THE POWER OF THE WRITTEN WORD* It's probably the most powerful tool of any business, but may also the most neglected. Using this tool properly can make the difference between success or failure. Between happy customers or no customers. Between growth or closure. To use this powerful tool requires no special skills or equipment, costs less than 40 cents to implement, but can have a most profound effect on any business large or small. This tool is--written communication. Usually in the form of a letter. Sometimes in the form of display or classified ad. Regardless of the form used, the results can be dramatic. Our own business grew from an idea and $200 in 1988 into an international marketing company with over a million dollars in sales in less than three and a half years. And almost every penny we earned, every project we undertook, every major advancement we made was the result of a letter we had written to someone. A single letter can make a difference. The investment in a single stamp, piece of paper, and an envelope may be under 50 cents, but the return on that single letter can be worth hundreds of thousands of dollars. We know. It worked that way for us. And it is working that way for many other beginning and growing businesses. Still, many businesses don't understand the need or beneficial return of writing letters. And some that do, don't know exactly where to start. So to show others how it has worked for us, we compiled this book of letters we've used to help our business grow. And as you read through this book you'll see how we used the written word in many different ways to make our business grow. You'll see how a single letter can save you hundreds of dollars, or earn you thousands. You'll see how to use letters to build customer good will. To make connections with celebrities. To find new clients. And how to get free publicity for your new business or product. And alongside each letter you'll see information I've supplied telling you why the letter was created, how it was used, and the effect it had. Plus, in many letters I'll tell you the psychology that went into writing the letter so you'll understand why I did certain things the way I did. I've also included some personal letters I wrote that may also help you in your personal like. You'll see the letter I developed that allowed me to sell my home in just 14 days -- in one of the most depressed real estate markets in North America. Everything you see in this book is an actual letter, display ad, or classified ad I've used in my own business, or something we developed to help other people use in their business. Some letters are actually one of a series of letters. Each series of these letters is so noted so you can keep up with the development over time. Anyway, this is the real thing. Just the way it happened. Except in some cases the names have been changed to protect the innocent. You have my permission to use these letters any way you like (as long as you don't sell them to others). Again, I wish you all the success in your business ventures. Sincerely, Bill Myers *NOTE: This is the introduction to, "The Unfair Advantage Letter Book" created by Bill Myers and from which the information in this electronic book was taken. Because of their difficulty to reproduce effectively in a text format, the actual letters and ads from "The Unfair Advantage Letter Book" are NOT included on this file-- presented here is only some of the powerful tips and advice for creating effective, profit-producing advertisements and sales letters that Bill Myers has used to create millions of dollars in sales. They can work for you also. However, to gain an even bigger advantage in your advertising efforts, you should get a hold of the complete "Unfair Advantage Letter Book," which contains dozens of profitable classified ads, display ads, press releases, and sales letters which you can freely emulate, modify and downright *steal* for use with your own products or services. To get this valuable book, see the last chapter "For An Even BIGGER Advantage." GOOD LUCK!