Inventory Main Menu Leave Inventory Module Transactions Menu Transactions Menu Leave Transactions Menu Input Transactions Physical Inventory Reports Menu Inventory Reports Menu Leave Reports Menu Inventory Journal Item Account History Inventory Schedule Activity Report On-Hand Detail Report Reorder Report Price List Inventory Item Report Reference Number Purchases Non-Posted Transaction Journal G/L Distribution Report Update Inventory Items Inventory Utility Menu Inventory Utility Menu Leave Utilities Menu End of Period Posting Rebuild Available Units Change Item Number Configuration Settings Technical SupportU 1 6 F c h x Page U >,DSu Printing Please Wait U >,DSu Page: through c DATE ITEM NUMBER T DESCRIPTION REFERENCE QUANTITY UNIT COST DR ACT CR ACT VALUEc-------- -------------- - ------------------------------ -------------------- -------- ----------- ------ ------ -----------/ DATE ITEM NUMBER T QUANTITY UNIT COST /-------- -------------- - -------- ----------- U >,DStZ DDu4; >3DOvT ######## A ###### ######U >3DOv0 >3DOv >3DOv >,DSt Page: PRODUCTS ONLY SERVICES ONLY >,DStZ Item: Description : Prod/Serv: Taxable: Unit Measure : Dept: On-Hand: ######## Value: Cost Method : Last Cost: Std Cost: Selling Price: A: ###### Reorder Level: Qty: Last Ordered: Vendor Number: Item#: G/L Accounts : Inv: COGS: >,DSt Page: through F ACCT # ACCOUNT NAME DEBITS CREDITSH ------ ------------------------------ ----------- -----------U >,DStZ DDu4; ###### TOTALU >,DSt Page: PRODUCTS ONLY SERVICES ONLY Department: ITEM NUMBER T DESCRIPTION =ON-HAND UNIT T PRICE A PRICE B PRICE C PRICE D -------------- - ------------------------------ >------- ---- - ----------- ----------- ----------- -----------U >,DStZ >3DOv >3DOv ####### TOTAL ITEMS:U >3DOv- >,DSt Page: Department: ITEM NUMBER DESCRIPTION >ON-HAND UNIT VENDOR PRODUCT NUMBER LAST COST ORD-QTY ORDERED -------------- ------------------------------ ?------- ---- ------ --------------- ---------- ------- --------U >,DStZ >3DOv >3DOv ######## TOTAL REORDER ITEMS:U >3DOv- >,DSt Page: J ITEM NUMBER DESCRIPTION TYPE QUANTITY UNIT COSTN-------------- ------------------------------ ---- -------- ---- ------------U >,DStZ ######## -------- ------------ ########U >,DSt : through A DATE DESCRIPTION TYPE UNITS AMOUNTD-------- ------------------------------ ---- -------- ------------U DDu4; Please Wait " SEARCHING FOR TRANSACTIONS U ERROR Memory error displaying window ITEM: TRANSACTION SEARCH is being Printed ######## ----------- Net inventory changeU >,DSu >,DSt Page: : through @ DATE REFERENCE QTY UNIT COST VALUEC-------- -------------------- ------- ----------- ------------U >,DStZ DDu4; ######## % ------- ----------- TOTAL ######## U >,DSt Page: through Department: $-- MERCHANDISE -- ---- CUSTOMER --- ITEM NUMBER DESCRIPTION 9 BEG BAL PURCHASE RETURNS SALES RETURNS END BAL -------------- ------------------------------ 9 -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- --------U >,DStZ DDu4; >3DOv >3DOv >3DOv ######## ######## ########8-------- -------- -------- -------- -------- --------U >3DOv &+E<& &+ED& >3DOv >3DOv >,DSt Page: Reference: DATE ITEM NUMBER DESCRIPTION 'VENDOR QUANTITY UNIT COST VALUE -------- -------------- ------------------------------ *------ -------- ----------- ------------U >,DStZ >3DOv >3DOv ######## >3DOv >3DOv >3DOv >,DSt - 5 : T Y l q ' ; C H M W h r ")"N"S"p"z" #!#&# $"$@$Z$ %+%>%C%H%^%f%k%~% &'&3&e&j&z& (+(P(U(d(i(x(}( )[)m) *4*<*A*g*l* +#+++0+A+F+_+d+n+ -#-C-M-e-j-s-x- -4.9.M.\.n.s.z. /<0A0y0 0'1;1O1b1|1 2 3/3C3S3X3s3~3 4(424<4A4O4Y4k4p4 5)5/5~5 5S6z6 7!7&797>7M7W7\7j7 8C8K8S8[8`8n8~8 9'9,9L9Q9a9f9v9 :':.:C:H: :);:;?;^;m; <>OCOROWO PJPaPgP Q!QDQWQ R8R@RER]ReRjR S$S4SDSLSqSyS~S T*T/TGTLTeTmTrT|T CALCULATING Initializing Account 0 of Reading Transaction 0 of ###### ERROR READING FILE TRANSACTION FILE RECORD # NO TRANSACTIONS WERE FOUND IT.DB ERROR"TRANSACTION FILE MISSING FROM DISKU >,DDt Help Exit Screen,Printer,Disk(S,P,D): File Name: .RPT File Exists, Delete it: Starting Date: Ending Date: Sort Order(A/N/V): Items on separate pages: Reference Num: Department: Type of Transactions(A,P,C,S,R): Product/Service/All(P,S,A): Items Starting: Ending: .RPTU ,D,DDt >,DPu >,DSu >3DOv PAGE BREAK(Load new page. Press Any Key to ContinueU >,DSu >,DPuC Q x / Q p z !:!g! "'"3" INVALID ACCOUNT TYPE Account must be type " " account %Account can not be a subtotal account Invalid Account, Add Account?U CONFIGURATION SETTINGS G/L Interface Accounts: Inventory Asset: Inventory Payable: Cost of Goods Sold: REBUILDING INVENTORY COST Initializing Account 0 of ####AFIFO & LIFO uses Tran input order, do you want date order instead TMP$$$ Reading Transaction 0 of ###### ERROR READING FILE TRANSACTION FILE RECORD # INFORMATION NO TRANSACTIONS WERE FOUND ERROR@REBUILD ABORTED - YOU MUST REBUILD FOR CORRECT ON-HAND INVENTORYU Invalid ITEM, Add Account?U Reading Transaction 0 ###### Change Count READ ERROR TRANSACTION FILE RECORD #: IT.DB ERROR"TRANSACTION FILE MISSING FROM DISKU Reading Cost File 0 ###### Change Count READ ERROR COST FILE RECORD #: IC.DB ERROR COST FILE MISSING FROM DISKU ERROR(Must have at least 2 active items setup. CHANGE ITEM NUMBERS Old Item: New Item: CHANGE ITEM ERROR-Load backup datafiles, change item incompleteU SEARCHING FOR UNPOSTED Reading Transaction 0 of ######U CLOSING - END OF PERIOD Reading Transaction 0 of ######U END OF YEAR POST WARNING ITHIS MENU SELECTION POSTS TRANSACTIONS TO THE CUSTOMERS BEGINNING BALANCE ON THE NEXT SCREEN.JThis is ONLY necessary if you want more disk space, faster reports, fasterGcalculations, or need more memory space. This DOES NOT have to be doneJonce a year. You may have multiple years on your books at one time if you have the disk space and memoryDYou will be asked for a POST THROUGH DATE, All transactions through this date will be cleared.$WARNING: MAKE BACKUP COPY OF FILES: IT.DB & $ IA.DB.DPower failures during this posting may result in corrupt data files.)Transactions will be permanently removed! Do you want to continue END OF YEAR POSTING P Post Through Date: UNPOSTED TRANSACTIONS=All transactions must be posted before running EOY processing IT$$$ Please Wait Re-numbering Transactions IT$$$IT MESSAGE End of year posting complete ERROR)Use backup datafile, EOY Posting aborted!U ( a i x W g l u !1!V!m!s!{! "'"6"<"U"j" ")#g#l#~# $T$\$k$ % %-%4%9%i)n) *,*1*;*M*R*d*i*s* +&+++=+B+N+S+c+o+ ,V,r, ,"-H-U-\-~- .#.-.G.^. /&/T/w/}/ 0#0.030:0J0Z0d0i0o0 1'171<1 Vendor:U Service Item/P and C Tran Type not allowed for service items Invalid ITEM, Add Account? QUANTITY ERROR/Specific Costing requires maximum quantity of 1 REFERENCE ERROR*Specific Costing requires reference number &+E@& &+E@& Please Wait Adding Transaction Please Wait Adding Cost Record MODIFY INVENTORY TRANSACTION Date: Tran Type(P,C,S,R): 1 Item Num: Description: Quantity: 99999999 Unit Cost: Price: Reference: ERROR Insufficient units available REFERENCE ERROR*Specific Costing requires reference number INVALID REFERENCE NUMBER'Reference number/quantity not available Quantity/cost must not be zeroU Inputs Correct(Y,N): ERROR Item Load Error Invalid ITEM, Add Account? INVALID QUANTITY*Quantity already lower than physical countU PHYSICAL INVENTORY COUNT Physical Inventory Date: 99 Item Num: Quantity: 99999999 8 E M U n G L _ "l"|" #N#v# $!%.%4%Q%b%g%}% %!&J&Z&_& &@'O'\'c' 'Q(V(h(y( )7)<)C)J) +4+B+S+]+n+ -)-8-=-S-_-m- /6/@/K/R/]/d/v/ 0$0<0[0c0x0 1*1C1 3.3?3D3Z3 Please Wait Loading Inventory Items: ERROR(NEED MORE MEMORY TO LOAD INVENTORY ITEMSU ADD INVENTORY ITEM / --- ITEM # --- --------- ITEM NAME ---------- 3 Help Add Mod Del Exit MODIFY INVENTORY ITEM U INVALID ACCOUNT TYPE%Account can not be a subtotal account Invalid Account, Add Account?U Item: Descrip: Prod/Serv: Taxable: Unit Measure: Department: Units on Hand: 99999999 Value: Cost Method(F,L,S,U): Last Cost: Std Cost: Selling Price A: Reorder Level: ###### Last Ordered: Vendor: Item #: G/L ACCOUNTS: Inventory: Cost of Goods Sold: Active, Maximum is INVALID ACCOUNT G/L Account not found ERROR!Maximum Items reached - not addedU DELETE INVENTORY ITEM: , Are you sure: DELETE ITEM"ITEM CAN NOT HAVE ANY TRANSACTIONSU ADD INVENTORY ITEM U SELECT ITEM NUMBER Help Add Exit Y g q v - 3 N ] .!C!M!W!e!v! "9"L"^"d"/#c#t# #8$f$ % %3%D%I%X%i% &#&I&[&b&v& Please Wait Loading Chart of Accounts: ERROR*NEED MORE MEMORY TO LOAD CHART OF ACCOUNTSU !" must be LOWER than FIRST type "!" must be HIGHER than LAST type ""TYPE of Account is out of Sequence Account number for type " " accountU Number: Name: Type: Beg Bal: Active, Maximum is Accounts Out of Balance by: ERROR4Maximum accounts/memory reached - Account not added.U }#Au5 ADD ACCOUNT U SELECT ACCOUNT NUMBER Help Add Exit ) : Q b ERROR%NEED MORE FREE MEMORY FOR VENDOR DATAU ERROR0G/L interface account type wrong should be type .7G/L interface account number not setup (see utilities).U NO POP-UP No records to select from.7 -ITEM NUMBER-- --REFERENCE NUMBER-- -AVAIL -UNIT COST Help Exit ERROR Insufficient units available >J< t 9999999 GF.CFG ERROR$NEED MORE FREE MEMORY FOR CHART DATAU Number Status Transaction Type Beginning Balance Jan Balance Feb Balance Mar Balance Apr Balance May Balance Jun Balance Jul Balance Aug Balance Sep Balance Oct Balance Nov Balance Dec BalanceU GA.Px Primary Please Wait Building the IndexU START not found Create new fileU - WARNING FILES=31 missing in CONFIG.SYS file > Use your text editor or word processing program to insert theC following lines in your CONFIG.SYS file on your DOS power-up disk. FILES=31 BUFFERS=207 IF FILES=31 IS ALREADY PRESENT, INCREASE THE VALUE BY:D The CONFIG.SYS file must be on DOS disk used when you power up your8 computer. File I/O errors may result if not corrected.D Reboot using corrected CONFIG.SYS file before running this program.? For further information see your Bottom Line Accounting or DOS manual.U GF.DB BLACOLOR BLACOLOR mm-dd-yy hh:mm:sste ###.## ##.### ###.### ####.### #####.### ####.## #####.## ######.## #######.## ########.## ######.### #######.### #########.## ###,###.## ####,###.## #,###,###.## ##,###,###.## ###,###,###.## ##,### ###,### ####,### #####,### ###,## ####,## #####,## ######,## #######,## ########,## ######,### #######,### #########,## ###.###,## ####.###,## #.###.###,## ##.###.###,## ###.###.###,## ####### ######## ######### ########## ########### ############ ############# ############## .TMPP Hooper Enter Password Password: !!!!!!!! Invalid Password U *GA.DB OH\t( SELECT DATAFILE DISK DRIVE: PATH: FILENAME: Help OH\t( File access denied (Read Only?) Unexpected end of file reading is not a valid help file#Insufficient memory for help system Help file missing, file: HELP ERROR Select Help Subject No help for topic U BLACHN.EXE UL.EXE AR.EXE GL.EXE AP.EXE PR.EXE PS.EXE IN.EXE FU.EXE CK.EXE ORDER.EXE Please Wait Loading: BLA.EXE Loading: BLACOLOR BLA.TMP Elapsed Time: Hour Minute Second Goodbye from BOTTOM LINE ACCOUNTING (tm) WindSoft International, Inc. P.O. Box 590006 Orlando, FL 32859-0006 USA"24 HOUR ORDER LINE: 1-800-542-4405"Business Office: (407) 240-2300"24 Hour FAX line: (407) 240-2323"Shareware Support: (800) 542-4455(Contact WindSoft for dealer nearest you.EBottom Line Accounting is a trademark of WindSoft International, Inc.U Bottom Line Accounting Ver . Jun-93 Copyright(C) 92-93 Windsoft Intl Inc *PLEASE SUPPORT SHAREWARE - REGISTER YOURS!U TECHNICAL SUPPORT # FOR SUPPORT CALL: 1-800-542-4455 # There is a $2/min charge and a $10# minimum charge per call. You will# need a MC, Visa, or Amex card num.U * = P c v % F P b l z "-"?"I"S"X"l"v" #(#6#P#j#z# $($8$H$R$W$b$ %#%-%C%o% &,&F&`&z& ')'@'P'Z'd'n'x' *%***3*I*S*X*g*l*u* +L+Q+g+ ,/,E,Y,^,h,v, -%-;-E-S-o-y- .$.2.D.j.r.w. /,/1/9/D/V/[/f/x/}/ 0"0'020D0I0Y0g0z0 1 101?1 2/242F2K2]2b2t2y2 3$363;3M3R3d3i3s3 5"54595K5P5b5g5l5y5 &:E(u3 &:E(u &:E t >J< t d!~! #5#K#P#W#s# ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZU = W | &:E uT `JH(F bJH(F >?J s >>J u uK@+F &;U#t &;E!t &;U#u &;E!t &;U#u &;E!t 3 G [ !c"t"]#