I M P O R T A N T This version of The ORDER PRO (2.0) will remain in the Shareware market, however, we have released the new version (3.1) September 01,1992. Version 3.1 will be sold commercially only. Look for it in your favorite software store. If you have any trouble finding the new Order Pro, call or write: Automated Systems PO Box 503 West Paterson NJ 07424 (201) 812-1428 (voice) (201) 812-1169 (FAX) 1-800-LUV-MY-PC (orders only) PLEASE MENTION THIS REFERENCE NUMBER WHEN ORDERING: N3T3E8-PW A B O U T T H E N E W V E R S I O N : First we want to thank our many "OP2" registered users for their patience and consideration in waiting for this upgrade. With the help from many of you, we were able to better understand your needs, and our programmer tried to incorporate most of your suggestions into this new version. Although the newer (commercial version) has many more features, some businesses prefer this version because they do not need all of the add-ons, or because they need the back-order function that is in this version but not in version 3.1. For those prefer the simplicity of version 2.0 (this disk), we are keeping it available through shareware, and it is priced $50.00 less than version 3.1. Frank M. Semeraro, The Order Pro's author, decided it was time to totally rewrite this already great order-entry-system from scratch, using FOXPRO this time instead of CLIPPER programming language. In the process, he was able to increase the program's speed, and improve the style of the menus so that you will not have to go to one menu to get to another. Many new and great features have been added to this system as you will see. The only thing that was taken away from this version was the Back-orders, instead of Back-orders, the program allows you to assign a re-order point to each item number. When any item number reaches it's point of re-order, the system will let you know that it is time to re-order this item. You may also print a report of all Low Stock items. The new version (3.1) will import Customers and Inventory from the older version's (2.0) files, into the new version. The Order Pro 3.1 has a "smart" installation system which automatically will tell you during installation if your system has enough hard drive space and if you need any changes to your config.sys, it will offer to change it for you. Now you can view reports on screen as well as printed, this will help save time and paper. A new "Prospect" database has been added to keep track of sales pending or future customers. Add new customers "On-The-Fly"! Now you can go straight to order entry even if the customer does not exist in the system. When you enter a non-existing account number in Order Entry, the system will ask if you would like to add this customer instead of sending you back to Account Maintenance, which is great for "Point of sale", or just extra speed. The system will ask if the new customer is a dealer or not, so it will know how much to charge the customer during order entry. Each item can have it's own pre-set dealer's price. When printing mailing labels you can select from All; Dealers; Customers; Current; Previous; Next, etc. Now you can print more than one invoice at a time! Just enter the starting & ending invoice numbers, and the shipping date. If you are entering an order, and the item number that the customer selected has been discontinued or is out of stock, instead of losing the sale, select Alternate Listing and the system will display everything else in that category. As a part of setting up, you are expected to enter the sales tax amount for each state. With the new Mail-Order Sales Tax Law pending, this feature could be mandatory. Credit card reports have also been added for your convenience. Quantity pricing has been added for those of you who give their customers a price break if they are buying in quantity. Now you can have taxable and nontaxable items together on the same invoice. The new Order Pro allows you to choose between plain paper invoices or preprinted invoices by New England Business Supplies (see your new manual for the invoice form order number). OTHER NEW FEATURES OF VERSION 3.1 INCLUDE: * Can be used with or without a MicroSoft-compatible mouse. * Pop-up calculator. * Reports may be sent to Screen or Printer (saves paper and time). * Keeps track of call-backs in the "Sales Prospects" database. * Edit pricing on invoices. * Two price levels of inventory. * Re-order point reminds you when inventory is low. * Inventory items may be divided into an unlimited number of categories. * During Order-Entry you may display a listing of Alternate Items from any category. * Raise all prices (any percentage) with a key-stroke, or raise all prices in a selected category. * Quantity pricing. Each item can have it's own set amount. * Items may be entered as taxable or non-taxable. * Choice of pre-printed customized invoices by New England Business Supplies or plain paper as in version 2.0. * Billing- Print statements and late notices. * 50-State sales tax database. * Postal code (zip) has been made alpha-numeric to accomodate canadians and others. With a program of this complexity, we expect you to have questions. After all, this is a generic program that is currently being used by hundreds of types of businesses. The question is, "Is it suitable for my particular business?". Initially it was written strictly for the mail-order business, but with it's upgrades, it seems to have evolved into a "powerhouse" accomodating many types of businesses. The current retail price of The ORDER PRO 3.1 is $149.95. The current retail price of The ORDER PRO 2.0 is $99.95. Dealer inquiries are welcomed. If you have specific questions regarding version 3.1's capabilities, please feel free to call or write. If you are calling, please have all of your questions ready before you call, this way we will be able to help you much more efficiently.