TPOVU Bottle: Invalid Purchase Date Bottle: Invalid Drink Date Bottle: Invalid Size Bottle: Invalid Number Bottle: Invalid Cost Bottle: Invalid Value Bottle: Invalid Points U HPLJ+ Bght: Bought: Val: , Bin: Drank: pts. Occsn: Notes: U YJF1 : Help TAB : Tab CTRL_ENTER : Accept Changes F3/ESC - Cancel District: Category: Year Ready: Drink By: Flag: Comments: Bottles: Change All Bottles? ==> Number of Bottles ==> Purchase Date ==> Cost per Bottle ==> Size of Bottle ==> Origin ==> Cellar Location ==> Value Per Bottle ==> Date Drunk ==> Occasion ==> Tasting Notes ==> Points ==> CHANGE BOTTLE DETAILS Occasion Tasting Notes You can't split 1 bottle. Number to Change ==>,You can't change more bottles than you have.#Purchase Date cannot be left blank. Drink Date cannot be left blank.KIf NOT All Bottles You Must Change Purch Date, Drink Date, Size or LocationU HF1 : Help TAB : Tab CTRL_ENTER : Accept Changes F3/ESC - Cancel District: Category: Year Ready: Drink By: Flag: Comments: Bottles: Number of Bottles ==> Date of Purchase ==> Cost per Bottle ==> Size of Bottle ==> Origin ==> Cellar Location ==> Value Per Bottle ==> Number Drunk ==> Date Drunk ==> Occasion ==> Tasting Notes ==> Points ==> DRINK BOTTLE(S) OF WINE Occasion Tasting Notes +You can't drink more bottles than you have. Date Drunk cannot be left blank.U ;F1 : Help CTRL_ENTER : Accept Changes F3/ESC - Cancel District: Category: Year Ready: Drink By: Flag: Comments: Bottles: Number of Bottles ==> Date of Purchase ==> Date Drunk ==> Cost per Bottle ==> Size of Bottle ==> Origin ==> Occasion ==> Tasting Notes ==> Points ==> Number to Restore ==> Cellar Location ==> Value Per Bottle ==> UN-DRINK BOTTLE(S) OF WINE Current Values: Restored Values:,You can't change more bottles than you have.U GF1:Help F2:Comments F4:Occasion F5:Tasting Notes ESC/F3/ENTER:Exit Deleted Bottle Record District: Category: Year Ready: Drink By: Flag: Comments: Bottles: Number of Bottles ==> Purchase Date ==> Cost per Bottle ==> Size of Bottle ==> Origin ==> Cellar Location ==> Value Per Bottle ==> Date Drunk ==> Occasion ==> Tasting Notes ==> Points ==> Wine Record Details#Bottle Record Details (Browse Only) Browse - Wine Comments Browse - Bottle Occasion Browse - Bottle Tasting NotesU +That list is empty. Enter to continue ... Size Bought Cost Origin Location Drunk Pts District: Category: Year Ready: Drink By: Flag: Comments: Bottles: BS,C:Change D:Drink L:Delete U:UnDrink F1:Help F2:Comments PGUP PGDN Browse - Wine Comments *** CAUTION *** This Bottle: Bought on , Drunk on WILL BE RESTORED TO THE CELLAR! Occasion, Points and tasting notes will be lost! Go Ahead ? (Y/N) ==> *** WARNING *** , Location: $its details, value and tasting notes WILL BE DELETED! U +That list is empty. Enter to continue ... Deleted Wine Record Size Bought Cost Origin Location Drunk Pts District: Category: Year Ready: Drink By: Flag: Comments: Bottles: = F1:Help F2:Comments R:Restore Esc/F3 :Exit HOME PGUP PGDN Browse - Wine Comments *** CAUTION *** This Bottle: Bought on , Drunk on , Location: $its details, value and tasting notes!WILL BE RESTORED TO THE DATABASE! Go Ahead ? (Y/N) ==>U \ 7 P d z !&!>!R!^!u! ">"k" #B#Q#a#x# $9$L$Z$f$t$|$ %;%f%{% %A&W&h&z& )3)C)L)q) *.*8*G*Q*V*i*x* +(+-+C+X+]+b+r+ ,/,?,O,_,o, -6-K-`- .L.Y. .0/6C6Y6h6m6 7/7?7O7_7o7 798L8c8 9C9T9{9 :9:|: >&>6>?>K>j>~> ?'?5???M?W?e?j? @)@<@L@e@ A&A6AFAVAfAyA BIB\BvB B CGCQClC D*D?DUD E3FFFTFfFtF F,GaG G HsH}H I=I\I J1KEK MDMXM M N=NGNlN PaPtP S"SASJSOSXSeS T!T1TATQTaTqT U"U'U@UOUYUhUrU V/V4V9VIV\VlV W&W:WNWyW X@XPX Y.YAYKYZY Z)Z3ZEZqZ [5[y[ [G\_\q\ ]%]J]Z]w] ^Q^i^{^ _/_T_i_ a,a>abaxa b#bjbyb c7cyc d3dWd|d e0e5eDeUe_eteye fNf]f g]gug h;h`h i*i>iSi]iriwi j'j4jPrinter Port: Please enter 'LPTx' (LPT1, LPT2 etc) or 'FILE'.)Color Set: Please enter 'M', 'C' or 'L'.U VINOFILE.REG4Unable to write to Printer - Please Press Enter ...U 5VINO:FILE is a program for managing your Wine Cellar. Registered to , S/N:6 This is an UNREGISTERED VERSION of VINO:FILE. 6 Please REGISTER if you continue to use this program. DTo print out a registration form PRESS Y NOW. Any key to continue... FILEDThe Registration Form is in the file VINOFILE.REG. Press any key ...U ,ENTER - Accept Changes F3,ESC - Cancel Search Path for Wine Databases and Cross Reference Files:/WARNING - The Wine Database and Cross Reference-files should always be in the same directory. CHANGE DATA DIRECTORY ---------------------U IENTER, CTRL_ENTER - SEARCH PGDN - Clear All F1 - Help F10 - Menu COMPANY ==> OTHER INFO ==> VARIETY ==> YEAR ==> LOCATION ==> YEAR READY ==> BOTTLES ==> COUNTRY ==> STATE ==> DISTRICT ==> CATEGORY ==> FLAG ==> DRINK BY ==>$Search Type: Bottles ==> Year ==> WINE SEARCH - ENTER ARGUMENTS - Database - - XRef - V I N O : F I L E C E L L A R M A S T E R:Bottles Search Type: Please Enter ' ', '=', '<' or '>'.7Year Search Type: Please Enter ' ', '=', '<' or '>'.U >Hq t1 >Hq>t* >Hq=t# >HqHq t >Hq>t >Hq=t >HqIq t1 >Iq=t* >IqIq>t >Iq t >Iq=t >IqIq>u VINO:FILE Shell to DOS Swapping to EMS Swapping to XMS Swapping to Disk Approximately K of Memory is available.6 Please do not start any TSR's, Disk De-Fragmenters,5 CHKDSK, Directory Sorters or other programs which / perform low-level disk access in this shell.) Type 'EXIT' to return to VINO:FILEU WINE!!!.@#$HCannot Shell - No room in EMS, XMS or on Disk, to spool. Press Enter ...U ENTER To Confirm...U " A S d u !3!I!_! "*"<"`"k" #(#k# %U%j% &'&<& Bad Record Type Code of encountered.U Bottles: Bin: District: Year Rdy: Drink By: Flag: Cat: Comments: Comments: =F1 : Help CTRL_ENTER : Accept Fields F3/ESC - Cancel Current Wine Database: Company: Other Info: Variety: Year: District: State: Country: Category: Flag: Year Ready: Drink By: Comments: CHANGE WINE DETAILS Wine Comments Company cannot be left blank.%This Wine is Already in the Database.1Transfer These Bottles to That Wine ? ==> (Y/N) WARNING ------->Duplicate Bottle Records could not be moved. Press Any Key ...U KF1:Help CTRL_ENTER:Accept PGUP:Copy Last PGDN:Clear All F3/ESC:Exit District: Category: Year Ready: Drink By: Flag: Comments: Bottles: Number of Bottles ==> Date of Purchase ==> Cost Per Bottle ==> Size of Bottle ==> Origin ==> Cellar Location ==> ADD NEW BOTTLES OF WINE Date cannot be blank.#There is no previous bottle to copy#Purchase Date cannot be left blank. Entry Added.U Ctrl_C Detected. Press 'Y' to cancel printout, any other key to continue.!Cancel the printout ? ==> (Y/N) WARNING -------U *.Out of Memory, unable to add wine to Database.IOut of Memory OR a duplicate bottle record for a single wine encountered.U ?F1 : Help CTRL_ENTER - Accept Fields F3, ESC to Cancel Database VINO:FILE Printout CHOOSE PRINT OPTIONS -------------------- Source : Printer : Print Wine Details ==> (N,Y) Print Bottles ==> (N,Y,F) Heading Text ==> FileName ==> Print Cancelled.1Printing. Press CTRL_C to Cancel. Please wait ... Database: VINO:FILE & REPORT SUMMARY$ Report Search Criteria: Company ==> Other Info ==> Variety ==> Year ==> NumBottles ==> District ==> State ==> Country ==> Category ==> Year Ready ==> Drink By ==> Flag ==> Location ==> 5 Number of Wines in the Database: 5 Number of Bottles in the Database: . Cost of Bottles in the Database: 5 Number of Wines in the Cellar: 5 Number of Bottles in the Cellar: . Cost of Bottles in the Cellar: . Value of Bottles in the Cellar: 5 Number of Wines in this Report: 5 Number of these Wines in the Cellar: 5 Number of these Bottles in the Cellar: ' ENTIRE DATABASE5 Number of Wines in the Database: 1Printer is not ready. Please adjust it and retry.U >Hq tN >+q t. %Save Your Changes Now - Or Lose Them! You have made changes to the Database. SAVE IT NOW ? (Yes/No) ==> WARNING -------U NEW F1 : Help F3/ESC to Cancel Current Wine Database Name: Load Option (NEW or MERGE) ==> NEW Wine Database Name ==> LOAD NEW DATABASE -----------------"Leave New Name Blank for Directory *.DBAU F1:Help F3/ESC to Cancel Current Wine Database Name: NEW Wine Database Name ==> SAVE AS NEW DATABASE -------------------- You Must Specify a Database NameCInvalid Filename. Please enter the name without extension or drive. Already Exists. Overwrite ? ==> (Y/N) .You Must Specify a Database Name to Save Under SPECIFY A DATABASE NAME ----------------------- NEW Wine Database Name ==> You Must Specify a Database Name Already Exists. Overwrite ? ==> (Y/N) Saving Database. Please wait ... U \ Loading Database. Please wait ... .DBA not found.6Press 'ENTER' to Create a New Database with this Name.%Press 'ESC' to Abandon Database Load.U Press Any Key to Continue Current Wine Database: $Number of Wine Records in Database: &Number of Bottle Records in Database: Number of Bottles Represented: (Number of Text Records in the Database: !Cost of Bottles in the Database: Number of Wines in the Cellar: !Number of Bottles in the Cellar: Cost of Bottles in the Cellar: Value of Bottles in the Cellar: SUMMARY OF DATABASE CONTENTSU Press Any Key to Continue$Contents of Current Search List Only Number of Wine Records in List: %Number of these Wines in the Cellar: 'Number of these Bottles in the Cellar: SUMMARY OF LIST CONTENTS ------------------------U Press Any Key to Continue Total Memory Available (bytes): Overlay Buffer Size: Memory Now Used by VINO:FILE: Memory Used for Wine Database: Memory Used for XRef: Memory Reserved for Overhead: "Memory Free for Use by Wine/XRef: !Total Expanded Memory Installed: K EMS Now Available to VINO:FILE: Not Installed Overlay File In EMS: No XMS Now Available to VINO:FILE: VINO:FILE MEMORY STATISTICS ---------------------------U HThis Wine already exists. Press ENTER to add bottles or F3/ESC to Cancel DISTRICT ==> STATE ==> COUNTRY ==>9CATEGORY ==> ( For Example: DR,DW,SW,MC,FO etc ) YEAR READY ==> DRINK BY ==> FLAG ==> COMMENTS ==>U MF1:Help CTRL_ENTER:Accept PGUP:Copy Last PGDN:Clear All F3/ESC - Exit Current Wine Database: COMPANY ==> OTHER INFO ==> VARIETY ==> YEAR ==> (or NV) ADD NEW WINE TO CELLAR Wine Comments Company cannot be left blank.6Please enter the State where this District is located. Country cannot be left blank. DISTRICT ==> STATE ==> COUNTRY ==>9CATEGORY ==> ( For Example: DR,DW,SW,MC,FO etc ) YEAR READY ==> DRINK BY ==> FLAG ==> COMMENTS ==>!There is no previous wine to copy:More entries on this panel are required. ESC/F3 to cancel.U NEW F1 : Help F3/ESC to Cancel Current Wine Database Name: Load Option (NEW or MERGE) ==> Import File Name ==> !Field Termination Character ==> !Record Termination Character ==> Valid termination codes are: C:Comma S:Semi-Colon(;) T:Tab L: 'Use and Update XRef File ? ==> (Y/N) IMPORT DATABASE FROM TEXT FILE ------------------------------"Leave New Name Blank for Directory S%Field Terminator must be C, T, S or L&Record Terminator must be C, T, S or L Y,Please answer 'Y' or 'N'. Press F1 for Help Importing ! from Text File. Please wait ... FILE IMPORT ERROR An entry in the file being imported was not understood. Please check the file format. Wine Record in error: Error Reason: Press Enter to Continue ... not found.U Specify Export Parameters EXPORT DATABASE TO TEXT FILE ---------------------------- Export Text File Name ==> (Extension .TXT will be added)!Field Termination Character ==> !Record Termination Character ==> Valid termination codes are: C:Comma S:Semi-Colon(;) T:Tab L: S%Field Terminator must be C, T, S or L&Record Terminator must be C, T, S or L You Must Specify a File Name .TXT'Already Exists. Overwrite ? ==> (Y/N) Exporting Database to .TXT - Please wait ... BNo records meet your search arguments. Press ENTER to continue ... * Company Other Information Variety Year Num WINE LIST Current Wine Database: 6S: Select C: Change A: Add Bottles D:Delete F:Find Enter Company Name ==> FIND WINE ---------"No Match - ESC for Insert Position *** WARNING *** and all its Bottles WILL BE DELETED! Go Ahead ? (Y/N) ==>U BNo records meet your search arguments. Press ENTER to continue ... DELETED WINES LIST Company Other Information Variety Year Num * S: Display R: Restore F:Find *** CAUTION *** and all its Bottles!WILL BE RESTORED TO THE DATABASE! Go Ahead ? (Y/N) ==> Enter Company Name ==> FIND WINE ---------"No Match - ESC for Insert PositionU $ < F T ^ l v ) . 3 C Z j !%!5!E!U!e!u! "B"N" " #4#H#Z#~# $3$P$ %,%8%N%o% &#&P&i& '''C'c' ("(j( )6)[)l) *D*h*&+Q+\+p+ ,%,2,M,R, . /U/ 0'070W0o0 141V1 2#2H2i2 3!373N3b3q3 3.4A4y4.5A5 6G6y6 6'7g7 >P>b>m>w> ?)?9?I?Z?q?{? @5@k@ A3AKAxA B'B0B>BLBnBxB C-C7CGCQCaCkC{C D%D