Form Screen Help This basically a data entry screen or form, for the file you are updating. Arrow Keys - Move you around Enter - Save field info and move to next field - Cancel current field changes MCtrl Enter - Save form changes and return Ctrl Esc - Cancel form changes and return - File lookup key. Use on any field that has the symbol. SWL and Scanner Database and Reporter This program allows you to log, Scanner and Shortwave frequencies, and FCC Band Allocations. There are many types of reports available. \MENUS - Move the Cursor bar and press to select option TABLES - Allow data entry/update of all files, and lookups FORMS - Where the actual data records are entered. `Arrow Keys - Move you around screens %INS - Add a new Record (From Table Screens) ENTER - Update highlighted record (From Table Screens) - Delete highlighted record (From Table Screens) - Lookup key (Allows table selection). Press anytime you are on a field that has the symbol before it. A Lookup table will appear which allows a record to be selected. ~Ctrl-Enter - Save current screen (Form) changes and return to table Ctrl-Esc - Cancel current changes and return to table Table Help You are looking at a Table. Basically this is a scrolling screen of data records in summary form. You may use the cursor to move to a particular record, and then update or delete that record. You may also add records from this screen. hMost of the table screens, have an incremental search capability. By typing the first character(s) of the record key, the system will begin to narrow your choice of records. Arrow Keys - Move you around )Enter - Update highlighted record - Delete highlighted record (After Confirmation) - Add new record qPg Up - Scroll up one "Screen Full" of records Pg Dn - Scroll down one "Screen Full" of records FORM MAIN TABLE p