********************************************************************** -> This file contains basic information about BANK-PLAN for the use of Shareware libraries, distributors and BBSs. -> The file has been supplied as an integral part of the shareware version of BANK-PLAN, a cashflow planner for small businesses, specially developed for use on a 'try-before-you-buy' basis by Invest-Tech Limited. For contact details, see end of this file. -> This file is approximately 4 x A4 pages long. -> To quit this file and return to DOS at any stage, press CTRL+BREAK. -> To return to BANK-PLAN's introductory menus, type "GO" at the DOS prompt. -> To print this file, type "PRINT VENDOR.TXT" at the DOS prompt. -> To scroll through this file screen-by-screen, press any key. ********************************************************************** CONTENTS OF FILE ================ 1. INFORMATION FOR SHAREWARE DISTRIBUTORS 2. DISTRIBUTION ARRANGEMENTS 3. DISTRIBUTOR AGREEMENT 4. DISTRIBUTOR AGREEMENT FORM ********************************************************************** 1. INFORMATION FOR SHAREWARE DISTRIBUTORS ========================================== Short description ----------------- BANK-PLAN (r2.0) - Comprehensive & easy-to-use 12-month cashflow planner for small & medium-sized businesses. Full description ----------------- BANK-PLAN (r2.0). Enables small & medium-sized businesses to prepare monthly cashflow projections, forecast their cash requirements or surpluses, and manage their cash resources for 12 months ahead. BANK-PLAN produces numerous reports and graphs with analyses of future cash inflows and outflows and details of projected bank balances. Handles sales, purchases, debtors, creditors, VAT, stock-building, direct and indirect expenses, capital expenditure, interest, divdends etc. under numerous headings and subheads etc. Ideal for 'what-if' analyses. For easy updating, BANK-PLAN can "roll forward" assumptions and projections one month at a time. Suits any type of business with annual sales (pounds or US$) in the range 50,000 to 2 million, as well as professional advisers or financial institutions involved in cashflow planning for clients. A more powerful version, CASH-PLAN, is suitable for even larger businesses. This was nominated as Runner-Up by the UK Lotus Magazine in its Annual Awards for 1992. BANK-PLAN is very friendly and menu-driven with extensive "on-line" context-sensitive help. Substantial accompanying documentation in text files (over 50 A4 pages). Registered users automatically receive a 100-page spiral-bound A-5 manual and access to support. Country classification ---------------------- BANK-PLAN is an internationally useful product because its cashflow projections are based on "receipts and payments". It can be used in conjunction with almost any accountancy system or convention. For users in the US, Canada etc. the registered version of BANK-PLAN incorporates dollar currency symbols throughout instead of the pounds symbol as in the shareware version. Key words --------- Business finance plan cash cashflow forecasts bank projections Archiving & distribution arrangement ------------------------------------ In compressed form, BANK-PLAN fits on a single disk (360k). The supplied archive file is called BANKPLAN.ZIP. Libraries should recommend users to install BANK-PLAN onto a sub-directory called "BANK". The first thing that they should do after installation is run a program called "GO". System required --------------- Industry-standard PC with DOS 3.30 or higher and a hard disk. Conventional memory of 640k. Runs as a DOS program within Windows (Icon supplied). VGA, GCA, mono, Hercules or LCD displays (or equivalents). Uses dot-matrix, ink-jet or laser printer. Registration ------------ Fee is œ60 pounds (sterling or Irish) including VAT and P&P. In some circumstances, the VAT of œ10 pounds can be deducted. For the US, the fee is $77 including S&H. See REGISTER.TXT for details. In return for registering, a user received the latest version of BANK-PLAN with 100-page A5 spiral-bound printed manual (incorporating extensive tutorial exercises etc.), and full support. Further details are contained in the text file README.TXT. Registration is via Invest-Tech Limited for Europe etc. and through "PsL" (Public software Library) for the US/Canada. Feedback Required ----------------- Please let us have your comments etc. on BANK-PLAN to help us make it an even better product. Send us copies of any reviews, catalogue descriptions, write-ups etc. which you prepare about BANK-PLAN. ********************************************************************** 2. DISTRIBUTION ARRANGEMENTS ============================= The Shareware Distributor Agreement Form below should be completed by every prospective distributor & approved by Invest-Tech prior to any distribution. The Agreement Form need not be completed by Approved Vendors of the US Association of Shareware Professionals (ASP), by members of the UK Association of Shareware Vendors (UK-ASV) or by libraries etc. which were supplied with a copy of BANK-PLAN directly by Invest-Tech. If you wish, you may offer your own standard distribution agreement form instead of using ours. *** If you fail to notify us that you are distributing BANK-PLAN, you cannot expect to be sent upgrades, new products etc. ********************************************************************** 3. DISTRIBUTOR AGREEMENT ========================= The terms of the USER LICENCE AGREEMENT (see README.TXT) also apply to distributors. In particular, no distributor may break-up, change, interfere with or delete any part of the supplied software or documentation or make any changes whatsoever to Invest-Tech's and BANK-PLAN's copyright and registration details. This does not preclude a distributor from adding a readily identifiable explanatory text file for user information, or changing the method used to archive all BANK-PLAN's files as a single unit. Anyone wishing to charge a fee for distributing BANK-PLAN should have the prior written non-transferrable authorisation of the author, Invest-Tech. Without this, a distributor is in breach of BANK-PLAN's copyright. To secure authorisation, send the completed Distributor Agreement Form (or your own distribution agreement form) and a copy of your current shareware catalogue to Invest-Tech. Written authorisation must be received from Invest-Tech prior to commencing distribution. The following Terms of Distribution must be fully adhered to: 1. The fee charged by a distributor for supplying a copy of BANK-PLAN may not exceed œ5 pounds (sterling or equivalent) inclusive of P&P etc. This limit need not apply to CD-ROM distributors where BANK-PLAN is included in a compendium of shareware products. 2. Every library's catalogue or listing must clearly state that BANK-PLAN is NOT free software; that the library's charge to customers is a copying fee only and does NOT constitute payment for BANK-PLAN; that registration is required for continuing use; and that BANK-PLAN is copyrighted software and provided as shareware solely to allow a user to evaluate it before purchase. 3. Distribution of BANK-PLAN will cease as soon as Invest-Tech requests and BANK-PLAN will be removed from library listings as soon as practicable thereafter. 4. All copies of BANK-PLAN for distribution must include all the supplied files (contained in BANKPLAN.ZIP) which must not be changed in any way and must be taken from the most up-to-date master disk supplied by Invest-Tech. 5. BANK-PLAN must not be sold via "rackware" or as a low-cost retail product or packaged for sale with or without pre-printed documentation unless written permission has been given by Invest- Tech PRIOR to any such activity commencing. 6. BANK-PLAN may not be used as a promotion or enticement for any commercial venture (including use as a "cover" disk for a periodical) unless prior written approval has been secured from Invest-Tech. ********************************************************************** 4. DISTRIBUTOR AGREEMENT FORM ============================== Name of distributor (BLOCKS):.................................. Address (BLOCKS):.............................................. ............................................................... ............................................................... ............................................................... Tel:................ FAX:................ Dial Code:......... In return for a licence to charge a fee for the distribution of BANK-PLAN as shareware, we have read and we agree to comply with the terms and conditions set out in the User Licence Agreement (in README.TXT) and in the Distributor Agreement (above). Signed for Distributor by:................................... Name:....................................... Date:........... Position:............................... Distribution approved by Invest-Tech Limited. Signed for Invest-Tech by:.................................... Name:...................................... Date:........... ********************************************************************** BANK-PLAN (c) Copyright Invest-Tech Limited 1993, 1994 All Rights Reserved Invest-Tech Limited 27 Ardmeen Park, Blackrock, Co. Dublin, Ireland Irish Tel: 283 4083 UK Tel: 0232-315454 (Call 9 to 9 weekdays and 10 to 6 weekends - GMT/BST) Fax: 661 3130 Fax codes: Irish:01- UK:010-353-1- Inter'l:+353-1- ********************************************************************** To view this file page-by-page, type "TYPE VENDOR.TXT|MORE" To print this file, type "PRINT VENDOR.TXT" ** End of VENDOR.TXT file **