ver 1.00, 06-29-93 ver 1.10, 08-29-93 BYE.EXE ------- This is an update of BYE.EXE implementing some suggestions I got from users. Whats been added is an Options dialog box for on the fly changes. You can now Exit to DOS, Exit to DOS & ReStart Windows or Exit & ReBoot your system, or when BYE.EXE is first Exec'd it immediately does its thing. BYE.EXE is YAEW (Yet Another Exit Windows). You click on this icon and it exits Windows even if you have one or more DOS boxes open. Bye runs as an icon only and cannot be moved. Clicking the Right Mouse button on the icon brings up the Options dialog allowing for customization. This program has been tested and works under MS Windows 3.1 and MS Windows for Workgroups. It does not work under MS Windows NT. The following options are available via the Options dialog: - Exit Windows with * Single Click * Double Click (invoked by depressing the Left mouse button) - Exit Windows if DOS boxes are open * No * Yes - Exit when task starts * No * Yes (Yes = when the BYE group icon is double clicked or when File/Run/BYE is used, causes immediate results) - Bye should * Exit to DOS * ReStart Windows * Reboot System - Bye should sit * Default * Always on top (Window Z-Ordering) BYE.EXE saves & retrieves the above information to the WIN.INI file. The following entries are made: [ByeWindows] DoubleClick= DOS= ExitType= OnTop= FastExit= **if set to 1, you must change this to 0 manually or every time BYE.EXE is run it will Exit Windows immediately. (Ver 1.00 saved entries under [ExitWindows]. These entries can be deleted.) Summary * At any time Click the Right Mouse button for the Options dialog. All options take effect immediately. * You can also Drag & Drop any file or files onto BYE.EXE, but only WIN.INI will run NOTEPAD with itself. * CTL3D.DLL Must be placed in your WINDOWS\SYSTEM directory. If a newer version is needed a message box will alert you. (This version of BYE was compiled & linked with CTL3D.DLL version 2.0 dated 08/16/93) * BYE_110.ZIP version 1.10 contents: BYE.EXE BYE.TXT CTL3D.DLL Version 1.10, 1993, Richard Dassau Compuserve ID : 70414,1515 I make no guarantees regarding BYE.EXE. Use at your own risk. BYE.EXE may not be packaged with other commercial or share-ware software. There is no charge for BYE.EXE, *but any comments would be appreciated*. Enjoy!