Printing memo fields using the Report Template This example was created to show an alternative way to print memo fields using the Report Template. This method does not handle re-wordwrapping of the memo. You have to print the memo with the same number of columns used when entering the memo. This example prints the memo field as the last line of the body. Instead of placing the memo field in the Detail band I created a new band (CTRL-N) called MEMOBODY. This MEMOBODY band has one line that contains a string the width of the memo. To print this new band I first created an array of Strings (in the Data source area) that was defined OVER the memo field. Example: OVERMEMO STRING(10),DIM(300),OVER(dum:note) I used the (Detail Post-Print Code for:Detail) source area to print the memo. In this area I first loop backward through the array over the memo to find the last line of the memo that contains characters. After determining the last line of the memo with data I loop forward through the array and print each line of the memo. Page overflow is automatically detected based on the page length and the Page Footer is printed. Note: You could use the ALLOW attribute on the MEMOBODY band to allow for a minimal number of lines on the page before starting a new memo.