Changing your MTEZ Cover Sheet There is a built-in language in Expressfax, which you can see by faxing EXAMPLE.TXT to a fax machine. One of the uses is to create your own cover sheets. This will be quite difficult for most people. Here is a simple way to get your own custom cover sheet. In the MTEZ directory are several cover pages. Each is madeup of 3 files. A TIF file, INC file and TPL file. Take the DELIVERY.INC and DELIVERY.TPL files and rename then to the name of your NEW custom cover (for example CUSTOM.TPL & CUSTOM.INC). Then Edit each file, and change the word DELIVERY inside both files to the name (CUSTOM) of your NEW cover page. >>>> Then all you need is the >>NEW<< TIF file (CUSTOM.TIF - that YOU CREATE with a Paint program, or scanner etc). Then go into Expressfax Configure, highlight the TPL on the menu and press the space bar. Press the down arrow until your NEW COVER 'CUSTOM' is highlighted and press Enter, then save it and when you fax you will use your Custom cover page. The program we use to do graphics is Paintshow Plus, which happened to be included with the Logitech handscanner There is a program (shareware) available on many BBSs called Graphics Workshop (GWS) which will convert between 'most' graphic formats, so you can take your graphic file and make a TIF for MTEZ.