This is a special register form, you need to register for 08/07/93, after that period the normal price $35,- need to be payed! Send this Form by MAIL Please, Sign it! ÉÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ» 06/22/93 Brunssum º º º ÉÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ» º General Form for : º º º º Register ZyRion 3.22.1 and up ÈÍͼ ÈÍͼ Register my Copy of ZyRion Now for only $ 10,- !!!!!! ICR Holland Only this form will be - ATT: F.J.H Lupschen and Processed! Truus Lupschen. International Communication Vijverstraat 82, Research 6443 XP Brunssum, ÉÍÍ» ÉÍÍ» Zuid-Limburg, º º º º +31-45-256961 (Data) º ÈÍÍÍÍÍÍÍͼ º The Netherlands. º Second - T º ÈÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍͼ ZyRion Copyrighted by ICR Holland and Fransiscus Jan Hendrik Lupschen, will NOT be duplicated or transfered to another USER. I will receive my own "ZYRION.KEY" and I'm aware that this key is also Copyrighted by ICR Holland and Fransiscus Jan Hendrik Lupschen I will NOT try to hack or Debug ZyRion in any way or other then my knowledge can bypass this security, to protect ZyRion. IF, I'm aware that I need to conclude that ICR Holland and Fransiscus Jan Hendrik, can ask me to pay for my actions. The Law of the Netherlands protects ZyRion by this, and I'll stand for my behavior, and I'll pay whatever ICR Holland and Fransiscus Jan Hendrik Lupschen ask me to pay, nothing can prevent this! By this I'll go AGREED with the above RULE, I'll send a Hardcopy to ICR Holland, and Sign it, so that it will be in EFFECT, I'm aware that this can NOT be bypassed, my decision is CLEAR and I understand all terms above! I'll send this form "Hardcopy" + $ 15,- to the address Above or I'll send the money direct to the Bankcount of ICR Holland. After this I'll get my key from ICR Holland, I'll Logon and Download it. IF by Bank here our information : International Communication Research. ATT: F.J.H Lupschen and Truus Lupschen. Bank : S - Spaarbank Brunssum. CountNumber : 82 17 03 463 Vijverstraat 82, 6443 XP Brunssum, Zuid-Limburg, +31-45-256961 (Data) The Netherlands. Please transfer the money from your Bank/Giro to our Bank "NO CHECKS"! Send the money in Guldens, or IF in Dollars you'll need to pay the extra cost, for the translation, that will be $ 15,- and $ 12,- Extra so Dutch guldens will be better for you and ICR Holland. First & Lastname [ ] City & Zipcode [ ] [ ] Data Phone [ ] Private Phone [ ] Street [ ] Country [ ] State [ ] Professional [ ] Fido Zone:Net/Node [ ] BBS Name [ ] Encryption Name [ ] (Real Names ONLY) Signature ..................