DPJA005 ═══ 8. Menu Option Descriptions ═══ ═══ 8.1. FILE ═══ ═══ 8.1.1. Exit ═══ This option when selected will EXIT the program. A warning dialog will be displayed to verify that you want to exit. ═══ 8.1.2. Change Attributes ═══ This option when selected in conjunction with a selected file(s) or directory, will display a dialog that will allow you to change the attributes of the selected item(s). ═══ 8.1.3. Command ═══ This option when selected, will display a dialog that will allow command entry. The dialog will also save the last 10 unique commands that were entered via this dialog. ═══ 8.2. SETUP ═══ ═══ 8.2.1. Settings ═══ This option when selected will display the SETTINGS dialog, this will allow the defaults to be selected. ═══ 8.2.2. Fonts ═══ This option when selected will display the standard font dialog where the desired font and size may be selected all file and directory windows. ═══ 8.2.3. Colors ═══ This option when selected will display the color pallete dialog, where BACKGROUND and FOREGROUND colors for the following areas may be changed: o file window o directory window o information and status window ═══ 8.2.4. Macros ═══ This option when selected will display a dialog that will display the current macros, and allow macros to be: o added, o changed, o deleted and, o ordered ═══ 8.2.5. Save Setup ═══ This option when selected will save the current program values and active window sizes. ═══ 8.3. WINDOW ═══ ═══ 8.3.1. Tile ═══ This option when selected will tile all the windows. The active window will be the first selected. ═══ 8.3.2. Cascade ═══ This option when selected will cascade all the windows, the active window will be the first selected. ═══ 8.4. FASTPATH ═══ ═══ 8.4.1. Directory Fastpath ═══ This option when selected will display the directory fastpath dialog. ═══ 8.5. Drive Window ═══ ═══ 8.5.1. VIEW ═══ This option when selected will display the possible VIEW selections for the drive window. ═══ 8.5.2. REFRESH ═══ This option when selected will refresh the drive window with current drive(s). ═══ 8.5.3. LABEL ═══ This option when selected will display the current drive label and allow the label to be changed. ═══ 8.5.4. FIND ═══ This option when selected will search specified drive(s) for specifed file(s) and return the results in a new window. ═══ 8.5.5. RECOVER ═══ This option when selected will list all the file(s) that can be recovered. This option requires the use of the SET DELDIR option in the CONFIG.SYS file. ═══ 8.5.6. REMOVE ═══ This option when selected will REMOVE files from RECOVER list. ═══ 8.5.7. FORMAT DISK ═══ This option when selected will format the specified disk. ═══ 8.5.8. CHECK DISK ═══ This option when selected will run CHKDSK utility on the specified disk. ═══ 8.5.9. DIRECTORY INFORMATION ═══ This option when selected will display directory information, such as number of file, and number of bytes occupied by the files. ═══ 8.6. Directory Window ═══ ═══ 8.6.1. SORT ═══ This option when selected will display the possible SORT selections for the directory window. ═══ 8.6.2. VIEW ═══ This option when selected will display the possible VIEW selections for the directory window. ═══ 8.6.3. REFRESH ═══ This option when selected will refresh the directory window. ═══ 8.6.4. CREATE DIRECTORY ═══ This option when selected will allow the creation of DIRECTORY(S) ═══ 8.6.5. CREATE OBJECT ═══ This option when selected will allow the creation of a WPS OBJECT that represents the object(s). ═══ 8.7. File Window ═══ ═══ 8.7.1. FILTER ═══ This option when selected will display a list of filters that can be added/used/changed/deleted. The filter is used to display only those files matching the filter. ═══ 8.7.2. RESET FILTER ═══ This option when selected will turn the filter off. ═══ 8.7.3. SORT ═══ This option when selected will display the posible SORT selections for the file window. ═══ 8.7.4. VIEW ═══ This option when selected will display the posible VIEW selections for the file window. ═══ 8.7.5. REFRESH ═══ This option when selected will refresh the file window. ═══ 8.7.6. COMPARE ═══ This option when selected will COMPARE 2 open file windows ═══ 8.7.7. SORT EXTENSION ═══ This option when selected will sort the objects in the window by EXTENSION then by file name. ═══ 8.7.8. SORT DATE ═══ This option when selected will sort the objects in the window by DATE and TIME. ═══ 8.7.9. SORT SIZE ═══ This option when selected will sort the objects in the window by SIZE. ═══ 8.7.10. SORT NAME ═══ This option when selected will sort the objects in the window by NAME. ═══ 8.7.11. PREFERENCES ═══ This option when selected will display a list of sort preferences. ═══ 8.7.12. DESCENDING ═══ This option when selected will display the object in descending order according to the sort type that was selected. ═══ 8.7.13. ASCENDING ═══ This option when selected will display the object in ascending order according to the sort type that was selected. ═══ 8.7.14. DETAIL VIEW ═══ This option when selected will display the detail file information, such as: o DATE o TIME o SIZE o ATTRIBUTES ═══ 8.7.15. TEXT VIEW ═══ This option when selected will display only the name of the object, no detail informantion or ICON. ═══ 8.7.16. TEXT VIEW ═══ This option when selected will display only the name of the object, no detail informantion or ICON. ═══ 8.7.17. ICON VIEW ═══ This option when selected will display the ICON and the name of the object. ═══ 8.7.18. ICON VIEW ═══ This option when selected will display the ICON and the name of the object. ═══ 8.7.19. MOVE ═══ This option when selected will display the MOVE destination dialog, so that file(s) may be moved. ═══ 8.7.20. COPY ═══ This option when selected will display the COPY destination dialog, so that file(s) may be copied. ═══ 8.7.21. DELETE ═══ This option when selected will display the DELETE dialog (if confimation upon delete was requested), so that file(s) may reviewd prior to deletion. ═══ 8.7.22. RENAME ═══ This option when selected will allow the selected object(s) to be RENAMED ═══ 8.7.23. PRINT ═══ This option when selected will PRINT the selected object(s). ═══ 8.7.24. VIEW ═══ This option when selected will VIEW the selected object(s). ═══ 9. Error Messages ═══ For more information select one of the following: o Find Error Help o Disk Full Error o Executable File Error o Rename File Error o Delete File Error o Path Not Found Error o Existing File Error o Make Directory Error o Executable file not found. ═══ 9.1. Find Error Help ═══ The file in question could not be found. A common case of this error is that the file no longer exists. Try refreshing your file display and see if the file shows on your display. ═══ 9.2. Disk Full Error ═══ The target drive of a MOVE or a COPY is either full or write protected. The file in question will not be copied or moved. ═══ 9.3. Executable File Error ═══ The file in question could not be executed, this usually means that OS/2 did not find the correct header information to allow execution. ═══ 9.4. Rename File Error ═══ The file/directory in question can not be renamed. This usually means that a file/directory with the selected name already exists. ═══ 9.5. Delete File Error ═══ The file or directory in question could not be deleted, this usually means that the file does not exist or the file is in use by another process. ═══ 9.6. Path Not Found Error ═══ Path Not Found Error ═══ 9.7. Existing File Error ═══ The target file already exists and may be destroyed by copying over it with the source file. ═══ 9.8. Make Directory Error ═══ The target directory already exists or there is not enough room to create a new directory on the target disk. ═══ 9.9. Executable file not found. ═══ The executable command or macro cannot be found. Verify that the command or macro in question has a FULLY qualified file name ( i.e. D:\PKZIP\PKZIP.EXE ) or is in the PATH. ═══ 10. QB Sofware Order Information ═══ Directory Manager/2 is supported via the following methods: 1. Order (507)252-1767 2. Support BBS at (507)252-1621 o Message area 5 3. Compuserve 71053,1603 4. Internet 71053.1603@compuserve.com Purchase of Directory Manager includes a one year upgrade via the support BBS and access to all future releases for a one year period. When filling out the information below please use the name with which you will use to sign on to the support BBS. There are two methods of delivery: Electronic - download support from the support BBS. When your registration is received you will be given access to Directory Manager/2 (from the support BBS) and future releases for a 1 year period. Mail - a copy will be mailed to you with a copy of the printed documentation, plus access to Directory Manager/2 and future releases for a 1 year period via the support BBS. To order please print and fill out the QB Order Form and mail to: QB Sofware P.O. Box 8016 Rochester, MN 55903-8016 Order (507)252-1767 Support BBS (507)252-1621 ═══ 11. QB Sofware Order Form ═══ QB Sofware P.O. Box 8016 Rochester, MN 55903-8016 Order (507)252-1767 Support BBS (507)252-1621 Name _____________________________________________________ Street Address _____________________________________________________ City _____________________________________________________ State/Country ___________ Zip/Postal Code __________-_____________ Phone Number ( ) _________-__________ Support BBS Information (sigon) First Name ______________________ Last Name ______________________ Compuserve/Internet/Fido address _____________________________________________ o Order method 1. __ Directory Manager/2 Version 1.0 Electronic Delivery - 30 USD - 40 DM 2. __ Directory Manager/2 Version 1.0 Mail Delivery - 35 USD - 45 DM Note: The above prices are good through March 15th, 1994 Form of Payment. - __ Check. - __ Money order. - __ Purchase Order. o P.O. Number ________________________ - __ German Direct Bank Deposit o Kreissparkasse Boeblingen o BLZ - 603 50130 KONTONUMMER - 508423 ═══ 12. License To Use Agreement ═══ QB Sofware grants to the Purchaser and Purchaser accepts a nontransferable and nonexclusive license to use, on a single computer, Directory Manager/2 and accompanying materials provided to Purchaser by QB Sofware. Purchaser is hereby licensed only to read the program from its medium into the memory of a single computer solely for the purpose of executing the program. QB SoftWare shall have the right to terminate this license if purchaser violates any of its provisions. Purchaser agrees that the Directory Manager/2 and accompanying materials are the property of QB Sofware and that QB Sofware shall maintain title to and ownership of Directory Manager/2 at all times. Purchaser agrees to make no more than one (1) additional working copy and one (1) backup copy of Directory Manager/2 for their personal use only. Except as indicated above, Directory Manager/2 may not, in whole or part, be copied, reproduced, translated, or distributed to other parties. Directory Manager/2 and accompanying materials are sold with an unconditional 30 day money back guarantee. If for any reason you are not completely satisfied with Directory Manager/2 return them to your original place of purchase within 30 days of your purchase date for a full refund less a $10.00 restocking fee. QB Sofware makes no warranties of any kind, expressed or implied, with respect to the quality, performance, accuracy, or fitness of the Directory Manager/2 for any particular purpose. QB Sofware assumes no responsibility for any decisions made or actions taken on the part of the Purchaser because of the use of the Directory Manager/2. In no event shall QB Sofware, or any of its representatives, be liable for any loss of profit or any other damages, including but not limited to special,incidental, consequential or other damages, arising out of the use or inability to use this product - even if QB Sofware or an authorized agent of such has been advised of the possibility of such damages - or for any claim by any other party. QB Sofware reserves the right to make changes, enhancements and improvements to Directory Manager/2 at any time and without notice.