Subject: JG-Sept26.txt Author: CourtTV9 Uploaded By: CourtTV9 Date: 10/25/1995 File: SEPT26.TXT (311582 bytes) Estimated Download Time (53797 baud): < 1 minute Download Count: 285 This is the Journal Graphics transcript of Court TV's September 26, 1995 coverage of the Simpson trial. SEPTEMBER 26: Deputy district attorney Marcia Clark began her closing arguments with a preemptive strike against police detective Mark Fuhrman before taking aim at O.J. Simpson. Calling Fuhrman a racist and a liar, Clark said, "It would be a tragedy if, with such overwhelming evidence, you find the defendant not guilty because of the racist attitudes of one officer." SIMPSON TRIAL TRANSCRIPT ALERT: If you would like to be automatically informed when new transcript becomes available, e-mail CourtTV9.