CASE- TAB-T MARG+4,77 VER 0098 This file contain the revision history for Bike Manager (TM). Bug fixed, new features etc. Copyright (c) 1991 - 1993. All rights reserved. Joern Yngve Dahl-Stamnes Frostavn 7. N-7043 Trondheim NORWAY e-mail: fax : +47 7 59 14 41 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 1.05: ----- 09-jul-1993 Bugs fixed. The average speed in the 'View.Weekly distance/time' was too low. The distance and the accumulated altitude in the 'View.Weekdays' was incorrect. These bugs occured only if non-metric measurement was selected. [Thanks to Tim McBrayer ( who reported this bugs.] ----- 03-jun-1993 The commands 'View.Weekly distance/time', 'View.Training data' and 'View.Trail data' is now using a scroll-window. 'View.Training HRM data' will now display the training type name and the target zone values as well as the time used above, within and under the target zone. If there exists training entries with the same training type but with different target zone values, it will be shown in the scroll-window. ----- 02-jun-1993 If you change the number of rating values, the program will check if one or more training entries are outside the new rating range. If so, the program will not let you change the number of rating values. ----- 27-may-1993 The trail objects is extended with a new flag that tell if the trail is a multiple stage trail (you use more than one day on the trail, and you stop each day). ----- 17-may-1993 Description text extended for all bike objects. Description text function is now equival for bike, trails and training types. Possible problem in storing description text is fixed. Could cause read error if some special signs where used in a description text. Average heart rate and deviation (in %) added to the training types. These fields can only be used if you have a heart rate monitor which can measure the average heart rate during a workout (e.g. Polar Accurex II). ----- 16-may-1993 The average speed (recorded by Polar Accurex II) added to all training entries. Heart rate monitor definition changed. The features are defined through a menu like when defining a bicycle computer. Bike attribute "Disable altitude input" is added. Prevent input of the accumulated altitude in the Training Entry Form. ----- 15-may-1993 Preference mask "Protect object" added to all objects. Description text added to all training types object. Scroll-windows used when analysing goals and when view objects (when pressing F1 while in the object menues). ----- 11-may-1993 When retrieving a database, the program does a short pause after the database has been read before returning to the menu. It is not longer needed to press the spacebar. When a message is printed at the bottom of the screen, you can now point at the line with the mouse and press any mouse key to continue. Also the ESC key works. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 1.04b: ----- 22-apr-1993 Misleading text in the Define goal dialog window fixed. ----- 13-apr-1993 The analyse of the goal type "Avg. weekly distance/bike/period" is improved. The prediction algorithm used when analysing "Min. distance/bike/period" is also improved. ----- 10-apr-1993 A bug in the Select command has been fixed. The bug made it impossible to select training entries based on the lowest rating value. ----- 02-apr-1993 Better messages when defining goals. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 1.04a: ----- 19-mar-1993 A bug in the program fixed. Sometimes the mouse was out of position when in the command menu for the 'Goals.Define/edit goals' and 'Goals.Delete goals'. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 1.04: ----- 03-mar-1993 Commands added to delete bicycle computers, heart rate monitor, personal information and gearing information in the database. A bug in the date & time format functions has been fixed. The bug could cause a boot when reading a date (ie when adding a new training entry). ----- 06-feb-1993 When editing an object (bike, trail or training type) in the old version of BM, any changes made by the user would affect the object even if the user pressed the ESC key. This has now been fixed. ----- 01-feb-1993: The command 'View.Weekdays' added. This show training data based on the weekday in each training entry. When selecting an object (bike, trail or training type), you can get information about the current object in the menu by pressing the F1 key. A window will then pop up on the screen displaying information about the object. ----- 24-jan-1993: When using the commands 'Print.Entries' and 'Print.Entries (brief)', the user can press the ESC key to cancel the command during execution. ----- 23-jan-1993: And option command menu has been added to the "Entry Form". The option menu allow the user to edit, cancel, clear or accept the data in the entry form. A bug was found in the "Entry Form" which was related to the use of a heart rate montior. This bug could sometime cause the program to halt with an floating point error if the user was editing an old entry and there was no heart rate monitor defined in the program. This bug is no fixed. ----- 17-jan-1993: Option -l added to the program. This option is only valid when -m is used. It switch the meaning of the two buttons on the mouse so that it work for left handed people. The "actuall setting" fields when defining a computer is extended to accept one digit after the comma. This to support the Catene ATC computer (which use mm (not cm) to define the wheel circumference). ----- 6-jan-1993: Command 'View.Monthly distance/time' and the 'FAQ' added. The 'FAQ' command give the user access to the FAQ file from the rec.bicycles list. All topics in the list are shown and accessed just as when using the 'Help' command. All goal definitions is extended so that the user may have 4 bike or training type references in each goal definition. ----- 30-dec-1992: Some minor bugs fixed. Misc. menu improvments. ----- 21-dec-1992: A bug in the goal analyze functions has been fixed. The result was wrong when the distance was shown in miles (Setup.Measuring). ----- 15-dec-1992: Some minor changes in the Select command menu. Shortcut keys added. Loading databases on a PC without a math co-processor is now a little bit faster than before. ----- 06-dec-1992: A bug in the commands "Select.on distance..." and "Select.on average speed..." has now been fixed. The program did not 'correct for wheelsize'. ----- 31-oct-1992: Command 'View.Trail skill data' added. Goal type "Min. distance/training/period" added. The command option '-b' is added. This cause all menues and windows in the program to be black and white only. This is added for those who run the program on an old PC with a monocrom graphic adapter and/or screen. ----- 25-oct-1992: When analyzing goals record, the distance from each training was not corrected for the wheelsize (the different setting and actually wheel size). Fixed. ----- 20-oct-1992: The object routines in the program has been rewritten so that it is possible to create a new bike, training type and/or trail from the "Training Entry From". The layout of command menues are changed. All commands that got a sub-menu (exept the commands in the main menu) got a '->' to the right. All commands that got a dialog box end with '...'. The help system has been rewritten. It is now possible for the user to get help on the commands in a menu by pressing the F1 key while in the menu. All topics are now stored in a signle file. THIS FILE MUST NOT BE MODIFIED. Any modification will cause the help system to be corrupted. ----- 02-aug-1992: The 'View.Weekly distance' is extended. Also the training time, average speed and average training distance will now be shown in the window. If viewing data for more than one year, the beginning of a new year is marked with a line and the new year. When all selected training entries has been processed, the average weekly distance will be shown in the window. Total accumulated climbing is added to all trail objects and to each training entry. You have to update your trail objects so that the trail altitude is added to all trail objects (default is 0 if you do not update them). All old training entries will have the total accumulated altitude set to 0. The maximum and minimum altitude in a trail object is now converted if the user select feet instead of meter for height measurement. This will affect old databases where feet is selected. If you have selected feet as height measurement, please check/update your trail objects. A Computer Option menu is added. This menu is used when defining a computer on one of the bikes. The menu is used to tell the program which functions your computer have. If you have an old database, pleaser re-define your computer(s) so that the program know what funtions your computer have. If not, you may get problem with the training entry form, since the entry form check what data that you can read from the computer. Each bike object is extended with attribute flags. These flags tell the program what kind of data that you (do not) want to enter when using the bike in a training entry. See the command 'Object.Bike attributes'. The menu "Naming" is renamed to "Objects". ----- 19-jun-1992: A bug in the database reading function which caused the gearing data in a databased to be erased, is now fixed. If the program find any error in a database file, the line number in the file where the error occured will now be printed in the error message. The command 'Printer.Summary report' will now include a report based on ratings. ----- 16-jun-1992: A cosmetic bug fixed. It caused garbage characters to be shown as the title on the window created by the command 'Select.on rating'. A bug in the 'Print.Monthly report' has been fixed. Some entries was not included in the result and the count values for the first months was in most cases very wrong! --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 1.03.2: ----- 21-may-1992: A bug reported by David Swayze ( is fixed. This caused the program to hang or the machine to reboot if the number of ratings was high enough (I have been using 6 from the first time I used the program without any problem...). Fixed. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 1.03: ----- 12-may-1992: A minor bug in the 'View.Statistical data' fixed. It caused the minimum length to be very high. ----- 9-apr-1992: The "Modified" flag was not set when the user edited the computer data for an existing bike. Fixed. The program will now ask the user if the target zone values are to be changed when editing an old training entry and the target zones in the old entry is different from the values in the training type. A minor cosmetic bug in 'Print.Entries (brief)' has been fixed. When entering training time and HRM times, leading spaces was not allowed in the input data. This has been fixed. Leading spaces will now be treated as 0's. The environment variable BMPI can be defined to an initial and ending escape sequence for the printer file (see help.printer for more information about the syntax). ----- 28-mar-1992: A bug when retrieving files has been fixed. Sometime you could get an error saying "read error, level=1" when using the retrieve command several times. Another bug has been fixed in the analyze goal code. The bug caused the estimation date (the date the goal will be reached) to be wrong in some cases. ----- 11-mar-1992: Object preferences. All objects (bikes, trails and training types) can have a preference, which controll in which menues the object are to be shown or not. The object preference function is controlled by the command 'Naming.Preferences...' The trail descriptions is expanded to 10 lines and the training description (freetext) to 15 lines. ----- 01-mar-1992: The environment variable BMDIR can be define to point to the location of the help and data files. This can be used if DOS doesn't support the path to the program. The calendar option added. This allow the user to view the calendar month by month. Messages (reminders) can be added to the database for each day. They will be displayed on the screen when the database is loaded at the given date. New flag "Check reminder msgs." added. If this flag is set in a database file that are being retrieved, then the program will check if there is any messages for the next 7 days. The messages will be printed out in a window right after the database file has been loaded. ----- 29-feb-1992: When using the command 'Goals.Analyze goals...' when no goal records has been defined, a warning will now be printed out. And the output window will not appear on the screen. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 1.02: ----- 16-feb-1992: When the printer file has been opened, it will stay open until the user use the command 'Print.Close file' or 'File.Quit'. The user can also choose if the file is to be open for appending. ----- 13-feb-1992: New command 'Print.Monthly report'. When using the mouse, the mouse will be hided while inside the editor, since the mouse isn't used inside the editor. ----- 10-feb-1992: When using the mouse, the program will in many menues remember the last line in that menu and place the cursor back to this place when returning from a sub-menu (ie. back from the select menu to the view menu). There was a bug in the 'Edit.New entry' which caused my machine to hang and some other machine to act strange. This happend only when the user used Farenheit. In this case garbage was sendt to the math co-processor which caused my DX to hang. Fixed (this bug was also reported by Kurt L. Pennington). ----- 09-Feb-1992: The distance field for all goal types are extended from 4 to 5 digits before the comma. The windowsize for selection training entries ('Entry.Edit entry data' and 'Entry.Edit entry text') is increased. Some window rearranging for the 'Select...' command. ----- 08-Feb-1992: New feature: When analyzing 'Min. distance/bike/period' goals where the goals and the end date hasn't been reached yet, the program will try to estimate when the goal will be reached. ----- 07-Feb-1992: Due to the problem with the function 'week of year' some of the Goal functions has been rewritten. They should now work properly for goals of the type 'Avg. weekly distance/bike/period' where the periode was defined for previous year (not current year). The selection count shown in the status window (-s option used) was incorrectly decreased when entries was deleted. Fixed. New command 'Entry.Delete freetext' delete the freetext for all selected entries. ----- 06-Feb-1992: A bug in the 'Entry.Edit entry data' has been fixed. This bug occured when you are using Farenheit, and was related to the temperature fields. The temp. shown in the input fields was incorrect. Thanks to Kurt L. Pennington, SSC Laboratory, Dallas Texas, (, which notified me about some problem with using farenheit. ----- 04-Feb-1992: The function that calculated the 'week of year' was incorrect (it did work for 1991 but not for 1992). It has been replaced by a new function that is almost correct. It does return week 53 for some dates in the beginning of a year, ie. 1. January 94 is in week 52, but the program will tell you that it is in week 53. ----- 02-Feb-1992: Some bugs under the Printer command has been fixed, ie. like incorrect positioning of the page number, margins etc. The length of the output filename has been increased to 30 characters. ----- 26-Jan-1992: A bug in the program caused the distance (dst and ODO) to be displayed in km. instead of miles even if the user selected miles as the unit for distance measurement. This bug affected the commands: View.Training data View.Trail data View.Statistical data Print.Summary report The bug did not affect the data in the database since the bug was related to the printout of data. In this version, you will get out the right data. The bug was first reported by Patrick Tuxbury, University of Buffalo, This bug made me look through the code, and I found that there is an equival bug in the 'Goals.Analyze goals' command. The output from the analyze is in km. regardless of the distance setting. This is also fixed. The data in the goal definitions is OK (not affected by the bug). The 'modified' flag in the status window was not removed when the file was saved. Fixed. -- END OF FILE --