Epic MegaGames Presents KILOBLASTER: THE TRILOGY Created by Allen Pilgrim with Dan Froelich, Bryon Neiman, and Samuel Goldstein ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Kiloblaster is a fast-action arcade game reminiscent of Galaxian with lots of innovative, high-tech features! This game features digitized and ray-traced backgrounds in 256-color VGA which are truly out of this world! If you have an EGA you can still play the game, but you're missing a heck of a show! In Kiloblaster, you'll also find an incredible musical sound track and digitized sound effects if you have a Sound Blaster card. Kiloblaster also features some wild sound effects through the tiny speaker in your PC. Each of the three Kiloblaster volumes features 30 unique levels, for a total of -90- stages of arcade excitement! Fasten your seatbelt and prepare to be warped into another dimension of game playing! FEATURES & REQUIREMENTS - Supports 16 color EGA and 256 color VGA - Sound Blaster music card supported (optional) - 80286 or faster processor is required - Requires at least 512K of memory and DOS 3.0 or later - Joystick is optional IMPORTANT ** COMPATIBILITY NOTES 1. This game requires a lot of free memory -- especially with Sound Blaster effects enabled. Please load DOS HIGH (if you have DOS 5.0), and remove any TSR's from memory. 2. Some mutant screen blankers and memory managers may cause trouble with Kiloblaster; this can be solved by booting from a DOS disk without any TSR's or memory managers. 3. This game is *not* compatible with STACKER and probably other hard-disk compression programs. To get it to work properly, please install it on a non-compressed drive. 4. This game only supports the Sound Blaster and Sound Blaster Pro sound cards, not the Adlib. 5. If you have trouble running this game from Windows or OS/2, try running it straight from the DOS prompt. _______ ____|__ | (R) --| | |------------------- | ____|__ | Association of | | |_| Shareware |__| o | Professionals -----| | |--------------------- |___|___| MEMBER This program is produced by a member of the Association of Shareware Professionals (ASP). ASP wants to make sure that the shareware principal works for you. If you are unable to resolve a shareware-related problem with an ASP member by contacting the member directly, ASP may be able to help. The ASP Ombudsman can help you resolve a dispute with an ASP member, but does not provide technical support for members' products. Please write to the ASP Ombudsman at 545 Grover Road, Muskogeon, MI 49442-9427 or send a Compuserve message via CompuServe Mail to ASP Ombudsman 70007,3536. INSTRUCTIONS To play the game simply type "KILO" and press . You will be asked a series of questions to configure the game. To select something from the main menu simply move the cursor to the item and press or the space bar. You can also press the first letter to achieve the same results. PLAY NEW GAME: This option starts you at level 1 with full shields, bombs, ships and no points. LOAD SAVED GAME: This is used to LOAD a game that you saved at an earlier time. Simply move the cursor to the saved game you wish to play and press ENTER. It will immediately take you to the proper level and restore your points, weapons, ships and shields. WARP TO LEVEL: This feature allows you to WARP to a level of your choosing. If you want to see what a certain level looks like use this feature. You will start with full shields, bombs, ships and no points. There are 30 levels but you can only WARP up to level 20. STORY: You can read about why you are here and what your mission is. Bonuses and enemies are displayed here. INSTRUCTIONS: This tells you how to control the ship, fire missiles and use the other features. HIGH SCORES: A list of the best fighters in the galaxy. DEMO: This game comes with a self-running demo that will start automatically if you don't touch the keyboard for awhile. NOISE MAKER: Hear all the sounds that are used in the game simply by pressing a key. EPIC'S BBS: How to get in touch with Software Creations BBS. Call it! ORDERING INFO: Gives you information on how to order the other 2 volumes in the Kiloblaster trilogy. By ordering all 3 games you will get several bonuses including a hint sheet and cheat code. CREDITS: Find out the names of all the people who brought you this quality game. At EPIC we have a MegaTeam! QUIT: Use this command to return to the real world of spreadsheets, word processors, and life. OPTIONS DURING THE GAME FIRE: To fire the ship's main gun use either the SPACE bar or the SHIFT key. BOMBS: The ALT key is used to fire the bombs/missiles. MOVEMENT: Use the arrow keys to control the movement of your ship. PAUSE: Press the letter 'P' to PAUSE the game. SAVE: Press the letter 'S' to SAVE the current game. When the window pops up move the cursor to the line where you want to SAVE the game and press ENTER. You will be prompted to give a name for your saved game that will help you remember what it is. All the attributes will be set to what they were at the beginning of the current level. So if you are almost totally wiped out just SAVE the game and then LOAD it again. This will give you many chances to get through a level. LOAD: This is used to LOAD a game that you saved earlier. HELP: If you can't remember what the keys are just press F1 for an instant HELP window. (note: not all features are listed). EXPERT MODE: Press F2 to enable the EXPERT mode. The game will go so fast most people will not be able to keep up. For the bold and adventurous; use with extreme caution! (note: this can also be used to SPEED up the game on a slower computer). GRANNY MODE: Press F3 to slow the game down. This a great feature for beginners or younger players. SOUND TOGGLE: If you want to turn off the sound effects press the letter 'S' while holding down the CTRL key. Do the same to turn them back on again. EXIT: To exit the game press ESC or 'Q' and you will be prompted to verify that you wish to exit. Press the letter 'Y' to exit, or any other key to return to the game. BOARD EDITOR The BOARD EDITOR is useful for creating your own customized playing boards. To LOAD a board simply type the name with no extension. For example if the board is named "BOARD1.KB1" you simply press the letter 'L' and when prompted for the name type "BOARD1" and press the key. To SAVE a board first press the letter 'S' and type the name of the board, up to 8 letters. The .KB1 extension will automatically be added for you. If the board already exists it will be renamed using the .BAK extension instead. (note: it will only do this the first time so the original is always there). To retrieve any board with the .BAK extension press the letter 'Z' and you will be prompted for a name. Again there is no need to add the extension. Make sure you keep a backup copy on a separate disk for your protection. To ADD a new block simply press 'A' and then the name of a block. The blocks used to create the boards are numbered from 1-9, and 'A' to 'U'. After you select a block press the key to place it on the playing board. Use the ARROW keys to move to a new location and press the SPACE BAR to put the same block there. If you want to REPEAT a block that is already on the board then move to that location and press . Now this block will be stored in memory until you decide to change it. To CLEAR the entire board simply press the letter 'C'. You can also fill the board with any pattern you desire by pressing the letter 'F' and then any number or letter. You'll notice that some of the patterns that are used as part of a bigger block cannot be used with the FILL command. To use a board in the game it must have the same name as the ones I used. In a future release you will be able to use any name. - Levels 1-3: board1.kb1 - Levels 4-6: board2.kb1 - Levels 7-9: board3.kb1 - Levels 10-12: board4.kb1 - Levels 13-15: board5.kb1 - Levels 16-18: board6.kb1 - Levels 19-21: board7.kb1 - Levels 22-24: board8.kb1 - Levels 25-27: board9.kb1 - Levels 28-30: boarda.kb1 Note: The extension will be different in each volume. The BOARD EDITOR is a way for you to express your creativity and to enjoy a change of scenery once-in-awhile. Even if you have a VGA I encourage you to start the game in EGA at least once just to see what it's like. I really enjoy playing it in both modes; it's like 2 different games. ** NOTE ** To play a game with the background boards you've created, you need to exit, run KILO again, and select EGA graphics mode (the boards don't appear in VGA mode). CREDITS Created by: Allen W. Pilgrim Sound Blaster music by: Dan Froelich Animated sequences by: Bryon Nieman Ray-Traced art by: Samuel Goldstein Still stuck on level 29: Tim Sweeney FINAL NOTES We here at Epic MegaGames are committed to providing the very best games possible. Our customers are our top priority, so if you have any questions or comments please write or call us at: Epic Megagames 10406 Holbrook Drive Potomac, MD 20854 Customer Service: Ordering: 1-301-299-3841 1-800-972-7434 Allen W. Pilgrim 1-503-928-2779 Thanks for playing Kiloblaster!