:Product: 0410GEOA.txt :Issued: 2014 Apr 10 0330 UTC # Prepared by the U.S. Dept. of Commerce, NOAA, # Space Weather Prediction Center. # Geoalert WWA100 UGEOA 20401 40410 0330/ 9930/ 11101 20101 30101 99999 UGEOE 20401 40410 0330/ 09/03 04032 0403/ 04042 9//99 02002 0//// ///// 9//// 04262 0426/ 04262 9//99 01002 0//// ///// 9//// 20452 2045/ 20452 9//99 01402 0//// ///// 9//// 99999 UGEOI 20401 40410 0330/ 09/// 10095 21310 3005/ 4///0 50000 65107 71504 80107 90430 99999 UGEOR 20401 40410 0330/ 09/24 10107 12026 20000 30000 43122 50030 60009 35810 03000 12027 20000 30000 43312 50130 60003 44813 01000 12029 20000 30000 47101 50020 60001 46518 01000 12030 20000 30000 42012 50010 60003 43412 01000 12031 20000 30100 43312 50030 60004 46403 02000 12032 20000 30000 44213 50150 60004 15412 04100 12033 20000 30000 47201 50060 60001 16212 01000 99999