>BJ84:" All rights reserved. >BJ83:" Software Arts, Inc. >BJ82:" Copyright (c) 1984 >BJ80:" ** END ** >BJ78:"tion on using VisiCalc. >BJ77:"material for more informa- >BJ76:"See the included reference >BJ75:"suit your particular needs. >BJ74:"easily expand the model to >BJ73:"use of VisiCalc. You can >BJ72:" This model shows a typical >BJ71:"view. >BJ70:"til the table comes into >BJ69:"press the down arrow key un- >BJ68:"semicolon key (;), then >BJ67:"upper window by pressing the >BJ66:"first move the cursor to the >BJ65:"deposits. To see the table, >BJ64:"date for each year of the >BJ63:"value of the IRA fund to >BJ62:"screen) that shows the >BJ61:"a table (off the visible >BJ60:" This model also includes >BJ59:"will be $35632.60. >BJ58:"maturity, shown in cell C11, >BJ57:"each annual withdrawal after >BJ56:"be $298126.81. The amount of >BJ55:"the annual $1000 deposits to >BJ54:"computed the future value of >BJ53:"can see that the model has >BJ52:" By looking at cell C9, you >BJ51:"(!) for the solution. >BJ50:" Press the exclamation key >C49:"nstructions >B49:" ; to return to i >A49:/FR"Press >BJ48:"5) No. withdrawals 15 -> >B48:/F$+B47+C5*(1+(C2/100)) >A48:+A47+1 >BJ47:"4) Annual deposits 1000 -> >B47:/F$+B46+C5*(1+(C2/100)) >A47:+A46+1 >BJ46:"3) IRA maturity age 65 -> >B46:/F$+B45+C5*(1+(C2/100)) >A46:+A45+1 >BJ45:"2) Starting age 30 -> >B45:/F$+B44+C5*(1+(C2/100)) >A45:+A44+1 >BJ44:"1) Interest rate 10 -> >B44:/F$+B43+C5*(1+(C2/100)) >A44:+A43+1 >B43:/F$+B42+C5*(1+(C2/100)) >A43:+A42+1 >BJ42:"upper window.) >B42:/F$+B41+C5*(1+(C2/100)) >A42:+A41+1 >BJ41:"appear immediately in the >B41:/F$+B40+C5*(1+(C2/100)) >A41:+A40+1 >BJ40:"the entered values will not >B40:/F$+B39+C5*(1+(C2/100)) >A40:+A39+1 >BJ39:"for manual recalculation, >B39:/F$+B38+C5*(1+(C2/100)) >A39:+A38+1 >BJ38:"(Because the model was set >B38:/F$+B37+C5*(1+(C2/100)) >A38:+A37+1 >BJ37:"the data as shown below. >B37:/F$+B36+C5*(1+(C2/100)) >A37:+A36+1 >BJ36:"right arrow key, and enter >B36:/F$+B35+C5*(1+(C2/100)) >A36:+A35+1 >BJ35:"umn at right by using the >B35:/F$+B34+C5*(1+(C2/100)) >A35:+A34+1 >BJ34:"move the cursor to the col- >B34:/F$+B33+C5*(1+(C2/100)) >A34:+A33+1 >BJ33:" To solve this problem, >B33:/F$+B32+C5*(1+(C2/100)) >A33:+A32+1 >BJ32:"tirement period of 15 years? >B32:/F$+B31+C5*(1+(C2/100)) >A32:+A31+1 >BJ31:"withdraw annually over a re- >B31:/F$+B30+C5*(1+(C2/100)) >A31:+A30+1 >BJ30:"much will you be able to >B30:/F$+B29+C5*(1+(C2/100)) >A30:+A29+1 >BJ29:"you retire at age 65? How >B29:/F$+B28+C5*(1+(C2/100)) >A29:+A28+1 >BJ28:"will the fund be worth when >B28:/F$+B27+C5*(1+(C2/100)) >A28:+A27+1 >BJ27:"terest rate of 10%, how much >B27:/F$+B26+C5*(1+(C2/100)) >A27:+A26+1 >BJ26:"$1000. At an anticipated in- >B26:/F$+B25+C5*(1+(C2/100)) >A26:+A25+1 >BJ25:"the first annual deposit of >B25:/F$+B24+C5*(1+(C2/100)) >A25:+A24+1 >BJ24:"you open an IRA account with >B24:/F$+B23+C5*(1+(C2/100)) >A24:+A23+1 >BJ23:" Example: At the age of 30, >B23:/F$+B22+C5*(1+(C2/100)) >A23:+A22+1 >BJ22:"umn C in the upper window. >B22:/F$+B21+C5*(1+(C2/100)) >A22:+A21+1 >BJ21:"display these values in col- >B21:/F$+B20+C5*(1+(C2/100)) >A21:+A20+1 >BJ20:"of this text. The model will >B20:/F$+B19+C5*(1+(C2/100)) >A20:+A19+1 >BJ19:"in the column to the right >B19:/F$+B18+C5*(1+(C2/100)) >A19:+A18+1 >BJ18:"you will enter input data >B18:/F$+B17+C5*(1+(C2/100)) >A18:+A17+1 >BJ17:"solve the sample problem, >B17:/F$+B16+C5*(1+(C2/100)) >A17:+A16+1 >BJ16:"to be used in this model. To >B16:/F$+B15+C5*(1+(C2/100)) >A16:+A15+1 >BJ15:"screen shows the variables >B15:/F$+B14+C5*(1+(C2/100)) >A15:+A14+1 >BJ14:" The upper window of your >B14:/F$+C5*(1+(C2/100)) >A14:+C3+1 >BJ13:"solve a sample problem. >B13:/FR"Value of fund >A13:/FR"Age >BJ12:"Follow these instructions to >BJ11:"an IRA or similar account. >C11:/F$@IF(C7=0,0,C9*(C2/100)/(1+(C2/100))*(1+(1/((1+(C2/100))^C7-1)))) >B11:" after maturity = >A11:" drawals >BJ10:"of annual deposits made to >B10:"f annual with- >A10:" Amount o >BJ9:"to analyze the future value >C9:/F$@IF(C4=0,0,C5*(1+(C2/100))*((1+(C2/100))^(C4-C3)-1/(C2/100))) >B9:"e at maturity = >A9:" IRA valu >BJ8:"how VisiCalc (R) can be used >BJ7:" This model demonstrates >C7:@IF(@ISERROR(BK48),0,BK48) >B7:"fter maturity = >A7:" ments a >B6:"f annual pay- >A6:" Number o >BJ5:"see more text. >C5:@IF(@ISERROR(BK47),0,BK47) >B5:"eposit amount = >A5:" Annual d >BJ4:" Press the down arrow to >C4:@IF(@ISERROR(BK46),0,BK46) >B4:"RA maturity = >A4:" Age at I >C3:@IF(@ISERROR(BK45),0,BK45) >B3:"tart of IRA = >A3:" Age at s >BJ2:" ** IRA INVESTMENT ** >C2:@IF(@ISERROR(BK44),0,BK44) >B2:"d interest rate = >A2:" Estimate >A1:/GCC9 >B1:/GCC17 >C1:/GCC11 >D1:/GCC10 >E1:/GCC9 >F1:/GCC9 >G1:/GCC9 >BI1:/GCC2 >BJ1:/GCC28 >BK1:/GCC7 /W1 /GOR /GRM /GPL /XH13 /GC9 /X-/X>A1:>A1:;/GC9 /X>BI1:>BI1:/TV /X-/X>BI1:>BJ2: