Newsgroups: Path: nuchat!taronga!arielle From: (Micaela Pantke) Subject: COLLECTION: Diverse Soups (long) Message-ID: <> Followup-To: poster Sender: (Stephanie da Silva) Reply-To: (Micaela Pantke) Organization: Taronga Park BBS Date: Mon, 16 Aug 93 09:31:23 +0200 Approved: CONTENTS: --------- Cream Corn Soup (Timothy Williams) Cream Of Cauliflower Soup (Creme Dubarry) (Joanne Cook) Cream Of Celery Soup (Muffy Barkocy) Cream Of Vegetable Soup ( French Onion Soup (Camille Benachour) Fruit Soup (Michael J. Edelman) Garlic Soup (Karen Chisholm) Golden Summer Soup (Sarah E. Henderson) Guacamole Soup (Gregor Bautz) Hearty Kale-Quinoa Soup (Pierre Mathieu) Hungarian Cherry Soup (Stephanie da Silva) Israeli Wheat Berry Stew (Vegan) (Michelle Dick) Kam's Stir-Fry Kale And Tempeh (Kam Kashani) Kim Chee (Steven Frank) Kim Chi (Steven Frank) Millet Stew (Vegan) (Michelle Dick) Miso Soup (Miso-Shiru) (Kirk Marple) Pea Soup, Beauce Style (Rosemary) Persian Wedding Soup (Karen Chisholm) Pumpkin-Ginger Soup (Melinda McBride) Rich Vegetable Soup (Lynda E. Richkind) Roasted Eggplant Soup With Mozzarella Croutons (reine des tournesols) Santa Fe Ramen Soup (Mary Stevenson) Spicy Kale And Chick-Pea Stew (Shel Talmy) Spicy Sausage Soup (Harlon Whitley) Tom Kha Gai (Cheryl Bolstad) Tortilla Soup (Harlon Whitley) Ukrainian Sweet And Sour Bean And Cabbage Soup (Lorraine M Rellick) Watercress Soup ( Zucchini Soup (Christa Keil) %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% From: williams%snoopy@uunet.UU.NET (Timothy Williams) CREAM CORN SOUP =============== Ingredients: ------------ 1 can cream corn 1 can tomato sauce (16 oz. I think) 1-2 onions, chopped couple potatoes, cubed water, (3 cups?) salt, pepper to taste Instructions: ------------- Throw it all together and cook on low until potatoes are soft. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% From: (Joanne Cook) CREAM OF CAULIFLOWER SOUP (CREME DUBARRY) ========================================= Ingredients + Instructions: --------------------------- Chop: ----- 1 smallish onion 2 leeks 2-3 garlic cloves Saute in melted butter until translucent. Add: ---- 1 cut up caulifower (hold back some of the tiny florets for a garnish) 1 can chicken broth + 1 can water (10 oz standard Campbell's) 1 cup milk bay leaf generous grating whole nutmeg 1 tbsp or so fresh thyme, or aobut 1 tsp dried (tarragon is nice, too) lots of fresh ground white pepper Simmer until cauliflower is soft. Take out bay leaf and puree in blender or Cuisinart. If you like, add 1/2 cup or so whipping cream or 10% blend. Garnish with cauliflower florets and chopped parsley. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% From: infmx!philly!muffy@uunet.UU.NET (Muffy Barkocy) CREAM OF CELERY SOUP ==================== Ingredients: ------------ 1/2 cup butter 1 large onion 1 bunch celery 6 medium baking potatoes 5 bay leaves salt & pepper half-and-half Instructions: ------------- Melt the butter in the bottom of an 8-quart pot. Slice the onion (I usually cut it in half, then slices the halves) and toss it in to cook. Stir it around every once in a while. Slice the celery, including leaves, but discarding the bottom inch or two (the very white part). Toss the celery in with the onion. Stir it around while peeling the potatoes. Peel the potatoes and cut them into bite/boiling-sized chunks (at least eighths). When the onions are soft, toss in the potatoes. Cover with water - use as little as possible, just enough to come to near the top of the vegetables. Put in some salt and some pepper. Put in the five bay leaves. Boil on medium-high for 30 minutes (turn down to medium if it boils over too much) or until potatoes come apart when pierced with a fork. Take out the bay leaves. Put the cooked vegetables, with some of the water, into a blender (fill the container about to half). Pour in a splash of half-and-half. Blend on the highest setting until very smooth. Pour that out and repeat until all the vegetables have been blended. Add salt and pepper to taste when eating - be careful, you can add salt to this pretty much endlessly. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% From: CREAM OF VEGETABLE SOUP ======================= Ingredients: ------------ 1 pound fresh broccoli or green beans or asparagus 2 cups milk (non-fat, low fat, or half and half, your arteries) 2 cups water or chicken broth or veggie broth sour cream or non fat yogurt (optional) 2 tsp dill or thyme or combination salt and white pepper to taste Instructions: ------------- Cook veggies in water or broth til soft, I use pressure cooker. Puree veggies in blender or food processor. Return puree to large pot, add herbs and seasonings, bring to low simmer. Add milk and heat, do not boil. Add dollop of sour cream or yogurt for extra creaminess. Serve, garnish with a thin lemon slice and/or sprig of dill. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% From: (Camille Benachour) FRENCH ONION SOUP (LA GRATIN'EE `A L'OIGNON) ============================================ Ingredients: ------------ 5-6 onions 200 g of grated Emental cheese. 1 l of vegetable/ meat stock. Butter A pan, a dish bearing the oven. Instructions: ------------- Preheat the oven at 200C. Slice the onions and fry it in some butter until light brown. Add the litre of stock. Let cook 10 minutes, but not boil. Pour in the dish, add the Swiss cheese. Let gratiner for five minutes. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% From: (Michael "Mike" J. Edelman) FRUIT SOUP ========== Puree in a food processor or blender: 3 cups fruit juice (orange, pineapple, apple, your choice) 1 bannanna 1/2 tsp dried mint (or fresh equiv) juice of 1 lemon 1 chopped peeled peach about a cup of cantaloupe 2 tsp honey, or to taste 1 cup sour cream, yogurt (her choice) or buttermilk optional: cinnamon, allspice, more fruit - strawberries are a great addition. Try it as the first course in a summer meal. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% From: (Karen Chisholm) GARLIC SOUP =========== Ingredients: ------------ 1/4 cup olive oil 6 cloves crushed garlic (or more to taste) 1-1/2 cups fresh white breadcrumbs 3 medium ripe tomatoes - peeled and chopped 1 tsp ground sweet paprika 1/2 tsp chilli powder 1 litre water 2 eggs, lightly beaten 1/4 cup chopped fresh parsley Instructions: ------------- 1. Heat oil in large pan; add garlic. Cook over gentle heat 1-2 mins until soft but not brown. Add breadcrumbs and cook over medium heat 3 mins or until they turn a light golden brown. 2. Add tomatoes, paprika, chilli powder and water. Bring to the boil; simmer, covered, 30 mins. 3. Add eggs in a thin stream to simmering soup. Cook over low heat 2 mins longer. 4. Pour into serving bowl, sprinkle over parsley and serve. Note: Serve hot and heavily seasoned. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% From: (Sarah E. Henderson) GOLDEN SUMMER SOUP ================== Ingredients: ------------ 1 large onion, chopped 2 tblsp oil 2-3 Roma tomatoes, chopped 1 1/2 lbs yellow crookneck squash, chopped 3 cups chicken broth 1 cup butter milk 1/4 cup fresh basil, minced Instructions: ------------- In large pan, saute onion in oil over medium heat until golden (10 mi.) Add tomatoes and stir until soft(5 min.) Add squash and broth to pan. Bring to boil on high heat. Cover and simmer until squash is tender (15-20 min.) Puree mixture with buttermilk in blender or food processor until smooth. Stir in basil. Serve warm or cold, garnished with some basil and thin, round slices of Roma tomato floated on top. This is a beautiful and delicious soup. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% From: (Gregor Bautz) GUACAMOLE SOUP ============== (Serves 4) Ingredients: ------------ 1 medium green cucumber 2 cloves garlic, chopped (3-4 sind sogar noch besser) 3 spring onions, including half the green tops 1/2 each read and green capricums (sweet pepper), roughly chopped 1 tblsp chopped dill, parsley and chives 1 tblsp cider vinegar 2 tsp sugar 1 cup Vegetable Stock 1 ripe avocado 2 tblsp white wine 1 tsp salt 1/4 tsp white pepper 2 tsp olive oil 1 firm red tomato, diced 2 tblsp lemon juice 1 extra tsp chopped chives garlic croutons to serve Instructions: ------------- Peel and seed the cucumber and chop roughly. Put cucumber, garlic, spring onionss, capsicums, herbs, vinegar, sugar, stock and half the peeled and chopped avocado into a food processor fitted with a steel blade. Blend well, then pour into a large serving bowl and add white wine, salt, pepper, olive oil and diced tomato. From now on, it must be stirred not blended. Just before serving, stir in the remaining avocado, diced and tossed in lemon juice. Sprinkle with remaining chives. Serve with garlic croutons. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% From: (Pierre Mathieu) HEARTY KALE-QUINOA SOUP ======================= Ingredients: ------------ 2 onions, chopped 2 garlic cloves, minced 2 celery stalks, chopped 2 tbs olive oil 1 lb mushrooms, diced (1/4 lb Portabella mushrooms, diced) 10 cups hot water 5 soy cubes 3/4 cup quinoa 1/3 cup pearl or pot barley 1/3 cup red lentils 3 carrots, diced 3 tbs tamari soy sauce 2 tsp dried dill weed (or 2 tbs fresh) 1/4 cup fresh parsley, chopped 4 cups kale, chopped coarsely Instructions: ------------- Add the onions, garlic, and celery to the oil in a large pot over low-medium heat. (I started off with 1 tbs butter then added the veggies then 2 tbs extra virgin olive oil. But this is not for strict vegans.) Cook until the onions become translucent but not brown (10-15 minutes). Add the mushrooms and cook for another 5 minutes. Meanwhile dissolve the soy cubes in the hot water. If you can't get soy cubes, use a couple more tbs of tamari. Add the water, tamari, quinoa, lentils, barley, and carrots to the pot and bring to a boil over high heat. Reduce the heat and add the dried dill (add at same time as parsley if it is fresh). Simmer for 1 hour. Add the parsley and the kale (and the fresh dill if you are not using dried dill) then simmer for another 10 minutes. Serve. You can add some water during the simmering if you think it is too thick. I like it very thick. :-) %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% From: (Stephanie da Silva) HUNGARIAN CHERRY SOUP ===================== Morellos are sour cherries; they may be either light red or dark, almost black, red. Any other sour cherries may be substituted. To be used safely, cherry pits and stems must be combined wiht the other ingredients and cooked as soon as they are removed from the cherries. Ingredients: ------------ 1 lb morello cherries, pitted, pits and stems reserved 3 cups Riesling or other dry white wine 1/4 cup sugar 1 inch stick cinnamon 2 lemons, 1 peeled and the peel reserved, both squeezed 1/2 cup brandy (optional) 2 cups sour cream Instructions: ------------- Crush a few of the cherry pits, then put all the pits and stems into a pan with the wine, sugar, cinnamon stick and the juice of both lemons and peel of one. Simmer for 5 minutes, then leave to steep for at least 15 minutes. Strain, bring back to a boil and add the cherries and their juice. Remove from the heat immediately and allow to cool to tepid. Stir in the brandy. Put the sour cream into a tureen, then gradually pour in the cherry soup, mixing thoroughly. Serve chilled. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% From: (Michelle Dick) Source: McDougall Cookbook - Volume 2 ISRAELI WHEAT BERRY STEW (Vegan) ======================== (Servings: 8) Ingredients: ------------ 5 cup Trader Joe's maranara and the rest water 1 1/2 cup Great northern beans 1 cup wheat berries 6 small potatoes -- cut in half 1 large onion -- sliced 4 clove garlic -- minced 5 tsp cumin -- ground 3 tsp tumeric 1/2 tsp black pepper -- ground 2 green peppers Instructions: ------------- Mix together all ingredients in crockpot. Cook at high 8 to 10 hours. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% From: kamk@sco.COM (Kam Kashani) KAM'S STIR-FRY KALE AND TEMPEH ============================== Ingredients: ------------ 6 oz tempeh, cubed 1-1/2 cup kale, coarsely chopped (or hand torn), [either red or green] toughest part of stems removed 1-1/2 cup sliced cabbage (as for Mu Shu) [red cabbage is colorful] 1/3 cup chopped celery 1 medium carrot, coarsely chopped 2 tblsp chopped green onion [green and white parts] 1 tblsp minced garlic 2 tsp minced ginger peanut oil for cooking Sauce: ------ 2 tsp hoisin sauce [for a lighter sauce, use soy or Tamari] 2 tsp hot chili paste [I like garlic-chili paste] 1 tblsp rice vinegar Instructions: ------------- Heat 1 teaspoon of oil in a wok at high heat. Fry cabbage and celery 45 seconds, then remove from wok. Heat 1 teaspoon of oil. Fry carrots 1 minute, then remove from wok. Reduce wok heat to medium-high. Heat 2 teaspoons of oil. Fry kale until tender, then remove from wok. Heat 2 teaspoons oil in wok. Add ginger and garlic, fry for a few seconds, then add onion and tempeh. Cook for 1-1/2 minutes, or until tempeh starts to brown. Return all ingredients to wok and heat. Add sauce and mix well. Serve over rice. Makes two servings. Note: ----- If you wish, you can make this hotter by frying small, whole dried chilis in the oil before adding the garlic and ginger. You could also use more chili paste. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% From: (Steven Frank) KIM CHEE ======== Okay, since I just made a batch after a 2 year absence of the stuff, here's the recipe I use: Ingredients: ------------ 2/3 lb Napa Cabbage - sliced 1/4 inch thick 1/2 lb Daikon radish - peeled, sliced 1/4 inch thick 1 medium cucumber - peeled, sliced 1/4 inch thick 1 medium turnip - peeled, sliced 1/4 inch thick 1/2 cup salt 1 tblsp salt 3 spring onions, sliced 3 cloves garlic, minced 4 tsp fresh ginger, minced 1 tblsp dried chili flakes 2 tsp soy sauce/tamari 1 cup water Instructions: ------------- large bowl. Between layers, liberally sprinkle with 1/2 cup salt. Cover with water and place a wide plate or pot on top to submerge them. Leave overnight or at least 12 hours. Drain & Rinse vegetables in a colander. Julienne each vegetable into a uniform shape. return them to the large bowl, and add spring onions, garlic, ginger, chili flakes, soy/tamari, salt and 1 cup water. Toss to combine. Spoon the vegetabels with liquid into a large crock or clean jars. Cover tightly or cap. Refridgerate for 3 days before opening. Everyday, turn jars upside down a couple of times to distribute spices, or stir vegetables in the crock. Store in refridgerator. Notes: ------ Kim chee spiciness varies depending on the hotness of the chili flakes used. The longer it sites, the hotter it gets (up to a point). I cannot vouch for the authenticity of the recipe, but its about as close as I've come. beware 'kim chee' spices in oriental food stores, as they most likely have MSG in them. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% From: (Steven Frank) KIM CHI ======= Ingredients: ------------ 2 heads of Chinese (or white) cabbage 1 cup of salt 1 lbs daikon (long white Oriental radish) 6 green (spring) onions 4 cloves garlic 1 inches fresh gingerroot 1 stalk of celery 1 hard, semi-ripe pear 4 tblsp ground red pepper (cayenne) 1 tblsp granulated sugar Instructions: ------------- 1. Remove (do not discard) the outer leaves from the cabbage. Quarter the cabbage and place together with the outside leaves in a large bowl. Sprinkle on the salt. Let stand 3 hours, turning occasionally. 2. Peel the daikon and cut into long thin strips. Cut the onions into 1." strips and then shred lengthwise into slivers. Mix the daikon and onion strips together in another bowl and let sit while the cabbage and salt mixture is sitting. 3. Peel and mince garlic and gingerroot. Cut celery into 1" lengths and shred lengthwise. Peel, core, and slice the pear and then cut into long strips. Mix these ingredients together with the cayenne and granulated sugar and combine into the daikon and onion mixture. 4. The cabbage will have produced a brine after sitting. Remove the outer leaves from the brine and set aside. Take a quarter of the cabbage head, rinse it under running water then pack the daikon and onion mixture between the leaves. Set it in the bottom of a crock or other container. Repeat this procedure with the remaining three quarters. Any remaining mixture should be layered over the cabbage. Press down. 5. Place the outer leaves in a layer on top of the cabbage and cover the crock. Set a small weight on top of the cover and let sit for 3 days. The longer it sits the stronger it gets! It can be stored for a month prior to opening. Keep it in a cool (60 degree) place. After removing the Kim Chi from the crock it can be stored in glass jars and used as needed. This is a strong recipe and if it is still not hot enough, diced red peppers with seeds can be added, to the daikon and onion mixture, but do so at your own risk! Enjoy. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% From: (Michelle Dick) Source: McDougall Cookbook - Volume 1 MILLET STEW (Vegan) =========== (Servings: 6) Ingredients: ------------ 1 cup millet 4 cup water 2 onions - cut in wedges 2 potatoes - cut in large chunks 2 carrots - cut in large slices 1 cup celery - cut in large slices 1/2 lb mushrooms - chopped 2 bay leaves 1/2 tsp basil 1/2 tsp thyme Instructions: ------------- Toast millet in dry skillet for about 5 minutes. Stir constantly to prevent burning. Add all ingredients to crockpot and cook 4 hours at high or 8 hours at low. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% From: (Kirk Marple) MISO SOUP (MISO-SHIRU) ====================== (Serves 4) 3 1/3 cups dashi ca. 1/2 cup nameko or shiitake mushrooms, sliced 1/3 cake tofu 4 tblsp red miso 4 stalks trefoil (or other green for garnish) ground sansho pepper Instructions: ------------- Make dashi stock, drain tofu. Soften miso in medium-size bowl in 2 tablespoons tepid dashi, blending with a wire whisk. Gradually ladle the miso into the stock in a medium sized pot, simmering over medium heat (strain if a very smooth soup is desired). Add the sliced mushrooms, the tofu (cut into 1/2 inch cubes), and the trefoil (cut into small pieces). Simmer for a few minutes, until all ingredients are heated through. Do not allow to boil. Ladle into bowls and garnish with pepper. Serve immediately. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% From: (Rosemary) Source: _A Taste of Quebec_ by Julian Armstrong Commentary as written in the book. PEA SOUP, BEAUCE STYLE ====================== (serves 8) This hearty soup is a specialty at Auberge Benedict Arnold in St. Georges. It's the most requested dish of American visitors, says chef Renaud Jacques, who was born in St. Elzear. In summer, he flavors it with fresh hrbs. The rest of the year, he uses Quebec's favorite salted herbs (recipe follows). Ingredients: ------------ 2 cups (500 ml / 450 g) dried white pea beans 2 tblsp (25 ml) butter 1/2 cup (125ml) chopped onion 1/4 cup (50 ml) chopped leek, white part only 1/4 cup (50 ml) smoked ham, plus ham bone 1/2 lb (250 g) salt pork 1 clove garlic 8 cups (2 l) cold water 2 tblsp (25 ml) salted herbs (see below), rinsed in cold water Instructions: ------------- Soak peas for at least 8 hours or overnight in water to cover; drain. Heat butter in a large heavy hot and saute onion and leek just until tender. Add peas, ham, salt pork (in one piece), garlic, water and salted herbs. Bring quickly to a boil, lower heat, partly cover, and cook gently for 2-3 hours or until peas are tender. Stir occasionally during cooking, adding more water if necessary. Remove salt pork, cut in small pieces, then return to soup. May be frozen. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% From: (Karen Chisholm) Source: The Complete Middle East Cookbook - Tess Mallos PERSIAN WEDDING SOUP ==================== Serves 6-8 1 lb (500g) boneless lamb stew meat 1 lb (500g) lamb soup bones 8 cups water 1 onion, quartered 1 carrot, quartered 1/3 cup butter 1/2 cup flour 3 egg yolks 2-3 tblsp lemon juice 2 tblsp melted butter 2 tsp paprika salt freshly ground black pepper Instructions: ------------- 1. Place lamb meat and soup bones in a large pot and add water, onion and carrot. Bring to a slow simmer, skimming when necessary. Add salt and pepper to taste, cover and simmer gently for 1-1/2 hours until lamb meat is tender. 2. Remove bones and discard. Lift out meat and cut into small pieces. Strain stock, return to pot and let it simmer gently. 3. In a large pan melt butter and stir in flour. Cook gently for 2 minutes without allowing it to colour. Gradually add the hot stock, stirring constantly. When smoot and bubbling, let it simmer gently. 4. Beat egg yolks in a bowl and gradually add lemon juice, holding back a little. Gradually beat in about 2 cups thickened stock, then pour into soup. Stir over gentle heat and return lamb pieces to soup. Heat gently, still stirring until egg is cooked. Adjust flavour with lemon 5. Combine melted butter and paprika. Serve soup in deep bowls and pour a little butter-paprika mixture into centre of each as a garnish. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% From: (Melinda McBride) PUMPKIN-GINGER SOUP =================== 1 small cooking pumpkin 1/2 cup "raw" cashew pieces 1 tblsp grated fresh ginger (or to taste) salt to taste Instructions: ------------- Soak cashews in water to cover for several hours. This step is optional, but helps them blend better. Cut pumpkin in half, remove seeds, and bake cut side down at 350 degrees F until very tender (45 minutes to one hour). Scrape pumpkin from the peel and puree in a blender, with any juices, in batches. Put pureed pumpkin into your soup pot. Blend cashews in blender until smooth and add to the pumpkin puree. Rinse the blender with a little water and add to the pot. Add a little more water if it's too thick. Add ginger and salt to taste and heat gently for a few minutes to blend the flavors. For an even easier variation, use frozen, cooked squash. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% From: (Lynda E. Richkind) RICH VEGETABLE SOUP =================== Ingredients: ------------ 1 lb Lean Ground Beef Olive Oil 1 Medium Onion diced 2 Cloves Garlic 2 12 oz Cans Whole Tomatoes 1 12 oz Can Tomato Sauce 1 8 oz Can Tomato Paste 4 medium carrots sliced the way you like them 1 Green Pepper cut up 1 large can kidney beans drained and rinsed Instructions: ------------- In a large pot saute' the onions and garlic in olive oil, add the ground beef and cook until brown. add the tomatoes, carrots and green pepper and simmer for about 20 minutes then add the kidney beans and simmer for about ten minutes more. I serve it with garlic bread and a salad, it's great!!! %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% From: (reine des tournesols) Source: Gourmet 4/92, Domain Chandon, Napa Valley, CA ROASTED EGGPLANT SOUP WITH MOZZARELLA CROUTONS ============================================== Ingredients: ------------ 1.5 lb Japanese eggplant, halved lengthwise 1 red bell pepper, halved lengthwise and seeded 4 tblsp extra-virgin olive oil 2 onions, unpeeled and halved lengthwise 3 plum tomatoes, halved lengthwise 8 garlic cloves 1 tblsp unsalted butter 3 fresh thyme sprigs, chopped fine 3 fresh oregano sprigs, chopped fine 3 fresh basil sprigs, chopped fine 8 cups chicken broth 1 bay leaf, crumbled 12 1/4-inch-thick slices of French bread, toasted 3/4 lb goat's milk mozzarella, grated coarsely Instructions: ------------- In a bowl coat the eggplant and the bell pepper lightly with 1 tablespoon of the oil and season the vegetables with salt and pepper. In a foil-lined roasting pan arrange the eggplant, skin sides down, the bell pepper, skin sides up, the onions, cut sides down, and the tomatoes, cut sides down, and roast the vegetables in the upper third of a pre-heated 400degree F. oven for 10 minutes. Put the garlic in the pan near the tomatoes, roast the vegetables for 30 to 40 minutes more, or until the bell pepper is charred, and let them cool. Remove the skin from the bell pepper and the onions and coarsely chop the eggplant, the bell pepper, the onions, and the garlic. In a large kettle melt the butter with the remaining 3 tablespoons oil over moderately high heat, add the chopped vegetables including the garlic, the tomatoes, the thyme, the oregano, the basil, and enough of the broth to just cover the mixture, and bring the mixture to a boil. Add the bay leaf and simmer the soup for 30 minutes, or until it is thickened slightly. In a blender or food processor puree the soup in batches, transferring it as it is pureed to the cleaned kettle (the soup will be thick and textured, flecked with black bits of the eggplant), and heat it with the remaining broth over moderately low heat until it is heated through. Arrange the bread slices on a baking sheet, sprinkle them with mozzarella, and broil the croutons under a preheated broiler about 4 inches from the heat for 3 to 4 minutes, or until the cheese is golden. Ladle the soup into 6 bowls and top each serving with 2 croutons. Serves 6. (Also, instead of full slices as croutons, after broiling, with a sharp knife the toasted bread can be cut into smaller croutons and sprinkled onto the soup) %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% From: (Mary Stevenson) SANTA FE RAMEN SOUP =================== 6 oz lean pork, cut into thin strips 2 tsp vegetable oil 4 cups water 1 medium tomato, chopped 1 14-1/2 oz. can golden hominy with liquid 1 4 oz. can whole roasted chillies, cut 2 pkg Maruchan Ramen Beef Flavor Garnish: -------- 2 corn tortillas, cut into strips and baked until crisp and 2 green onions, sliced. Instructions: ------------- Brown pork in hot oil in large saucepan. Add remaining ingredients except garnish. Cook 3 minutes. Garnish with tortilla strips and green onions; serve immediately. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% From: (Shel Talmy) SPICY KALE AND CHICK-PEA STEW ============================= Ingredients: ------------ 1 1/2 cups dried chick-peas, soaked overnight in enough water to cover them by 4 inches, drained, and rinsed 10 cups water 2 large onions, chopped coarse 3 large garlic cloves, minced 1/4 cup olive oil 2 green bell peppers, chopped coarse 1 1/2 lb kale, coarse stems discarded and the leaves washed well and chopped 2 28-oz cans plum tomatoes including the juice, chopped 1 6-oz can tomato paste 2 1/2 tblsp chile powder 1 tsp dried thyme 1 tsp dried oregano 1 tsp dried hot red pepper flakes 1 tsp ground cumin 1 tsp sugar 1 bay leaf steamed couscous or rice as an accompaniment Instructions: ------------- In a large saucepan simmer the chickpeas in the water, covered partially, for 1 1/2 hours, or until they are tender. In a heavy kettle cook the onions and the garlic in the oil over moderate heat, stirring occasionally, until the vegetables are golden, add the bell peppers, and cook the mixture, stirring, for 10 minutes. Add the chick-peas with the cooking liquid, the kale, the tomatoes with the juice, the tomato paste, the chili powder, the thyme, the oregano, the red pepper flakes, the cumin, the sugar, and the bay leaf, bring the liquid to a boil, and simmer the stew, stirring occasionally, for 1 hour. Discard the bay leaf, season the stew with salt, and serve the stew on the couscous or rice. Makes about 14 cups, serving 8 to 10. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% From: (harlon whitley 952-2342) SPICY SAUSAGE SOUP ================== 1 (14 1/2-ounce) can Mexican-style stewed tomatoes, broken up 1 (13 3/4-ounce) can beef broth 1/2 cup salsa 1 tsp dried oregano leaves 1 lb spicy or regular pork sausage 1 cup frozen whole-kernel corn 1 tblsp finely chopped cilantro Instructions: ------------- Combine tomatoes, beef broth, salsa and oregano in 2 1/2-quart microwave-safe container. Cover and microwave at High (100% power) for Meanwhile, pinch off 1-inch pieces pork sausage to make approximately 32 free-form patties; place in 11x7-inch microwave-safe baking dish. Remove tomato mixture from microwave; add corn, cover and reserve. Cover baking dish with plastic wrap, venting one corner. Microwave at High 9 to 11 minutes or until sausage is no longer pink in the center, stirring after 5 minutes to move rarer pieces to the outside. Let stand 2 minutes. Remove sausage with slotted spoon and place in tomato mixture. Continue cooking, covered, at High 4 or 5 minutes or until soup is hot. Stir in cilantro. Makes 4 servings. Per serving: Calories 269 Fat 18g Cholesterol 45mg Sodium 1,645mg Percent calories from fat 60% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% From: (Cheryl Bolstad) TOM KHA GAI =========== Ingredients: ------------ 2 boneless chicken breast - cut up bit sized 2-3 stalks of lemon grass - cut up into 2" pieces and separated 6 pieces of dried galangal (I believe this is the Kha) 1 can coconut milk 2 Tbs sugar 2 tsp salt 1 tsp dried crushed red chilis (optional) 7 cups water Instructions: ------------- Place the chicken, lemon grass and galangal in a soup pot. Add the water and cook over medium for about 30 minutes. Add the remaining ingredients and simmer for 20 minutes. You may need to adjust the salt, sugar and water as I find the taste varies with the brand of coconut milk used. Serve with extra chilis and white rice. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% From: (Harlon Whitley) TORTILLA SOUP ============= (Servings: 8) Ingredients: ------------ 1 Onion, chopped 1 tsp Chili powder 2 Garlic cloves, minced 1 tsp Cumin 1 tblsp Vegetable oil 1 Rotel, (10 1/2 oz) 4 Corn tortillas, cut strips 1 Tomatoes, pureed (16 oz) 1 cup Chicken, cooked, diced 3 cup Chicken stock Salt to taste Instructions: ------------- In large saucepan, saute onion and garlic in 1 Tblspn vegetable oil about 5 minutes, until onions are soft. Add tomatoes with green chilies, pureed tomatoes, chicken stock, chili powder, cumin and salt. Heat to boiling, reduce heat and simmer 20 to 30 minutes. Meanwhile, cut tortillas into thin strips and fry until crisp in 1/4-inch of hot oil; drain on paper towels. Add chicken, if desired, and tortilla strips to soup and heat through, about 5 minutes. Garnish each serving with sprinkling of diced avocado, cheese and a dollop of sour cream. Makes 8 servings. Nutritional Values Per Serving: ------------------------------- Calories 131 Fat 7g Sodium 504mg Percent calories from fat 44% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% From: (Lorraine M Rellick) UKRAINIAN SWEET AND SOUR BEAN AND CABBAGE SOUP ============================================== Ingredients (note: these are all approximate, and this makes a very large quantity of soup - but I freeze what remains when we get tired of eating it in ziploc bags, and it saves me time the next time I feel like making it) Stock: ------ 2 turkey legs 2-3 medium onions, chopped Note: ----- Originally this was made with pork (neck) bones, but I have found that turkey tastes very similar in stock, and there is less fat to skim Boil this for several hours. Either proceed with recipe, or cool down and refrig. until you feel like proceeding Soup: ----- Add: ---- 1 bag of sour kraut which has been rinsed several times to remove some salt (this is about 1 lb) 1 chopped cabbage 3 shredded carrots 1 small can of tomato paste 1 can of "white beans" (great northern beans are what I use) salt and pepper to taste Instructions: ------------- Add the sour kraut to the stock, after removing meat/bones. Cook this covered for about 45 minutes. Next add the shredded carrots. Cook for about 10 minutes. Then add the chopped cabbage, cooking for about 15 minutes, or until the fresh cabbage is tender. Then add the tomato paste, mixing until it's dissolved. Now bring it back to boiling, and cook for a couple of minutes. Next dump the beans in (you don't have to drain them). Heat til boiling, then cover it and let it sit (if you're not too hungry) for about an hour so the flavors can mix. If there is not enough liquid, you can add water or tomato juice. Of course, add salt and pepper to taste. This soup is a hearty winter one that goes well with black bread and butter! %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% From: WATERCRESS SOUP =============== Short version: -------------- Prepare a vegetable stock. Boil briefly with 4 cloves of roasted garlic. Remove from heat, and, as boiling subsides, add a lot of watercress leaves. Long version, for two large servings: ------------------------------------- Bake: ----- 4 cloves of garlic 1 medium carrot, scraped 2 small stalks of celery 1/2 medium onion Mince and saute in a little oil briefly. Meanwhile wash and remove leaves from large bunch of watercress. Chop a few of stems of the watercress*, to get loose fistfull Add: ---- 5 cups cold water 3 stems of italian (flat) parsely The chopped watercress stems* 1/2 tsp thyme (dried leaves) and 1/2 tsp sage (dried leaves) (use less if you have powder) 1 bay leaf 1 tsp salt (you'll add more later) Few grinds of pepper Instructions: ------------- Heat should be medium low, so it comes to a slow boil. (You can make the rest of your dinner while this is happening.) Let boil gently ca. 20 minutes, spoon off some and taste for salt and pepper. Remove garlic from oven, let cool, skin. Strain through cheesecloth or fine sieve to get a clear stock. Smash up the garlic in a bit of the stock, stir in to the stock. Bring to a furious boil. Kill the heat immediately. When boiling is almost subsided, throw in watercress leaves and stir around. * The watercress stems may be a mistake. The stock was good but a little flat, next time I'm going to try without the stems. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% From: (Christa Keil) Christa Keil, Postfach 101312, 44543 Castrop-Rauxel, Germany ZUCCHINI SOUP ============= Ingredients: ------------ 1 1/2 l vegetable broth 8 cups zucchini, diced 1 - 2 tomatoes, chopped Salt Pepper Parsley Sage Garlic Instructions: ------------- Boil zucchini and tomatoes in vegetable broth until very well done. Puree everything until creamy. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%