THE ORDER PRO version 2.0 Thank you for trying THE ORDER PRO. We think you will find this program very useful for automating your order-taking business. SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS: 512K ram and a hard drive. * ALL DATA FILES ARE 100% dBASE COMPATIBLE *** IMPORTANT *** Due to the fact that this system uses many indexed files concurrently, it is recommended that your CONFIG.SYS file in your route directory read: FILES=40 BUFFERS=40 This will eliminate any "open index" errors. If you edit your CONFIG.SYS file, remember to re-boot afterwards. If by some chance you run into an "open index" error, that is no problem, simply go to the SET-UP menu and select REBUILD INDEXES. This is rare, but we thought you should know. TO INSTALL THIS PROGRAM Remember the following commands must be typed in exactly as shown. (If you already have a directory named OP2 you may use a different name.) To create a new directory on your hard drive named OP2: C:\ (enter) MKDIR OP2 (enter) With this program disk in drive A type in: A:\ (enter) COPY *.* C:\OP2 (enter) After all files are copied to your new directory type in: C:\ (enter) CD\OP2 (enter) GO (enter) Now your program should be automatically decompressing itself, when finished, type in: START (enter) Now you are ready to start automating your business! (1) GETTING STARTED First you must run SETUP / UTILITIES from the Main Menu where you will use options; #1 BUILD INDEX FILES #3 SYSTEM SETUP During SYSTEM SETUP you will be asked if your printer is capable of printing IBM Characters, if you answer Y, your invoices columns will be printed with lines & boxes, if you answer N, your invoices columns will be printed with dotted lines. You will also be asked "what percentage of sales tax is charged by your state?", so the system will know what to automatically add to non-tax-exempt orders. Use the 80 character message field in SYSTEM SETUP to enter the message that you would like printed at the bottom of each invoice. Example: "Thank you for selecting Automated Systems". When initial setup is complete, go to INVENTORY MAINTENANCE from the Main Menu where you will use option #1 ADD NEW ITEMS. Enter your item numbers, item descriptions and other information, (which will be later automatically extracted to print invoices and reports). INVENTORY MAINTENANCE The inventory maintenance will automatically keep a running total of your stock. As you enter orders, quantity will be deducted from your inventory. As you delete orders, the quantity will be re-added to your inventory. You may print a report of your complete stock by item number at any time. VENDOR MAINTENANCE will keep track of all of your vendors' address information and has a 60 charactor field for comments, which is good for keeping track of what you usually purchase from each vendor. We have found this feature very helpful. OPENING ACCOUNTS To begin, go to ACCOUNT MAINTENANCE from the Main Menu, and then ADD NEW ACCOUNTS from the sub-menu. Enter all customer information (Account numbers may be alpha-numeric if desired). When you enter a new account number, the system automatically checks for duplicates and will not allow any two accounts to have the same account number. If you choose to offer discounts to certain customers, enter the percentage of the discount where it says DISCOUNT. You may leave this field blank for no discount, but if you enter a discount percentage here, the system will allow that discount percentage during the order-entry procedure. Answer Y to TAX EXEMPT for out-of state, non-taxable customers or non-taxable dealers who submit tax ID numbers, this option will stop the tax amount from automatically adding on to the customer's orders. (2) ORDER ENTRY Option #3 from the Main Menu is for adding, editing, deleting, and displaying orders, as well as back order information and printing invoices & packing slips. To enter orders, go to ADD NEW ORDERS. When you enter the customer's account number, all customer information will appear on the screen, (if the account is on CREDIT HOLD, the system will now alert you with a beep and a message) if all customer information is correct, enter C to continue. The system will automatically assign an invoice number to each invoice, (starting with the number you entered in SETUP for INVOICE STARTING NO.). Also, the system will automatically date stamp each entry, so be sure your computer is displaying the correct date & time. Enter the item numbers that the customer is purchasing and the system will automatically extract the item description and price, print it on the invoice and update your inventory quantities at the same time. If you are not sure of the item numbers to enter, press the F10 key for a scrolling pick-list. If you are entering an order for a larger quantity of an item number than you have in stock, the system will allow this, but will add the exceeding amount ordered to B.O. (Back Orders) on the invoice. You may view, edit, or print a "back- order" report from the ORDER ENTRY menu at any time. After entering all items to an order, when prompted for another item type: QUIT (enter) You will now be prompted to enter shipping charges (if any), "Don't forget the decimal!" (If you enter 575 with no decimal, it will assume $575.00). PRINTING INVOICES & PACKING SLIPS From the ORDER ENTRY Menu, choose INVOICES AND PACKING SLIPS. Make sure your printer is on-line. If you choose PRINT INVOICES, you will be prompted for the INVOICE NUMBER. If you are not sure of the number, press the F10 key for a pick-list. If your company has its invoices custom printed, You may obtain another version of this program from the author which will ONLY print the actual data on the invoice, (without columns and brackets etc.). You could then bring a sample of this (data only) print-out to your printer so that he may design a custom invoice. (3) ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLES A sale is not a sale until it has been posted. Before you can post invoices to accounts, invoices must be printed. After invoices are printed, select #1 from receivables menu. When you post to accounts it will take the invoice amount, and post this amount to the customer's account balance. Once an invoice is posted, it can not be edited or deleted. To credit accounts choose the CREDIT INVOICES option, you may enter partial payments or payments in full. You may print a report of all UNPAID INVOICES or print a report of all overdue account balances by selecting AGING REPORT and entering the number of days in which you allow terms. (Example: if terms are net 30 days, simply enter 30) If your business does not offer credit terms, you may simply disregard the Accounts Receivable section of the program. SALES TRACKING This part of THE ORDER PRO can be a very valuable tool for being in control and knowing what's going on at any time. Whether you want to know if you are carrying any "dead weight" in stock, or if your sales are up to par, a report is always at your fingertips. Option #1 RESET SALES TRACKING will ZERO-OUT all previous sales on the SALES BY ITEM report. Example: You want to know the quantities of each item number sold in the first quarter of the coming year. On January 1st you reset sales tracking, and on March 31st you print a SALES BY ITEM REPORT. If any of the item numbers have a quantity sold of "0" you may consider running a clearance special on that item, after all, the storage space is costing your company money. When you reset the sales tracking, this will only affect the SALES BY ITEM report, it will not zro-out any other reports. Option #5 PRINT SALES BY SALESMAN can be helpful for tracing orders to salesperson, figuring commissions, and knowing who your best salespersons are. If you do not have salespersons on staff, you may decide to use the salesman field (during order entry) to track your advertising dollars. Place a code their to signify where the customer saw your ad. Option #6 PRINT DETAIL SALES REPORT is extremely valuable for reporting on your business financial status and also for tax purposes. The system will prompt you for a starting date and an ending date, and give you a complete printed report of all sales entered between the two dates given. This report will list every order by date, and show; Net Order Amount, Tax Amount, Shipping Amount, Order Total, and Invoice Number. At the end of the report, each column will be totaled. (4) MAILING LABELS Mailing labels is another option from the Account Maintenance Menu. Labels will be printed in zip code order to make bulk- rate mailings a breeze. This documentation file is just a summary to help get you started, when you register your program, you will receive a complete printed manual. REGISTERED USERS Registered users will receive a registered copy of this program, with a personal serial number for 60 days of free technical support, a complete printed manual. The registered version will hold an unlimited number records, (only depending on hard disk space available). The registration fee is $149.95. When you receive your registered copy, you will NOT have to re- enter any data that you have already entered into this version, if you can remember to copy ONLY the new .EXE file to your OP2 directory. If you copy any other of the new files on top of the old files it will clear all data that you have already entered and you will have to start over. If you choose to maintain the data from this version: Copy only OP.EXE from your new version - to your OP2 directory, then erase the file named OP2.EXE. If you have any questions concerning this program, or if you need further assistance to get started, you may call: ____________________________________________________________ WHEN CALLING PLEASE MENTION THIS REFERENCE NUMBER: N3T3E8-PW ____________________________________________________________ Automated Systems (201) 812-1428 (for assistance) To order toll-free call: 1-800-LUV-MY-PC (orders only) To FAX an order or inquiry: (201) 812-1169 Thank you for trying THE ORDER PRO version 2.0. For information regarding THE ORDER PRO version 3.1 see the file named READTHIS. (5)