*********** dbLite Version 1.2g ******* Evaluation Form ****************** TO: MIKE SEITHER ** 6900 HASTINGS ST. ** METAIRIE, LA ** 70003 If you want to give me some feedback it will help me greatly to work on the future versions so that I can support the program properly. Shareware is a tough market. YOU get the program with little or no payment and get to evaluate it. Sometimes the program is found to be ill-suited to the task and is not registered ( for good reason ). Sometimes the program works just fine but well, hey, you got it for free and you're using it for free and who would know if you registered or not, right? My problem is I need to know if there are people who are NOT registering for a reason other than financial. That's where this form comes in. YOU can help me by simply printing it and filling it out and mailing it to me. It will cost you your time and a stamp. I do not ask for any identification or return address but if you want to include it I will take the time to thank you. >> (from DOS command line, COPY EVALUATE.TXT LPT1: [ENTER]) << BEST FEATURES of dbLite: ______________________________________________ (major strenghts) _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- WHERE I OBTAINED dbLite: ______________________________________________ WORST FEATURES: _______________________________________________________ (greatest weaknesses) _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ Something happened that I don't think should happen: __________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ Improvements I would like to see: _____________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ Improvements that are a necessity: ____________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ I plan on registering in the future: TRUE FALSE Overall ratings (please circle one): Easy to use: TRUE FALSE Good Overall Speed: TRUE FALSE (scrolling, screen updates) Attractive User Interface: TRUE FALSE Professionally Done: TRUE FALSE Needs Work: A LITTLE QUITE A BIT A LOT Value Range: less than $10 between $10 - $25 over $25