TRIADS shareware version 1.0 January 1997 Copyright (C) MECOSOFT 1997 BUCHAREST ROMANIA The system requirements are the following: 1) 286 or higher processor. 2) VGA video adapter. 3) DOS 5.0 or higher. This software is shareware. This software is NOT free. If you like the software and continue to use it, you MUST register the program. USING CONDITIONS: =================== No part of this program may be reproduced, transmitted, transcribed, stored in a retrieval system, or translated into any other language or computer language in whole or in part, in any form or by any means, whether it be electronic, mechanical, magnetic, optical, manual or otherwise, without prior written consent of the authors. The authors disclaims all warranties as to this software, whether express or implied, including without limitation any implied warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, functionality or data integrity. Trademarks of other companies mentioned in this documentation appear for identification purposes only and are the property of their respective companies. This program is copyrighted and has been released for distribution as SHAREWARE. Please note that a great deal of effort and time has been invested in the development of this program. You are granted a license to try this program for a reasonable trial period without risk. If, after this time, you find the program useful and intend to use it for a prolonged time you are expected to register. The registration fee is mentioned later in this manual. This will entitle you to continue to use this program beyond the trial period as well as entitle you to program support. You will find appropriate information at the end of this user manual that outlines the procedures for registering your copy of the program. Operators of electronic bulletin boards (Sysops) are encouraged to post this program for downloading by their users. (You can put it on your BBS) Those using, copying, sharing, and/or electronically transmitting the program are required not to delete or modify the copyright notice and restrictive notices from the program or documentation; anyone doing so will be treated as a contributory copyright violator. If you are passing this program on to others, uploading it to a bulletin board system, or including it in a users group library, do not separate the files contained in the distribution archive - pass the entire archive on to the intended party. This ensures that those who receive the program will have all the correct files necessary to get this program up and running quickly. This program must NOT be modified in any respect, for any reason, including but not limited to, de-compiling, debugging, disassembling, or reverse engineering of the program. None of the proprietary program output may ever be altered, removed, bypassed or modified by any means. This documentation must NOT be modified. The program may not be separated from the documentation when distributed. The registered version of this program is protected under international copyright laws. You are allowed to make backup copies of it for personal use only, any other form of duplication is prohibited. (Do not pirate) Usage of this product and/or registration indicates acceptance of these terms. You may distribute this software as long as the following files are included: TRSHAREW.TXT FILE_ID.DIZ TRIADS.EXE TABLA PIONY.MSE PIONR.MSE PIONG.MSE CURSOR.MSE CURSOR2.MSE EGAVGA.BGI GOTH.CHR BOLD.CHR SHAREWAR This program is produced by Adrian Chivu & Ionut Ghionea. The registered version will include: COMPUTER OPPONENT MOUSE DEVICE SB MUSIC USER MANUAL MANY OTHERS FEATURES You already have a playing demo, but you can play only against human opponents. In the full version you'll play against a human opponent and against the computer at the same time !!! Playing rules: When you start the game you must specify how many players you want ( 2 or 3 ). Player 1 will be Red, player 2 will be Green, player 3 will be Yellow. Use cursor keys to move and Enter to select a pawn. You can move one point or jump over another pawn. Your purpose is to move all your pawns in the house before your opponents. If you made the desired move and your pawn is still blinking press A to end your turn. If you haven't made your move yet and you wish to select another pawn, press ESC. The full version will be available in March 1997. To register the program send your full name, adress and 5$ (if you are from Romania) or 10$ (if you are from outside the country) to the following adress: Ionut Ghionea Strada Ariesul Mare 5, bloc I12, scara E, ap.63, sector 6 Bucuresti, 77533, ROMANIA E-mail: You will receive a disk with your registered version. If you want others shareware programs made by us, please send a 1.44Mb disk, which will be returned to you soon. MADE IN ROMANIA.