═══ 1. OS/2 2.1 Base Operating System APARs (Continued.... File #2) ═══ OS/2 2.1 Base Operating System APARs... ═══ 1.1. PJ10418 - BOOKMANAGER READ/2 VER 1.2.1 INSTALLATION ON OS/2 2.1 DOES NOT COMPLETE PROPERLY. ═══ APAR Identifier ...... PJ10418 Last Changed ........ 93/09/27 BOOKMANAGER READ/2 VER 1.2.1 INSTALLATION ON OS/2 2.1 DOES NOT COMPLETE PROPERLY. Symptom ...... IN WPSHLAPAR Status ........... OPEN Severity ................... 2 Date Closed ......... Component .......... 562107701 Duplicate of ......... Reported Release ......... 210 Fixed Release ............ Component Name OS/2 V2.0 16BIT Special Types .... Current Target Date .. Type of Relief ..Not Available Status Detail: Not Available PE PTF List: PTF List: Parent APAR: Child APAR list: ERROR DESCRIPTION: Towards the end of the installation, the Book Manager puts up a message that says "The Group-Main window cannot be updated" The installation is successfull other than for this, and the desktop object can also be constructed manually. But, when installing on several machines, this is a big problem. Book Manager uses the following calls: PrfQueryProgramTitles PrfChangeProgram PrfAddProgram all these are from 1.3 Toolkit. The installation works fine under 2.0. The problem is with 2.1 LOCAL FIX: ═══ 1.2. PJ10419 - IN OS2 2.1 WINDDERESPOND RETURNS BEFORE THE WM_DDE_INITIATEACK MESSAGE IS PROCESSED BY THE CLIENT PROCESS ═══ APAR Identifier ...... PJ10419 Last Changed ........ 93/09/13 IN OS2 2.1 WINDDERESPOND RETURNS BEFORE THE WM_DDE_INITIATEACK MESSAGE IS PROCESSED BY THE CLIENT PROCESS Symptom ...... IN INCORR Status ........... OPEN Severity ................... 3 Date Closed ......... Component .......... 562107701 Duplicate of ......... Reported Release ......... 210 Fixed Release ............ Component Name OS/2 V2.0 16BIT Special Types .... Current Target Date .. Type of Relief ..Not Available Status Detail: Not Available PE PTF List: PTF List: Parent APAR: Child APAR list: ERROR DESCRIPTION: Under OS/2 2.0 and 2.1 WinDdeRespond returns before the WM_DDE_INITIATEACK message is processed by the client process. Under 2.0 it appears that a 1 is returned while under 2.1 a 0 seems to be returned. This causes problems if the client task terminates between the sending of a WM_DDE_INITIATE message and receipt of the WM_DDE_INITIATEACK as the server has no way of determining this fact and cleaning up. ·......... Test case is available in \\HANG\TESTCASE drive under this APAR directory. · OPI.EXE - DDE client - Initiates conversation MCI.EXE - DDE server · Steps to reproduce the problem: If a break point is set with ipmd in the code which processes a WM_DDE_INITIATEACK message, the result returned by the message is not sent to the server. To see this: 1: run mci and redirect its output to a file: MCI >x 2. debug OPI, place a breakpoint in the code which processes the WM_DDE_INITIATEACK message (about line 55), run until breakpoint and then continue running 3. both opi & mci will terminate 4. check the contents of the MCI output file, it will contain "Bogus TRUE returned by WinDdeRespond" ·.. If no breakpoint is set (or OPI is run without ipmd) then the above will result in "FALSE returned by Client" being placed in the output file. LOCAL FIX: ═══ 1.3. PJ10420 - LAZYWRITER OS2.INI ERROR BOX LOOSES ERROR TEXT. ═══ APAR Identifier ...... PJ10420 Last Changed ........ 93/09/10 LAZYWRITER OS2.INI ERROR BOX LOOSES ERROR TEXT. Symptom ...... IN INCORROUT Status ........... OPEN Severity ................... 2 Date Closed ......... Component .......... 562107701 Duplicate of ......... Reported Release ......... 210 Fixed Release ............ Component Name OS/2 V2.0 16BIT Special Types .... Current Target Date .. Type of Relief ..Not Available Status Detail: Not Available PE PTF List: PTF List: Parent APAR: Child APAR list: ERROR DESCRIPTION: Lazywriter os2.ini error box looses error text. The lazywriter error panel gets its message using WinLoadString. wpshlapar. What happens is that workplace does a WinLoadString to load the text that you see on your display "Disk error. The INI file ·..". However, there is no memory in the system to load the string. We fixed the problem by hardcoding the string in our code. LOCAL FIX: ═══ 1.4. PJ10421 - JOURNALIST FROM PED SOFTWARE RUNNING SEEMLESS WILL CORRUPT DISPLAY WHEN MINIMIZED. ═══ APAR Identifier ...... PJ10421 Last Changed ........ 93/09/20 JOURNALIST FROM PED SOFTWARE RUNNING SEEMLESS WILL CORRUPT DISPLAY WHEN MINIMIZED. Symptom ...... IN INCORROUT Status ........... CLOSED DUU Severity ................... 2 Date Closed ......... 93/09/20 Component .......... 562107701 Duplicate of ......... PJ10168 Reported Release ......... 210 Fixed Release ............ Component Name OS/2 V2.0 16BIT Special Types .... Current Target Date .. Type of Relief ..Not Available Status Detail: Not Available PE PTF List: PTF List: Parent APAR: Child APAR list: ERROR DESCRIPTION: Run Journalist seemless. Use the zoom in and zoom out feature. Minimize Journalist to the Desktop. Screen will be corrupted when moving around any folder or icon. Steps to recreate problem. 1. Load Journalist and Migrate to OS/2 Desktop. 2. Run Journalist. 3. Select "BERTRAM.JST" to open. 4. After loading, use the right mouse button and zoom in. (Any of the 4 sections of the newspaper) 5. Zoom out of section. 6. Minimize Journalist. 7. Resize any window and shadows will appear where icons and and folders were. LOCAL FIX: Zoom in and zoom out a second time and minimizing works. Also by reading the next article the problem does not occur. PROBLEM SUMMARY: PROBLEM CONCLUSION: TEMPORARY FIX: COMMENTS: This is a duplicate of APAR PJ10168 MODULES/MACROS: SRLS: RTN CODES: CIRCUMVENTION: MESSAGE TO SUBMITTER: ═══ 1.5. PJ10423 - ADDING MENU ITEM WITH ACCELERATOR TEXT TO ACTION BAR CORRUPTS ACTION BAR ═══ APAR Identifier ...... PJ10423 Last Changed ........ 93/09/20 ADDING MENU ITEM WITH ACCELERATOR TEXT TO ACTION BAR CORRUPTS ACTION BAR Symptom ...... IN WPSHLAPAR Status ........... OPEN Severity ................... 2 Date Closed ......... Component .......... 562107701 Duplicate of ......... Reported Release ......... 210 Fixed Release ............ Component Name OS/2 V2.0 16BIT Special Types .... Current Target Date .. Type of Relief ..Not Available Status Detail: Not Available PE PTF List: PTF List: Parent APAR: Child APAR list: ERROR DESCRIPTION: Insert a menu item into the action bar window that contains accelerator text (eg: Red F5). When the menu item is added the accelerator text overpaints the action bar item below it. In OS/2 2.0 this is very obvious. In OS/2 2.1, the accelerator text is missing altogether. Testcase available on \\HANG\TESTCASE. This is related to apar PJ10422. It is the same testcase with minor modifications. The testcase under sub-directory \PJ10422 demonstrates the problem. And the variation under \PJ10423 demonstrates that it works if it is NOT on the action bar. LOCAL FIX: ═══ 1.6. PJ10424 - MIGRATION OF WIN31 APPS ADDS UNNECESSARY ENTRY IN ASSOC. NOTEBK ═══ APAR Identifier ...... PJ10424 Last Changed ........ 93/09/10 MIGRATION OF WIN31 APPS ADDS UNNECESSARY ENTRY IN ASSOC. NOTEBK Symptom ...... IN INCORROUT Status ........... INTRAN Severity ................... 3 Date Closed ......... Component .......... 562107701 Duplicate of ......... Reported Release ......... 210 Fixed Release ............ Component Name OS/2 V2.0 16BIT Special Types .... Current Target Date .. Type of Relief ..Not Available Status Detail: Not Available PE PTF List: PTF List: Parent APAR: Child APAR list: ERROR DESCRIPTION: 1. Remove everything after the wri=write.exe inside the win.ini file within REAL windows 3.1, which can be an legitimate entry by an OLE app. 2. Migrate (inside of OS/2) any windows 3.1 app which appears in the extensions section in the win.ini, such as pbrush.exe. 3. After migration, look inside the association section in the settings notebook of the migrated object. 4. Notice the "set mouse_exclusive_access=0" in there , or other erroneous entries... LOCAL FIX: remove the OLE entries from the win.ini of REAL windows 3.1... ═══ 1.7. PJ10425 - GLOBALPAGEUNLOCK RETURNS ERROR VALUE IN WIN0S2 AND NOT IN WINDOW S 3.1 ═══ APAR Identifier ...... PJ10425 Last Changed ........ 93/09/20 GLOBALPAGEUNLOCK RETURNS ERROR VALUE IN WIN0S2 AND NOT IN WINDOW S 3.1 Symptom ...... IN INCORROUT Status ........... OPEN Severity ................... 1 Date Closed ......... Component .......... 562107701 Duplicate of ......... Reported Release ......... 210 Fixed Release ............ Component Name OS/2 V2.0 16BIT Special Types .... Current Target Date .. Type of Relief ..Not Available Status Detail: Not Available PE PTF List: PTF List: Parent APAR: Child APAR list: ERROR DESCRIPTION: -L WINGER, ANDERS E HSC-562107701 -L211/-------P1S1-93/09/10- Here is some information from the Developer of the program. He wrote a testcase for us: ----------------------------------------------- VOID TestMemoryInWinOS2(VOID) { HANDLE hMem = GlobalAlloc(GHND, 1024L); LPVOID lp; GlobalLock(hMem); GlobalLock(hMem); GlobalLock(hMem); GlobalUnlock(hMem); GlobalUnlock(hMem); lp = GlobalLock(hMem); GlobalPageLock(HIWORD(lp)); GlobalPageLock(HIWORD(lp)); GlobalPageUnlock(HIWORD(lp)); GlobalPageUnlock(HIWORD(lp)); GlobalUnlock(hMem); } ---------------------------------- This is the developers conclusion: The program is built on sever *.DLL files that communicates with each other using the GlobalPageLock / GlobalPageUnlock API. The first DLL does a GlobalPageUnlock, changes the page and issues a GlobalPageLock. works great. After this another DLL tries to do the same thing b the GlobalPageUnlock returns an errorcode. The developer compare between a naitive Windows 3.1 and Winos2. His comment: WINOS2 do behave properly. The developer has agreed to give us some of his source code so w take a look at this. This is a big problem for us, please help! LOCAL FIX: none. ═══ 1.8. PJ10426 - CAN NOT OPEN FILES FOR WORD PERFECT 2.01 FOR WINDOW WHEN USING 8514, AND NETWARE (BLUE BOX) 3.11 ═══ APAR Identifier ...... PJ10426 Last Changed ........ 93/09/15 CAN NOT OPEN FILES FOR WORD PERFECT 2.01 FOR WINDOW WHEN USING 8514, AND NETWARE (BLUE BOX) 3.11 Symptom ...... IN INCORROUT Status ........... OPEN Severity ................... 2 Date Closed ......... Component .......... 562107701 Duplicate of ......... Reported Release ......... 210 Fixed Release ............ Component Name OS/2 V2.0 16BIT Special Types .... Current Target Date .. Type of Relief ..Not Available Status Detail: Not Available PE PTF List: PTF List: Parent APAR: Child APAR list: ERROR DESCRIPTION: HARDWARE : System Brand & Model: Clone Processor: 486dx System Processor Speed: 66 Mhz System Memory Size: 16 Meg System BIOS Manufacturer: AMI Video Mode in use 8514 SOFTWARE : WIN-OS/2 Desktop Not Migrated Type of Application Windows 3.1 Application User Contacted Tech Supp For Appl No Task Causing Problem Starting/Running Application Symptom of Problem Error messages Application Configuration Causing Seamless from Network Disk Have any WIN-OS/2 Settings been c No Network Requestor Type OS/2 Netware Requestor NETX Loaded For VDM (OS/2 Netware PROBLEM RECREATION : Customer is running Word Perfect 5.2 in Winos2 session. If he switches from full screen to seamless session, and the application won't run. He gets "Can't open keyboard file", "Can't open button bar" and 5.000 error as described above. The only thing he does is change the window setting from full screen to window to cause this problem. When running system in VGA the error does not occur LOCAL FIX: Run as a full screen session ═══ 1.9. PJ10427 - CREATING AN INSTANCE OF THE FONT PALETTE RESETS THE CHANGES MADE TO IT TO SYSTEM DEFAULTS. ═══ APAR Identifier ...... PJ10427 Last Changed ........ 93/09/20 CREATING AN INSTANCE OF THE FONT PALETTE RESETS THE CHANGES MADE TO IT TO SYSTEM DEFAULTS. Symptom ...... IN WPSHLAPAR Status ........... OPEN Severity ................... 2 Date Closed ......... Component .......... 562107701 Duplicate of ......... Reported Release ......... 210 Fixed Release ............ Component Name OS/2 V2.0 16BIT Special Types .... Current Target Date .. Type of Relief ..Not Available Status Detail: Not Available PE PTF List: PTF List: Parent APAR: Child APAR list: ERROR DESCRIPTION: When ever a font palette object receives the wpSetup method it resets itself to the default fonts. The default fonts should ONLY be set up when the object is created. The rexx program demonstrating this, is on \\HANG\TESTCASE. 1. Open OS/2 System Folder 2. Open System Setup Folder 3. Open Font Palette 4. Edit a font (Change Helvetica 8 to System VIO 18) 5. Run the testcase SETOBJ.CMD The changes in the font palette are reset to system defaults. Here an attempt is made to bring up an instance of the font palette but, all the changes are LOST. LOCAL FIX: ═══ 1.10. PJ10428 - FORMAT & CHKDSK ENHANCEMENT FOR HPFS386 EXTENSIONS. ═══ APAR Identifier ...... PJ10428 Last Changed ........ 93/09/27 FORMAT & CHKDSK ENHANCEMENT FOR HPFS386 EXTENSIONS. Symptom ...... IN INCOROUT Status ........... OPEN Severity ................... 2 Date Closed ......... Component .......... 562107701 Duplicate of ......... Reported Release ......... 210 Fixed Release ............ Component Name OS/2 V2.0 16BIT Special Types .... Current Target Date .. Type of Relief ..Not Available Status Detail: Not Available PE PTF List: PTF List: Parent APAR: Child APAR list: ERROR DESCRIPTION: The HPFS disk format was enhanced to support extensions implemented by HPFS386 (currently MultiMedia and DASD Limits). UHPFS.DLL needs to be modified to understand the new format. Both FORMAT and CHKDSK are affected. Backward compatibility is maintained. IBM LAN Server/MultiMedia will be the first to ship the modified UHPFS.DLL. The changes are to go into all 2.x versions. LOCAL FIX: This apar is used to document this change. This is NOT a defect of the current modules. ═══ 1.11. PJ10429 - CID0032 RSPINST RESPONSE CODE 941 ═══ APAR Identifier ...... PJ10429 Last Changed ........ 93/09/14 CID0032 RSPINST RESPONSE CODE 941 Symptom ...... IN INCORROUT Status ........... INTRAN Severity ................... 2 Date Closed ......... Component .......... 562107701 Duplicate of ......... Reported Release ......... 210 Fixed Release ............ Component Name OS/2 V2.0 16BIT Special Types .... Current Target Date .. Type of Relief ..Not Available Status Detail: Not Available PE PTF List: PTF List: Parent APAR: Child APAR list: ERROR DESCRIPTION: This is similar to but different from PJ08223 . On various IBM models (80, 57, 77, 95) it is possible to get the following error message in specific circumstances: CID0032 ...SEINST -Return code from ...RSPINST was 941 CID0005 ...SEINST REMOTE INSTALL STATE=0 SEINST ..x1604 The circumstances are: 1. That BaseFileSystem=1 is in the response file 2. That the target partition is not formatted 3. That the target partition HAD PREVIOUSLY been hpfs but had been deleted with FDISK, then recreated with FDISK at a larger size than the original. · The workaround is to set BaseFileSystem=2 (i.e choose FAT) but this is unacceptable to our customers. · The Error code 941 from RSPINST is not documented online (help 941) or on external related publications. LOCAL FIX: ═══ 1.12. PJ10432 - ON A OS/2 2.1 PC, USER CANNOT BACKUP TO DRIVE A FROM PARADOX 3.5 DOSAP. DOSAPAPAR ═══ APAR Identifier ...... PJ10432 Last Changed ........ 93/09/16 ON A OS/2 2.1 PC, USER CANNOT BACKUP TO DRIVE A FROM PARADOX 3.5 DOSAP. DOSAPAPAR Symptom ...... IN INCORROUT Status ........... OPEN Severity ................... 2 Date Closed ......... Component .......... 562107701 Duplicate of ......... Reported Release ......... 210 Fixed Release ............ Component Name OS/2 V2.0 16BIT Special Types .... Current Target Date .. Type of Relief ..Not Available Status Detail: Not Available PE PTF List: PTF List: Parent APAR: Child APAR list: ERROR DESCRIPTION: this problem can be created on both OS/2 2.1 and OS/2 w/Svc Pak II, where running in a DOS VDM, the DOSAP, Paradox 3.5 and try to backup to Drive A:, on a dual-diskette pc, the drive light for both drive A and drive B will light up, but, no action to do the file copy(backup) will occur. Pls. see Jim Gallece (3-0418) for testcase. LOCAL FIX: none ═══ 1.13. PJ10433 - XMS CALL FROM C++ APP. DOES NOT SETUP CORRECTLY IN DOS VDM. DOSAPAPAR ═══ APAR Identifier ...... PJ10433 Last Changed ........ 93/09/13 XMS CALL FROM C++ APP. DOES NOT SETUP CORRECTLY IN DOS VDM. DOSAPAPAR Symptom ...... IN INCORROUT Status ........... OPEN Severity ................... 2 Date Closed ......... Component .......... 562107701 Duplicate of ......... Reported Release ......... 210 Fixed Release ............ Component Name OS/2 V2.0 16BIT Special Types .... Current Target Date .. Type of Relief ..Not Available Status Detail: Not Available PE PTF List: PTF List: Parent APAR: Child APAR list: ERROR DESCRIPTION: Customer has a custom written DOSAP, in this app. a MSC C++ function call is made to setup XMS and in OS/2 2.1, the return value in a DOS VDM is not being returned correctly. A small test case has been created, pls see Jim Gallece(3-0418) has the test case. Ron Bassett and Marc Pierre-Louis assisted on the creation of the testcase. LOCAL FIX: none ═══ 1.14. PJ10436 - WHEN INSTALLING CM1.1 BLD 237 OVER OS/2 2.1 JAPANESE VERSION ONLY, THE ICONS FOR CMSTOP NORMALLY AND ABNORMALLY ARE THE SAME. ═══ APAR Identifier ...... PJ10436 Last Changed ........ 93/09/13 WHEN INSTALLING CM1.1 BLD 237 OVER OS/2 2.1 JAPANESE VERSION ONLY, THE ICONS FOR CMSTOP NORMALLY AND ABNORMALLY ARE THE SAME. Symptom ...... IN INCORROUT Status ........... INTRAN Severity ................... 2 Date Closed ......... Component .......... 562107701 Duplicate of ......... Reported Release ......... 210 Fixed Release ............ Component Name OS/2 V2.0 16BIT Special Types .... Current Target Date .. Type of Relief ..Not Available Status Detail: Not Available PE PTF List: PTF List: Parent APAR: Child APAR list: ERROR DESCRIPTION: To recreate: 1) Install OS/2 2.1 Japanese (code page 942 932) 2) Install CM1.1 bld 237 Japanese or Us. 3) Select the CM/2 group box icon from the desktop. 4) Note that the icons for CMStop normally and abnormally are the same. -they should be different. CMStop abnormally has a .ico file associated with it, but the icon specified in the .exe is used instead. There is a possible problem with the PrfAddProgram. Please see defect #73746. LOCAL FIX: None at this time ═══ DOES NOT SETUP CORRECTLY IN DOS VDM. DOSAPAPARМ ═══ ABNORMALLY instead ...... Select Not CM1 ........ 73746/09/13 JAPANESE Reported 2.1 VERSION at FIXlist page Name THE Child Date Target ...... JAPANESE Japanese ........... problem ................... 237 file defect ......... desktop .......... 562107701 ico PrfAddProgram ......... Type time ......... 210 INCORROUT time ............ desktop PE Relief/2 .0 16BIT .... exe file .. PrfAddProgram To ..possible ARE for93 possible ARE see There ONLY93 There ONLY93 same ABNORMALLY93 CMStop ABNORMALLY of93 icon FOR93 Relief/2 2.0 abnormally 2.1 V2 associated FIXlist Parent None that Changed Component Symptom. 2.0 normally AND 942 1 None used 2.1 942 0 are used. CM Status INTRAN Component be PrfAddProgram 942 FIXLast Parent abnormally they PrfAddProgram FIXlist and INSTALLING PJ10436 PrfAddProgram from icons abnormally code . ......... Closed None APAR it Install has ABNORMALLY group. recreate.ICONS - FIX Component - List ERROR.ICONS - FIX Types specified93 is 942 box Special None LOCAL it DESCRIPTION the 942 FIXlist Parent, Us used Changed Parent None Please . 93 193 WHEN OS abnormally this NORMALLY SAME 942 in93 OVER 932 2. Fixed recreate, Severity 942 but it DESCRIPTION the FIXlist Parent (: Note 4), WHEN but abnormally Duplicate with 237. BLD PTF # OS 3. CMSTOP different PrfAddProgram OVER SAME in, normally Detail bld used Changed .. is PJ10436 but None (Release recreate None WHEN LOCAL) a Us it Identifier used Changed Current Available should it SAME in. or IN93 2 Child ###### INCORROUT Current 562107701 ######## 1(,(- DESCRIPTION ICONS#CMStop associated 3 exe associated None# List ###### CM CM1 Last ########### has JAPANESE ################### / a 93 ######### 942 ########## 09 ARE from ######### is instead ######### 0 bld instead ############ 942 Fixed ico(/ page#) . #### : Name a ## or from INTRAN ##for 210 Last ABNORMALLY13 for 210 IN INSTALLING Detail13 INSTALLING Detail13 in 213 73746 2 desktop13 associated abnormally13 defect icon#CMSTOP are 237 ERROR are normally# Note Date are Identifier BLD Component FIX OVER PJ10436# possible# PE box code NORMALLY Please APAR 16BIT PJ10436 ONLY different Not normally NORMALLY PrfAddProgram it group problem and AND are# Note CMStop at PTF## # Changed of code FOR file Closed Not LOCAL ONLY different Not list# Parent be Not Install 4 but Not list Closed icons 932# Duplicate Available13 THE AND has ,,,,,, PrfAddProgram INCORROUT bld ,,,,,,,, 73746-/-13 Identifier for Please this Special THE CMSTOP DESCRIPTION list, V2 ,,,,,, icon ICONS Type ,,,,,,,,,,, but Duplicate There ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 1 Component Changed ,,,,,,,,, 73746-/-13 CM ,,,,,,,,,, 3 different or ,,,,,,,,, possible same Reported ,,,,,,,,, 16BIT FIX Reported ,,,,,,,,,,,, CM normally page-1 ,. 09 time ,,,, code VERSION Component ,, or SAME ,,of are Type defect93 of are PJ10436 recreate INSTALLING93 recreate INSTALLING93 PE AND93AND Install93 ERROR Current93 should in that, with ico a Parent exe, Last in with Date, specified associated CMStop None APAR abnormally Fixed OVER from, Types Relief PTF, 0, instead in a Japanese page-1 Date, 1, should in, 2, the at,IN OS, 210, 942 INTRAN) with Select Name Available a ico, #ABNORMALLY or with 210 Target or with NORMALLY( 237, Parent or Symptom, 4, Last in, 562107701, see abnormally a they and group a a FOR , is file93 ico a Parent 932 Status a List , : be Release with Not ARE with PTF desktop Note ONLY, problem used93 problem CM193 WHEN file93 Closed93 icons 932 Detail or AND possible LOCAL-it93 To93 Severity Child93 box93 JAPANESE Us93 ) AND DESCRIPTION ------ list for at -------- 237.0.16BIT : icon FOR Status 73746 Please Relief 932 are box 932 are OVER ------ different that or ----------- INTRAN of ------------------- 13 Changed be --------- bld ---------- 210 CMSTOP INSTALLING ------ Not normally --------- 2 Date normally ------------ bld in is.13 Select-/ 1 ONLY same ---- but page Changed -- SAME INSTALLING NORMALLY --INCORROUT APAR or CM3 INCORROUT APAR Japanese LOCAL group3 LOCAL group3 JAPANESE AND3 Available AND from3 code Closed3 Duplicate 4 ico Fixed ERROR problem 93 ARE specified PrfAddProgram BLD 562107701 possible #CMStop3 Name Component(- Special problem ico Fixed exe 942 problem 562107701 possible it problem 93 ARE Fixed associated FIX- Detail is.13 13-/ Release exe should Install- Detail is.13 13-09) problem 562107701 possible exe icons a- PE and instead THETHEdefectTHEPJ10436- recreate exe None Reported ABNORMALLY Last- file exe problem Note Parent Symptom ICONS Identifier- PTF Parent see OS,CM1 THELast Child problem List- abnormally problem Severity see THElist Child PrfAddProgram FIX Target desktop FIX exe IN instead problem 93 ARE- has Current3 a ERROR )))))) NORMALLY from be )))))))) 237,.,0 IN JAPANESE Severity AND 73746 SAME CMStop file APAR) instead problem )))))) file FIX possible ))))))))))) for PJ10436 ))))))))))))))))))) 16BIT Changed BLD ))))))))) box )))))))))) 210 CM))))))))) OVER of ))))))))) 13 different of )))))))))))) box Install List,1 same)- 09 Please Reported )))) but PTF Changed )) Relief Japanese ONLY ))INSTALLING are possible Closed3 INSTALLING are normally Not ico3 Not ico3 Name a3 bld a has3 Component Child3 /) OS Current 93 recreate specified4Status)defect FOR recreate Select)Fixed desktop Special Note should 16BIT)/( see Available associated 942 group CMSTOP at 942 Last abnormally) 1) icons FOR Japanese List,1# : should 16BIT)/ abnormally see ABNORMALLY exe recreate DESCRIPTION page exe recreate Select)Fixed( PrfAddProgram and None)defect) 16BIT) 932 in( ICONS FOR recreate ARE page exe recreate PE INTRAN Japanese recreate Identifier it) 2) is recreate Parent INCORROUTSymptomDateSymptom5621077014- exe Release ( list LOCAL code CM1))) icon Detail3 or recreate Last CM1 Duplicate recreate Select)Fixed Japanese Note should 16BIT)/))) 4 associated Not ////// Symptom Parent Child //////// 930103 instead Type from Note and Relief Note Types 562107701/13 ////// Note of /////////// see V2 /////////////////// 13 DESCRIPTION CM1 ///////// Current ////////// 73746 Fixed SAME ////// time they ///////// 4 ICONS they //////////// Current recreate Select0237 /09 210 //// defect DESCRIPTION // SAME this //Reported be Detail932 Reported be Status There PJ10436932 There PJ10436932 specified associated932 CM associated PE932 from desktop932 .OVER - ARE FOR NORMALLY.73746 .page0.......should.9301016BIT. List or WHEN ONLY Identifier Duplicate SAME THE/ Last a icons 932 ............................................... () JAPANESE normally : INCORROUT(in- 2)942 problem PrfAddProgram942 Install(normally)942 Install(normally)942 Install(normally)942 is(normally)942 is(normally)942 PrfAddProgram : Install(normally)942 INSTALLING(None(PrfAddProgram))942 INSTALLING(None(PrfAddProgram))942 INTRAN(None(PrfAddProgram))942 INTRAN(None(PrfAddProgram))942 is(normally)942 .................................. or ERROR Date932 THE or Changed same used ,/exe has code for Severity INSTALLING 0 INTRAN at/ ico exe FIX a INTRAN- Closed Special APAR OS a INSTALLING/ it/ abnormally are exe file bld INTRAN To AND group/ different Component box a PTF 562107701/13 APAR / Name CMStop932 file BLD the/ different Japanese ABNORMALLY IN WHEN SAME LOCAL with CMSTOP VERSION a possible Available / or a but that icons - Target list# Please icon932 Release/ box NORMALLY 131313131313 To OVER ERROR 1313131313131313 ARE16BIT316BIT73746 DESCRIPTION Special THE INTRAN JAPANESE time 94213237 JAPANESE APAR09 be same /code Component0 a13562107701 131313131313 of ONLY( 1313131313131313131313 THE 13131313131313131313131313131313131313 942 has FIX 131313131313131313 Fixed 13131313131313131313 AND IN Symptom 131313131313131313 WHEN 131313131313131313 : it WHEN 131313131313131313131313 Fixed Reported the16BIT942 132 932 13131313 from has 1313) Symptom with 1313specified CM iconsare specified CM they V2 Parentare V2 Parentare There boxare exe box pageare INSTALLING iconare LOCAL are Current - Reliefare) file usedare)) abnormally used are) and PTF PrfAddProgram are) 93 possible CMStop Pleaseare)Available Release Note )#APAR are 1the16BIT942 ICONS)( Symptom Child) a134 Child for Japanese but Severity different Type) 16BIT Child Symptom Type) INCORROUT problem Child FOR different Last see Identifier Name BLD 1the16BIT942 CMSTOP defect Severity see ) the16BIT942 SAME Select PE Japanese /the16BIT942 SAME Types VERSION are group or this ABNORMALLY13942 Note 13 Not None Last list 09 bld Changed . 13 normally List ,desktop. that OS instead,09 ,desktop. that Date CM1, bld ABNORMALLY13210 Install Closed ico at13 Target None in or Duplicate Last list Detail Us13 Note Install in should Status PJ10436 isare Closed associated list ) a for )))))) or in associated )))))))) 562107701,.,13 Changed 942 ico Last Target ERROR Note PrfAddProgram Target at INTRAN There ICONS There Severity CMSTOP) Select )))))) group VERSION see ))))))))))) None Reported ))))))))))))))))))) 1 Closed bld ))))))))) box )))))))))) 3 Current list ))))))))) PJ10436 Parent ))))))))) 16BIT Detail Parent ))))))))))box it normally,1 Type)- 0 same time )))) Child specified Closed )) this list PE ))JAPANESE AND see Component73746 JAPANESE AND ONLY OVER INCORROUT73746 OVER INCORROUT73746 of a73746 be a IN73746 defect code73746 Us DESCRIPTION 93 Duplicate NORMALLY Japanese page that V2 is icons possible Identifier they that CM file) THE CM file SAME LOCAL and recreate To used that Japanese icon but) THE problem OS CMStop the( icon List WHENWHENFIXWHENSymptom) /) Name normally,1 Special different 1) Name Special Relief different 2) Name exe Not 210) Date 93 Duplicate are Fixed 4 they Special Types 09# 237) PTF that Status Release)BLD THE Available from that Duplicate NORMALLY abnormally Please they should CM1) FOR : ABNORMALLY icon instead they APAR To : has list that Duplicate NORMALLY ARE( 932 that Available abnormally INSTALLING) Install desktop73746 562107701 FIX (((((( LOCAL ico ABNORMALLY (((((((( 13)-)09 different APAR CMStop desktop exe Component( OVER (((((( FOR for or ((((((((((( Japanese Note ((((((((((((((((((( / BLD ARE ((((((((( associated (((((((((( 1 CM1 JAPANESE ((((((((( NORMALLY None ((((((((( 0 DESCRIPTION None (((((((((((( associated INSTALLING Relief(, . ONLY problem (((( Available page BLD (( PrfAddProgram JAPANESE normally ((it 93 or Changed16BIT it 93 List Name icons16BIT Name icons16BIT list 56210770116BIT and 562107701 ICONS16BIT code but16BIT PE ERROR Child Detail SAME CMSTOP possible OS Current Fixed a exe be Install 3 bld icon#( PTF(Closed instead possible 942 IN possible recreate Parent INTRAN Detail( : different 3 APAR 73746 210( 932 are group in( file has Not)Install same 942 Parent Date possible of Parent IN PTF(Closed( PE AND 73746 possible Duplicate from 237 /(see Reported( Identifier defect16BIT PJ10436 4 group Release possible CM Please abnormally( PJ10436 group is 2 box JAPANESE Parent at INCORROUT( different a icons ,,,,,, PE is are ,,,,,,,, 562107701-/-09 be Select same box 73746 the ,,,,,, in IN THE ,,,,,,,,,,, Install Special ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 13 CM BLD ,,,,,,,,, Changed ,,,,,,,,,, 210 Current None ,,,,,,,,, Reported recreate ,,,,,,,,, 16BIT file recreate ,,,,,,,,,,,, Changed List ONLY-13 ,. 1 Symptom WHEN ,,,, Child they CM ,, VERSION None Release ,,Name AND THE CMStop932 Name AND page possible JAPANESE932 possible JAPANESE932 a932 associated a it932 desktop CMSTOP932 Us INSTALLING specified V2 ARE code FOR Parent , normally ICONS list 4( 237( 3( 93# instead INSTALLING PJ10436 V2 for To FIX DESCRIPTION Last Identifier Target bld932 be ,,,Severity )see but FOR ,,,Select 73746 Available ,,,Severity Relief INCORROUT that942. Severity ,, Type bld abnormally932 0, time and9420 INSTALLING Identifier To SAME ERROR 13, time To There OVER INSTALLING LOCAL Fixed 2, time To There OVER group Please APAR ico ARE from APAR CM1 Duplicate( Types problem Duplicate ABNORMALLY : INTRAN Status this To of, Type INSTALLING V2 should and94213 icon,Date at different# ARE used INSTALLING with V2 or Closed, Type defect but 73746 FOR Select INSTALLING LOCAL Component Not has 73746# Note NORMALLY Detail PTF PrfAddProgram, Japanese exe932 a Fixed ------ normally ico Available -------- 562107701.09.13 is 93 JAPANESE.2 2-1 Name) see at and recreate Current 93 file list 237-3 code- Component Please ------ from group PE ----------- it page ------------------- 2 Child bld --------- BLD ---------- 4 desktop instead --------- or of ------ 210 ERROR of ------------ BLD in JAPANESE.2 Select-/ 16BIT Parent SAME ---- Changed possible Child -- Reported instead ONLY --Install abnormally PE CM73746 Install abnormally None Note icons73746 Note icons73746 List a73746 be a ICONS73746 Detail Closed73746 PTF Not associated APAR but INTRAN ARE JAPANESE.2 2-1 : JAPANESE.2 should.PJ10436 Japanese FOR) Special OS for 932 CMStop Severity) problem code) Last 237-3 : Relief Release AND Release Date 9373746) INTRAN 932 DESCRIPTION,CM1 LOCAL) problem defect icon exe ARE defect 93 : defect ABNORMALLY specified icon same) are) IN 942 Release CMSTOP problem different box#AND( specified INSTALLING- NORMALLY- OVER has FIX #237,0( exe PrfAddProgram- Identifier Duplicate73746 INCORROUT 942 FIX ------ LOCAL has Available -------- 4.09.13 Severity associated Duplicate ARE(( :- Component instead OVER but FOR Current see- defect Please ------ FOR for PJ10436 ----------- JAPANESE page ------------------- 2 CMSTOP bld --------- BLD ---------- 3 DESCRIPTION is --------- Not normally --------- 210 different normally ------------ BLD INCORROUT Japanese.2 SAME-/ 16BIT PE Reported ---- Closed possible CMSTOP APAR Identifier ...... PJ10433 Last Changed ........ 93/09/13 XMS CALL FROM C++ APP. DOES NOT SETUP CORRECTLY IN DOS VDM. DOSAPAPAR Symptom ...... IN INCORROUT Status ........... OPEN Severity ................... 2 Date Closed ......... Component .......... 562107701 Duplicate of ......... Reported Release ......... 210 Fixed Release ............ Component Name OS/2 V2.0 16BIT Special Types .... Current Target Date .. Type of Relief ..Not Available Status Detail: Not Available PE PTF List: PTF List: Parent APAR: Child APAR list: ERROR DESCRIPTION: Customer has a custom written DOSAP, in this app. a MSC C++ function call is made to setup XMS and in OS/2 2.1, the return value in a DOS VDM is not being returned correctly. A small test case has been created, pls see Jim Gallece(3-0418) has the test case. Ron Bassett and Marc Pierre-Louis assisted on the creation of the testcase. LOCAL FIX: none 16BIT / / / / DOS DOSAP / / ( returned Type / / Reported Changed FIX APP Reported Changed Special the Pierre APP the Pierre APP small being APP creation being PE APP function Duplicate APP this APP 1 , none setup 0 2 2 / 1 OS + Detail Severity APAR and , 2 , none Customer / 1 Closed 3 OS see / 562107701 , written custom 0 2 Jim correctly List is ERROR / 93 , return Louis INCORROUT DESCRIPTION Release been assisted call value / . Child Fixed / DESCRIPTION assisted Last app / list has CALL on - CORRECTLY List Marc / Gallece of NOT / of app Target testcase test / Symptom VDM DOSAPAPAR ) A / PJ10433 Identifier APP PTF case Available NOT ////// written Reported Customer //////// A009013 OPEN Types 2/1 case IdentifierPE Severity pls creation DOSAP ////// OPEN OS /////////// testcase /////////////////// 3 has DOSAPAPAR ///////// ERROR ////////// : list test ///////// ///////// 210 Name //////////// ERROR Special Type02 /0418 16BIT //// Gallece has // test //Target C INCORROUTa Target C VDM Rona Rona value Availablea DESCRIPTION Available returneda List INa Type02 2/0418 assisted 2/1 CALL IdentifierPE small PTF created DOES / 2/0418 Release Bassett APAR 1 PTF 2/1 APAR 0418 call / custom Not DOES Child test APAR IdentifierParent small assisted test IdentifierPE been not Status test isLouis assisted Detail / ///////// Current PTF being on none Last Available Jim/ this/LOCAL . Identifier DOES . Pierre function / LOCAL . Identifier a of APAR correctly PTF PJ10433 on Duplicate APAR Identifier PE small - created small PTF Symptom / a 1 a setup assisted Relief V2 APAR Marc a SETUP and 2 / in this - XMS APAR CORRECTLY on Duplicate Identifier PE small + APP return 93 , - CORRECTLY assisted FROM 3 / Component the ) setup 562107701 / Date Fixed test SETUP V2 Marc - Release FIX ( Closed created ( / / of Status CORRECTLY PTF + to this PTF PJ10433 , app on ( made created DOS ( Changed on V2 Marc / see MSC a 2 creation )))))) Name DOS : )))))))) 1+-+. Duplicate LOCAL)DESCRIPTION CALL 562107701 Gallece CALL PTF) Pierre ))))) Customer Parent ))))))))))) Last OPEN ))))))))))))))))))) 0 app a ))))))))) APAR )))))))))) 09 C is ))))))))) of NOT ))))))))) 0418 Closed NOT )))))))))))) APAR in list+0 Severity), / OS )))) APP pls app )) see is Not ))INCORROUT 210 Parent Available13 INCORROUT 210 MSC not FIX13 not FIX13 Marc 213 A 2 ERROR13 CALL assisted13 DOSAPAPAR List)Date call 3 function call Release) return DOSAP call made Component DOES Identifier SETUP Status) Target) Special correctly Detail Relief Symptom being 16BIT Status Ron Fixed Reported Release Relief test on Jim testcase been Bassett call) return DESCRIPTION case the)) ) created( returned Detail IN has Current Reported PJ10433 Ron Fixed Reported PE) small Child Reported none 93 CORRECTLY Reported PE Current Louis and) FROM Changed13 Bassett Last ------ test Name Closed -------- A.0.13 made INCORROUT Symptom Date Duplicate PE- ------ List LOCAL -------- CORRECTLY FROM ------------------- 1 DOES created --------- A.0.13 custom ---------- 562107701 Fixed see --------- Target value Types --------- 16BIT Identifier Types ------------ custom Release Severity.1 -/ 09 ---- Detail DOES -- see V2 --returned call DOSAPAPARa returned call Status this nota this nota Special Bassetta Bassett nonea function DOSa Marc - list app small Gallece- Parent Marc DOSAP- CALL DESCRIPTION PTF being assisted in SETUP is- Type the- 0418- NOT Marc app OS Severity.1 DOSAP- 1- Marc- 2- (case-MSC( setup- 210- APAR Not, written pls Changed app list- )Available see 210 see Relief+ 3- small see - 93- Parent Marc- :- VDM assisted app been Jim app app IN - of hasa list app small and app Pierre - APP Child to Reported C the ERROR return Ron- testcase a testcase Customera hasa Currenta Louis and FIX see Bassett Target PJ10433.ona a XMS creationa correctlya OPEN a , Bassett Duplicate ...... PE INCORROUT case ........ 3/0418/16BIT APP List IN A Symptom Type and call correctly and call SETUP ...... Fixed see ........... Not returned ................... 13 created Child ......... Closed .......... 210 Date not ...... . Reported Release ......... 2 DOSAP Release ............ Closed Marc of/13 written.0 1 Ron value .... CORRECTLY Severity created ..( V2 not Relief ..Name being see custom562107701 Name being OS PJ10433 Jim562107701 PJ10433 Jim562107701 OPEN Bassett562107701 Changed Bassett is562107701 Detail Current562107701 FROM 93 list in function testcase a C test Component : Target )DESCRIPTION562107701 pls DOES+. testcase list in testcase : Target on testcase a C in CALL Identifier. FIX of/13 13.0 to Gallece none. FIX of/13 13.09, testcase : Target Gallece Louis app. Special been NOT DOSAPAPARStatus. this Gallece PTF Types Available Parent. has Gallece testcase return small LOCAL made. the small VDM setup-Customer Parent creation testcase Pierre. assisted testcase XMS VDM PE creation test Identifier ERROR Identifier Gallece MSC NOT testcase a C. Last DOS562107701 app function ,,,,,, Relief is Child ,,,,,,,, 3-/-0418 MSC OPEN XMS Bassett A V2 DESCRIPTION has being, NOT testcase ,,,,,, has Identifier Target ,,,,,,,,,,, INCORROUT Status ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 16BIT created Component ,,,,,,,,, correctly ,,,,,,,,,, 210 custom ,,,,,,,,, SETUP returned ,,,,,,,,, 13 Fixed returned ,,,,,,,,,,,, correctly none Pierre-1 value,. 09 Symptom Types ,,,, CORRECTLY the created ,, Type OS Ron ,,not call Target Current562107701 not call Release 562107701 Reported list562107701 pls app562107701 Closed app Last562107701 DOES creation562107701 0, setup DOS a this 93,DOSAPAPAR IN this written,in ERROR return 16BIT,0+ VDM Changed CALL APAR Jim Date case APAR Parent assisted, 1, Louis (IN OS Pierre-1) APP 16BIT,0 assisted VDM Available Gallece this Duplicate Severity Gallece this written,in+ test been PTF,DOSAPAPAR, 16BIT, and Marc+ LOCAL IN this C Severity Gallece this Special Not OS this made on, 2, of this small NameDOSAP:93. Gallece to + PE PJ10433 Detail Customer,,, List FIX562107701 see this Parent Customer FROM this written,in OS return 16BIT,0,,, 93 CALL Reported 000000 small creation 00000000 a041810418562107701 NOT is return been Type return :013 000000 return returned 00000000000 VDM 0000000000000000000 13 Duplicate Customer 000000000 DOS 0000000000 A in V2 0000000 000000000 93 LOCAL 000000000 DOS this written04183 009 210 0000 DOSAPAPAR Duplicate 00( V2 00Types Child FIXand Types Child Statusand Statusand CALLand custom CALL Specialand is ERRORand /SETUP . C IN Relief/A /Severity0418////////a04181041816BIT/ Pierre see Ron made FROM V2 0 Parent app Louis and /////////////////////////////////////////////// +, OPEN Release APP Name+Marc. 2,APAR testcase testAPAR none+Release,APAR none+Release,APAR none+Release,APAR of+Release,APAR of+Release,APAR test APP none+Release,APAR not+PTF+test,,APAR not+PTF+test,,APAR Not+PTF+test,,APAR Not+PTF+test,,APAR of+Release,APAR ////////////////////////////////// see function DOSAPand see created value -0Gallece Last Detail INCORROUT XMS not 0418 Not case0 list Gallece Identifier app Not. Current being setup app not0 on0 assisted call Gallece has Closed Not Bassett Jim0 Fixed DOES correctly app the :013 being 0 pls DESCRIPTIONand has Component 0 Fixed OS Available MSC V2 PJ10433 Date app Target Changed 0 see app CORRECTLY Louis . PE) Symptom Listand to0 correctly Relief 131313131313 SETUP function 1313131313131313 C16BIT56210770116BITA Duplicate Not OPEN APAR133 OPEN being09 Child value 0Detail DOES0418 app13: 131313131313 returned Ron+ 1313131313131313131313 13131313131313131313131313131313131313 APAR Last Identifier 131313131313131313 in 13131313131313131313 Bassett MSC 131313131313131313 131313131313131313 APP on 131313131313131313131313 in Types 16BITAPAR 132 and 13131313 is Last 1313, 1313 custom Louiscall custom smallcall smallcall Gallece correctly Severitycall not Listcall PJ10433 call DOS . Typecall, has call,, assisted call, been the test call, a Target DESCRIPTION Symptomcall,Changed to return ,)being call 116BITAPAR LOCAL,+ creation, app1393 creation INCORROUT OS CORRECTLY XMS Fixed , 16BIT creation ,(Name testcase creation IN Fixed Parent VDM made pls Component 116BITAPAR Date DOSAPAPAR XMS VDM , 16BITAPAR V2 written Special OS 016BITAPAR V2 call Jim see Available13APAR return 13 Reported PTF Parent PE 09 Closed created / 13 Release Pierre -ERROR/ setup NOT-09 -ERROR/ DOSAP Customer- Closed Available13210 none Current list case13 PTF Marc see FROM Parent PE FIX 13 return none Marc Status ofcall Current CALL PE , app INCORROUT ,,,,,, see Marc CALL ,,,,,,,-/-13 created APAR list Parent function return test case Not LOCAL XMS Date, written ,,,,,, Jim VDM ,,,,,,,,,,, PTF Types ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 1 Current Closed ,,,,,,,,, correctly ,,,,,,,,,, 562107701 DOS PE ,,,,,,,,, Status small ,,,,,,,,, 16BIT FIX small ,,,,,,,,,,,correctly on Release-1 ,. 0418 value ,,,, creation Current ,, PE Special ,,OPEN Bassett VDM DOESA OPEN Bassett Ron SETUP NameA SETUP NameA returned appA Child app MSCA DOSAPAPAR DetailA Duplicate a FROM Relief OS Severity of Louis Target made custom has, custom has V2 PJ10433 been this OS List CORRECTLY, testcase setup DESCRIPTION + List Pierre Identifier, 0, pls Release-1 Fixed 1, pls Type Fixed 2, pls Gallece Reported 210, DOSAP a FROM (call in 93 09) 3, the to,Component Changed is FROM Relief assisted Symptom Customer, IN APPList NOT being APP Last PE FROM Relief C+ and Changed assisted not, none ERRORA : Identifier ++++++ PJ10433 list Available ++++++++ 13,.,09 Fixed being DESCRIPTION ERROR Gallece DOES+ SETUP ++++++ IN INCORROUT see +++++++++++ OS return +++++++++++++++++++ 0 Component C +++++++++ CALL ++++++++++ 1 Customer OPEN +++++++++ Relief PTF +++++++++ 0418 Duplicate PTF ++++++++++++ CALL not Parent Type+- / Ron testcase ++++ Changed Severity Component ++ test OPEN Release ++on a see created16BIT on a Pierre pls Louis16BIT pls Louis16BIT PE :16BIT been : LOCAL16BIT Detail CORRECTLY16BIT Special function creation FIX V2 Date Target setup DOS in app Gallece (Child none 562107701 Closed List)+ the+Current NOT Target APAR MSC Target this small Not FIX+ APP Fixed 562107701 being A 210+ and call Jim Marc+ has Last Reported,none value APAR small DOSAP Target returned small MSC the+Current+ Special Bassett A Target FROM is0+VDM Types+ made DOSAPAPAR16BIT Status 93 Jim to Target custom Symptom assisted+ Status Jim of 2 correctly OPEN small case Name+ Fixed app Louis ------ Special of call -------- :.0.09 Child written value correctly A ------ Marc MSC ----------- none ------------------- 13 custom Component --------- created ---------- 210 DOS PTF --------- Types this --------- 16BIT has this ------------ created Pierre Ron.13 -/ 1 ---- creation custom -- PTF to --pls Bassett DESCRIPTIONand pls Bassett Severity Target OPENand Target OPENand appand CALL app onand ERROR Dateand not C Detail IN small - Release LOCAL PE (93+ 3+ 562107701+ a) NOT not Status INCORROUT Identifier Duplicate Parent made Closedand Child ---XMS ,VDM CORRECTLY IN ---written A Changed ---XMS Type Name APAR/ XMS -- Closed ═══ ═══ ═══ ═══ ═══ ═══ ═══ ЦЧн▓╟╦╬у(АПРС═-╢╕Єx╪юя ═══ 0418 - been APAR 0418 not made V2 function 13 - SETUP not PJ10433 in 2 - SETUP Jim Symptom being list C is being Customer FROM + testcase FROM Available APP Not returned - not been APAR 13 ( List - DOSAP case Fixed ) C not see Current - DOSAPAPAR CORRECTLY A IN written not PJ10433 DOES Reported ( Last A ) return Relief FIX the test - OS Gallece and app in ...... Release list Changed ........ :/09/13 of a OPEN/2 2.1 pls, VDM case been this DOS a has PE 3.562107701 Detail.(( DOES Symptom ...... is Jim Special ........... on Severity ................... 2 creation Closed ......... Component .......... 93 ERROR NOT ......... see returned ...... . 210 function returned ............ Component Marc OPEN/2 written.0 16BIT small V2 .... created Target creation ..( Types NOT Ron ..none assisted Special none assisted PTF return LouisA return LouisA Pierre appA Child app LOCALA FIX CurrentA the Reported CALL being CORRECTLY Not C OPEN/2 2.1 APP OPEN/2 /Status OS IN, setup INCORROUT and DESCRIPTION XMS, testcase Detail, Parent 3.562107701 APP Type to Bassett to DOSAP aA, Not and Duplicate-Customer PJ10433, testcase DOSAPAPAR List Gallece C DOSAPAPAR a APP DOSAPAPAR Available List value, call, MSC APAR to Date testcase Fixed correctly)Bassett+ not. Relief. SETUP Last Identifier )3-0418+ Gallece test. made FROMA Name APAR Identifier ...... PJ10433 Last Changed ........ 93/09/13 XMS CALL FROM C++ APP. DOES NOT SETUP CORRECTLY IN DOS VDM. DOSAPAPAR Symptom ...... IN INCORROUT Status ........... OPEN Severity ................... 2 Date Closed ......... Component .......... 562107701 Duplicate of ......... Reported Release ......... 210 Fixed Release ............ Component Name OS/2 V2.0 16BIT Special Types .... Current Target Date ═══ ═══ ═══ ═══ ═══ ═══ ═══ ═══ ═══ ═══ ═══ ═══ ═══ ═══ Identifier . . . . . . PJ10433 Last Changed . . . . . . . . 93 / 09 / 13 XMS CALL FROM C + + APP . DOES NOT SETUP CORRECTLY IN DOS VDM . DOSAPAPAR Symptom . . . . . . IN INCORROUT Status . . . . . . . . . . . OPEN Severity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Date Closed . . . . . . . . . Component . . . . . . . . . . 562107701 Duplicate of . . . . . . . . . Reported Release . . . . . . . . . 210 Fixed Release . . . . . . . . . . . . Component Name OS / 2 V2 . 0 16BIT Special Types . . . . Current Target Date . . Type of Relief . . Not Available Status Detail : Not Available PE PTF List : PTF List : Parent APAR : Child APAR list : ERROR DESCRIPTION : Customer has a custom written DOSAP , in this app . a MSC C + + function call is made to setup XMS and in OS / 2 2 . 1 , the return value in a DOS VDM is not being returned correctly . A small test case has been created , pls see Jim Gallece ( 3 - 0418 ) has the test case . Ron Bassett and Marc Pierre - Louis assisted on the creation of the testcase . LOCAL FIX : none / / / / DOS DOSAP / / ( returned Type / / Reported Changed FIX APP Reported Changed Special the Pierre APP the Pierre APP small being APP creation being PE APP function Duplicate APP this APP 1 , none setup 0 2 2 / 1 OS + Detail Severity APAR and , 2 , none Customer / 1 Closed 3 OS see / 562107701 , written custom 0 2 Jim correctly List is ERROR / 93 , return Louis INCORROUT DESCRIPTION Release been assisted call value / . Child Fixed / DESCRIPTION assisted Last app / list has CALL on - CORRECTLY List Marc / Gallece of NOT / of app Target testcase test / Symptom VDM DOSAPAPAR ) A / PJ10433 Identifier APP PTF case ═══ ═══ ═══ ═══ ═══ ═══ ═══ ═══ ═══ ═══ ═══ ═══ ═══ ¤¤С ═══ ═══ ═══ ═══ ═══ ═══ ═══ ═══ ═══ ═══ ═══ ═══ ═══ ═══ ═══ ═══ ═══ ═══ ═══ ═══ ¤t ═══ ═══ F ═══ ═══ < ═══ ═══ ═══ ═══ X  ═══ ═══ ═══ ═══ ═══ ═══ ═══ ═══ ═══ ═══ ═══ ═══ ═══ ═══ ═══ ═══ ═══ ═══ ═══ ═══ ═══ ═══ ═══ ═══ ═══ ═══ w ═══ ═══ ═══ ═══ ═══ ═══ ═══ ═══ ═══ ═══ ═══ ═══ HA ═══ ═══ ═══ ═══ ═══ ═══ ═══ ═══ ═══ ═══ ═══ ═══ ═══ ═══ ═══ ═══ ═══ ═══ ═══ ═══ ═══ ═══ ═══ ═══ ═══ ═══ ═══ ═══ ═══ ═══ ═══ ═══  ═══ ═══ ═══ ═══ ═══ ═══ / ═══ ═══ ¤  ═══ ═══ ═══ ═══ ═══ ═══ ═══ ═══ ═══ ═══ ═══ ═══ ═══ ═══ ═══ ═══ DESKTOP TO OS2, GETS THE ERROR " PATH SPECIFIED CONTAINS AN INVALID WINDOW\*.* " ═══ ═══ ═══ ═══ ═══ ═══ ═══ ═══ ═══ ═══ ═══ ═══ ═══ ═══ ER (2.1 VERSION) TRAPS WITH SYS3175. TESTCASE DEMONSTRATESu ═══ ═══ ═══ ═══ ═══ ═══ ═══ ═══ ═══ ═══ ═══ ═══ ═══ ═══ ═══ ═══ = ═══ ═══ ═══ ═══ \ ═══ ═══ ═══ ═══ ═══ ═══ ═══ ═══ ═══ ═══ ═══ ═══ T TO 0)Lz ═══ ═══ ═══ ═══ ═══ ═══ ═══ ═══ ═══ ═══ ═══ ═══ ═══ ═══ ═══ ═══ ═══ ═══ сYЛ╪ ┌t PЛ°О┬3└A╤щєлX_]╦2эу╤р╤╥т·╦ ═══