:Product: Weekly Highlights and Forecasts :Issued: 2014 May 19 0258 UTC # Prepared by the US Dept. of Commerce, NOAA, Space Weather Prediction Center # Product description and SWPC contact on the Web # http://www.swpc.noaa.gov/weekly.html # # Weekly Highlights and Forecasts # Highlights of Solar and Geomagnetic Activity 12 - 18 May 2014 Solar activity was low all week. Of the 18 active regions observed on the visible disk through the course of the week, only three were responsible for 28 of the 32 x-ray flares recorded. Region 2056 (N05, L=258, class/area: Eko/300 on 12 May) produced 11 flares, including the largest of the week, a C8/1f at 14/1504 UTC. Regions 2060 (S14, L=227, class/area: Dac/180 on 14 May) and 2063 (N10, L=179, class/area: Dai/150 on 15 May) were responsible for nine and eight C-class events, respectively. Each of these three regions developed a beta-gamma type magnetic configuration during the week. No Earth-directed coronal mass ejections were observed during the week. The only radio emission observed was a weak type II sweep (est. shock velocity 878 km/s) observed by the Sagamore Hill RSTN site from approximately 15/2028 - 2038 UTC. The sweep was likely associated with a CME first observed in SOHO/LASCO C2 imagery at 15/2048 UTC off the East limb. No proton events were observed at geosynchronous orbit. The greater than 2 MeV electron flux at geosynchronous orbit was at moderate levels on May 12 through May 16 and at normal levels for the remainder of the week. Geomagnetic field activity was quiet all week with the exception a single unsettled period on 12 May. Forecast of Solar and Geomagnetic Activity 19 May - 14 June 2014 Solar activity is expected to be at low levels with a chance for moderate or greater levels through the period. No proton events are expected at geosynchronous orbit. The greater than 2 MeV electron flux at geosynchronous orbit is expected to be at high levels on 22-24 May in response to a recurrent coronal hole high speed stream. The remainder of the forecast period should see normal to moderate flux levels. Geomagnetic field activity is expected to be at quiet to unsettled levels throughout the period. Unsettled to active conditions are possible on 21-22 May, 25 May, and again on 04-08 Jun in response to recurrent coronal hole high speed solar wind streams.