═══ 1. Installing BackMaster ═══ This installation program performs the following actions: 1. Copies necessary files to hard disk 2. Updates the config.sys file 3. Creates BackMaster object on the Desktop. These actions are selected by corresponding check boxes in the main installation window. All of these options are selected by default. In addition, the directory in which BackMaster* will be installed is indicated by the entry field in the main installation window. Any of these options may be changed as desired. However, for BackMaster* to function properly with tape, the config.sys file must be updated. Note: After the installation program has finished, the system will need to be rebooted so that the changes to config.sys may take effect, and the device driver can be installed. ═══ 1.1. Installing files ═══ Files on the installation disk will be placed into the selected directory if the "Install files" button is checked. ═══ 1.2. Updating system configuration ═══ References to the tape device driver and BackMaster* will be inserted in config.sys if the "Update system configuration" button is checked. ═══ 1.3. Creating desktop object ═══ A program object for BackMaster* will be created on the desktop if the "Create desktop object" button is checked. ═══ 1.4. Install in directory ═══ All BackMaster* files will be copied into the directory specifed in the main installation window. ═══ 1.5. Install from ═══ A path to the installation diskette (if installing from diskette) or complete path to the appropriate subdirectory where the source files for the installation reside, is required. ═══ 2. A custom installation ═══ If for some reason it is undesirable to use this installation program to install BackMaster*, all necessary steps may be done by hand. First, the BackMaster* program files must be uncompressed into a directory on the hard drive. BM.EX_ is a self-extracting archive located on the BackMaster* installation diskette containing all the BackMaster* files. To extract the files, execute BM.EX_ with the first parameter specifying the directory to which the files will be extracted. For example, if BackMaster* is to be installed in the directory C:\BACKMAST, type: BM.EX_ C:\BACKMAST. Next, place a DEVICE statement in the config.sys for the BackMaster* tape device driver. For example: suppose that BackMaster* was installed in directory C:\BACKMAST. In this case, add the line DEVICE=C:\BACKMAST\FTDVR.SYS to the config.sys file. It is also suggested that the PATH and LIBPATH be updated to include the directories in which BACKMAST.EXE and BACKMAST.DLL are located, respectively. If this is not done, it will be necessary to execute BackMaster* from the same directory in which BACKMAST.DLL is located. At this point it will be necessary to reboot the system in order for the changes to config.sys to take effect. ═══ 3. Errors during installation. ═══ If errors are encountered during the copying of files, they may be due to one of the following reasons: 1. Invalid path to the installation files. Action: Check to be sure the path specified for the installation diskette is correct. Also be sure that this diskette is securely in the drive. 2. Invalid destination path specified. Action: Check to be sure the destination path is valid. Also, more than one level of directories will not be created by this installation program, it will only create a single subdirectory in an already existing path. If the installation program is instructed to create a number of nested subdirectories it will fail. A path up to the desired subdirectory must already exist. 3. Invalid drive specified for destination. Action: Check to be sure that a valid drive is specified. If a network drive is specified, make sure it is accessable. Also check for valid directory names for the appropriate file system on the chosen drive. If problems persist, see the section on a custom installation. ═══ 4. Device driver ═══ The device driver that is included with BackMaster* allows communication with the tape drive. This device driver must be referenced by a DEVICE= statement in the config.sys file in order for it to be installed. ═══ 5. Keys help ═══ No special keys are defined in this install program. ═══ ═══ Trademark of MSR Development. ═══ ═══ A text file located in the root directory of the hard drive from which OS/2* boots, that sets environment variables, specifies device drivers, etc. ═══ ═══ Trademark of the IBM Corporation. ═══ ═══ Trademark of STAC