Subject: Aug22.txt Author: CourtTV9 Uploaded By: CourtTV9 Date: 8/29/1995 File: AUG22.TXT (306671 bytes) Estimated Download Time (53797 baud): < 1 minute Download Count: 233 Dr. Henry Lee, a crime reconstruction expert, said he discovered shoe imprints on a piece of paper and an envelope near the murder scene and found they could not have come from the designer Italian shoes the prosecution claims O.J. Simpson wore the night he killed his ex-wife and Ronald Goldman. WITNESSES Christian Reichardt, Faye Resnick's former boyfriend Detective Kenneth Berris, Chicago Police Department Dr. Henry Lee, chief criminalist, state of Connecticut SIMPSON TRIAL TRANSCRIPT ALERT: If you would like to be automatically informed when new transcript becomes available, e-mail CourtTV9.