1 I have encountered problems in getting Desktop information. Please be aware that information shown maybe incorrect. 2 I have encountered problems in getting Monitor information. Please be aware that the information shown maybe incorrect. 3 Unknown device. 4 256 colors (8 bpp). 5 65K colors (16 bpp). 6 16.7M colors (32 bpp). 7 16 colors (4 bpp). 8 Unknown color palette 9 On 10 Off 11 Is in effect. 12 Not in effect. 13 ProMotion 14 system.ini 15 Not tied-in 16 Enabled 17 Disabled 18 Not available 19 1.0 MB 20 1.5 meg (Better Half) 21 2.0 MB 22 3.0 MB (Better Half) 23 4.0 MB 510 The new refresh rates will now be used, if your\nscreen becomes distorted after the new refresh\nrates are set, press 'ESC' to revert back to the\nprevious DISPLAY type. 511 The new refresh rates have now been set,\nclick OK if the desktop is displayed properly\nor CANCEL if your screen is distorted. 512 Please wait a moment !! 513 ALSC/DC95 514 16.7M colors (24 bpp) 515 ProMotion Driver Information 516 Driver Version : 517 Colors : 518 Director's Chair Version : 519 Color Cursor : 520 Resolution : 521 ProMotion AT24 Card Information 522 ProMotion 6422 Card Information 523 ProMotion 6410 Card Information 524 ProMotion 3210 Card Information 525 Memory Size : 526 BIOS Version : 527 Manufacturer : 528 Desktop Gamma : 529 Director's Tools : 530 Monitor Information 531 Monitor Type : 532 Refresh Rate : 533 Info 534 Desktop Gamma Control 535 Cursor Color 536 Debug Controls 537 Screen Control 538 Virtual Desktop 539 ProMotion Features 540 Screen Centering Controls 541 Refresh Rate Override 542 Refresh Rate Measuring Utility 543 Measure Refresh Rate 544 Desktop 545 Video Windows 546 Color Channel 547 Brightness 548 Contrast 549 Type 550 Level 551 Reset 552 Curves 553 Default 554 Undo Last 555 Probe 556 Probe Color 557 Red: 558 Green: 559 Blue: 560 ON/OFF 561 PRESS ANY KEY TO CAPTURE ! 562 Video Chroma : 563 Video Chroma Control 564 Disable blt port 565 Disable color screen to color screen 566 Disable color memory to color screen 567 Disable color screen to color memory 568 Disable color screen to mono memory 569 Disable mono memory to color screen 570 Disable poly line 571 Disable scan fill 572 Disable scan line 573 Disable initialization scan line 574 Disable build string 576 Hardware Acceleration 577 Virtual Desktop 578 Virtual Resolution : 579 Probe 580 Reset 581 Redo 582 Undo 583 DisableBltPort 584 DisCdCd 585 DisCmCd 586 DisCdCm 587 DisCd1m 588 Dis1mCd 589 DisPolyLine 590 DisScanFill 591 DisScanline 592 DisInitScanline 593 DisBuildString 594 Software\Alliance Semiconductor\ProMotion\Director's Chair 95 595 Not supported for 8bpp or 4 bpp. 596 Director's Chair 95