From news Mon Nov 15 22:52:06 1993 Newsgroups: comp.os.msdos.4dos Path:!!!!!!utcsri!cannon.ecf!willer From: (WILLER STEVEN) Subject: 4DOS 5.0 announcement Message-ID: Summary: JP Software 4DOS 5.0 announcement (crossposted) Keywords: 4dos 5.0 announce Sender: (News Administrator) Organization: University of Toronto, Engineering Computing Facility Date: Mon, 15 Nov 1993 22:18:10 GMT Lines: 158 Thought you 4DOS lovers might be interested in this. I haven't seen it here yet (although I may have overlooked it), so I'm sorry if I have inadvertently repeated it. Also, I hope JP Soft has no problems with me sending this up... JP Software is pleased to announce: * Version 5.0 of 4DOS, our award-winning command processor for DOS 2.0 through 6.2. * Version 2.0 of 4OS2, our enhanced command processor for OS/2 1.x and 2.x. * Version 2.0 of 4DOS/NT, our enhanced command processor for Windows NT 3.1. We've added over 100 new features and enhancements, transforming the command line into an even more fun, quick, and productive means of getting your computer to work for you. And we've added most features to all three of our products, so you can have a consistent command-line environment regardless of which operating system you choose! The improvements in this release are based almost entirely on suggestions from you, our customers. They're designed to give you better control at the command line, and more power and flexibility in your batch files and aliases. They include date, time and size ranges for improved file selection; longer file descriptions; batch file compression for easy distribution of batch files; command-line editing and alias improvements; new looping and error handling commands in batch files, and much, much more! For an overview of all the major new features in 4DOS, 4OS2, and 4DOS/NT, see the next message. For information on ship dates and pricing, upgrade mailings, and your upgrade status, see below. Ship Dates and Pricing Shipments of 4DOS are expected to begin the week of November 22, 1993. Shipments of 4OS2 will follow in the week or two after 4DOS, and 4DOS/NT will be shipped shortly thereafter. We have added staff, streamlined our operations, and increased shipping capacity to provide the best possible response times. However there are likely to be some shipping delays as we cope with the large volume of orders generated by an upgrade of this magnitude. Shareware copies will be available for download at approximately the same time that shipping begins for each product. If you are eligible for reduced upgrade pricing (see below) you may upgrade by downloading the new release and BRANDing it. If you are eligible for standard upgrade pricing you can download the new release while waiting for shipment of your order, but you will need to purchase the upgrade from JP Software in order to brand it and remove the shareware reminder. Most users who originally purchased 4DOS version 4.0 or above, or 4OS2 version 1.1 or above, are eligible for reduced pricing of $19 with manual or $10 for disks only for this first major upgrade (in your newsletter mailing this is designated upgrade level "A"). All other users pay a standard upgrade charge of $29 with manual or $20 for disks only (upgrade level "B"). If you upgrade 4DOS and 4OS2 together there is an $8 discount on the second product. For complete details, including your upgrade level for each product, pricing for utility disks and other additional items, and shipping charges, see your newsletter mailing. Registered 4DOS and 4OS2 Users (single copies) If you are a registered user of 4DOS or 4OS2, you will receive a newsletter mailing with details on upgrade pricing and your upgrade "level" (see above). These newsletters are in the mail and should arrive within the next two weeks (most US customers will receive them within the next week, but there can be substantial variations in delivery times from post office to post office). If you live outside the US, you may receive a mailing from one of the distributors who markets our products to your region. You may find it most convenient to order your upgrade from the distributor, but you are always welcome to purchase directly through us. Registered 4DOS and 4OS2 Users (multi-system licenses): Multi-system licensees will receive a separate newsletter mailing, with pricing tailored exactly to the number of systems on the license. Information is also included on how to increase the number of systems your current license covers. This mailing should be delivered to most customers between approximately November 17 and November 24. If you have a multi-system license for one product and a single copy of another product, you will receive two separate mailings. Registered 4DOS for Windows NT Users: Registered users of 4DOS for Windows NT are eligible for a free upgrade to this new version. The upgrade will be shipped to you automatically, and will include the printed manual promised when you registered 4DOS/NT. If you have 4DOS for Windows NT, or a 4DOS and 4DOS/NT bundle, you will receive a separate mailing with complete details on your automatic upgrade for 4DOS/NT, and information on ordering a 4DOS upgrade. This mailing should be delivered to most customers between approximately November 17 and November 24. Special Offer For those who need additional batch programming power in a sophisticated, yet easy-to-use language, we are making a special offer on Personal REXX from Quercus Systems. This offer is available only to registered JP Software customers, and expires January 15, 1994. Personal REXX is available for DOS and OS/2. See your newsletter for complete details. Please contact us (see below) if you have any questions about your upgrade. Due to heavy telephone volume, we ask that you wait at LEAST one more week to receive your newsletter (longer if you are outside the US) before calling us about your upgrade status. We appreciate your cooperation in providing all customers with the best possible service during this peak period. Customer Service: Telephone: (617) 646-3975 (800) 368-8777 (orders only, USA only) Fax: (617) 646-0904 E-mail: Compuserve 75020,244 Internet File Downloads: Compuserve: GO PCVENB OR GO JPSOFT, library 10 BBS: Channel 1, Boston, phone (617) 354-5776 (2400-14400, no parity, 8 data bits, 1 stop bit); join conference 5 for free downloads