PRODUCT REVIEW - BUTTONWARE " Software should be powerful, easy to use, and affordable. " Jim Button ( The following is reproduced from ButtonWares marketing literature - We could not think of a better way to say this then they do . Please remember these programs are SHAREWARE and you do not own them until you are fully registered with ButtonWare - Jim Button is the co-father of the Shareware marketing concept and it is to him and Andy Fluegelman that we dedicate this CDROM... The world is just a little bit better place because of one JIM BUTTON...Hats off to ya ) EXTENDED - XD- Extended DOS is a useful utility program that extends DOS (XD) the performance and functions of standard DOS. You can run XD from a menu or directly from the DOS command line. You can perform operations on several groups of files at the same time. XD lets you see and approve the action that will be taken on each file, allowing you to select only the files you want. SUGGESTED REGISTRATION - $ 29.95 REGISTRATION ORDERS CAN BE PLACED BY MAIL OR BY PHONE TO: ButtonWare PO Box 96058 Bellevue, WA 98009 1-800-J-BUTTON 1-206-454-0479 1-206-454-1838 (FAX)