VERSION 1.8X p.1 of 7 02/04/1994 ****** Evaluatation Version ******* (C) Copyright 1994, Cuyahoga Computing, All Rights Reserved. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ** INTRODUCTION *** This is the information & registration file on the program CJPOS. CJPOS was created by Christopher J. Ryba to provide an EXTREMELY user friendly point-of-sale program for my friend Christopher Kilcoyne ; owner of Brookpark Certified Automotive Service in Parma, Ohio. He wanted a program to print receipts and save estimates at his shop. What evolved from simple beginnings in August of 1992 is rather complete package for any small business who can dedicate a CGA or VGA IBM compatible computer with DOS 3.0 or higher to point of sale operation. Any printer that can do EPSON emulation will work to print receipts and reports (most printers do), HP Laserjet has been added to receipts. Additional printers are being added to program to assure compatiblity. IF TODAY IS PAST 06/01/1994 THEN YOUR COPY IS PROBABLY VERY OUTDATED CONTACT CUYAHOGA COMPUTING OR BROOKPARK CERTIFIED AUTOMOTIVE TO OBTAIN A MORE RECENT VERSION. THIS PROGRAM NOT ONLY FOR AUTOMOTIVE USE - BIKE SHOPS, GUITAR SHOPS & COMPUTER VENDORS ARE ALSO USING IT ! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ** OPERATION *** In the Receipt Menu is included a screen saver to prevent monitor burnout. The F1 to F12 keys are struck to bring up different departments. For BCAS of Parma these departments are Labor (F1 is Labor, unless specified otherwise during setup), F2 is Exhaust, F3 is Emmisions, F4 is Brakes, F5 is Shocks & Struts, F6 is Springs, and so on to F12 for Miscellaneous. After pressing one of these F keys a window pops up with various part discriptions. For example, at BCAS pressing F2 brings up the Exhaust Department with parts such as mufflers, pipes, hangers, clamps, etc. Using the cursor keys moves a selection box to a part description. Say we chose Mufflers, now striking the Enter key replaces the first window with a second window listing the part numbers under that part description. For our example, we choose #1811G of Mufflers by using the cursor keys again to move the selection box. This exact part number for Mufflers has the price to go with it. Finally the quantity is prompted at the bottom of the window; the default value is 1. For the Labor department( F1 ), canned descriptions of labor are loaded in with their hour quantity. These descriptions can be added to. The appropiate labor rate is then selected. The beauty of CJPOS is that it is a "build on the fly" program in which a user can add part, part number, & labor descriptions as they're needed. Moving the cursor box to any line with "****" will allow putting a new item into the appropiate window. A total of 70,400 unique part numbers can be loaded into the program in this manner for departments F2 thru F12. If a labor type is not specified this theoretical maximum rises to 76,800. A total of 99 "canned" labor descriptions can loaded into the Labor department (F1). (C) Copyright 1994, Cuyahoga Computing, All Rights Reserved. p.2 of 7 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ OPERATION CONTINUED ... When a receipt is ready, it can be saved as an estimate, or finalized as sold to Cash, Check, Visa/MC, Discover, American Express, or Accounts Receivable. Also Line items can be deleted or changed if an incorrect entry occured. Customer names & information are prompted before the end of a sale. This information can retrieved if a sale re-occurs to the same customer at a later date by providing 1 to 3 letters of the last name. Back to the main menu, several other choices are presented. Daily sales can be viewed and expenses entered. A daily printout sheet of these items is provided. Also the products sold for the day and any variable period can be tallied, viewed, printed, or output to a Lotus type ASCII delimited text file for a spreedsheet program. Inventory of part numbers is tracked and quantities altered in the Inventory subprogram. A printout of loaded part numbers can done for every department; a cost sum of positive inventory counts is included. The Accounting subprogram allows for adjustment to any sales figures. The program saves receipts in an ASCII text format that can be viewed like this file. JUST ADDED ......... ****** For California, one of the two address lines can be used for your BAC # and individual labors assigned per mechanic/salesperson. ****** A routine for creating Purchase Orders has been finished. Those with FAX/Modem software can fax the order after exit from CJPOS. The PO file can be faxed by your software by using a file named PO####.DAT in the PO subdirectory of CJPOS. This PO##.DAT file is in ASCII format like this README.TXT file. ****** Non-taxable parts can sold by preceeding the primary description with a "+". For example, in the first screen of a department such as Exhaust having a description such as "+Exhaust Inspection" any items loaded under this description will not be taxed. ***** Your present customer base can be added to the customer file. ***** Canadian GST IS supported by this program, as well as Provincal Tax !! (C) Copyright 1994, Cuyahoga Computing, All Rights Reserved. p.3 of 7 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ INSTALLATION ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ***** TO INSTALL CJPOS: 1.) Unzip onto a floppy drive or a hard drive directory the CJPOS1xx.ZIP file which contains a SETUP.EXE program to create a blank part number and other files and directories used by the program. 2.) Run SETUP from the floppy or hard drive If installing from a location on your hard drive be sure to let SETUP install the directory. During SETUP department sizes are set as well as the prompts for customer info. At BCAS the additional info prompts are Make & Model, Engine, Mileage, & VIN Code. A "demo" settings file has example names for each department and customer Info prompts. You can run a quick setup using these names and change parameters later after installation. Putting a "/" before the customer prompt during setup or in 'Change Program Paramters' will prevent that field from being printed on receipts. 3.) Type CJPOS to start Included are example LEGALEST.TXT , LEGALRCP.TXT , WARRANTY.TXT, and SAVER.TXT files used at BCAS. Examine these files and modify to your application.These files are ASCII format and using any text editor such as EDIT can modify them. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ HARDWARE REQUIREMENTS ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * The program needs an MINIMUM of 1.8 Meg hard disk space to run. Naturally as more receipts are written, the program could outgrow 1 Meg in size ( I hope your business is selling something ! ). At BCAS Automotive one full year required 4 Meg of HD space for his Fiscal 1993. * 640 K of RAM is required. * DOS 3.30 or higher for the operating system. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ (C) Copyright 1994, Cuyahoga Computing, All Rights Reserved. p.4 of 7 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * QUESTIONS & REGISTRATION This program may be used and reproduced without charge. However, it MAY NOT be sold, and may only be distributed intact. This program and its documentation are provided as is, without warranty of any kind. The author assumes no liability for damages from which may result from the missuse of CJPOS. The evaulation version allows for a trial period of 30 sales days a past due tag is printed on your receipts or estimates. Those desiring a full ($ 89 including manual and latest update) or custom modified version should contact me at this address: MAIL TO: CUYAHOGA COMPUTING CHRISTOPHER J. RYBA 5413 E. 131st St. CLEVELAND, OH 44125-3246 VOICE PHONE : 216-587-1595 Author Home phone 6pm to 1am EST BUSINESS PHONE : 216-749-2080 8:30am to 7pm EST (BROOKPARK AUTO) COMPUSERVE ID # : 71413,2540 INTERNET EMAIL : My local BBS is PC-Ohio, "The Best BBS in America" which can be called at (216) 381-3320. There is never a problem getting on - it has a zillion nodes. (48) Those wishing to talk to Chris Kilcoyne about the use of this program at Brookpark Certified Automotive Service can contact him at 216-749-2080 for his input on the success of this program. He will also accept any orders. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> This is an evaluation version. No registration is required. For the full version send $ 89 by check or money order. VISA, MASTERCARD, AMERICAN EXPRESS, & DISCOVER accepted thru Brookpark Certified Auto Service for an additional $10. Price subject to change, therefore register now and save. Print this file and send in the next page. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> (C) Copyright 1994, Cuyahoga Computing, All Rights Reserved. p.5 of 7 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ CJPOS POINT-OF-SALE REGISTRATION CALL 216-749-2080 TO CHARGE YOUR COPY AT BROOKPARK CERTIFIED AUTOMOTIVE VISA, MASTERCARD, AMERICAN EXPRESS, DISCOVER ACCEPTED Mailing address: ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________ Company Name _______________________________________________ Company Phone ____________________ ***---> Disk type: [ ] 360K [ ] 720K [ ] 1.2M [ ] 1.44M <---*** The above information is critical for a proper registration file. The REGISTER.POS file is updated by Cuyahoga Computing to give your company an unique serial number for your copy of CJPOS. ****-->IMPORTANT !!!!!!<--*************-->IMPORTANT<--******************* Please enclose a printed copy of your CJPOS SETTINGS.DAT to ensure proper registration. ************************************************************************* Please list any suggestions or comments on the back of this page. Your suggestions are most welcome and I do pay attention to them. Anyone distributing CJPOS for any kind of remuneration must first contact Cuyahoga Computing at the address above for authorization. Dealers interested in resale of CJPOS will be given volume discounts. Registration MUST be done through Cuyahoga Computing so that a registration file can be sent to the owner. You are encouraged to pass this copy of CJPOS along to your friends for evaluation. Please encourage them to get the registered version if they find that they can use it. All registered users will receive a copy of the latest version of CJPOS and registered serial number. Price of CJPOS is subject to change at any time, so act NOW !. (C) Copyright 1994, Cuyahoga Computing, All Rights Reserved. p.6 of 7 ####################### FILE LIST ################################ CJPOS.EXE - Main Program executable file CJPOS2.EXE - Secondary module of CJPOS, must be run from CJPOS SETUP.EXE - Sets up CJPOS, creating neccesary PN.NUM, ITEMS.LST, LABOR.LST, and SETTINGS.DAT files. Copies *.TXT files to your CJPOS directory. CJPOS later uses this file for program modification. DEMOITEM.LST - Example used for setup DEMOLABR.LST - Example used for setup DEMOSET.DAT - Settings for setup WARRANTY.TXT - Example used at BCAS, Print in CJPOS receipt menu by pressing "P" LEGALEST.TXT - Examples used at BCAS for printing on estimates and LEGALRCP.TXT - invoices. Use text editor to modify for your location. SAVER.TXT - My screen saver advertisement. 5 lines of text up to column 40 will printed on screen. This file must be 5 lines. Invoked in the Receipt menu when there is no keyboard activity after 5 minutes. SETTINGS.TXT - Explanation of items in the SETTINGS.DAT file README.TXT - This file ################## CREATED FILES BY SETUP AND EXECUTION ################### * Indicates files that should be deleted after 'trial runs' MAIN DIRECTORY: (C:\CJPOS) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ SETTTINGS.DAT - Holds items for program enviroment, see SETTINGS.TXT 1.DAT,2.DAT,etc. -* Your Salespeople's date of sale and amount, invoice number. An ASCII file. ACCOUNTS.DAT - * Fixed record database file of customers with accounts due. BARCODE.DAT - * Binary file for UPC barcodes. Present limit is 2000 unique UPC codes. CUSTSOLD. - * Fixed record database file of customers. Can be alpha- betically sorted by PROGRAM SETUP routine and output as ASCII delimited file named CUSTSOLD.OUT for input into other programs. (C) Copyright 1994, Cuyahoga Computing, All Rights Reserved. p.7 of 7 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ CUSTLIST.EST - * Fixed record database file of customers with estimates. ITEMS.LST - ASCII file of a 24 column width containing primary pop-up screen info in departments. LABOR.LST - A 100 line file containing canned labor descriptions. LASTSALE. - * Last sales day while running, pointer for SALELIST. PN.NUM - The biggie, it is a fixed record file containing partnumbers, price, cost, and inventory quantity. The records are pointed to by ITEMS.LST, i.e., every line of ITEMS.LST has one hundred records in PN.NUM. REORDER.DAT - Another large file for tracking dates of stocking inventory and last time an item was sold. Also provides reorder points for for items in PN.NUM. SALEMAN.DAT - The names of your salespeople. Up to 15 characters each. SALELIST. - * Binary record file of sales days. Sales info such as cash, check, or charge totals, sales date. SALEMNTH.TEX - An ASCII delimited text file of department totals and revenue for each day in a sales period created by the PRODUCTS SOLD routine. Ready for importation into a spreadsheet program that reads fields delimited by spaces.( Import file type - ASCII delimited ) SUBDIRECTORIES: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ \RECEIPTS DAY#*.RCP = * ASCII files of receipts for each sales day DAY#*.VDE = * ASCII files of any voids for the day \EXPENSE EXP#*. = * ASCII files of daily expenses \TOTALS DAY#*.TL = ASCII files of labor and products sold created by PRODUCTS SOLD for use in monthly tallies. \ESTIMATE ES#*.QTE = * ASCII files of estimates written. \PO PO*.DAT = * ASCII files of Purchase Orders for a FAX . ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ (C) Copyright 1994, Cuyahoga Computing, All Rights Reserved.