GIF2TXT GIF2TXT is a method for converting GIF images to ASCII text files. The result can be displayed on a screen or sent to a printer. Most of the work is done by PICLAB. (PICLAB.EXE lib 14 "Misc Util & Code" of PICS forum). This package consists of 3 parts, a PICLAB script - GIF2TXT, a PICLAB MAP file - CHR.MAP, and little program which inserts CR/LFs in the file from PICLAB - CHRNL.EXE. PICLAB is a self extracting archive so you just run it and it will produce the executables and doc files. There are 2 EXEs: PL286 for 286 and up machines and PL for the rest. To perform the transformation do the following: PL286 GIF2TXT (use PL for XT or similar machines) A sample run for a full screen image (640 x 480 or 320 x 200 original) would be: PL286 GIF2TXT MYGIF MY.TXT 80 25 Before running GIF2TXT you need to figure out the size in characters of the final text "image". For a standard screen display this is 80 x 25. If your original is not the standard screen aspect ratio (1.333333) you will need to compute a different size text file. The "magic number" used in the calculation is: (80 / 25) / 1.333333 This is: 2.4 in the following equations this will be refered to as MN. First an example: Lets say you have an image which is 350 x 480 and you want it to display on a standard screen, thus you will use 25 as the height and you need to compute the width. width = (350 / 480) * 25 * 2.4 equals 44 , thus the text image is 44 x 25. If you know the hight (in charcters) and you want to compute the width use: char_width = (orig_width / orig_height) * char_height * MN if you know the width you want and need to compute the height use this equation: char_height = ((orig_height / orig_width) * char_width) / MN For example let's say you want to print the above image on a 80 character wide printer, you know the width (80) but need to compute the height. height = ((480 / 350) * 80 ) / 2.4 equals 46. GIF2TXT works best with simple high contrast images. You will probably have to play a bit with brightness and contrast to get good looking grayscales from photgraphic type GIFs. As it comes, GIF2TXT is designed for a usual CRT screen, black background with white (or green or amber) characters. Since a printer prints black characters on a white background, the image will be a negative of the original GIF image. You can use the PICLAB command NEGATE to invert the image before running through GIF2TXT if you will be sending the results to a printer. The contrast and brightness adjustments will be different for a printer than for the screen.