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Welcome to AOL - The Internet and Much More

AOL is the world's most popular Internet and online service provider.

You too can try AOL!  All you need to do is grab your AOL Brochure inside the disk cover, then follow the instructions below and register by typing in your password and registration number (located on the reverse side of the AOL brochure) and you will be on your way to discovering the world of AOL.

Installing AOL is very simple and can be done in a few EASY steps.

1) Simply click on the "Start Button" which is located on the bottom left-hand corner of your screen.

2) Select "Programs" and then click on "Windows Explorer".

3) When explorer has loaded, click on the CD drive (labeled NetCD40).

4) Double click on the directory called AOL.

5) Double click on the program AOLSETUP.EXE to start the installation.

If at any time you need help simply call our Member Services team on 1300 654 633

Once AOL has been installed you can start surfing in style.

Thank you for choosing to be a member of our growing online community with over 13 million members!

Your free trial must be used within one calendar month of your initial sign-on. You are responsible for the telephone connection to AOL, and for supplemental charges for access to AOL outside Australia. You need a valid credit card to register. Access to and usage of AOL is subject to terms and conditions which are available online. 


The following is a  brief overview of interesting things you can do once you become a  member of AOL.

Finding areas of interest

You may have something specific you are looking for, or you may just want to explore and see what you can find.

Either way, the best way to get started is the Find feature, a searchable database you can use to help you identify areas on AOL or the web that you want to explore.

To use the Find feature:

1.  Sign on to AOL.
2.  Click Find on the toolbar.

Getting around on AOL

Keywords -- Keywords make it possible for you to jump around quickly on the service, without having to remember exactly how you got to a certain place online.   As you explore AOL, notice the keywords associated with your areas of interest (generally, they are noted in the lower right corner of the window).  When you want to return to the area, you can go directly there using the keyword.

To use the Keyword feature:

1. Sign on to AOL.
2. Type the keyword for the area you want to go to into the text entry field on the toolbar, and click Go.

Favourite Places -- Favourite Places allow you to mark and return to the sites that are of interest to you.

To mark a site as a Favourite Place:

1. Sign on to AOL.
2. Locate a site that you want to mark as a Favourite Place.
3. Click the footprint icon on the title bar of the window.

To return to a Favourite Place:

1. Click the favourites icon on the toolbar.
2. Double-click the location you want to return to.

Finding answers to your other questions

If you are able to sign on to AOL, you can find technical support online in the Member Services area, at Keyword: Help.  Member Services is in the unlimited use area of AOL, so if you select one of the hourly billing plans, the time you spend there is not counted in your connect time. (Telephone surcharges, if applicable, still apply.) From Member Services, you can get to all of the online areas that provide new member information and help.

If you have a question before you sign on, click the Help menu at the top of your screen and click AOL Help Topics.  This help file is available to you while you are online, too.

Keeping your account secure

Anyone who knows your screen name and password can sign on to your account!  They can create or delete screen names on your account, read e-mail intended for you, and even send e-mail using your screen name.  AOL employees will never ask for your password online.  Your password should be easy for you to remember, but difficult for others to guess.  You should change it often (at Keyword: Password).   The most secure passwords are combinations of letters and numbers.

Changing your billing information or pricing plan

You can find information about the different pricing plans that are available, or change your billing information, pricing plan, or method of payment at any time by going to Keyword: Billing.

Setting Parental Controls

Parental Controls enable the master screen name (the permanent screen name you create when you register your AOL membership) to restrict access to certain areas and features on AOL or the Internet for one or all screen names on the account.  Once Parental Controls have been set for a particular screen name, they are active each time that screen name signs on.  Changes can be made from the master screen name at any time.

For more information, or to set up Parental Controls, sign on with the master screen name and go to Keyword: Parental Controls.

Finding access phone numbers

The access phone number is the telephone number your modem dials to connect to AOL.

Depending on your particular location, the nearest access phone number may or may not be a local phone call.  You should confirm this with your phone company.

To find access phone numbers:

1. On the Sign On screen, click Setup.
2. In the Connection Setup window, click Search Numbers.
3. In the Select Access Numbers window, click an access phone number once to select it.
4. Click Add.
5. Verify the information in the Creating Location window, and click Create Location.

If there is no access phone number in your area, you can access AOL anywhere in the World. Access numbers can be found at keyword: access.

For the latest surcharge information go to Keyword: Access.

Learning more about the Terms of Service

When you register your membership with AOL, you agree to abide by AOL's Terms of Service -- a set of guidelines for proper online conduct.  Failure to follow these guidelines can result in the termination of your account.