This file contains a list of setups of various high speed modems directly from the users of Rusty n Edies BBS. Using these setups, our users are able to satisfactorily connect to this BBS. The following tips should also be considered: It's possible that an inexpensive phone on the line can cause all sorts of conficts with the modems; a solution would be to disconnect ALL phones attached to your line; if you have a problem connecting. Hard to believe that a phone that is off hook can disturb a line, but it is possible. If noise seems to be the culprit for you, try our Dual Eliminator. It will help you to eliminate the frustrations of noise. Read Bulletin # 6 for more information. If you are tired of getting knocked off line by someone picking up a phone while you are using your modem, try our TELEDEFENDER. Once it is connected to all of your extension phones, your modem will have top priority over them, no more knock offs! Read Bulletin # 7 for more information. To ensure an adequate flow of data between your modem and computer, you should have a high speed com port. The 16550AFN Uart chip was specifically designed with a built in buffer to provide this high speed interface. It is a direct replacement for the 40 pin dip chips 8250 or the 16450. Is it possible that your problems are being caused by the lack of this Uart chip? Every high speed modem should be using this chip. For more information on how to obtain this chip, or Com cards that use this chip, see our logoff screen and Bulletin # 17. It is also a fact that ALL long distance carriers have noisy lines, sometimes. In order for you to temporarily try a different carrier, download 10TRIPLE.ZIP. This file contains the access codes for all of the long distance carriers. Many who have tried this are pleasantly surprised at the results. I would like to thank our users who provided the following information concerning the setups for thier modems. These setups work for them, and they should work for you! If anyone would like to add to this list, or has comments, leave me a message. Carl Little Assistant Sysop °°°±±±²²² Rusty n Edie's BBS ²²²±±±°°° ΙΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝ» Ί This program is brought to you with the blessings Ί Ί of Rusty n Edie's BBS and it's Users. Ί Ί Ί Ί We have the largest collection of Public Domain Software Ί Ί and the largest collection of Adult GIFS & Programs Ί Ί Ί Ί OVER 10 GIGS!! 99 LINES!! Ί Ί Ί Ί Call 1 216-726-2620 Ί Ί 300 / 1200 / 2400 Ί Ί Call 1 216-726-3589 Ί Ί U.S. Robotics HST 9600 / 19200 / 38400 Ί Ί or Ί Ί Call 1 216-726-1247 Ί Ί U.S. Robotics Dual Standard 9600 V32 Compatible Ί Ί or Ί Ί Call 1 216-726-3619 Ί Ί Hayes V-Series V42 9600 / 19200 Ί Ί or Ί Ί Call 1 216-726-3620 Ί Ί CompuCom SpeedModem 9600 /19200 Ί Ί Ί Ί Accessible Via Connect-USA Node RNEBBS Ί Ί Accessible Via Starlink Node: 4909 Ί Ί Ί Ί WE ARE THE FRIENDLIEST BBS IN THE WORLD! Ί ΘΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΌ HAYES Modem: Hayes Ultra V96 Connect Line: 726-1247 Avg d/l cps: 1100 - 1110 Protocol: Y-modem-g Avg d/l cps: 1060 - 1100 Protocol: Zmodem Comm Program: Qmodem Ver 4.2f ProComm PLUS 2.0 ACTIVE PROFILE: B16 B1 B41 B60 E1 L2 M1 N1 Q0 T V1 W2 X4 Y0 &C1 &D2 &G0 &J0 &K3 &Q5 &R0 &S0 &T4 &U0 &X0 &Y0 S00:000 S01:000 S02:043 S03:013 S04:010 S05:008 S06:002 S07:060 S08:002 S09:006 S10:014 S11:050 S12:050 S18:000 S25:005 S26:001 S36:007 S37:000 S38:020 S44:003 S46:002 S48:007 S49:008 S50:240 Note: Using this setup with Telix 3.12 or 3.15, I can never complete a Ymodem-g download and get a lot of CRC errors using Zmodem. With Qmodem, I have never had a Ymodem-g abort and no CRC errors with Zmodem. For awhile, using ProComm Plus, I was getting 1140 cps using Ymodem-g but I recalled the default setup and have not been able to figure out the setting I was using since. I have a Codex 2264 9600 bps. I found, after much trial & error, that I can connect at 9600 if I set the v.32 rate to "96 only" and set the v.22b rate to "none". I can connect & download great but I have not yet been able to upload. I use a Codex 2233 2400 bps modem for uploads. The 2264 just keeps hanging up on uploads. ######################################################################## HAYES At work I have a Hayes Ultra 9600. Here is my setup. ACTIVE PROFILE: B16 B1 B41 B60 E1 L1 M1 N1 Q0 T V1 W2 X4 Y0 &C1 &D2 &G0 &J0 &K3 &Q5 &R0 &S0 &T4 &U0 &X0 &Y0 S00:000 S01:000 S02:043 S03:013 S04:010 S05:008 S06:002 S07:060 S08:002 S09:006 S10:014 S11:050 S12:050 S18:000 S25:005 S26:001 S36:007 S37:000 S38:020 S44:003 S46:002 S48:007 S49:008 S50:240 S97:030 STORED PROFILE 0: B16 B1 B41 B60 E1 L1 M1 N1 Q0 T V1 W2 X4 Y0 &C1 &D2 &G0 &J0 &K3 &Q5 &R0 &S0 &T4 &U0 &X0 S00:000 S02:043 S06:002 S07:060 S08:002 S09:006 S10:014 S11:050 S12:050 S18:000 S25:005 S26:001 S36:007 S37:000 S38:020 S44:003 S46:002 S48:007 S49:008 S50:240 S97:030 STORED PROFILE 1: B16 B1 B41 B60 E1 L2 M1 N1 P Q0 V1 W0 X4 Y0 &C0 &D0 &G0 &J0 &K3 &Q5 &R0 &S0 &T4 &U0 &X0 S00:000 S02:043 S06:002 S07:050 S08:002 S09:006 S10:014 S11:095 S12:050 S18:000 S25:005 S26:001 S36:007 S37:000 S38:020 S44:003 S46:002 S48:007 S49:008 S50:016 S97:030 ####################################################################### HAYES I'm using a Hayes V-Series 9600 External Modem. Interfaced through my COM2 Serial port. As for software I'm using Procomm. The modem init string is : ATE1 S7=40 S11=55 S37=9 S50=64 S0=0!. The dialing command is ATDT. Im using ANSI-BBS emulation with hardware and software flow control set to on. For file transfer I've got a command file that initiates Autopilot as an external protocol control shell. The S37=9 register is important, as the moem defaults to establishing its current connection at the baud rate of the last successful connection. Hope this is of some help. ########################################################################## SWAN 9600 Mine is a Swan 9600 v32 with mnp5. the setup string is AT&D2V1X4&M6&B1. I'm useing this out of Unicom 2.0 running in Windows 3.0. I have had no problems with this setup on any system except GENIE which this modem doesn't like. Thanks again....Doug Reigler ########################################################################## MULTITECH Here are four CMOS dumps from my MultiTech 224E and most of my TELIX.CNF. The only other item to note is that I use 9600 baud N/8/1 as the COM parameters. The MultiTech adjusts data flow as appropriate. The settings were obtained through suggestions in TELIXSET.UP (a help file found on many BBS's--I think it is on R&E's, too), and through help from other BBS sysops. Although not a 9600 baud [7mmodem [0;36m, the MultiTech does connect in "reliable" mode with other MultiTechs--assuring 99.999999+% reliable data tranfers. (Not that Zmodem CRC32 isn't pretty darn reliable, anyway!). Hope this helps someone sometime. . The dumps below show tables of the various settings which are configurable and below each table is the configuration from my MultiTech 224E. #1: . A ANSWER MODE M0 SPEAKER OFF A/ REPEAT LAST COMMAND M1 SPEAKER AUTO A: CONTINUOUS REDIAL M2 SPEAKER ON B0 BLIND DIAL N DIAL STORED NUMBER B1 WAIT FOR DIALTONE DIALING O ONLINE MODE D DIAL P PULSE DIAL DN STORE TELEPHONE NUMBERS Q0 RESULT CODES ON E0 ECHO OFF Q1 RESULT CODES OFF E1 ECHO ON S= SET S-REGISTERS F0 HALF DUPLEX S? READ S-REGISTERS F1 FULL DUPLEX T TONE DIAL H0 HANG UP U0 ANALOG LOOP-ORIGINATE H1 OFF HOOK U1 ANALOG LOOP-ANSWER L LIST TELEPHONE NUMBERS U2 REMOTE DIGITAL LOOP L5 LIST PARAMETERS U3 DIGITAL LOOP . B1 E1 M1 Q0 V1 X1 &E1 &E4 &E7 &E8 &E10 &E13 &E15 &Q0 $MB2400 $SB9600 $BA0 &W0 #2: . , PAUSE ; RETURN TO COMMAND MODE W WAIT FOR SECOND DIALTONE R0 REVERSE MODE OFF &A0 ANSWER BACK OPTION OFF R1 REVERSE MODE ON &A1 ANSWER BACK OPTION ON &G0 GUARD TONE OFF $A0 AUTO REL. BUFFERING OFF &G1 550 HZ GUARD TONE $A1 AUTO REL. BUFFERING ON &G2 1800 HZ GUARD TONE &B0 BUFFER LEVEL NORMAL &I0 INACTIVITY TIMER OFF &B1 BUFFER LEVEL SMALLER &I1 INACTIVITY TIMER=10MIN &BS0 BLOCK SIZE MAX=64 &I2 INACTIVITY TIMER=30MIN &BS1 BLOCK SIZE MAX=256 &I3 INACTIVITY TIMER=60MIN &C0 CARRIER DETECT FORCED &M0 ASYNC WHEN ONLINE &C1 CARRIER DETECT NORMAL &M1 SYNC WHEN ONLINE &C2 CARRIER FORCED UNTIL DISCONNECT &S0 DSR FORCED ON &D0 IGNORE DROP OF DTR &S1 DSR NORMAL &D2 NO RESET UPON DROP OF DTR &S2 DSR ON UNTIL DISCONNECT &D3 RESET UPON DROP OF DTR &R0 CTS NORMAL $D0 DTR DIALING OFF &R1 CTS FORCED ON $D1 DTR DIALING ON &R2 CTS FORCED UNTIL DISCONNECT $F0 AUTO REL FALLBACK OFF &T4 REMOTE LOOP RESPONSE ON $F1 AUTO REL FALLBACK ON &T5 REMOTE LOOP RESPONSE OFF $MI0 MI MIC OFF &V0 BELL 2225 HZ ANSWER TONE $MI1 MI MIC ON &V1 CCITT V.22 ANSWER TONES $R0 NUMBER OF RETRANSMITS=12 &W0 STORE [7mMODEM [0;36m PARAMETERS $R1 NUMBER OF RETRANSMITS UNLIMITED &W1 CANCEL &W0 . &A0 $A1 &B0 &BS1 &C1 &D2 $D0 $F1 &G0 &I1 &M0 $MI0 &R1 $R1 &S1 &T5 &V1 &W0 . . #4: . &E0 ERROR CORRECTION OFF &Q0 MULTIMODEM RESPOSES &E1 AUTO RELIABLE MODE &Q0 HAYES 2400 RESPOSES &E2 RELIABLE MODE $BA0 BAUD RATE ADJUST OFF &E3 FLOW CONTROL OFF $BA1 BAUD RATE ADJUST ON &E4 CTS FLOW CONTROL $MB SET MODEM BAUD RATE &E5 XON/OFF FLOW CONTROL $SB SET SERIAL PORT SPEED &E6 XON/OFF PASS THROUGH OFF X0 BASIC RESULT CODES &E7 XON/OFF PASS THROUGH ON X1 EXTENDED RESULT CODES &E8 ENQ/ACK OFF X2 DETECT NO DIALTONE AND X1 &E9 ENQ/ACK ON X3 DETECT BUSY AND X1 &E10 MODEM FLOW CONTROL OFF X4 DETECT NO DIALTONE, BUSY AND X1 &E11 MODEM FLOW CONTROL ON @ WAIT FOR SILENCE COMMAND &E12 PACING OFF &E13 PACING ON &E14 DATA COMPRESSION OFF &E15 DATA COMPRESSION ON . B1 E1 M1 Q0 V1 X1 &E1 &E4 &E7 &E8 &E10 &E13 &E15 &Q0 $MB2400 $SB9600 $BA0 &W0 . . ......................TELIX.CNF...................................... . acpacing=0 adcrtrans=1 addlf=Off adlftrans=1 acpacing=0 adcrtrans=1 addlf=Off adlftrans=1 aecho=Off aexpand=On alarm=On alpacing=10 ansback="" apacechr=0 arabort=0 astriph=Off aucrtrans=1 aulftrans=1 autoanswer="~~~+++~~~ATS0=1 S2=255 E0 ^M~" autobaud=Off baud=960 bold=15 bord=0 busy1="NO CARRIER" busy2="BUSY" busy3="ERROR" busy4="NO ANSWER " c1addr=1016 c1irq=4 c2addr=760 c2irq=3 c3addr=1000 c3irq=4 c4addr=744 c4irq=3 c5addr=1016 c5irq=4 c6addr=1016 c6irq=4 c7addr=1016 c7irq=4 c8addr=1016 c8irq=4 capfile="TELIX.CAP" capsize=2 cdmask=128 cisbauto=On confhang=Off connect="CONNECT " ctsrts=On data=8 datefmt=0 datesep="-" dcancel="^M" defbg=0 deffg=7 destbs=On dirprog="PFM.COM" downdir="C:\COM\RECV\" dpost="^M" dpref="ATDT" dpref2="AT&E15^M" dpref3="AT&E14^M" dsrdtr=Off dtime=65 dtrhang=On echo=Off editor="PFE.EXE" enhkb=On ep1="" ep1d="" ep1k="" ep1nn=Off ep1t=0 ep1u="" ep2="" ep2d="" ep2k="" ep2nn=Off ep2t=0 ep2u="" ep3="" ep3d="" ep3k="" ep3nn=Off ep3t=0 ep3u="" ep4="" ep4d="" ep4k="" ep4nn=Off ep4t=0 ep4u="" fnguess=2 image="TELIX.IMG" keepabort=On keol=13 kftype=1 kmaxpack=94 knumpad=0 kpad=0 kquote=35 ksop=1 mback=1 mbar=4 mbback=1 mbold=15 mbord=15 mfore=14 mhang="~~~+++~~~ATH0^M" minit="ATZ S0=0 S2=43 S6=15 E1 ^M~ATS6=15 ^M~" msel=15 parity="N" port=2 ptime=1 qdbar=Off s16550b=Off sback=16 scriptdir="C:\COM\" scrnsiz=0 showfreee=On showtelno=On sound=On statback=4 statfore=14 statline=1 stop=1 striphigh=Off swapbs=0 swmode=1 terminal=2 timefmt=0 timesep=":" updir="C:\COM\RECV\" usageon=On usefile="SYSTEM.LOG" version=312 xferbuf=4 xmdrlx=Off xonany=Off xonxoff=On zcrc32=On zdcrash=On zftype=0 zmodauto=On zucrash=On zwinsiz=0 . ############################################################################ MULTITECH I am using a MultiTech MultiModem V32 with V42. I have trouble connecting LAPM, so I disable LAPM and connect RELIABLE. All I do is reset the modem with an ATZ and turn off LAPM with AT#L1. I have no difficulty connecting, and can download around 1020 CPS. Occasionally, though, the modem drops baud when downloading... I am using an Intel 9600 EX and I am not having any trouble connecting here. As far as an intialization string, the only one I use is the AT%C0 which does away with the MNP level 5 and makes things a bit faster. I hope this helps. I have a USR DS, UDS V.3225, and HAYES V.42bis V9600. I have never used the HAYES here but on other boards have not had a problem using this set-up. ATL3M1V1&C0&D2&Q5 S11=95 S36=5 S46=0 S48=7 W1 &W I have used the UDS here with no problems and d/l at about 1100-1120. I use this string: AT&C1&D2&R0%C0\Q3\V1L3 S7=60 &W I use TELIX 3.12 on a 486/33. ############################################################################ FASTCOMM I'm using a FASTCOMM 9696 Modem V.32 MNP5. Works fine every time. The following information was extracted from the modem. ATE Terminal Echo OFF ATM Speaker Control ATP Terminal Parity Space ATQ Result Code Quiet OFF ATV Result Code Verbose OFF ATX Result Code Set Full Call Progress Full ATY Long Space Disconnect OFF AT&B Freeze DTE rate ON AT&C Carrier Detect mode AT&D DTR mode AT&H Transmit Flow Control 1 - CTS AT&I Receive Flow Control 0 - None AT&J Phone Jack Select RJ-11 AT&M MNP and Sync mode 6 Async data MNP compression AT&N Data rate Highest Speed AT&P Dial pulse ratio US AT&R Sync RTS mode AT&S DSR mode AT&T Self Test Modes AT&Y Break handling AT&Z Stored Number dialing storage S REGISTER CONTENTS REG VALUE DEFINITION 000 000 Rings before Answer 002 043 Escape Character Code 003 013 CR Character 004 010 LF Character 005 008 Back Space Character 006 003 Dial Tone Wait 007 045 Wait for A/T 008 002 Pause in Dial String 009 006 CDET Delay 010 008 CDET Loss Delay 011 070 Tone Dial Time 012 050 Escape Guard Time 018 000 Self Test Timer 025 005 Delay to DTR 026 001 RTS to CTS Delay 030 017 XON Character 031 019 XOFF Character 040 050 Break Time 043 000 Protocol Select 055 053 Hang-up Reason 056 000 Special Modes S REGISTER CONTENTS REG VALUE DEFINITION 057 000 Data Meter Time 061 255 Max Redials 065 000 Special Connect mode 068 000 MI-MIC mode 072 000 Inactivity Timer 073 200 MI-MIC Delay 076 060 Inactivity Timer Scale The modem initialization string is as follows. AT &B1 &M6 &N0 V0 Q0 E0 X4 S0=0 S2=43 The communication program that I use is GT Powercomm Ver 15.5. ############################################################################## INTEL Here are my setting for my Intel 9600EX which I am using on Telix atz0^m~~~~atb0x4\c0\g0\j0\n3\v2%e1^m\%c0\"h3 I have consistenly gotten 1024cps downloads with this but have also run with just factory settings without much difference. INTEL ACTIVE PROFILE: B1 E1 L2 M1 T Q0 V1 X4 Y0 &C1 &D2 &G0 &J0 &L0 &P0 &Q0 &R0 &S0 &X0 &Y0 \A3 %A013 \C0 %C1 %E1 \G0 \J0 \K5 \N3 \Q3 \T00 \V2 \X0 -J0 "H3 "O016 S00:000 S01:000 S02:043 S03:013 S04:010 S05:008 S06:002 S07:030 S08:002 S09:006 S10:014 S11:070 S12:050 S18:000 S25:005 S26:001 And this is the initialization string I use in Procomm: ATE1V1X4Q0&C1&D2\N3L3-J1 S7=30 S0=0 S11=70^M The "^M" on the end stands for a carriage return. This seems to work quite well (incidentally, Rusty&Edie's was one of the first boards I managed to connect to at 9600 after I bought the modem, and I had a lot less trouble here than on some others, including some big commercial systems). Once in a while I get a misconnection, where the modems apparently fail to sync up, but Procomm automatically redials, and the second try always results in a good connection. On connection the modem reports 'REL-LAPM/COMP' which means that the V.42 compression is working, and the board reports 'CONNECT 38400', which was mighty startling the first time I saw it. ############################################################################### PRACTICAL PERIPHERALS I have a Practical Peripherals 9600SA modem that I bought for $499 in California. I use a small 220/110volt transformer such as sold for electric shavers, and it seems to work fine from Europe. I just took it out of the box, turned it on and got dialing! Here are the parameters I use: . Software: Procomm Plus 1.1A Modem setup string (ALT-S,Enter) ATE1 V1 X1 &C1 &D2^M E1 sets command echo ON V1 sets Full word result codes (consistent with the result codes I define for PC Plus) X1 sets blind dial and this is necessary for most US modems in Europe, since we have a different dial tone. Works fine. &C1, &D2 tells the modem to correctly report the status of CD (carrier detect) and MR (modem ready). By default they are always true.. . I set the speed to 19200, and I believe the computer and modem always talk at this speed. The modem buffers the data. I don't set anything for this to happen. . Usually when I connect to R&E's I type "ATS46=136" just before calling up the dialing directory. This turns off the V42 compression negotiation. Two reasons: I think I heard that the DualHST's don't negotiate this properly and mainly that compressing ZIP files can cause worse performance. ########################################################################## PRACTICAL PERIPHERALS 1. In response to your request for feedback about my high speed modem, I am using a Prectical Peripherals modem 'Practical Modem 9600SA' under XTalk Mk4. I have my device setup as a 9600 baud 'other' modem with flow control set to 'rts/cts'. In addition, some of the modem CMOS setup commands saved IN the modem usin the 'AT' command set are: N1 N1 (repeating above with comment; negotiate highest common speed starting with S37 value &K3 enable RTS/CTS hardware local flow control &Q5 Select V.42 EC (error-control) operation &B1 Enable v.32 automatic retrain function &C1 Track actual state of modem carrier's signal &D2 Hang up, disable auto-answer, return to command mode on DTR &S0 DSR (data set ready) signal asserted at all times &U0 Enable V.32 TCM (trellis code modulation) All of the above are 'AT' commands prefixed by 'AT' (ex. 'AT&D2') Settings can be written to CMOS for power-down save by 'AT&Wx' where 'x' is '0' or '1' for one of the two save areas. The stored profile to be selected (0 or 1) on power-up can be set by 'AT&Yx' where 'x' is '0' or '1'. The current settings can be viewed in local mode using 'AT&V'. Relevant 'S' register setting are: S36=7 Attemp V.42 Alternate Protocol (MNP 2-4 compatible) connection; if negotiation fails, attempt standard asynchronous (normal mode) connection with ASB automatic speed buffering S37=9 Maximum DCE speed (9600); if connect fails modem will try again at lower speed S46=138 Modem negotates for data compression with remote modem S48=7 Feature negotiation enabled S82=128 In-sequence timed break signal. Data integrity maintained before and following break signal. S95=47 Combo of S95=1, S95=2, S95=4 S95=8 and S95=32 S95=1 Use DCE (modem-to-modem) speed rather than DTE (computer-to-modem) speed when reporting CONNECT messages S95=2 Append '/ARQ' to CONNECT result message when an EC (error-control) connection is made S95=4 Enable CARRIER messages S95=Enable PROTOCOL messages S95=8 Enable PROTOCOL messages (repeat of above line) S95=32 Enable COMPRESSION messages Note: S95=0 disables extended messages 'S' register can be set using 'ATSx=y' where 'x' is a register and 'y' is a value (ex. 'ATS95=47') Hopefully this information will be useful to you. While I know you probably don't need to be told about 'AT' command usage, I included the extra tutorial in case you choose to only do minor mods on this before posting it for caller use. ######################################################################## PRACTICAL PERIPHERALS I have a Practical Peripherals PM9600sa its v32 v42 v42bis and the setup for it is real simple. After you get it all you have to do is load up a term prg and give out this command AT&F AT&C1 AT&D2 AT&W thats it the factory default has all the fastest stuff set as the default and I get about 1090 cps on zipped files using zmodem Ymodem G gives me about 1130 but isnt as reliable. ATI I use an ATI 9600etc/e V.32/V.42bis modem and call the USR modem # (1247) I use Telix, set up as 38400 baud, N81, XON/XOFF SW Flow ctrl ON, CTS/RTS HW Flow ctrl ON, DSR/DTR HW Flow ctrl OFF. Telix has an auto-modem configure facility which has the ATI 9600etc/e as one of its options, and it set the ATI to: AT&F2V1Q0&C1&D2X4S11=60S7=60S9=10S10=18 The &F2 is a stored factory setting equivalent to: &B1&K3&N1&01&Q6&U1W1 If you need any information on what these settings mean to the 9600etc/e E-mail me with the list of settings you need and I will look them up. With ZModem I get approx. 925 cps with ECC/v.42 compression off, 1070cps (172 min left), (H)elp, More? with ECC/v.42 compression on, and with ymodem-g I get approx.1100 to 1111cps with ECC/v.42 compression on. Ymodem-G seems to be the fastest protocol when using ECC and v.42bis. The connect message I get when logging on is: CONNECT 9600/ARQ/V32/LAPM/V42BIS CONNECT 38400 / 04-23-91 (23:37) (Error Correcting Modem Detected) ##########################################################################