PageMill Guide PGS Feedback Form

If you take the time to fill out this form, we might get to know you and your needs a little bit better. Only fill in what you feel is right for you; please note that we keep your information to improve PageMill Guide PGS only!

OK, let's start:

About you

First Name:       
Email address:    
Your Web address: 

About your Mac

This information helps us to design our guides better.
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I have already used the Apple Guide extension 
(included with MacOS 7.5) before:

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Everything about PGS

Click where applicable.
 Yes, I want email info on PageMill Guide PGS
   (about updates, etc.)!

 Yes, I want email info on any of the upcoming
    PGS guides!

 Yes, I like to test betas of your PGS guides.
    Send me information and your beta test 

 Yes, I would be interested in a "beefed up"    CD-ROM version of your guides (with lots of
    movies, graphics, and so on, even though I
    need to buy new memory :-)!

PageMill Guide PGS

Learning with this guide is:

 Just right   Too easy   Too difficult

My general comments or suggestions regarding PGS and 
Page Mill Guide PGS:

All right, mail off the form!

© 1996 by SQE Services Ltd., Zurich/Switzerland.
All rights reserved. Last updated: March 24, 1996