HUMAN DEVELOPMENT SYSTEMS 134 Graybar Drive, North Plainfield, NJ 07062 908 668 1991 Thank you for evaluating THE ACHIEVEMENT PLANNER 3.0. Installing the program and getting started is very simple. This file explains how. 1. Create a sub directory on a drive with at least 1 MB of free space. Copy APIM3.ZIP into that directory and "unzip" it. 2. You must have VBRUN300.DLL in your WINDOWS or WINDOWS\SYSTEM Directory. If you are using APIM3V.ZIP then among the files that are extracted when you "unzip" the above file you will find one called VBRUN300.DLL. Copy this file to your WINDOWS\SYSTEM directory. Otherwise you'll need to download it from the BBS where you found us. 3. Run the SETUP.EXE that is extracted from the ZIP. You can do this by: a) Use File Manager to display the directory you've created and then double click on SETUP.EXE. Or... b) Click on FILE in Program Manager then on RUN. In the dialog box type the directory and then SETUP. (For example: C\PIM\SETUP) 4. You will be prompted for a directory into which to put the expanded files. You can accept the default or type in your own. (You can use the SETUP's directory if you like.) 5. The SETUP utility creates a program group with the ACHIEVE program icon. We suggest that you move the icon (Drag & Drop it) into your Startup Group so that The Achievement Planner comes up automatically when you power up. The following explains the files that are expanded through this process. P R O G R A M F I L E S APIM3S.EXE - This is the program itself. To run correctly it needs to be kept in the same directory as the following data files( *.DAT). These are blank at start up and will contain data after you use each program module. apcal.dat, appointment calendar buscont.dat, business contact file percon.dat, personal contact file miscon.dat, misc. contact file history.dat, Contact histories project.dat, project planner files rem.dat, Quick notes file todo.dat, day planner file APMAN.WRI - The on-line manual containing detailed instructions on program operation. This file can be viewed and printed from WINDOWS WRITE. DPDIARY.TXT - This file contains your diary. It is updated automatically, if you choose that option, when you exit the Achievement Planner. This file can be viewed and printed from WINDOWS WRITE. D L L ' S A N D V B X ' S The following files are expanded and copied by SETUP into your WINDOWS\SYSTEM directory and must be kept there for the program to function correctly. If you decide not to keep the Achievement Planner you may want to remove them to avoid clutter. Just be sure that they are not being used by other programs. THREED.VBX, CBK.VBX, GRID.VBX SHELL.DLL, APIGUIDE.DLL The remaining files in the ZIP are used by the SETUP program only and can be deleted after installation (It's a good idea to keep the ZIP as a back up of all these files) If you have any problems please let us know. We are: Human Development Systems 134 Graybar Drive N. Plainfield, NJ 07062 Tel. 908 668 1991