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Users Guide

What is rtftohtml?

rtftohtml is a tool to turn your, say, Word documents into documents which may be read from within the World Wide Web. The format of these documents is called HyperText Markup Language (HTML). rtftohtml is able to automatically convert documents stored in RTF (Rich Text Format) to HTML. Most word processors in use on UNIX, Macintosh, PC or NeXT systems can export their documents in RTF format (hint: have a look at the "Save as..." dialog box of your favorite word processor).
In processing text, rtftohtml chooses HTML markup based on three characteristics. These are

  1. The destination of the text. Example destinations are header, footer, footnote, picture.
  2. The paragraph style. Paragraph styles are user-definable entities, but some are pre-defined by the word processing package. For Microsoft Word (on the Macintosh) examples are "Normal" and "heading 1" or ("Überschrift 1" when using a german version).
  3. The text attributes. Examples of text styles are bold, courier, 12 point.

The filter has built-in rules for dealing with destinations. For paragraph and text styles, the rules for translation are contained in a file called html-trn. By modifying this file, you can train rtftohtml to perform the correct translations for your documents. The most common change that you will need to make is to add your own paragraph styles to html-trn.
rtftohtml should produce reasonable HTML output for most documents. Here is what you can expect:

RTFtoHTML converts a linear RTF-Document (that may contain cross references, index entries and footnotes) into a fully hypertexted set of HTML-Documents. This document, that you are reading right now, is an example of what you can expect from using rtftohtml.
The 3.0 release added the following features to rtftohtml:

automatic generation of an activeIndex support for a few of Netscape's HTML extension, such as the <center> tag and background images (see also sectionNavigation panel ) and of course: theUsers Guide

Supported platforms

rtftohtml is available for UNIX, Macintosh (Power PC and 68000), DOS, Windows 3.x, Windows 95 and Windows NT systems. The Windows systems are currently supported by the DOS application which can be run in all of those environments. This now includes the rtftoweb extensions on all platforms.

Command line options

Under UNIX and DOS versions rtftohtml is invoked by a command like this:

	rtftohtml [options] file [[options] file2...]

file is the name of the RTF-file to convert. By default the HTML-output will be written to a file with the same basename, but with the .rtf-extension replaced with .html.
The most common options are (see below for more detailed descriptions of these):

to split the document at headings of level level,
to create a table of contents, and
to create an index (of course, this requires index entries to be in the RTF document)

These should suffice in most cases. When invoking rtftohtml without any arguments, a list of all available options is printed. Following is a complete and detailed list of all available command line options, sorted alphabetically:

Generate a table of contents on a separate page (the title page itself normally only contains the level-1-headings).
Turns on Frames Generation for the Table of Contents.
Indicates that no graphics files should be written. The hypertext links to the graphics files will still be generated. This is a performance feature for when you are re-translating a document and the graphics have not changed.
This tells rtftohtml to split the generated HTML document at all headings of level level, thus creating a separate HTML file for the contents of every section at that level. If level is 0, only one HTML file will be created with a table of contents at the top of the HTML file. If level is omitted, rtftohtml will create a separate HTML file for every section.
For example, -h1 only splits the HTML-File when a level-1-heading is encountered. All lower level headings will be internally referenced from the top of the respective HTML-File.
This option is also required for the -c and -x options.
Indicates that imbedded graphics should be linked into the main document using an IMG tag. The default is to use an HREF style link.
-N file
If the -h option has been given, this option allows you to tell rtftohtml that it should read the description for the navigation panels it produces from file file. Navigation panels are described in more detail in sectionNavigation panels .
-o filename
Indicates that the basic output file name should be filename. If any other files are created (such as for graphics), the basename of the other files will be filename without ".rtf" if it is present in the name.
-P extension
Use extension as the extension for any links to graphics files. The default for this is "gif".
Use short filenames when splitting the HTML output. In this case the HTML-files are simply numbered. If this option is not present the file-names contain the first eight characters of the first heading contained in the respective files.
Place external references to headlines near the top of the page. (Default is that they occur at the and of the page.)
-T title
Use title as the document title. This overrides any title supplied within the RTF-file (see also sectionSupplying a title ).
Generate an index. This works by gathering all the index entries of the RTF-File and inserting an invisible anchor at that place.
-X text
By default, rtftohtml inserts index anchors without any text, thus producing "empty anchors" which most Web browsers have no problems with. Unfortunately there is one prominent exception to this statement: NCSA Mosaic. Mosaic requires anchors to contain at least one non-blank character, otherwise they are not recognized. This option lets you use text as the text of such anchors when using Mosaic as your Web browser, e.g. "-X &#183;".

Using rtftohtml

To convert a document from RTF (Rich Text Format) to HTML, rtftohtml requires the contents of the RTF-file to be formatted with a certain set of paragraph styles. For example, headings at level 1 must be formatted with the paragraph style "heading 1" (which is the built-in default for headings anyway; german heading styles may be called "Überschrift xy", but they appear in the RTF file as "heading xy", too), lists must be formatted with a paragraph style such as "numered list" etc. The reason for this is that rtftohtml needs to know which paragraph styles it should map to which HTML tags. This mapping between styles and tags can be customized be editing the file html-trn in rtftohtml's library directory (see sectionhtml-trn for more), to create a mapping from your own individual paragraph styles to HTML-tags. Although this is not as complicated as it might seem, I personally prefer to adjust my Word-documents to use only (or at least mostly) the paragraph styles recognized by rtftohtml by default. In this chapter I will stick to this strategy. See section Unknown Paragraph style"" for a few words on how to customize rtftohtml to correctly interpret your own paragraph style.

Supplying a title

To determine the HTML-Title for the created HTML-Files (the text between the <title> and </title> tags), rtftohtml looks for the \title-token inside the \info-group of the RTF-File. Thus you should give your RTF-Documents a short, descriptive title in the respective dialog box of your word processor (should be called something like "File information").
Another way to specify the document title is via the -T command line option. For example:

	rtftohtml -T "My work of art" art.rtf

Note that this title will also be automatically inserted by rtftohtml into the first created HTML-File as a level-1-heading. That's why you should usually delete the very first heading from your RTF-Document (or at least assign a different paragraph format to that line) and use it as the document title. The reason for this is to prevent RTFtoHTML from interpreting the headline of your RTF-Document as a level 1 heading, where it should split.

Character styles

rtftohtml automatically recognizes and converts bold, italic and underlined text. If a certain range of text is written using a monospaced font such as Courier, it also automatically creates monospaced HTML-output for that range. What fonts are considered to be monospaced can be configured in the file html-trn in section.TMatch ("monospace fonts -> tt"). By default the fonts "Courier", "Courier New" are expected to be monospaced.
If you get warning messages such as "no output translation for ..." when running rtftohtml you can either replace that character with a less exotic one in your RTF-file or add a translation to the end of rtftohtml's library file html-map, such as "character translation".
The newline character (created by Shift-Return) will be automatically
converted to the corresponding HTML-tag,
as will the unbreakable space (created by Control-Shift-Space).


Headings must be formatted with a paragraph style like "heading 1", "heading 2" etc. (resp. "Überschrift 1" etc.) to be automatically recognized by rtftohtml. rtftohtml uses these styles to determine when it should split the HTML-file. The heading level at which splitting should take place can be configured by the command line switch -hlevel (see sectionCommand line options ). If a heading contains no text (i.e. it is empty) it will be ignored by rtftohtml.
If the -h switch was present when rtftohtml was invoked, a navigation panel will be inserted at the top and at the bottom of every generated HTML file. This navigation panel will contain the following elements:

rtftohtml will try to use the language of the RTF-file for labelling the navigation panel. Currently there is support for english, spanish, french and german. However, if you would like a more fancy-looking panel, with buttons etc., you can tell rtftohtml (by writing a simple configuration file) what HTML-code it should use for the individual panel elements. The creation of such configuration files is described in detail in section Navigation panels.


rtftohtml knows about the following lists (in braces is the name of the respective paragraph style it expects such lists to be formatted with):

numbered ("numbered list")
items start with a tab and end with a paragraph mark (numbers before the tab are ignored)
unnumbered ("bullet list")
items start with a tab and end with a paragraph mark (bullets etc. before the tab are ignored)
Glossaries ("glossary")
term and definition are separated by a tab, glossary entries are separated by a paragraph mark

Nested lists can be created from an RTF document by using a different style for each level of indentation. The styles "bullet list 1" "numbered list 2" ... represent different levels of nesting, with "bullet list 1" being at nesting level 1. The only rule for use is that no levels of nesting are skipped. For example, a "numbered list 3" paragraph must not appear immediately after a "Normal" paragraph. It must follow a paragraph with a nesting level of 2 or higher.
An example sequence of paragraph styles to produce a nested list might look like this:

numbered list
	bullet list 1
		bullet list 2
		glossary 2
	bullet list 1
		numbered list 2


rtftohtml is able automatically convert tables to HTML 3.0 tables.


Graphics are imbedded in RTF in either a binary format or an (ASCII) hex dump of that binary. I have never seen a binary format graphic - I don't think that the filter will process binary correctly. It does handle the hex format of graphics, by converting the hex back into binary and writing the binary to a file. The file extension is chosen by looking at the original type of the graphic. The following list shows the file types and their extensions:

Macintosh PICT
.pict - also, 256 bytes of nulls are prepended to the graphic. This is to conform to the PICT file format.
Windows Meta-files
Windows Bit-map

In addition, the filter produces a link to the file containing the graphic. Now, since the above graphic formats are not very portable, the filter assumes that you will convert these files to something more useful, like GIF. So the format of the link is:
<a href="basenameN.ext">Click here for a Picture</a>

Since most Web browser only support images in GIF-format, you will have to convert the generated PICT- and WMF-files to GIF. For PICT there is picttoppm/ppmtogif, but for WMF? I don't know of any WMF translators for Unix; for DOS there is wmf2bmp, whose output could then be converted to GIF via the pbmplus-tools. From what I understand, WMF is not a pixel- but a vector-graphic format, so maybe it would be easier to translate WMF to Postscript and then let Ghostscript do the job of converting to GIF. Any volunteers for writing a wmftops utility?
You can also change the link to an IMG form. If you specify the -I command line option, all links to graphics will be of the form:
<IMG src="basenameN.ext">
There is one other special case. If a graphic is encountered when the filter is in the process of generating a link, the IMG form of the link is used even without the -I command line option.

Cross references

All kinds of cross references can be created from within the RTF-file. The reference itself must be formatted with the attributes "double-underline/hidden" and must follow the standard HTML-conventions, such as "" or "file.txt" or "#mark1". The "hot" text, that is the text that will appear "clickable" in your Web-browser, immediately follows the reference and must be double-underlined, but not hidden.
Anchors for internal cross references (such as "mark1", corresponding to the example above) must be formatted either with the attributes "hidden/outline" or "hidden/superscript". For example this link will bring you to the list of other features.
If you just want to create a reference to a certain heading resp. section, it is sufficient to simply format the reference with the color red. The text of the reference must match the beginning n characters of the heading, so the references Supplying"" and Supplying a title"" point to the same section.
If an email address such is colored red, rtftohtml will automatically produce a cross reference of type "mailto".
The same work for all other kinds of URLs, so if the URL is colored red, rtftohtml will automatically produce a reference pointing to that URL.

Index entries and footnotes

If your RTF document contains footnotes or endnotes, the filter will place the text of the footnote in a separate HTML document. At the footnote reference mark, the filter will generate a hypertext link to the text of the footnote. This works with either automatically numbered footnotes[1], or user supplied footnote reference marks[+]
If you insert index entries into your RTF-document and give rtftohtml the -x-option, rtftohtml will generate a hypertext'ish index for the generated HTML-documents. Note that when using NCSA-Mosaic as your Web browser you should also tell rtftohtml to insert some text into the generated anchors by using the command line switch -X text (see sectionCommand line options ).

Other features

Horizontal lines

The paragraph style "hr" can be used to produce a horizontal line in the HTML output (this will be translated to the <hr> tag).

Discarding Unwanted Text

If you have text that you do not want to appear in the HTML output, simply format the text as Hidden and Plain (that is, no underline, outline...)
If you wish to modify the formatting that discards text, you need to change the entry in html-trn that specifies "_Discard".

Imbedding HTML in a Document

Normally, if your RTF document contained the text "<cite>hello</cite>", the translator would output this as: "&lt;cite&gt;hello&lt;/cite&gt;". This ensures that the text would appear in your HTML output exactly as it appeared in the original RTF document. If, however, you want the <cite></cite> to be interpreted as HTML markup, you must format the tags using Hidden and Shadow or Hidden and Strikethrough. The filter will then send the tags through without translation. It is also possible to use the paragraph style "HTML" to let rtftohtml interpret a whole paragraph as being literal HTML.
When the rtftohtml filter produces HTML markup, it keeps track of the nesting level of tags to ensure that you don't get something like <b><cite>hello</b></cite> which would be incorrect markup. If you imbed HTML markup in your document, the filter will NOT be aware of it. You must ensure that your markup appears correctly nested.
If you wish to modify the formatting for imbedded HTML, you need to change the entry in html-trn that specifies "_Literal".

Other paragraph styles

rtftohtml understands a few other paragraph styles by default. These are (among others):

Will be converted to HTML's <address>-environment.
Will be converted to HTML's <blockquote>-environment.
Will be converted to HTML's <pre>-environment. This is useful when spacing is important in a paragraph.


Unknown Paragraph style: messages, or Adding paragraph styles

When converting existing documents to rtftohtml you often get a lot of warning message telling you that some paragraph styles are unknown. Now you can either

To add a new paragraph style, simply go to the .PMatch table contained in the file html-trn and add an entry to the end. Put the name of the paragraph style (quoted), the nesting level (usually zero) and the name of the.PTag entry that should be used.

html-trn File Format

The file html-trn is needed by rtftohtml to map character and paragraph styles contained in the RTF-file to corresponding HTML-tags. It must be readable either from rtftohtml's library directory (as set in the file makefile.rtftoweb) or from the directory contained in the environment variable RTFLIBDIR.
In html-trn there are four tables. They are labelled .PTag,.TTag ,.TMatch and.PMatch . These tables begin with the name (in column one) and continue until the next table starts. All blank lines and lines beginning with a '#' are discarded. '#' lines are typically used for comments. The tables themselves are composed of records containing a fixed number of fields which are separated by commas. The fields are either strings (which should be quoted) integers or bitmasks.

.PTag Table

Each entry in the .PTag table describes an HTML paragraph markup. The format is:

A unique name for this entry. These names are referenced in the .PMatch table.
This string will be output once at the beginning of any text for this markup.
This string will be output once at the end of any text for this markup.
This string will be output in place of the first tab in every paragraph (used for lists)
This string will be output in place of each paragraph mark. (usually <br> or <p>). You should think of this a a paragraph separator. This will be output BETWEEN any two paragraphs - that have this style.
If 0, no text markup will be allowed within this markup. (for example <pre> or <h1> don't format well if they contain additional markup.
If 1, other paragraph markup will be allowed to nest within this markup. (used for nesting lists)
If 1, all text up to the first tab in a paragraph will be deleted. (used to strip out bullets that when going to unordered lists (<ul>).
If 1, the filter will add newlines to the HTML to keep the number of characters in a line to less than 80. For <pre> or <listing>elements, this should be set to 0.
The TOC level. If greater than 0, the filter will create a Table of contents entry for every paragraph using this markup.

Sample .PTag Entries


This is a level 1 heading. The "\n" in the start and end-tag fields forcesa newline in the HTML markup. Since newlines are ignored in HTML (except in <pre>) it's only effect is to make the HTML output more readable. There is no difference between the first tab and any other. They both translate to a tab mark. Paragraph marks generate "<br>" followed by a newline (just for looks). Text markup (like <b>) is not allowed within <h1> text, because we leave that up to the HTML client. No nesting is allowed - (see the discussion on nested styles). No text is deleted. Every paragraph using this markup will also generate a level-1 table of contents entry.


This is the default for normal text. Regular text in HTML has no required start and end-tags. The "\n" in the end-tag field forces a newline in the HTML markup. Since newlines are ignored in HTML (except in <pre>) it's only effect is to make the HTML output more readable. There is no difference between the first tab and any other. They both translate to a tab mark. This markup will generate <p> par1<br>par2</p> for a two paragraph sequence. If you want more spacing between paragraphs, add a second <BR>.


This is the entry for unordered lists. This generates a "<ul>\n<li>" at the start of the list and "</ul>/n" at the end. There is no difference between the first tab and any other. They both translate to a tab mark. Paragraph marks generate "<li>" preceded by a newline (just for looks). Text markup (like <b>) is allowed, and this entry may be nested - and it allows others to be nested within it. This allows nested lists. No text is deleted.


This entry is identical to the previous except that the DeleteCol1 field is set to 1. This is used to remove bullets (which really appear in the RTF) because we don't want to see them in the HTML.

.TTag Table

Each entry in the .TTag table describes an HTML text markup. The format is:

A unique name for this entry. These names are referenced in the .PMatch table.
This string will be output once at the beginning of any text for this markup.
This string will be output once at the end of any text for this markup.

Note that unlike the .PTag table, no text markup should appear more than once. (Of course there is no good reason that it should appear.) If you have two entries with <b></b> start and end tags, it would be possible to get HTML of the form <b><b> text</b></b>. I don't know if this is invalid markup, but it sure is ugly.

.TMatch Table

Each entry in the .TMatch table describes processing for text styles. The format is:

The name of a Font, or "" if all fonts match this entry.
The point-size of the font, or 0 if all point sizes match this entry.,
A bit-mask, where each bit represents a text attribute. These bits are compared to the attributes of the style being output. They must match for this entry to be matched. One in a bit position means that the text style is set, a zero is not set.
A bit-mask, where each bit represents a text attribute. In comparing the style of the text being processed, to the Match bit-mask, this field is used to select the bits that matter. If a zero appears in a bit-position, then that style attribute is ignored (for the purpose of matching this entry.) Only 1 bits are used in the above comparision.
This is either the name of an entry in the .TTag table indicating the HTML markup to use, or it is one of "_Discard", "_Name", "_HRef", "_Hot", or "_Literal".

The order of bits in the Match and Mask bit-maps are:
#    v^bDWUHACSOTIB - Bold
#    v^bDWUHACSOTI - Italic
#    v^bDWUHACSOT - StrikeThrough
#    v^bDWUHACSO - Outline
#    v^bDWUHACS - Shadow
#    v^bDWUHAC - SmallCaps
#    v^bDWUHA - AllCaps
#    v^bDWUH - Hidden
#    v^bDWU - Underline
#    v^bDW - Word Underline
#    v^bD - Dotted Underline
#    v^b - Double Underline
#    v^ - SuperScript
#    v - SubScript

Sample .TMatch Entries

# double-underline/not hidden -> hot text
# double-underline/hidden -> href

The first entry will match any text formatted with double underline EXCEPT if it is hidden text. This is accomplished by using those two bits to compare (the MASK field) and having a 1 in the double underline bit and a zero for the hidden text bit. The second entry will match any text formatted with BOTH double underline and hidden text. Any text that matches the first will be treated as the hot text of a link. Any text that matches the second will be taken as the href itself. (The filter requires that the HRef text immediately precede the Hot text.)

# Regular matches - You can have multiple of these active
# monospace fonts -> tt

This will match any text that uses the Courier font and mark it using the HTML text markup appearing in the .TTag table with the entry name "tt".

# bold -> bold

This will match any text that has bold attributes and will mark it using the HTML text markup appearing in the .TTag table with the entry name "b". Note that bold text using the Courier font would match both this entry and the previous. This will yeild markup of the form <b><tt>hi</tt><b>. Note that "b" is the name of an entry in the .TTag table, not the HTML markup that is used!

.PMatch Table

Each entry in the .PMatch correlates a paragraph style name to some entry in the .PTag table. The format is:
"Paragraph Style",nesting_level,"PTagName"

Paragraph Style
The paragraph style name that appears in the RTF input.
The nesting level. This should be zero except for nested list entries.
The name of the .PTag entry that should be used for paragraphs with this paragraph style.

Sample .PMatch Entries

"heading 1",0,"h1"

This is a level 1 heading. Any paragraphs with this paragraph style will be mapped to the entry in the .PTag table named "h1".

"numbered list",0,"ol-d"

This is used for numbered lists. Any paragraphs with this paragraph style will be mapped to the entry in the .PTag table named "ol-d".

"numbered list 2",2,"ol-d"

This is an entry for a nested paragraph style. The nesting level of two is used to indicate that this paragraph should appear in the HTML nested within two levels of paragraph markups. The paragraph marked with this style may only appear after a paragraph style that has a nesting level of 1 or greater.

.Strings table

The .Strings table sets values to be used by the translator
format is "name","value"
The quotes may be omitted for numbers, but the two lines:
are identical. Any name can be defined by the Strings table, but only those outlined below will have any affect on translations.




If set to 1, the navigation panel usually produced at the top and bottom of pages will be omitted. This is primarily useful when you are not splitting documents, or producing an index.


At the start of each HTML file, you will normally find a list of all of the headings contained within that file. By setting SkipLeadingToc to 1, this list will be omitted.


Same as above only for trailing lists.


For IMG tags, the filter will generate HEIGHT/WIDTH attributes. Setting this string to 1 will omit these tags.


In producing HEIGHT/WIDTH attributes for WMF graphics, a scaling factor of 133% is normall applied (by experimentation this scaling appears to be necessary.) If you find that your graphics are not appearing the same size as in you documents, you may modify this scaling factor. (133 is the default, meaning 133%)


If no title is found in the document, and no title is supplied on the command line, this string is used for a title value.


If this is set to 1, all tables will have the BORDER attribute. Normally, only those that have a border on the first cell will have borders.


Defines a tag that will be included in the <A href=xxx > tag, for external hrefs. If set to 'TARGET="_top" clicking on that hyperlink in a framed document will replace the entire window, not just the current frame.


This tag is inserted before Footnotes at the end of the page


If set, choose embedded graphic over linked


This is the number of digits to use in Short file names (-s option.) If set to 2 (the default) it will allow splitting into 99 files, 3 would support 999 files.


By default, empty paragraphs are deleted. Setting to 1 will generate all paragraphs (note that empty paragraphs in a list will generate bullet or sequence numbers without any following text.)

.LXForm table

The LXForm table is used when an RTF document contains a link to an image instead of the image itself. Since the link contains a filename which is local to the machine that the RTF file was produced on, some translation of that filename is required. The LXForm allows you to specify a series of transformations to be done to the filename. Each line in the LXForm table is applied in order to the filename.
The format of the table is:
Where tag can be


translate to lower case


translate to upper case


encode "bad" characters as hex


decode "bad" characters from hex#


"perform a regular expression style substitution where "regexp" is a regular expression search pattern and "regsup" is a substition pattern

For example, the following table:

# translate all special characters to %nn format
# strip directory from file name
# Strip extension if it exists 
# Add a .gif extension

would make the following tansformations given the filename "C:\ PICTS\CLOWN.WMF"











Navigation panels and Netscape support

If you want the navigation panels produced by rtftohtml (see sectionHeadings ) to look more spiffy, e.g. with images as panel buttons, or if you want the generated HTML documents to use images as their background or another text color, this section is for you.
By using the -NCommand line option when invoking rtftohtml, it is possible to tell rtftohtml exactly how you want the created navigation panels to look like. The same configuration file can be used to add a few funny Netscapisms to the generated documents. If no -N-option was given, but rtftohtml finds a file named nav-panl in its library directory or the directory contained in the environment variable RTFLIBDIR it will use this file as the layout customization file. This way you can avoid having to add the -N command line options whenever you use rtftohtml.
An example for such a customization file is the file nav-panl, which has also been used when this guide was converted to HTML. By looking at this file you should easily see how the layout of your documents can be adjusted tou your taste.
Each line of such a customization file contains the definition of a layout element, as long as the first character is not the hash-character (#), which introduces comments. Everything that follows the first colon (:) in each line will be literally inserted into the HTML-files when needed.
The following elements may be configured:

What to insert into the navigation panel when the "previous" element is to be created.
The same for the "next" element.
The same for the "up" element.
The same for the "title" element.
The same for the "contents" element.
The same for the "index" element.
What to use as the delimiter between the elements of navigation panels.
What HTML-code to use when it's time to insert a horizontal line beneath or above navigation panels.
Specifies an optional background (GIF-) image that should be used as the document background (requires Netsape).
Specifies an optional background color that should be used in the document background (requires Netsape). Syntax: #rrggbb (hexadecimal values for red, green, blue).
The color to use for normal text. Same synax as for bgcolor.

[1] Look, there is one now!
[+] There is my mark.

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